, It " 3 -- vs houses. Bursars were not limited toone use, but were expected to do the beat ey could as regards price and quality . ithin certain limits. Mr. M. Doyle: who " plies the fish to the asylum, was ques- nod by Mr. Clancy, and kept the com- ttee in a state of great met-riment by his . norot" answers. e "' IONICIPAL COMMITTEE ' e Municipal Committee this morning ussed for a couple of hours the provi- r s of the Municipal Act regarding the portion of the cost of boundary bridges be borne by the county and the munici- ty. The bill under consideration was t of Mr. McKay (Oxford), but no conclu- was reached. ' AtugBRtDGE's BAY. . " Private Bills Committee devoted the . ter part of a long session to a further I idention of the act to incorporate the , -Ito& /UhbridgeN Bay Improvement ' , pany, the city, the company and the . ty owners being represented by the . counsel as at the revious discussion. 'il 3 clauses providing far the rescinding of , subscription of any stockholder. the ) 3 of stock having special immunities in I I. [l to calls, the issue of bonds in ad- - of the work and the collection of 333 " - dues or fees other than wharfage, t ' , struck out at the request of Mr. J. . M, Orr, Q.C. At the instance of Mr. D. 1llll Donoghue, who with Mr. I'. W. ' e , In represented the labor organisations, q ' me tor the completion of the channel l,' . Parliament street easterly to the lake J, 3 ' altered from three years after the sp- 5 of the plans to three years after the I 3 I of the agreement with the city. The " . property liable to assessment on iiiiil It of benefits derived from the , " - Ietion of the work was fixed at 200 Irthu'ard from the north aide of the Ill ' . . Clauses were inserted at the re- 0 " of the city solicitor exempting the Tll Ili m,liability for damage to private MII ty through the construction of the - ' ' limiting the term for which bonds 'll r issued to the time for which [lie II t is made l providing that the pro- , f the bonds shall be applied only to '.f, - - cution of the work ; and directing a the agreement should receive the ' of the citizens before being entered 3 _ 'Tlie clause granting power to issue I p stock to promoters and others was I i discussed and laid over for future . ; . tion. I gil © commune MEETINGS. I r"lt' u following committees meet to-morrow '3 I y) at 10 tcm...--?) Bills, , ' pal and Public Accounts. .;.;3: BOUNDARY BRIDGES mum. . 3 tations from the Countiesof Victoria thorough waited upon the Govern. ; 60'clock to explain a dispute be. _ , 333 the two counties in reference to the . " I ce of certain bridges. The Vic. y" l "ti-gent, consisting of Dr. Vroh- " ' arden, Huestis. Ho ,kins, ltr. Corn. T " s" . W. Moore, Win. tl,'l'ltorCigud, R. W" and Wm. Switzer, explained that TV ' . otl'erod to arbitrate, but that "I b ugh had refused to do this. The ' 'tBi 'uere promised that the subject 'V ' hoousidered. at attain-Y or HORSE oocmxn. :' " tation from the Humane Society ' upon the Government and asked , , proposed commission on dehorning if) f powered to consider a report as to the . tof cruelty Involved in the docking iMr8 and the overhead check rein. , iii r consideration was promised. 'lil' . nos-ices or Norms. 'l , "6timour--Hilt to amend the act re- f; J. . the law of landlord and tenant. ' .- itthrio-Bill toaniend theJ udicature ', ' "Grdy-Bi11 to amend the Jurors I "brdr-Bill to amend the Registry .. I ',', Bill to amend and explain am tions of the Public School Act. l ttow-Bill to amend the Medical " ood-Bill to amend the Medi. Si 'ele'e'd.'l'i'"e.ier="SeP.e.ee l