_ r A a..." a . c, I! " / n It, , N,""'" wr _ ' J T" Wr/é/ _ fit, // s /', i I i A ' mamas-cavalier Iiturittttttit instead on l, I ' til? chouldlpass I!" Je, or not, and then I the Dominion of Canada the appointer hi I ( th q tt "P C Misc y c. auss. I one commissioner. The decision of a ina- I rm; him; so? "omen-J ON sast'raui' ' jority of the 00mmission shall be binding, I T F . unoraos. . F subject to compensation to be made io I Mr. Kerr said the objects aimed at by the those injuriously' ,ufected. Nothing was I ', bill were entirely separate from what is re- settled, however, " to who. should pay the . quired for health. The mayor had stated commissioners. . .' I _.' that if the bill was rejected the city would I Section 0, providing that the company I " ' remedy the evil. The people wanted the i I shall not enter upon the marsh lands until I I city to remedy the evil and retain the land, I it has fhat agreed with the city rind the On, l, I and not to bring such reclaimed land into I tario Government for the acquisition of the l, I I l ' competition with vacant land now in the I lands, tttc., was objected to by Mr. Kerr on I I I I I city limits and tliuwcprcciato its value. I the ground that the lands should be leased, I i' 33 t lie repudiated the majority of the Council. I not acquired. which was a large word. lie , , I l . Ile represented A number oi "repay", and I also proposed that the act should not go ' not a rival scheme, while Mr. Blake reprc- into force unless before January, 1893, it was I r ganged but one scheme. The bill should sulurutteito the ratepayers and received . t i stand over, and if the mayor did not carry I the, support of two-thirds of the electors. I 'e out his proposition to better the sanitation I Alter considerable discussion it was de. " "t of the bay, it would then'be time to can I wind that the clause should be amended I sider it. He urged tho committee not to I later. . . l t endanger the credit of the city by passing I A long discussion took p'ace on section 7, ', é; Isuch a bill. Let the city remedy the evil I requiring property owners to pay for im- 1 5.; Ind then deal with the property. (Ap. I movements on the north shore of the canal. I , l plause.) It Was pointed outthat the property owners I ' I Mr. Blake said it was hctter to Pa" the should not he required to pay for a strip of I . _ I bill with such amendments as were thought improvements on the front of the property I _ F necessary and then allow the city to Ira" whereas nothing might be done for the rest. I ",. _ I judgment on something specific. . it was proposed .that the cost should he I l ' I Mr. Bishop said he never saw a bill so chargeable on. the improved part only, but ' ' l much like the spider and the tly. Laughter.) Mr. Blake objected that more oi the pro- i, if: He had heard his friend on. Blake) speak perky "01}th numeral thtm the portion T I before, but he never heard him use so lame I 1 actually lined in. Finally the section was Fr . an th%'tltnentt. allowed to stand. ti Mr. Gibson said the committee would be I Section 8, requiring the engineer of the I E; showing its own weakness if it did not in. ', commtssron totppoy.ion the costs of work h corporate a company with the usual powers. I I on the north side of the canal, was objected i. _ The progress of the negotiations showed to by the mayor, who pomted out that, " _ that the syndicate was regarded as a bona the oily did nor propos'" to pay tor the com- ; 'ide one. They had better pass the bill _ mission, the company must, and therefore . with suihcient precautions. I the engineer would be in the pay of the - _ Mr. E. V. Clarke said that it was company really. The clause was allowad ' ' absolutely necessary to do smoothing to I to stand. Alter some discussion upon sec- . ') improve the sanitary condition or the east, i tion U, regarding the procedure where pro- , end. If the mayor would say that within I perty owners dispute the amount charge- , ' two days he would present. to the Council a I able, the y""".'