PUBLIC ACCOUXNTS ComAiITTEE. The Public Accounts Committoc held its final;lg this morning at 9.30 by ques-- tioning brietly Mr. Tracy,the Toronto Asylum bursar, as to the allowances to officials at that institution. _ 'The committee held 21 meelings during the session, which the chairman stated was the largest number of any session except one since Confedera-- tion. as proposed. This was acceptable to the promoters, and the bill wiil now go through the House. THE BILL TO REORGANISE THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF DEXTISTS ADOPTED--THE MEDICAL | ACT UNXCHAXNGED. | _ Mr. Allan's bill to amend the act respect-- | ing dentistry came beforea select committee to--day. Mr. A. 8. Henderson, Ottawa, re-- presenting the Eastern Ontario Dental As-- sociation, which is promoting the bill, ex-- plained the provisions and said that 224 out of 422 dentists in the Province had pro-- nounced in favor of it, Dr. Wilmot, repre-- senting the college, thought the matter should be deferred until next session in or-- der that it might be more fully discussed by dentists in the country, but said that if the committee decided to go on with ' the bill he had certain _ amend-- ments which he wouid propose. The l;ill' provides that the Board of Nirectors of the college shall consist of seven members, who | shall hold office for two years, and that the Province shall be di\'ide({ into seven elec-- | toral districts, After some discussion the committee adjourned until to--morrow to give the two parties a chance of agreeing ous bill. Uitimately the directors of the college egreed to the provisions of the bill, provided the facalty was given repre-- sentation on the board, making the board consist of cight members instead of seven Mr. Clarke's bill to amend the Registry Act, also his bill to anend theactrespecting sherifi's offices, were read a second time. They provide for the closing of these offices on Saturday afteraoons. Mr. Conmee's bill to amend the railway laws of Ontario and to provide for the qualification of locomo-- tive engineers, conaucwrs aud brakemen, was next taken up, and as Mr. Coumese de-- clined to withdraw it the House took the liberty of discharging it. The House then adjourned at 11.30. bill was then reported with slight amend-- ments. The following bills were dischargea :--To amend the Assessment Act, Mr. Balour ; To amend the Municipal Act, Mr. Git-- mour. A TEMPERANCE DEPUTATION. LEGISLATIVE NOTES. Mr. mMcacha.a -- Resolution--That in-- structions be given the select committee appointed to consider bill No. €6 that said bill be reported to the House containing a clause declaring that '"all actions by the Medical Council passed upon section 41 (a) of the Ontario Miodical Act, as enacted by section 8 of the Medical Act ot 1891, shall | be suspended for one year." The Attorney--General--Bill to confirm a certain agreement made between the Niagara Purk Commission and the Can-- ldl.l% Niagara Power Company, and to en-- able the raid ~»mpany to carry the same into p & tica <ff et, 110 T E0 S*+mAbe _ 'Of ~Al. 'TOy, tor of the school board, the committee amended the bill as fol ** Notwithstanding anything in t agreement or in this act contair SEPARATE soHOOL Taxus, e A deputation from the Separate School Board, consisting of Vicar--General Rooncy, Father McCann, Charles Burns and Gharles T. Long, waited upon the Attorney--General with reference to the clause in the Street Railway Bill providing for the disposition of the school taxes payable by the company. As originally drawn the bill contained a clause similar to the one in the agreement providing that "all the railway proper-- ty liable to be assessed for school pur-- poses shall be assessed for public school purposes, and that the rates levied in ro-- 1 spect thereof shall be payable to the public school funds of the City of Toronto." At the inttance of Mr. Foy, solici-- tor of the school board, the railway committee amended the bill as follows :-- ** Notwithstanding _apything in the said FROM vICTORIA couxty, The following deputation from Victoria County waited upon the Government to ex-- plain their position relative to the main. tenance of bridges betweenr their county and Peterboro':--Dr. Vrooman, T. Stewart, D. R. Anderson, F. C. Taylor, E. H. Hop-- kins, Wim. Lownsboro and J. R,. McNeillie. STRELT RALILWAY LEGISLATION, A civic deputation waited upon the (Gov-- ernment before the evening session to op-- pose the clause inserted by counsel regard-- ing the taking over of the road on the expiry of the 30 years' franchise. Among those present were Mayor Fieming, Ald. Hallam, Burns, Bell, Wim. Carlyle, David Carlyle, George Verral, City Solicitor Big. gar, ex--Mayor Clarke, Mr. Laidiaw, Q.C., and Mr. MceWilliams. Mayor Fleming and others stated the city's case, and expresscd a desire to have the original arrangement adbered to. -- Mr. Laidiaw, on behalf of the street railway company, said that thore were many clauses in the bill, mutually agreed to by counsel, to which similar ob. jection might be taken,. Mr. Mowat asked the deputation if they would be prepared to give up all the changes made in this way for the sake of the one, and Mayor Fleming said he believed they wouid. The sub-- ject was then left over for further con-- sideration. [ Cubublizinp v se ~ BsaAiihrsssis 20. 5 qlllll- tity than five gallons ; that no local option law should be repealed with-- in five years of its adoption, and the tempgrance people should have power to oust & saloon from any neighborhcod by a majority petivion of the ratepayers inter-- ested. Mr. Ross replied that he was favor-- ably disposed towards the legislation asked for, particularly the last proposition. He assured the visitors that the subject would receive the best consideration of the Gov-- ernment. prohibited from selling a smalier NOoTICES OF MoTiox company, said that thore uses in the bill, mutually insel, to which similar ob-- ) taken. Mr. Mowat asked if they would be prepared w rener Adv) -- xC pr°