sage was sent to his establishment and M5. . . . n . Edward Eeles, his mans er, was summons . T, "mung- IS, he nat down .quietly and Mr. Eeles, Mr. Monk, E'. Willoughby and ,i; ' naturally, leaned forward with " arms Mr. David Creighton drove up to his resi- _ on " desk and his hands pressed to deuce. The family happened to be out, _ his forehead. In this attitude he remained but the Misses Clarke returned Boon after- ti, for something less than a minute, wards. T.lysy were told that Mr. Clarke was we hil th f b h h ad . d serious] ill. buspecting the truth, they I _ ", . ue qt ew J'""" T. w o notice inquired, if he were dead and were gently , the tbruise ending of his speech looked "P told the facts. Mrs. Clarke arrived later l anxiously, thinking it was but a passing and had the terrible news communicated to j . weakness. Then, aeeing he did not move, her, She was overwhelmed witlt arief, but ' . I Mr. Clancy, who was in the same row two amid her tears expressed the , ish to have I ' , 1 h . hi id the body brought up to the residence. Mr. 3' Betsta tbWay, .Tt up yy,] urried to " Bt , w. H. Stone, the undertaker, was com-, , Just " he did 30 Mr. Clarke threw back his municatod with and at one. went down to l g head, and those who saw his features knew the buildings. Mr. W. Langmuir, one of g " once that consciousness had fhrd. lue his partners, who had arrived in the inean- I g; edi tel . '.. 1 h H time, Mr. Meredith, Dr. Willoughby andl f' m m e y . panic issuer t It cuss others assisted the undertaken in bearing and all was confusion and dia. the body to the carriage. It was remove I 'may. Mr. Clancy, Mr. Monk and to his residence a little after 7 and there iother members sitting in the vicinity properly embalmcd. I l , f sickly lifted Mr. Clarke from his seat and THE CAUSE or DEATH. l Carried him to the open space on the left 01D: ('2hr,thgtt the ulhyaiciap let I C.,.. f t S , . h . ar can a can atten Ing 1m era tht e d Siam i?,',:,?"':',,', tttc; 5:1. "p, year or two. He had repeatedly advised I . . po f". I . n him to retire from active Parliamentary a moment six physicians surrounded tho work. The trouble was with some of the i . prostrate form, and exhausted the resources blood-vessels leading to the heart, and he gof their art to recall the fleeting life. In had sullered from this cause for two years addition tttho professional members of the or morc. .Mr. Clarke wt" under the tritti House, Dr. Pyne, Dr. A. J. Johnson and .Tt),.fijti),ngi.1,reawyelye,t, whom he saw Pty. pliysiCians were on the Mor m That Mix Claike was a sick man was . tticipation of the second reautng of Dr. noticeable from the commencement of the p, Meachsm's billto amend theOntario Medical session. At the last moment he found him. of, "ct. Among the foremost in lending as- self compelled to resign the task of reply- " . sistance wet-gr. McKay oi South Oxford, ing to the budget speech, and although he Jh. Johnson, . Willoughby and Dr. Gil. attended and listened to the debate _-mour. At first the members did not real- throughout, it was evident that he did not he the seriousness of Mr. Clarke's attack, intend to take part in it. Just before the but as it became known that it was a battle debate closed, however, he could not resist is ith death they hurried from their seats the temptation to speak, and he delivered ' bl gathered around the unconscious man. a speech of tifteen minutes' duration with ' on. J. M. Gibson was one of the tirat to evident difficulty, and it was observed that . _ ten acioss the floor of the House. he was two or three times compelled to I rnxsxcmxs' SKILL ri:m'i:s mums. halt for rest, while once he clapped his hand I The doctors quickly loosened Mr. to his heart as if suffering from pain. Day V iClarke's collar and shirt and moved his left 12,tihT, limlvever, he occupied his seat, Arm to and fro to restore. the .action of the t "Dub. 0 seudom rose, except to "k th _ li r w. _ They also hcld his mouth open, that 1uoel"le, 'll,fl 'rd', agggezzlon- lee' 'Pte if possible he might be enabled to breathe _ ant TP.. " Ph' r, F. freely A cry arose for more air and House, and walked very slowly and deliber- ; ' r ifiiifinor' on the impulse of, the ately. as it he realised the necessity for I ' _ ineut i,fiiii,'a Urge pane of glass in the caution. In conversation, however, M wat' I ' r, tth Mum)"; immediatcly in line with as bright and hopeful as ever, and as already , a re Mr. Clarke lay. h In this he was 33:31:13 ((33323: cheerfulnese up to the l , I (led by Dr. Meac am. But all the , if, trta made to restore life were in vain. Mr. Clarke remarked to one of the meni- l , ly but surely the glaze of death settled hers the.other Au that he was in the habit in n the open eyes, and the awful pallor of ff carrying with him nitro-glycerine v.e.l- , th replaced the ruddincss that had been hots, w tich he took whenever he felt his . 6miliar to the members of the House. Built troubhngf him. He m." noticed Mt .. 7 ten it became kriiOWIi for Iceman}: at 4.45 'l'2l TIIT, "f,rtot'?,/y',"1i1rt ll th after. 7 _ death was in t c Clam er, t e mem- ' . i .' e. 0 some looked at each other with blanched :yInptoms ot weakness m bhe region of the . _ ", itorror.atrickcn faces. Mr. Mowat stood "'12, of the last h h d _ in his seat, but did not move from it. .: . ' men I o I an inter- , Harcourt also remained in his place. ",9: with Mr. Clarke WiMI Dr. McLaughlin, 'ne majority of the members, with visitors, "in [. PP. for West Durham, who was was, departmental clerks and messengers, 't"r'C'l,,h,1e,el',id2,'p, Il.",',?,",,'"?,',',', befer the l ' . " 9 cu re . . 'i?,tt',ggS'dtie,tht:"e'"i'; 1Uatti'tnit',,r iii/U, wokeof his Min; 1.33323"... IT, near where-the dead man was stretched' doctor, who advised him to be very careful When the doctors saw that all hope was "Shims" and 1edyviutliu. Mr.Clarke re. - they carried the lifeless form between (Egg: Lilia: lysr ',':lt'd, tttl"reessit.r.for this,but than to t"the 'ie/i/ll,',',, 'wouifhaud the House my]; of thdngifus: 2lt','at, iuhthe bum. me or er swam. are was a ' . . i . Iuc circum- nlemn pause in whizli not a word was whiso I.',)',','",:,',','.?,',,"',. it "is" difficult to refrain - a: lthe Nit-alto; entered tt chamber 'd2'lofi'tyAi,'Ltl'h tsbaterr or other buss. too is scat. n a voice t at uivcr- " m y. :sd'ith emotion Mfr. te,Tt,tctld,, "f move toe,Uh'rrysge, was?!" le, physician theadjournmcnto the ue te," and im- . ar s, ' 0 tt terwards that . diately afterwards, "I "move the ad- {123: 1tfut,',.e"t, ,r,',lr"', almost instantly from mnient of the House. The speaker . bms vein-e, a: _that the subsequent V , P a low vmcc, formally announced "-0". th t "e mec snical and not an indies. tlt:',',',:",':] gf thle l"""' until Mon. who my: 'li'l'tirg"g', 1v1'rid'i,','rht'g': . _ a moons o'coc . . . 6y. un r. , THE LliurtfiT'IttcttruN FAMILY. Sh",uht'ti, In?" rll','h 't "kins his _ _ I , The as? task. next. devolved upon some natural act of a gun whee had 1fggdd Elle _ to in arm his family. A telepuoue mes. 'petsolt, though he wondered themlast is tence had not been completed, sen-