_ g t " V . ' _ .mbOO. _ Afterwards the Minister foufnd' - ---v, r--, . , i or AUpteenbrrr 'Itith the game, would disappeil' he tlt 1d axis; t,y"ta, 'h,, s taouncil from tU southwestern part of the Province. 820, , sod authorising the expenditure During PM m" he p.r.een.ted . numger t','l"sstT"l for punchuse of the site on of t'St"e in favor of limiting PM nuin " l' il road The House in March, 1888, of uclsa to be shot, tutdtOo against the if tl,',',',": to . this additional expenditure. portation of game. from the Provinee. . e I But the Minister had no authority to spend, thought the provuions against trespassing . , as he did 820,000on the improvement of the were too Urah. . . f site The Minister entered into a contract Mr. Balfour thought the provisions o forhnew building for $137.000.- In addi- _ the law were too stringent. thile sports- . $13 000 was spent on a commercial men were in favor of such 'stringency, no turn, $ii' 000 on a laundry and $5,500 on doubt, the people woul.d. object P. such re- , fl',',",,",',,),,?, room In all $519,451 was spent strictions. The provisions which would? ans it!" site and new building. In the, suit one part of the Province Tery be I 'lh 427 spent on equipment were the sums l offensive to other part! of . the Province. iii/i on water supply. plumbing, heating, There could 00"" be . aatiU.tct.o.ry, g?""' I "go There was no power in the trustees to law until the Province was divided into e . d an of the surplus moneys. Only districts. In Michigan the duel: season .322 000ywas authorised to be spent. began on September 1, and the Canadians Th k' was no authority whatever would m Amerie- shooting duel" for f e the expenditure of the addi. two weeks before they could. He thought y al 8160 ooo. Even if there was the season tor ducks should close on the lat , tioiiorder iii" Council, " would have been of January ' asut present. instead of l)eeeni- _ :vnastc per until confirmed by the House. ber 15th. He thought the 1"l'2ll2'.' lta tl'tl',1'l fronia return that the money; against trespassing went too far altoget cl. I 1','or'Q,','r'l'l' from the university for the col. i The penalties were excessive. . d le 0 cost the Province 6 per cent. This _ Mr. Monk approved °f. the bu" an "hi',' strange because the account of the: thought that such legislation should have university at the Bank of Commerce was 1 been introduced years NW. . . overdrawn by 8157,000. The Minister had l Mr. Miscainpboll said the 1T,l.'""l't no authority to borrow money from the against foreigners were rather severe. t F university and pledge the credit of the Pro. was not Americans who slaughtered the [ Vince for 6 per cent. There wal, authority deer. lt '59 the people living m the _ to spend $155,000, but over' $319,000 wal. neighborhood. . ld I 5 out There was no authority for expend- i Mr. Caldwoll said that clause 7 won ' 'ir'iJ the balance of 8160,000. There was.' make every farmer , protector of game. negvera grosser departure from the true" would interest them in the preservation of rinciples of liberal government. He game. and would assist very much in the Ballad upon the House to rebuke the insol- ' enforcement of the law. He thought hunt- 'ent disregard of the peo le'. represents ing with dogs should be "beluhed or ll"in" j tives. He therefore movetf in amendment ed to one week. The WWW" he thong if, i that it appears from the returns presented were not too severe. The measure on t e , to the House that there was expended on ' Ebola was the bear ever placed before the l the buildings and site of Upper Canada Col- I onse. . u . in 814,649 for: furniture, the', Mr. Tait was GDP?" to the section pro- Sign???) 'll", 'and that this sum was in _ viding for the killing of dogs. It would excess by 5150:000 and u wards of thel be tb Gngerot" Pow.". to tlt" to anyone. amount authorised by the tl islature, and i One of the best prov1sious m -me not was such additional expenditure, iesides being i that Protecting the game on manner 5 pie unauthorised an d illegal, is in viol tsti on of pertyi . . . mise reached with respect to the ' All"! some f'prther discussion the bill. 02:52:35; of the college, and on the faith I wtus "M tb Beeon tune. . s assented to the erection Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) presented the fol. 'd '2,it,th'o1hog 1,'l'i'l'l'i'Q11. I lowing retttrttig t Report of the Fruit I/rt."'" MR MuwAr'.N REPLY ers' Association . report of the 1olnl,h",1"i'l, Mr. Mownt said iiiirii, hon: member, in regard ing the claim of Protopr n": 'd/d bringing this matter up in the way he had, 'N'ctatn money spent on pu Mt P had prevented ethsctually a counter manta. . , resolution expressing the facts of ant-:9. my etg.q. ' the case. He had presented the subject After rece" Mr. liardy moved the "if _ in a rather ingenious way. hoping thereby and reading of the mil to "muddle Muni. 'to embarrass some of the friends of cipal Act. The chief amendments were the Government. He would leave the de- those, relating to the drainage clat.tses, ant Mall! of the reply to- the hon. Minister of Mr. Meredith expressed the opinion that Education, but he would say that it would be better to potstpone "ct".'".'"' there was no suspicion that one this pointuntil the report of the ceiiiniission cent had gone to any other purpose. is received. After "me further discussion There might have been too much expend- the bill W" read a second ttme. . ad, but it had all gone to a public Mr. Ross moved the second reading of the purpose sanctioned, or that he believed bill to amend the act respecting the federa- i would be sanctioned, by this House. The tion of the University of Toronto ttt.d Uni. whole of the money had gone to this public versity College with other uni\'er"_meg and object, and he would Point out that it was colleges. It was read the second time. not charged that there was extravagance P1"P,ffr""AetHye. . either in the site or the building. The Upon the motion to go tato Committee of charge had been made that the expenditure Suppl , Mr. Meredith rose to move an was illegal, but this he denied. vi',',',',',',',',?,',,,,: with respect to the expenditure The hon. member did not impeach upon Upper Canada College. He reviewadl the Minister of Education. The charge the legislation of 1887 putting the college simply amounted to this t--T'hst the on a new footing, and tnuil Km} buildings cost more than was originally the funds of the college and the Uni. contemplated. but there was nothing to im- varsity of Toronto belonged to the l peach in that. The general notion, no [ Province and not to the trustees. t'urlus. doubt, was that the sum voted would be' ment in 1879 took into .its cotttrol the eu- i suftieient. It had to be borne in mind that ( tire expenditure on ftr,"?tl/yy',ount,. and it l this was not " object that Was not sanc- was provided that orders in Council should ( tioued, that was not known to the House, I have no force until assented to by l'ai-lia- t but only acaso where the sum asked tori meant. In 1857 the House agreed. to give ( was itumffieient. The important questionl' the endowment of Upper Canada College to l was if the expenditure was legal or not, but the University of Toronto, but P" ot the. he thought tt "3 clear enough, "I it endowment there should b"rt'tainltsym was not made 'spscifio the amounts not to exceed 8120,000 for a new yttiyityg that should be expended on equip- _ for the oollegs and 8l00,000aa I fund tor went. The $50,000 mentioned by the! maintenance. TM whole ttmount to b.e, hm" hon. member had aceumulated since the , rowed WM limited to 8200,000. He ssid that statute and could be devoted to the purpose I J the Minister of Education 3"" the House for which it was taken. He was not claim. i I to understand in 1887 that the coat of the ing that the action was regular. but he bss. Ibuilding would be 8120,000 and the site