The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Apr 1892, p. 1

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x7 ~[LAdl & / T4 _2'7(,3' % + 2 4 2 _"--_--'"---------_-----____________--_"__--------- THURSDAY APRIL 7. 1892 > M & 10 [LEGBLATURE _ & ONTARIO "-'EGISLA i 'The second resolution was adopted, to'} provide that sub--section 1 of ssction 41 of t.hekLiquor License Act be amended by | { 3 . striking out item "6" in the schedule at-- |.. Bl" to Amend the Aflatomy Act tached thereto and substituting the follow-- Re'ected. s ing :----**For every transfer or removal of & . ] license in cities having a population of 100,-- 090 and upwards, $50. For every tranafer Ceasr--smin or removal of a licease in other cities, $25, w O ME N AaAs L &A WYE RK.| Forevery transfer or removal of a license *> in other municipalities, $10." c mm mm nemmmme mm K0203 =--Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) presented the fol. f lowing returns :--Correspondence regarding Mr. Balfour's Bill in Their Be-- the opening of the House by a comn':isaion';' half Adopted. report of the Board of Health ; report on births, marriagos and deaths. u4 /4 acmeitens The amendments made in committss on } > ) the insurance bill and on the bill respecting y TE PROPOSAL TO LICENSE LIQUOR SELUING | the taxation of patented lands in Algoma | | ON THAINS ABANUONED.--A TEMPER-- and Thunder Bay woere concurred in. 'The |-- ® e resolutions regarding the issue of debentures ANCE DEPUTATION, by the University of Toronto were aiso concurred in. semumunmmmmmmsm The House then went into committee on | \ ToroxTo, April 6, 1892. the bill to amend the Drainage Trials Act | -- on Ls » i fay A16 u,'ml reported it with some amendments. In the Legislative Assembly to--day The next bill taken up in committce was name of the Niagara Falls Park & Queens-- "t+ conso.idate the acts respecting com» ron Electric Railway & Steamboat Com-- pensation to wo'rkmeu ia.n certain cases." It pany was changed to the Niagara Falls & was reported without discussion, River Railway Company. The bill to in-- f SECOND READINGS, corporate the company was then read a The bill respecting the collection of taxes thifd time. The bill respecting Toronto n the Districts of Muskoka and Parry unc A the bill to_pfovide 'for. the Sound was read a second time. It provides s Junction an e 1 P ihat the sheriifs shall retain out of the paymont of successive duties were read a noneys «ollected by them in the perfor-- third time. nmance of their dutics a sum not exceeding On motion of Mr. Mowat it was decided | -- the ten fPe"h ci""- which, under the pro-- * M ¥ Thursday it fisions of the Assessment Act, may be ad-- that when the 1(110""' f'l"-'f:ru,s'l k Fri)((ln. Aed to arrears of taxes. 'The following bills stand adjourned unti o'eloc J | _ were also read a second time :--Respecting morning,and meet cach subse(luc'nt morning | _ eounty police magistrates (the Attorney-- at 11 for the rest of the session. Gener«!) ; to smend the act respecting the Upon motion of Mr. Harcourt the House | income and property of the University of went into committee on certain resolutions | Toronto, University College and Upper to amend the Liquor License Act. Mr. (;«}u. bollcge (.vlr: Ross) ; to amend and Harcourt moved that the resolution to | °xplain certain portions of the PublicBchools authorise the issue of a license to railway .A'ct,'(Mr. Ross) ; respecting the duty of companies to sell, in dining or buffet cars, | Sheriffs on arresting persons under civil liquors in quantities prescribed for a tavern process (the Attorney--General); to empower license un&er the Liquor License Act to | the