'i=i'h=i?i'S':'i=6gt's'3l I 13430111! "is. :Ja! 'iiiiiilA4r ______________._ Corporations. " Mr. Gibson stated that i ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. there were so!" 013M of ti" b!" whieh had not been fully considered as yet, and, it ---__ the House so desired, he was willing to al- low the measure to hstand. Some of {be less . . rtant clauses owner, were ta -en a . Various Amendments Made to Tgovm m ifi"eiai ethi,'L'tig,',,'," "a . iendl societ incorporat e sw ere than the Insurance Bill. iiiOntayrio, they central or controlling body in this Province may, at the discretion of - the registrar, be Entered as the miety. ld _ , . Mr. E. F. Clar esu eats t it won A 131311013);th COMMISSION. hardlybenecemr 'dere printed on ati .--.- the documents a? friendly societies the word " assessment," " there were many David Blain's Great Ship Rail- 'dll",',',', senlt out where the word would not a essentia . way Scheme Discussed. Mr. Gibson replied that it was very necessary to have the word "assessment" '- on all documents relating to tilde fit,',',',"',',','. . ' , , so that those contractin won now ex- sUBsmY WANTED FOR A RAILWAY FROM actly the liability thgy were incurring. BRACEBRXDGE IO TRADING LAE1b-. One of the clauses, however, provided that _ , a stamp might be used so that documents NOTICES OF MOTIOX' already printed might not be wasted. Mr. Barr (Daiferin) thought it might be -.-- a hardship to exclude societies that game . into existence since two years ago. ven I th Le I'foitos'ro, MAE}? 15'3892'1) in the future there might be societies that tt e gt' atne Auem Y to- ay t.l tr from their objects would be worthy of re- Speaker presented a report from Chief cognition. Justice Hagarty and Justice Maclcn- Mr. Gibson said that none .of these so- nan, two of the commissioners of estate cieties lied iron inctoriiorated since the pas- .. it . tpt e o ', e ac W0 years a o, BO Pls, upon the bi l to 'ueorise the 'Ile there could not be anyg hard- incorporated Synod of the Diocese of ship as suggested. Provision had Toronto to sell certain lands for cemetery been made, however, for some cases purposes. They found that by different where, in ignorance of the legislation of acts of the Legislature the incorporated 1893:0113friendly.societieshwereingot??- a nod holds the land in uestion u ntrust ate or. e provu mg 0 " emes o re PF fir the benefit of the '2ul',"r' of Jr', James' A"). society that was debarred under this , , . legislation could secure registration by Church, Toronto, and of the incumbents of amending their rules so as to comply with . the other churches of the Church of Eng- the rules laid down. This legislation was land in Toronto and the Township of York not designed t? injure friendly societies, and their successors; that the synod has futtrathti: ev,',',.:,,',',,'." protect those doing a . egi ima J s n es. mi" ttrut.?,',"',,',:).,,,':,"'",,),',,',',::,',-, . At M r. Gibson's request a proviso was and to my the hog?" to the ex. inserted to the edect . that where a trades tent of 85,000 . year to tho union does not enter into any contract with rector of St. James' and his successors, and 1? menibcrs. to 511-011th regular .b',',U,'t'ld', todiatribute the residue among the other l may efexemp a . , "$831030 t e incumbents and their successors; that the "flirt" rom t ttt '.5.t'Iflo'lf o f " ill. rector of St. James' and the incumbents of I?" "l,",', $70.01 lt, hree special cases not the other churches are therefore virtually 2,TI" or 1:13 'h" 'yid1,afi,i,b"togt stated, tenants for iife of the lands in question, and 'lt, I (you h C -am M s 1.p to exclude their successorsin all time to come are en. "mach J','.' re mtg h.l',t,'.'",ifie, was the titled in remtunder;tht" 39 Vic. dartiuea the i anc 9.8 "I Pity, w m- , although not securities in which alone the synod is incorp 'll? If)" 'd tge {ordinary Mntre, was authorised to invest, and the present bill "Ranch , a oar o trustees and was for ought not to Pass into law without the con- a practice Tlr/ill',','.', an incorporated or- sent of or notice to the rector of St. James' (i1ni,1,'t',1"i"l l e t f,1't'o,": proposed the_ad- and the other incumbents ; that the Legia. tuon 0 a c ause t at where Bny society lature must consider whether it is for the was duly registered under the Aet of 1875 I interest oi tho successors oi the present in. lf, alny act amended by it .passed . by the eumbeata in all time to come, and for the M iament of the Ignited Kingdom i.tthouid , "few and permanency of the endowment be permitted to register under this bill. I fund to authorise investment in whole or in . " ith reference. to the clause regard- 1 part of the proceeds of sale in the shares oi "(if spectal audit, Mr. yiuon. stat. i a company not yet in existence ; that the e . that the representatives 6f the. bill is objectionable in point of law, the societies who had . waited upon him preamble reciting that- the synod is the hair-shed thata capricwus demand for an owner of the land, without at all mention. .u it should be guarded '1guintst. He there. ing the trusts to which both the land and fore proposed t? "id a clause that where the proc sods of sale are subject 3:33:18 3:23" J,Uipt"i'21 tlt, person 'll, _ H , ' . lllgltsa ae sit wit The toillr/,,1'li,1i'lcJ,"",xd)',' 3.11:5}! d ta,. registrar security for the first of the read . tirtst a"; "-.. e in re uce and an it in a sum 'H, exceeding woo, as he ,5 .. shall determine. Should the registrar de- Mr.. 1.rtm.iy---'ro consolidate and amend cide that the charges are not substantiated, th'sT.1ti',ietr..., - he may at his discretion .order that the costs "iiiiiG Set n act to amend the As- "'jti,f,t1t/',f,e deposit. h ' , . . ' se came u re( uirin tr ahrd?ccou---An act to amend the Regis. cacti contract form shouxid 2l forghttlig y t term: ot the contract in simple language, THIRD READIMJS. Mr. Gibson stated that the various soci- The following bills were read a third eties objected to this as unreasonable .ti,n,trccRtssJrdtirw the Village of Niagara In some cases they claimed that the halls, Mr. Harcourt ; to amend the Act to form of contract could not be put into this treorporate the Mercantile Fire Insurance condensed shape. He thereGre proposed Company, Mr. Snider; respecting the to add a proviso that, where the simple Kingston Light, Heat & Power Company form of contract cannot be given there Mr. Smith (Frontenac) l to contirm liq-hmi must be a reference to the sections iii. parts No. 288 of the Township of Elma, Mr. Mag- of the constitution in which the terms of wood. the contract were set forth. Till INSURANCE BILL. Mr. .ivood-rt seems a pity to add such a The House then went into committee on oomhm'." Mr. Gibson's bill "Respecting Insurance .Mr: Gibson-t regretted tiii-vary much oityae1f, but the representatives of the