* ~£ > P P SAE : if the people voted tion thos ¢ to run cars on Sunday Y invessed or emitlo; ed un Ay "Wholemie on |-- for it ns confiemed hy the' Urat clture retail mercantile business in this Province, l [of the act. a lhh_e. ;groe;l;eenv;::&l. roposed and the stock--in--trade, book debts and other gha;lged{va:od Lm;l;: 0{,: in:sel'tfid inpg,h.p?iut, assets held for the purposes of or in connec-- | | cl}; uu:.of "the *«ct of inco boration of the | tion with .*%ald business ; but thg income or | | comith ny n order to prey s4t Sunday cars. | profits derived from such capital shall be redigins ibi l(? t be for 30 years f liable to be assessed. 'The bill was support-- éhe g rohi 13'on ;2:';.11'0 l:;; the Legilliture. | ed by Messrs. Pault Campbell, Stapleton b: C urlil:'gcou?f be repealed the next or .,ny' l'Caldecot.t., John Knox (Hamilton), 'J.'Yxomas ot':i ::a:ession He deglared that the clause C. Watkins (Hamilton). It was opposed o us l ! 5y . Dr. B.Arr(ick, 3. l{ fhest, Ale)l:lll'!l dee! Ely'ng the peop!e the pow:lr t.: pml o:rt,:; \ Manning and Robert Jafiray. _ Mr. Wood 2:::':;:"'{;8 ul(lll;eg(; l't,:nth: ;::rgt,l); clg'n!ue (H:stlgi;s) l;le;:}ared the l()'ll! Lob l:e oll'l'pm%le- these words :--**Provided that the running '::e' bm-'r';" :v i't'l':"ir'::l"aam' 1t. ;. Hinaliy of the street cars on the Lor(}'u 1333{) ll:;lll & p err e The city's bill to amend the Municipal 2:;'::3.:{:1? b::: };m;:i:'}.m?l:miuncoyund Act was next taken up. The clause to abol-- M ur the suit of ish the property qualification for alderman l:;':y A:,):om:es-g:::afil l:,t'r of any rate-- in cities of over100,000inhavitants was lost, | AyEr or ."y rson injured thereby." no one being in favor of it. 'The clause to glry Meredltgv upfd he was in favor of a keep the polls open untit 8 o'clock instead uiet Sunday, but could not see that the of 5, to give workingmen more time to vote, 2vils complail,:ed of would arise from Sun-- was also lost, the committee being unani-- | day cars. ~ It was & TA argument to say ugousl{y opposed to it, The clause to pro-- | t,hzt, it l;light injure workingmen, but he frore e mamiens < Yhecus wiho| lay sare Rere immoni. The afgament| which persons nominated for office may re-- ' | (t}?g't i(:?llx;o:lt;lt:; ;T&?Xr';i" from Sunday sign was limited to one day after nomina-- | | street cars was a slander on the city. Mr. clauce to give the houd "of the Conacil cue | _ Dait said he hnd voted Them immmieal . Oe | same power as the county judge to make | (I;::I:{l:}o: g:k:oalsoul;;s;;lg:l t,ll::t',l )t,'l):'e {mople an investigation under oath into charges of | should be prevented from having Sunday cars n}xhenancg oxi ot.hg'r'ntmsconducblox? the palrt l if they wanted them. A time might come three or four boing' , in favor" of 12 | _ When the Sunday pare ts ape. o couts tg" | h+ % s _ * Mr. E. F. Clarke said that Mr. Wood's re-- | ixfi&é?i.'l.'?'«"fifafiifi :fl)l'.):ll((.')lfl In olsc ing | ; solution would place the city in an unfair r mrvaw Aboiu Y Y | | posision as compared with other munici-- provide that the chief coustable of thel wiities regarding the question of Sunday municipality or the inspector in charge of '?'trs Thg votegwas then taken on Mr. : any police station to which any person is | \"VO(.)