I f number-ot ducks one man 'Atl kill in a ' -'"------------- . season should be limited to . His car. i fruit trees while in bloom, W" mad 3 third gestion was adopted. He also moved an ', time. amendment to prevent the exportation of Mr. Meredith called attention to the re- woodoock, ducks, quail, end all other game portfrom England that Much wero made birds and animals. The amendment was there upon Canadian apples because arsenic adopted. A ion discussion took place on ' w" ttred 'in. 'prinklitig the trees during the clause to prohibit the purchase or sale l bloom to drive away insects. . of quail, snipe, wild turkey, woodcock or bur. Dryden: said the}; was "tithmgf I partridge tor three years. Several mem. . never a t 0 re " . "all on. o era were op osed to any prohibition of the Mr. Fletcher, the I1f,,ti,,d,l, entomologist, sale "';1r"l'rll't Dr. Bowling said that , Wu called to it, and his evidence 1r..Y tatt? _ in his riding partridges wVir" rapidly disap- down by the committee on the bill. I'.he 'wing' and that unless some restriction] statement was no doubt circulated by ili- were placed on the "19 of them they would tercsted parties to injure Canadian trade, be . thing of the Pub Ho strongly adm. , but there' was no truth ll all in it. cated a prohibition ot the trade for a term Iii-rim access. of years. Finally the prohibition was Afte hil . rate the limited to two years. ' he clause pro- Ontarid 'slfirutd',i"cotg",ptg read . hibiting hunting on lands of other persons third time. without permission was amended by contin. ' e An important amendment was made is mill/l"! tty',':,.")',",','", lands. ti t th bill l ll i committee to the bill to consolidate an r. "r " move " . . l Butt amend the mining laws. The bill of last , not apply to lands covered with water. He lession imposed the royalty upon the value movcd thia because the Long Point com. of ore at the pit's mouth. The amended bill peny had stakes-in the water a quarter of a i of this tsemion proposed to deduct the cost mile from shore in some places end prohib- l of mining and raising before calculating the ited [hogllgildlgzre- Hei ,tl',ott,t "is 1','t ' royalty. At the su estion of Mr. Conmee will "I 'd', V cover any M" an no [ the hill w" 'd11llehufl'ldl by deducting water. T he amendment was defeated. A , p ahso the cost of explosives before calculating few other muendmenie were made and the i the royalty. As a result of both amend- hill reported. . . g merits, the royalty will be calculated one 535'- (','r'tyu'1 movtng , the 1tft,td value of bo t 40 50 " rton in. tea ingo ie i o amend the iquor stead of 3.2 53 to $5050. con pe ' License Act, said he would w.ithdr:aw the The House then went into committee on clause PFOVldmg that local option byutty the bill for the protection of game and fur. may be repmsle i and the chuuse, P pr.oridt iiUifi, animals. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) that loner Poet my be sold ttt original l 're he had lli)card a great many t2gr"e en.sks containing Kati S';', an? tl',',', EMS)": o 0 inion; ut those who were oppose to Wine measure. n m ior n c ause is is the bill forgot the main object oi the bill, which render! NW person who, Uusr namely, the protection of game. Ho pro- notice, fiJre;,drT,"",l',',e,,' for or 18.0": to posed to strike out the clause roliibiting " itua ttrun one any ttttlor, "We to the shooting of does, fawns or dog" without imprisonment for not less than ten days or horns, because of the _difticulty of distin- more then twenty days. The bill was read finishing them from bucks while on the run. I I Iq,',',") ltlime- d h J A ealso ro sedtorestrict thee en season l , O i 8 to turttttt t 9 urors " re. to tivo ",r/e,1T. Instead of 'll'l',"/'d, the spectinu elections of members of the Legis- - hunting of deer from October 15 to Novem. lativc Assembly, to amend and explain cer. . her 15, the own season would be from No. tuin portions of she Public Schools Act, veinber l to ' ovember 16. Another clause were read is secon time. 