.".".""' adjourned. The rest recommendation to tspend' 315,000 "r 520,. , Iof the bill will he considered on Tuesday _ > 000 for drainage he would be Willing to ad. I i, next. ' v journ for a couple of days. . . ' I To A3H'.Nlt 'riir. MUNICIPAL ACT. L. 1 Mayor Fleming ttid he had n ' hesitation I Mr. Evsnturel has given notice of a MRI ' , . insaying that the Uouucil rather than part to amend the Municipal Act by reducing I , with the fee ol' the land would duvote tlo,. from two days to one day the time in which _ ' (lot) or $20,000 or whatever was necessary a person nominated for a municipal otiico I . I tor Buch a purpose. may resign. This is done because in many i rm; i~i:i:.x.\ir.i.i; ADOPTED. rural districts it is dillicnlt to get, the I , ', [ After some further discussion, Mr. Gib- printing of the ballots completed within the I g. B' l son asked the committee to vote on the pre- neck. and the tvsttlt is that the name of 8 , I amble, it being understood that the bill candidate who has resigned often remains , l , would be submitted afterwards to the peo- I on the ballots. I I l ple. The preamble was adopted almoat ' (:oiiurrrm; M 'eCrmNG'ti. I l unanimously, the only member oi thy. Co'ii- I The Railway Committee will meet at 10 ' "e?'" v8.ttug against "H being Mr. L'itshop. a. in. tomorrow (Thursday), when the To. I . lhe will" then ditscussud. clause by ronto & Miinico Street Railway, the Un- I \ clause. ..o trouble arose until thetlnrd tario tilup Railway, and probably the lo I i, t section "Y reached. Ait.l. llallam objected ronto Street Railway and the Niagara Falls I . to subsection 1,empouering the company to Park or Queeneton Electric Railway hills ' , lee,'..' upon lands south ot Queen and cast of will be taken up. The Private Bills Com- I "tr.litu.nettt "rvet, unless this ",?.? tlone mittee will meet at 10.30 a.m.. whentise lil l wilt the consent oi yh.o owner. lbs tsulr l'ort Arthur,thc Fort William and the Nip. , ',","Pf", was tunended in that regard. Mr. using bills will be considered. The Public . . I .h'osw,ell objected to subsection o, empower- Accounts Committee will meet at 10 am. I , . mg the company to e\propriate land he. and the Printing Committee at, 2.30 DJ". g tween the lint: of Parliament strel-t pro- . . , tam _ -.., , , . ' duced south and the eastern terminus of the Pl I'M" Ilium N H 11'yl'.1.T"") , canal. lie represented the Toronto Dry At tho. meeting of the Public Accounts 'cl, '. Dock Company. which had leased from the Committee this morning the examination of ' 5 city ten acre-I, built a dredge and iillod in MR TWO)" burimrof the Toronto Asylum, , 4' I much of their land. It would be ruination Watt resumod tMI to the manner of making, I 1 I? to the "ry.rlock company if Col. Alexander's purchases and keeping tryck of the..su.p- I ; company was allowed to expropriate this plies. Dr. Clark, ytperin.teudent. of the ' _ land unless it paid the cost of it. The olr I asylum, was also called and questioned at Iltr " jection "Us overruled and the subsection I 1""Slh yy. Messers. Marter, Mary and , etsrried. I Kerrie with reference to the special sup-I i ' I Mr. John Lays and Mr. lierrolriected to I plies for the othcera of the instrriliem I 7 subsection 'i', providing thar In case of They sought to establish that the quantities I ' disagreement arbitration should he resorted ol 9.094". used, especially the ite"." of 9583 r to under the 1luuicipal Act, and suggested "nd fruit, fo.r the assistant superintendent I that, it should be provided that the com- "hr? e'?.'?".""-'. Dr. Clark .m'd otlter I I I pany should pay into court a sulhcient sum 1tliriys will be felled NPut this morning i to meet the judgment. Mr. Blake had no (h Why) M, 10 o cock. 3 if . Iobjection to the amendment, which was i Till'. RAILWAY Ilohi3Hrl'T'r't I : C 1 adopted. . . Mr. liavid P,lainls Ontario Ship Railway , N I Section 4, providing that the .worly ssUll scheme Was again before the Railway Com. I I be constructed under a.commissiuntti three, I tutttee this morning. After u, long "was." ( . one apporntcd by the city. a second by the I sion, the committee dccided to lmut the' I I Dominion of Canada and a third by the l, bonding powers of the company lo S60,000 I company, was amended by substituting the II per mile oi single track instead of $75,000. 1 Mr. Blah: refused to accept this amend- I _ . " 't . [I l t p, r