(i'B amendment, which was lost by a | brought on the charge of being 'drunk and | | | youp of 91 60 98, MC Biggar said that the | disorderly or drunk or, disorderly may re-- City Council Wwas ODD¢ ed to certain clauses | lease such person without bringing him which he and "lrporglake had agreed to before a justice of the peace or police magis-- the o;her da u;d. which the committee trate ; and any person arrested for the said | then ado tedy "* Oh! what humbugging," offences shall lffa a competent witness on said M!..p}.; r Clarke, The committee took ! uons oulrures| -- CoranetenLeel eache offence, and only to the offence of being t?fimn of the previous day, and ip * ' drunk and not disorderly. A chorus of : * <ast? | **lost," "lost," greeted the clause provid-- * UI'!LIC' ACC OI/NTS.COM;'"ME.E' thi ing that the Municipal Council of any city At.the I "bh,c Accounts Committee this or town may, with the consent of the ma-- morning Mr. T. Kmne".' whol.esnle' grocter, jurity of the property owners on any street, | was questioned regardl'ng his Apsow ?5 drive or other public highway or any por-- | @roun{{O8, As compared with the prices pai tion thereof bounded by cross strects, set by t'h(.' (xover.m.ueu.t. for the Toronto Asylum apart such streets or the portion thercof so supplies. . While it was shown that most of | bounded for the speeding or fast driving or his prices were less than those charged, it riding of hotses thereon. Ten voted for e ch.umed that fHP difference 12. the clause and twice as many against it. sisted in the quality of the goods. Mr. "What is this for * said Mr. }{urdy as he Marter was the exannnner:ln-chlef. while read the clause to amerd sub--section 25 of Umlr.mun Awrey and Mr. Garrow took an section 489 by substituting for the word occasional hand in the discussion. "fines" the words "fines to the amount of NOoTICES OF MOTION,. the license feo." Mr. Biggar explained Mr. Guthrie--Bill respecting the estab-- that the city might charge a cireus 8500' lisnment of municipal institutions in the .. for alicense but the cireus could escape the districts of _ ** Algoma, Muskoka, Parry ! tax by paying a 250 tine. '"That is hard Sound, Nipissing, Thunder Bay and Rainy on the cireus," said Mr. Hardy, but the River," clause was adopted, Mr. Marter--Bill to reduce the quali-- Mr. Hardy asked am explanation of the fication of municipal voters in the towns next clause :----*'"And for preventing the and villages in the tree grant districts. posting of placards or pictures exhibiting Mr. Marter--Bill to reduce the quali-- nude ftigures representing the human body | fication for members of Municipal Councils olr -f(',m(ms thereof usually covered with | iln the towns and villages in the free grant clothing." | districts. "I can't explain that," said Mr. Bigzar, | __Mr. Kerns--Return showing the names amidst roars of laughter. The committee of all authors and publishers o? public and was nl:}npst unanimous in rejecting such a high school text books, with the respective proposition. ' books published by them and the prices THE SUNDAY STREET CAR QUESTION, ;.)herooi ; all.xo clopiea uf all correspondence t A tarek m A The Toronto Street Railway Bill came up a:'xly (::;ficv::t oft ;fisu:l:ls;::;z:nt'd:ec:;;g:i:; before the Railway Committce again this the price or publicaug)n of public or high morning. Mr,. Wood (Hastings) said that school text books subsequent to that llmgy unless something definite was added to the | brought down bill it was possible that the company might | «pommmmmuerurommomnimescmimemmmruns run cars on Sunday. He theréfore moved t ts se that the following words be added to the first clause:--'"Provided that notwith-- standing anything in the schedule or in the | act, no cars shall be run on the Lord's Day." Mr. E. F. Clarke said that matter was ' settled the last day and protested ag«inst it | being opened up again, and objected that uo | notice of this amendment was giver. Mr. | Ww. H. Howland said that the clause in the agreement allowing -- the company