"r f, , Mr. Gibson proposed to repeal section 17 . ' . the I. . f i f chapter 172, the Friendly itttt, Act, tul' 'gl',, 2,1vPgg,'."i'io" to Poor a nor er to revent societies ram o tainin . . , , . ,/sY, judicial r'u'll'i"li'd', to which they were nest commune sinuses. "'3'. , entitled. Mr. Meredith said he understood The f?llow.ing committees meet ,3th q ' t the Woodmen of the World had row (Fraytt):ER.tulwtrs! " 103 Pu 'I' At" 'r r - -ured a certificate under the section. Mr. 1 fountf " 10 ; Private Ba". at "harm in?- " k' A 'ibson replied that such a oertitieato under tng " A30 i. select on Mr. P3ttt"'Aii Ir. g? a s circumstances would be of no validity .tl"s.prttt.euon of women, 259' " ov wr ' lowin bills are fixed for Consideration by ' Y, hatever. 'lhe amendment was then g . N . Re ti th , topted. n. ttommitteo rotMt and reported imamgatzaizzztizanps; mu: ' 'f rHouse went into committee on the Jom iany; l? amend the act incorporating c " ll respecting the fees of certain oilicials. iii;'.)']';))'?,:)'),')', estport & Sault Ste.thlI:le " Mr. Meredith asked why clerks of the Railway pompsiiy ; to WWW"? b " r.o- , " and Crown attorneys were not in. routo 1"hryse'e',g.tuas 'i2',.h"otLi,t . nded in the list of otrteiali, who should corpora . Mt YW"'. ' I . I " -tribute part of their revenue to the Pro. ton Electric Railway & steamiiicat t'Jgtg. Vince. Mr. Hardy replied that it was not will be considered by the Ra way mtnt . ' " idered that, on the whole, these oliicials tee Ott Tuesday next. _"ere overpaid. No changes of an import- VISITORS TO THE HOUSE- ;nnt character were made in tlh bill. Prob. Messrs. James Somerville, M.P., James y the most important amendment was Armstrong, M. l'., and Andrew Semple, M. I ' to in? an '2ii'dt I word which the P., occupied seats on the Mor of the Bonsai 'l 'ter ha inisspe e . tomit ht, Their own House had adjourne f The?" Tll' reported and the House " over innunciution Day, It 'v"1it,t,"teliftg tl r " at and they Were on their way home or a ew l . ---- days. .1 LEGISLATIVE NOTES. monomer: or men. , l - Mr. Hardy's bill for the protection of the Prime"? ACCOUNTS COMMH'T" STILL IN. Provincial fisheries has been printed. It "b' vns'riosrixu TIO', ruicss PAID son risn provides that ..--No tourist or summer . T' --oruER 001151"!!st - NOTICES or visitor shall take or catch or kill or carry 2 MOTION" . away a greaterdnuinber than one dozen bass u -" u on an ' one a '. An summer tourist l At the Public Accounts Committee this wxho shail take orycntch it; the waters of the trning the only witness called was W. J. Districts of Muskokn or Parry Sound, Hali- ll . y, tiah dealer, who was questioned by bur WP, Nipissing, Alg.oma, Thunder Bay (r . Clancy with reference to the market Llhiy,d,":t2:,r', '1r'tUi2leid,nltt,' I s . " ' I ceof iiah. er. i.hto showed the.u"rrts or in the waters of 2C' other part of the great variety ttt PUG". "cording to Province less than nine and three-quarter . . quality of thearticleand the state of the inches in length, shall forthwith return the , ket. In reply to Mr. Awrey he said same to vthe water without unnecessary in- r"r t if halibut was included in the fish con- Jury. No person shall take or catch or kill 0. ct of Mr. Doyle then the uniform charge or carry away a greater number than 30 l - 8 cents per pound was quite reasonable. I speckled or brook trout on any one day, or " committee will resume at 10 o'clock more 'specllet1 or brook trout_ than ttt the c, (Friday) morning, when Mr. Bra will I aggregate weigh more, than fifteen pounds tw the entries in his books and Mr. L',7', on a.ny one day. No person shall kill, ir e l he agnin put through the questioning [h',','),""",,,,,")"': 13:32,!) "2' 'ittth1, ' Us . o as an veinc esin . -. s. MUMCXPM' COMMITTEE. length. But when any such trout of a F k, . . . ' length less than six inches shall be taken B. The Municipal Committee this morning l or caught the same shall be forthwith re- v ussed at length Mr. Awrey's bill toi l turned to the water by the person taking , mend the Assessment Act by providing [or catching the. some Without unnecessary I . tin any city, town or incorporsted vii. I injury. No person shall at any time tUh ' e in which there are lands held and used for, catch or kill speckled trout or brook farm lands only. and in blocks of not less I trout, bus of any kind, pickerel (dare), [l n ten acres by any one person,auoh lands 3 tmuskinonge or musoallongo by other means ll be ttuses-d " turm lands. Finally than angling by hand With hook end line minimum quantity was placed at tive in any inland waters. .No person shall use 3... Dr. Giituour's bill to amend the dynamite or any other explosive or may V 'mioipal Act by providlng tht? We Ce.a- poison for the purpose of destroyin or ' of every tor.mshy "W"? within t dis. i taking thm in or from said waters undir a tgtii,fg:i,i"teis, from a city ',"','l2"'l,',',? penalty of 8100 and two months' imprison- . ttt a "'PY' or more {my Pm. y- merit in the count or district no] for t we for preventing or regulating the tiring otreaee. No person shall 'tdS', 'Gr",',) " guns or other tirearuts, and the firing an molest fish when passing or attempting to I ttingotl' ot lire balls, squibs, c,rackerts.o.r pass through any tiahwav or fish-puss, or froworks, was adopted. The clause With when surmounting any 6'1"me or leaps . pact to the. assessment of certain local nor use any invention to catch. m Provementa in townships was limited to kill or molest fish in the Lm.iaiiil "'33:: Ittltw'"hip within five miles of and watercourses appurtenant thereto- " ' . .No person shall tune, catch or kill from or PRIVATE BILLS COM.uirTEE. in any inland waters hike trout, salmon The Private Bills Committee adopted the 30%; ','dit.tiiti, 11"Q"i't or any other kind mend no u. . w iic in u it ml water 0 tuc Unive:sity Lott tol'l2T,pp,,i'lt brook or speckled trout, bass of 'tny'hthy, the "In", power by s threrrfourthi vote to _ pickerel (dare) or insskinonge or muscal- render the university undenmninntionai, louge, or attempt sotodo with "I? kind and by changing the name to the Western of net, some or P!""', trap or weir, or night University and London University College. or set line,or hell in any such inland waters The bill to incorporate the City of Windtior {herewith for other kinds of tiah without e w" adopted, except the clause to give the hrst liuvmg obtained a license, signed by , Council power to organise and control the the Commissioner of Crown Lands or by one Police force The bill to amend the net in. of the gtum, and fish inspectors or by . fish- corporating tlto Synod of the Diocese of ery overseer duly authorised to grant such Niagara and to humorist! the sale of cer- license, under I penalty for the, first tgun my}, wt" amended by providing that offence of not less than 810 or more than it should not come into 'urce until Fir 860, "a fora second OI' subsequent offence, t'i'ggl, by ..t.he synod. That part of ltr. of not lest. than 820 or more than 8100. ' i.lmour's bill to enable Torontohnetiod to But this section shall not apply to mullet inns 1",eafrdht "Ptt north "by", or suckers while they are running. The in. rsJec ' u permission was granted