'd, the 'lii,ug..ut,'ptgr,e, tokslioot not: s'Jg,'i1"c1g,'."ryTeg1,i'at,t', T,'Jl'itg,t','ft1, , t an two oer, an two wee s won t to e ouse. ie ouse a Journe a I quIite tsutficient for that. midnight. n the discussion which followed several , , C-TT/rt-T' , members expressed themselves in favor of LEGISLA2a1 E NOTES. prohibiting the shooting of deer altogether. - The majority of the House agreed that the SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES BROUGHT DOWN open season should be only two weeks, --'rilr1 ATToltNr'toF.xERAL's SALARY and the bill was amended accordingly. The 1.'iCitki.v.0iD Br $2,000-85,000 To AID A open season Will therefore be hereafter from sil,sisa. tiCHOtI November 1 to November 15. At the re- . . ' ' .. _ quest of Mr. Charlton. the clause to limit Supplementary estimates to the amount the number of deer anyone may shoot to of F"207,360 were presented to-night. They a"; was ',tr,'tef, ao t'hatit will "0';de include increase of salary for Attorney. ucer w iic are ones own proper y an ls, . " . " . . . l are shot at the request of tho owner. Genytu and. liemier, $2:0.00 ' Dairy Mr. Hardy expressed himself strongly men " -trtf."" "for dd"! l tschools, l in favor of the retention of the 81,5 l . . untei'. as tu'y as clause to prohibit the shooting of re .i.?£...- of friendly societies, $600 ; . does or fawns, which he thought ml. and game wardens, $1,200, ex crises more important for the preservation $8,000 ', centenary celebration first f,1',erl'. I , ot deer than any restriction of the open ",entof Upper Canola at Niagara $1,000,, season. This, he said, was one of. his put at, Toronto, $1.000; "churning Uonunissions 'il'liile'. At was dignity: to ',','Je,e',l,y,l',',' '52,000 ; towards equipment of School o i l in" o awns. r. iggar propose ' in Mines at Port Arthur 133,000; toward" i order to prevent the trade in deer, that no i "Inn-ion of'teachiiig shill". of the school! l ,person or common carrier shall transport $2,000; making of roads, laying out l deer or "in! e',"'tpt from Nov. 1 to grounds, for Legislative chamber, Council Nov. 22, thus swing seven days after chamber. etc., $50,000 ; do., do. depart- the close of the season to get the manta. 810,000. deer home. Mr. Gibson thought the vt'dITtuttg To Tm, HOUSE. clause would do a rent deal to preterit "i . . '.". . . illegal shooting ld to preserve deer. ttMr. John I' The)" dwislon superinten- The clause was adopted with an amend. dent .Of the C: I . R. yr Medicine Hat, ". m moot providing that deer, venison or skins l." _,'d1,th,t1y,vi'd,f,i,t,tg.r; l at; cleats: 'htbet t ' .' . Mttbnt s en . . 3115.1... 'olrh'"g't'it.iitttr, is. eg": It , u? {gm t1."°;.°f 1tl'r2,'."utc"'Nif,tt' 32mg: d F th . h . o . r. ts. . ti 5 . Is: oc it .::.::gly Jt,"jee"JrtAt,'1nai' airmail: i bride intend Visiting New York and other close season for partridge, ducks, water {American cities. fowl, etc., from Sept. 15 to Dee. 15,becauso ' "PM. or "In BmLDtsas. the American season began on Sept. 1, and _ Mr. Thank Yeigh of the Crown Lends De. it would cause great annoyance and partmeutlias bade series of oxeellentpiio- trouble to Canadian sportsmen if their togruphs of the Parliament buildings taken season began two weeks later, and in view of the fact that this is probably the moved upt the Open season for T lustycar the old pile, to which so many tus. Pe. begin on September 1. After a ioric events are related, will be occupied. , long discussion Mr. Balfour's amendment The viewa include the chamber, the Iiher, l was adopted. Mr. Charlton '_thought the