- t ' /u v r. q Ni ' Mr.thson_"( .-" = she ttrl tothe continence of . eol. I , loge m'Hesgreedtovote fortheoen- o tinusncs of the college on the yyurttaa"l.'ptr .that the sum then voted would be e finality. The 'eum voted hsd been rlt'at, exceed- ed. m m bound to accept t e stntement oftheAttorney-Genersl that the "pernditum was not illegsL But he questioned the mornlit of it. m concluded thet - principFe ot responsible government on enunciated in the inst 50 years bed been violated. He would support the amend- ment moved by Mr. Meredith. 1 There were cries of "cell in the mem- bers." The motion to adjourn the debate iwse withdrew, and the division on Mr. recedith's smendment wns taken " fol- ows c-- Ce 'A- l omN. Campbell a?2ticiPtsft.",?biluA 1ir,1'kd't God. win. Hnnimell. Hlocott. Hudson. lionrns. Mo. Cleary, McCall. McLennghen. Mc'thP' htatoropd,Mnrter, Menuhin". Meredith. Min- Campbell. Monk. Held. Smith 2i'it'"t'vu,1' 'l'ooley. White, Whitney. Willuug by, Wood (Hyystingt0, Trlio--29. Naytrr-Alitui. Awrey. Balfour. Baxter, Bishop. Blemrd. Barr (neutron). Caldwell, Carpenter. Charlton, Chisholm. Conmee. Quck. Davis. howling. Dryden. 'ihTtl't Field. Gttrrow.tutmori (Hamilton). Gi n (Huron). Guthrie. Hnreourt, Hardy, llsrty. Locking". Loughrin. McKay (Oxford). McKay th tutorial. Mack. Mtuekernzii,,tu.. Moore, Mownt. o'con. nor, Paton. itayside, ltobillard. Ron-s. Sharpe. Snider. y prngue. Stratum. 'Nit, Waters, Wood (Brain-45. _ There were eight pnirs as follows ..-- i Liberal. Conservstive. I , Bronson, Preston, i i Clelnnd, Rorke, 1' i McKenzie, H., Barr (Dttiterin), , Gilmour. Clarke, E. F. ' There were seven Liberals sbeent without airs-Messrs. Evnnturel. Biggnr, Porter, Eraser, McKechnie. Kirkwood, Smith (York). The House therefore stood so fol. lows P- ' Conserve.- Liberal. tch. Voted.........'................45 29 Absent......................... 7 0 Paired......................... 4 4 I $$tresakerr........V.."..C.y.y..' l 0 ( 'i'otai..... B...........-.... b? M i The House went into supply, passed an item, and then adjourned. . ', .LEGISLATIVE NOTES. IMPORTANT Ginseng MADE m Tm: Assess- MEN? LAW - PERSONAL EARNINGS UP To 8700 no meow-:3 To $400 EXEMPT. The Municipal Committee this morning mode on important chnnge in the "seas- ment law when discussing Mr. Waters' bill. Hereafter personal enrnings up to $700 or income up to 8400 will be exempt. No ex- emption on ineom, and earnings combined as shall exceed $700. COMMITTEE MEETISGs. i The Municipal Committee is called for 10 o'clock to-morrow (Friday), when Mr. I 'l'ait's bill to exempt merchants' stocks and ' the cityU bill Will be considered. The 'Committee on Railways is called for 12 o'elock noon, when the Toronto Street Rail- I way Bill will be taken up. The clause re. garding Sundny care may be egain consider. . ed. The Public Accounts Committee is called for 10 30, and the Printing Commit. ( toe st 2.30 p. m. l PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. l The Public Accounts Committee spent i two hours this morning inquiring into the l, prices chsrged the Government tor grocer- ', ies. Mr Montgomery of Roy. lllnin It iCo.'s was questioned by Mr. Alerter and !Mr. White. The prices for ell classes of ' groceries were shown to very great] ' which wns about the chief thing estab- lished. A RAILWAY GRANT WANTED. 3 A deputation of gentlemen interested in mining waited upon the Attorney-Genernl and Mr. Hardy at 7 o'cloek and asked that Government aid be given to the. Port Arthur, Duluth & Western Railway. They l were introduced by Mr. Conmee. '! NOTICES or MOTION. f Mr. Harcourt- Bill to nmend the liquor ; license law. t Mr. Awrer--Bilt to cheepen the cost of l upside to the Court of Appeal. r. Meaehanv-.-Biti to amend the Liquor \License Act. "e'-e'r-e-e-e-e-"ee.eteumert- t