/ * , r, . ---m---rr I [a ,.// "c,-rt,f? ' i E. . _ - " . i) , . tti.' . i 7 ,- "A . I A long diemmioi"iaritum, over the - i f . I . clause- providing that the city may con- _ L . ' ' -", _' .struet pavements on the portion. of the , if)". to "gyuuut.r the ttttthet',,','.,,',',', gun?"' l streets occupied by the street railwpy and l l l tier, dynamite and other as I?,.,',',',',',..,, defray the cost by issuing debentures which I , T . lhe _bili was read tk "con shall be a first charge on the mileage re- l Ac ' dtrrte, od (B nt) moved the second I venue received from the Street Railway ' . l . _ n n , .. resdi of his bill "To amend the act for Company, Mi. Muloik. ll 3 propelrt{ i i ng . bli . t rest in owner, oluecte to sue a cause unti i ._. , I ti" protection of the pun 'lk", 'Th' he was stated what was the total amount of l 4 r'"."., streams andcreeks.' . i'itle, l Vi; the liability that might be incurred. Mr. , ". 'l, ' .] 'et.ai,t"eu'r,edgig"v'gnt'etipglie 2",... ['.1tir,reihte'gUvd','u't1,",2c1t'g.'r i" . vciit parties entering the river beds in the tl'i't',kin"d'"lted't,1l that the clause might , ,'s rr , dry BetMittn and carrying off stones to the be iiiiiiiiG so " to prevent the cost bein F. endangerment at timea of the tbutywmt? of i such that the interest, etc., would exceed _ ' bridges. The bill was read and referred "l the mileage revenue of 8800. Mr. E. B. ql the ("o"flnlt'le? "P. Law. d h M nici "I I lOsler said that under the. clause the". V". Ir.. bharpe "dbl" to "I?" t l/Ill' wilth- ;city might put down expensive and un. l i, V Act 'fp" W" on to t ' comm I _1 necessary pining away out in the suburbs, ' I out discussion. I i and it would be a continued temptation to l I I CE-'TENNML ANyuvERSARY. l rush into contracts. The city was now in I t I , r yt. Bishop "Red whether it W" the if" terrible mess of debt foe the reason that the l . v tention of the Government to ask the Legis- issue of deysnturr? was not limited. My, I . , laturc to assist in duly celebrating during ' E. b'. Clarke, With some warmth, dtnjell ' the recess the centennial anniversary of the _ that the city was m , meg. of debt. After l . _ Parliament of Upper Canada. some further discussion the clause was al. ; l Mr. Mowat said it was understood that . lowed to stand. The clause providing that r . the celebration referred to would take place the city may by by-law, to be passed with I _ t e I; 4 in the Niagara District, and it W" thc in. the assent of the electors. exempt wholly I g.; . , tention of the Government to, ask the Legit or partially from taxation, for a period to l 1, th' lature to assist in its due oelebtatiou. (AP' ', i be mentioned in the said by-law, all per- ". . " _ please.) _ sonal property, buildings and other im. I V lt' . moron Licizxsc RKTURN. I PI'OVCUWDW in the "id city,. '"". promptly il (I- . Mr. Chuscy moved "For th "mm show- thrown out, no one speaking in support [ .3 . r ing the number of liquor licenses issued in I of it. , t 'rl l ' each year from 1869 to 1891, both inclusive; ' Tilt: ASIIBRIDGE s BAY BILL. I .1, h. uy gro" iuud raised frcun licenes in IP'.elt I The bill to incorporate Col. Alextutdtsr's r , r IE :1 otiei/'tl'"/igit.'isith':e::yticy toot it: I c"mpany " ...T...... & Ash'oridsreu.luy . _:'" ill Province; and 11'u"lici7ll'r?i'd, Je',',')':,?)':'; 1ey'Ti,'.'."t,t,etT,t,y, Ir', tteh) gamma; l r. , . ' . , . I _ " and the sums the municipalities have im. hall dd rl,'d,'l'l,,'l. " e 1 any BO emen l ll iJ,':'.'v"d2ivil',yi1t,':,tv:,rt' t'thf,',T'cl'.i', ,statu- , i\_lr. S. H... Blake, IIC., said' he appeared I Ill, . ' I air Har 'ourt sai lit would be dillicnlt to I o? behalf ot the company. h'very sugges- 5 I f l L . c: . . ". k l f . to _ tion made the day before hadVen accepted I _ fi'/-mh,te 'mfmtflrimimlntuh e'wouolf] Sign}: by the promoters. The suggestion Tith, P" _ r» I ' , ' u "me tt " e e Icard to the capital was reasonable. lhe . M mum" b.roygU down. He wonld al/so gee. igompan) agreed to place the subscribed I that the Informatipn was T/tly din l: I I capital at850o,000 instead oi 8100,000, and , little ture m t " annua report