Umversny'of Toronto to deal with cer-- bona fide travellers, but not to employees, tain Upper Canada College lands (Mr. be amended by substituting * wines and | Ross) ; to amond the Registry Act (Mr. beer" for "liquors." Hardy) ; to amend the Jurors Act (Mr. Mr. Waters said bhe was sorry the Gov-- "'}{"l)')' s s ermment was going back on its temperance The bill to provide for the payment of P record. It was a most dangerous move, | Succession duties was read a third time. and woul(} b? ciom}?mngd by the tem[w:- THE ANATOMY AcT. ance people of the Province. it was put-- The debate on the second reading of Mr. | 1 ® oft L h o ading of Mr. "1"8 t'hf'h';"éli::h:";i"ll,;'"y train, the last McCleary's bill "to amend the Ontnrio! * Mir. Wood (Hastings) said that if wines | ADMOMY Act" was then resumed, No and beer Were allowed to be sold instead of Nobeos "one, hhrtpming. ail sereral Hahors it was only 'the 'thin end of the members called for the withdrawal of the \:"Nl")r::s it was y ne th measure, _ | Lil?' * Diskk thought no retrogades sizp BMr. McCleary exprersed great disappoint-- | should be taken. _ All changes should be in in o ie in ht Ro was i reoave ol the direction of restriction. . He regretted is expefctedl Nee ;t ol t on lkre the clause and hoped the Government would :".ll!:,pm:,o ,lfb s can ;e Att(irney-beneml, not persist in it. l-;\.»,':- (i 'LL;V':;ysGu'|'t0r¥.'0(l' f who. ng ; Mr. Mowatsaid thatasamatteroffactliquor, i+ ]):: 1;)nt.o 'gmmw:. voc:c 74 l'{housuul wine and beer werealready sold largely and should do unto you," P:z:u ']- y¥ lelrs illegally on trains, and it was impossible iIaimed th o in M snn on to prevent it. It therefore seeimned better (1 u.!mlx)e f Ml' xtx;ore e if mown to to license such sales under conditions, and ;;l '?he ?xl:('i[ll;:t:inlml::)::e:h' poot gld dumates {'l(:et::':\':f:lzfs:::\;er;::;swn would'advance _ Mr. Ha'rdy objected to the mover of the Mr. Conmee said that the bill really re-- TL fntoring upun another speech in its ad. * a o . vocacy. stricted the sale of liquor on traing because p ( 3 it forbade sales to train mon. He believed "vM]l"'y, q wig fln n fF is wask step in the right direciion ylie continued the discnesion, the two Mr. Whitney said this was anothcr in-- inoas gcnb!;{mct;'? Hranoamples orag »fj stauce of the wise and progresasive temper-- mt'sllf.z:u.';om ::mu l:,;,t:: yt:tll'pported t'he }n}} ance legislation of the Administration, | which was defeated b zgn ousatue i 1. Mr. Mack said it was a retrograde step, _ Jows :--. o ogey to. 65. &8 fol-- had ro justilication whatever, was a most f e ty u Yeas--Balfour, Bush, uangerox'x_s proposx't,mn, and the Government Clancy, Fell, Glcgd;'nllnir?aa'gc?fiiln.m('!]fil;m?e): should withdraw it. \_ Miscott, Hudson, IKerns, Kirkwood, MceCleary, Mr. Mackenzie (West Lambton) said he ' {':'L_' "l\li"{"('l'i'i'f""t'{'.""- M';)Cll'l- M\?gwioodl.{M;r- # o 4 . er, Meredith, aMiscampbell, Monk, orke, :;:'I'))(;::i,():g (;o[\;er'l'l:n;u: ';;:(l:«lv(:e':slib\!:ad:'::;) fi:: | fi'l':::l';n (:)rogbtenuc). White, Whitney, Wood P s is is * SS)--ab. tu!{e licenses away from steamboats,,I Nays--Allan, Awrey, Barr f;l.)&-lmflm' Bax-- this clause would not receive the approba-- | tor, Bigigar, Bishop, Bslezard, r (Reonfreow), tion of the temperance people. PP Cald wefi?Campbcfl (Algoma), On.rpenwr,Char{- Mr. H pera a t a° def ton, Chisholm, Clarko.EF.(Tomnw),Clelflnd. r. Harcourt sai 1at in deference to | Conmee, Dack, Davis Dowling, Drydon, the feeling of the House he would move | Evantural, Ferguson, fi'le.ld. Garrow, Gibson that the dirst resolution be withdrawn. (Applause. )

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