My Merédith said that. he would consent to the amendment being lost on tho same division, as he did not see the use of want.- ing the time of the House union tome mem. ber wished to change his vote. Mr. Mere. dith's suggestion won noted upon. A division was then taken on Mr. Wood's omendment, which was defeated by a vote of 52 nayn. 31 yeus. on follows c-- Yeusi-narr (Dufferin). Bush. Campbell (Al- loying Campbell (Durham). Clancy. Clarke. E. l (Toronto), Fell. Uleudining. Godwin. Ham. mell. Jiiscott, Hudson. Ken-us. McClenry. Me- Coil. Mchnughnn. Mattwood, Morten Meach. am. Meredith, Nirmatptreli. Monk, Preston, Jteid, Rorko, Smith tig'f8'oee,1 'l'ooley, "211m, Whitney. Willoug thy, Wood (Hastings) ":ip?ig-itgnti Awrey. Balfour, Baxter. Big- ger. -hop, Itlamud,Batt 'llentrem. Caldwell. carpenter Charlton, Uiiimolm. Clclond, Con- mee, Duels. Davie. bowling. Dryden. Even- turoi. Forgotten. Field. Gnrrow. Gibson (Hun:- lltom. Gibson (Huron). Gilmour. Guthrie, liar court. Hui-d]. thtrtr. Kirkwood. Lockhnrt. Iamthrin, McKay (Oxford). McKay iVlciorln), lleKechnle. McMahon. Mock! Mackenzie. c., Moore. Mowat. O'Connor. 'tttou, Rnyside, gebiilard. lions. Sharpe. Snider. Snrugnc, wanton, Tait, Waters, Wood iuvGULWi. 1 Mr. Ker-nu then moved on amendment in almost the some terms as that of Mr. Wood, which led jnat been, defeated. Mr. Mowat said that it was not right in the discussion of this question to place the Province on one side and the counties on the other. Tho Province consisted of the counties, and the revenue was raised for the benutig of tho whole people. He con- sidered that the measure won a reasonable one, in that where the registry ofh'eete did not come up to tho minimum amount of the statute they received bermstit from the more proaperoua offieea. I quarter ot 3 million dollars from this 'ottree, and it won manifestly unfair and unreasonable to expect. the Province to provide all the ranchingv for inspection, to undertake tho responsibility and guuunteo for these ofliuerer, and bhen that there should be nothing to reimburse the Prov. iny for this expense. Mr. White And Mr. Meredith opposed the manure. Mr. B Is! and G'wodiii Ji/ua, Uvr, to min any such retolution. During the put Eve your. the C'ounty_courTilt had received Mr. Wood (Rantings) moved that the bill be not now read a third time, but that it be teferred back to a committee of the whole Home to be amended so that any surplus Income derived trom them offieee, may be paid to the county or city and tpplied to 'ht.rmltyetion of _registratlon fees. Mr. Rois moved the ihird reading of the bill " Respecting the feel of certain public otlicerts." Mr. IGrdr--An act to amend the act re- Ipftfting qeruin railways. Mr. 1Grdy--The Municipal Amendment Bill, 1892. Toxoxro, April 7, 1892. In the Legislative Anembly to-day the following bills were read . first time t-- WOMEN HAY PRACTISI " SOLICITORS BUT NOT AS BARRtSTERtr--Lru00R "CINE! LAW CHANGES. Supplementary Estimates Pre. sented to the House. F1511 AND GAME LAWS. Apples Are Not Injured by Spraying Blossoms. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. fiFIifDAimfivéf -iijia. way n'um Unuiiint Lake to Magnetic Lake, end a. subsidy, not to' exceed 87,000. for the Kakabeku branch. The House went into committee on the bill relating to Provincial thsheries. The chum respecting the ch " seeson was struck out, the close season being regulated by the laws of Canada. The remaining clauses were mlnpthl. Mr. 1hGiUFiil'ii'ir'i, protect bees h; viding that poison shall not be sprinld -'-_.... - uuuaul' to exceed $21,000. fore the construct the Port Arthur, Duluth & Western way from Gunilint Lake to Mugnntic and a. subsidy, not to' exceed Sh00th fr _ _-- "tT"'""""' wn'l'lwl'lel, shall be entitled to receive out of any money voted by the Legislative Assembly for this purpose the sum of $4 per day and expenses, and my person acting as the deputy of such arson a oreseid for any purpose required By the said act shall be entitled to receive the sum of 82 per day and expenses. All expenses for preparing such list of voters and incident thereto shall he paid by the Province out of any moneys which may he sppropriutcd for that purpose. Another resolution was passed to provide that the compensation of the secretary and the chief warden and other wttrdena-.ho be nppmnted under the provisions of the act for the protection of game and fur-bearing animtxhs---he Iixed by the LiemtemutttCv'.' ernor in Council and paid out of the license fees and fines collected under the provisions of the said not and such moneys as may be appropriated for the purpose by the Legis- lative Assembly of the Province, not. ex- cecding in the whole, exclusive of travelling expenses, the sum of $1,200. A third reso- lution was adopted to grant a subsidy. not to exceed 821,000, for the construction of the Pout Arthur. Duluth s, "an" " -. J"'ude, lllf'l'lu, supemuary or police ms. ii. true Thilt gngnged in preparing or revis'iKng rho 'c,'),',','.',','," lusts required by the act {aspect- ng vo ra' ists in un " . . . " Ihkn I). on Hoan n. ......?f yyyl"yi,,un "to, 193, To confirm a certain agreement made be- tween the West Ontario Ptscific Railway Com. pan y.. the Ontario &,Quebec Railway Company the Canadian Paeitie Railway Company and the Corporation of the City of London, and to declare valid certain debentures issued by the said Corporation ; to amend the General Road Companies Act l respect- ing the Town of Port Arthur ; respecting the Municipality ot Neebing; to provide for the division of the Township of Sand- wich East ; to incorporate the Toronto & Ashbridge Bay Improvement Company; re- specting the City of Toronto ; to amend the not respecting the federation of the University of Toronto and University Col, lege with other universities and colleges; to amend the act respecting the taxation of gleam! lends in Algoms and Thunder y , to consolidate the nets respecting compensation to workmen in certain cases; to amend the Debentures Registration Act; to amend the Land Titles Act ; respecting I the Toronto & Mimico Electric Railway it 1 Light Company (limited); to incorporate the l Town of Thessalon ; to amend the Ontario Joint Stock Companies Letters Patent Act; to further amend the law respecting mort- gages and sales of personal property ; re. specting the use of tobacco by minors. Mr. Clsncy then moved in amendment timt while approving of the reduction of the incomes of certain of these of%its1ts,it was the opinion of the House that no legislation would be satisfactory that did not provide for the conierring upon County Councils the power of appointment and of thting e salsry instead of fees. This was defeated by the some vote. Mr. Preston then moved sn amendment that the bill be referred book to amend the some so as to provide that the maximum net income of these oificitsh, should be as follomc.-Clerks of Division Courts, 81,500; registrars of deeds, $2.500; sheriffs, 83,000; local registrars of High Courts, deputy clerks of the Crown, Count Court clerks end Surrogate re istrurs, 'ldlifl'.,' the sur- plus fees to be sppfied to public uses. This amendment was lost on s division of 50 unys and 32 yous. No more unendments being i forthcoming the billwos read a third time. _ time Thea follo'ving bills were read a third J r0. 105,011 Rail.