o t4te epar . the paid-up at t100,000 instead of $10,000. I _ . "",'lf/, H li d 5 30 1 M r. Gibson asked if that concession . "a; 1 "' case then "low" at . . I satisfied every one as to the good faith of I Iii, , ' , , j: -_. Ni', , the company. i , ' Lrt'ls'LM'Iy bl NOTES. Mr. J. K. Kerr, Q.C., said no. In view l f I! li " l I . . , ' T, . , , . of the enormous expense, the paid-up cupi. -', .351 u t , AFTER A LONG ("31153105 THE PREAMIILL tal required should be placed It $200,000 at l _ " f I _,', or cm. [transom-Cs BILL is ADOPTED. least. i Ill, 4 J ', 'lho Private Bills Committee room was Mr. Links proponed with regard to the I if I I thron 'ed ll rain esterda mornine with bonds that a clause should be inserted re- l . - MI, " 'i,"2',l'i','11, :itizezs iiiterzxted in the bills "um" tllhe _,',11',lt ltoceeds of the bonds to l I ' . go into te, uni ei'la 'ing. t [ affecting the city and the Ashbridge's Bay Il r Kerr said that there should be some ' hi improvements. The city's bill was taken guarantee that the proceeds of the bonds , I ' I up first. Tho clause giving the city power "Tm" be "INFO: ti", work and not divid. , I to contract for the reclamation of Ash. Ct /,lr'l'lUl"rl',intt.derJl1et1, Kerr was 3 I I bridge'.' "ay was tailored 'to stand until the not in the company and knew nothing of . ' r, ' other, bill was decided. The clause to con- the partners. _ I firm the Esplanade agreement was amended Mr. Kerr rotorted that ly 'P" not, but I I ' " consent of the parties as follows..- fulfill)" who were Promoting m (Lsugh. e l , l Tthatanagreement between thet'orporation I hlr Blake replied that he could see . ' f ' "Rf t: Cit-V oi Tarpon? lthe' Grand 1'ru.e.k ,," warehouse and other schemes behind the , _ , . ' ai way ,'ompany ant .t is banadIan Paellic ' : opposition to the bill. l . ' t ' "WWW Company, which tN known " the r M r. Kerr said he was not connected with I if} I, ', tripartite agreement, and which is printed any warehouse scheme. E " V as schedule A. hereto with any modification I . Mr. Blake finished this little assa e at I f 'ri: I thereof which the said parties thereto may t arms by saying :---"Oh no ' Yo}: "as the Ilr. l '; "SW" upon tshall, when duly trxocuuul by only good. man in the room t " (Loud l the said parties thereto respectively, be laughter.) . [valid and binding on the parties thereto, Mr. J l L , . , l and the said Corporation of the City of To, I of Immisos'i':0uidyseggfgozhedm?2:23:32: it I l Tntoy hereby declared to have and shall work done. For exam ole when the cit . a , l have full power to do all the acts necessary I engineer'a certiticate slim; that 8200 'lei tt ' i I to 5"" full etrect to the said agreement. Worth of work was done then the mi ht 3 ' ( l provided 11ey,s,' that the tsaid Corporation issue bonds for that amount. y g E ' of thctity ot loronto shall pay any per- Mr. Blake suggested that the bondg' MI sons whoa; blinds his: injurious-y allected by should not extend bevond the holding of I I t, any acts " t is ssh corporation in the exe- tl ' ' . ' '. . , I, ' cution or the said agreement compensation $3331.53"; iiilliéélediiri if l 59 "l, a 40 l , . or damages thereh r, which if not mutually that it with a scheme of 'l'l','i,dl',,t tht,',e,'ily, l V ' . ' . . . . , t . . I, o'l,'.'l,"i't'i1tidr"'i,, "h1lld'atreeit"i tt i that for years the unsanitary condition of' I, provisions of the Municip'il he]: I 'etct"ies.j: of th',, guy had been discussed l ' ' e . , I0 ' .l',', l n. ' ',, I 'l he clause to confirm the $500,000 by-law l . s7/e"licl,7'"i1o"':l,ietri:.:,',, muss") rm! u) l ' platted in July, 1891, was adopted. The I 1.1..u..-w.'.ch. The ('.'o"rC',','.1'li'hy C'l'ldr (:9 _h' , ., Blames {den-lug to the has Company were I I this scheme a. 0m. 'way of getting rid of I , , roppm . chc nuisance. liival schemes and teeltislt t [l ' - interests were trying to prevent this from . 1 being carried out. He suggested they I should vote on the preamble as to whether - ' _ 1 I "I l d , - -_ - ytP"ms t" "0.1%." . rr t iriiPPii - .tltli* k , Pl? 1rrtT'""""'r1ttrtt f , 7 "a lp, "tr' . . _ HN'. ',. _ I - _ ET r. -