funeral services will W. '- I . . - , T i m "I. J . b. Wetlands t had won for the "a, whi h Mal?!" Street Baptist Church, of t of all e . T _ of on. ha? 0 r. . " 'd member sokenzie was for many years ver doubted tho 1Btittiti, '_, of hi ' and the romaine of the ex- _ . 1." Premier will be then taken NIPPON. and even . his political op- . the Union Station to be ccnve ed to ponents could not impeach the hon. _ M. the former home of deoemdy Tr.. of hin intentions in all his where the interment will take is in h, public acts. . About tttX weeks Bgo, f . P tttt t qt while formin some of th d . . smily Plot, Lakeview Cemetery, at 2.30 ptr g e an" of his oclock on the afternoon of the following _ pastorate, he hada long conversation With" day (Thursday). h the late Premier, and was deeply impressed/7',1 .1, is probable that . special car or carsg figgth his simple and abiding Christian faith.'-, Will bearranged for to leave at7.55Thursdsy I i' rough all hia long and "Live life it had "i morning Via G.T. R. for those who wish to J yigmmned "tte": Although th.e work of . attend the funeral at Sarnis, returning Lif ii a flico.w.hue he held the Premiership of " same evening. Full details will, however l 37¢. 1teti.r, must P.'".- been . tremendous 'l be furnished to-morroav as to the llOlll's'l ;task, l1i.a Christie hath bad 'dways been. etc. "i; liys guide, remt'uuug saLth him and sustain-; _ It will be known to most readers of Tin-2' {Fig him urchaken to the and: . : ". GLOBE that Mr. Mackenzie had been for a: '5 At the close of I N morning discourse yes-:5 d . * j Sterdny Rey. Dr. Iugh Johnlon pastor of" goo many years president of the North ,7" Y , S M . , . fr, American Life Assurance Company and? at. l' onge treet - etliodist phiireli saldz-v-s.' th L, t . . . . A 'Shortly after midnight, Just before the:1 trpolicyhohiara of that organisation gen-l L f thi E t d ' erslly know of what value his services have I awn .0 u as a sy, there passed: . been to them and the company . but the y.,','.',",?., m great peace one ot the noirlestt . , V "statesmen this land'has ever known iiM public generally may not, know that not. " _ , . . . . s.hRon. Alexander Mackenzie. He was a true I Withstanding the fact of his great physical 9 . - . t weakness for "We"! "at": t hi 'patriot and a true Christian. I knew him) . . " . P.'" ' " mental Ps his private life as well a: in his oru// faculties continued unimpaired until the" r it Hi 1 " d b p . I day he was stricken down in February last t' inspect y. is on, an . honors lo career "H, . . . _' known to the world. He Was a putriotf Up till that time Mr. Mackenzie wasia? ? h tai le . t,e -' baftl J . , almost daily attendance at the oiiiee of then . w ','(2l', m :53. m "gull; ie', the Pose eompanyrgiviug to its affairs tho closest asearcning ""PT e ave heard much of; . . . . . . political corruption, but no bullying breath _ attention, and gn'ing to its executive oil». , .. " ' h ' - I cers the benefit of his sinuulariv cheer " 3"" ver cast upon t e Emma" reputation . p. '. . 'S of Alexander Msckenzie. What an cit-i sound judgment on all matters of import-- l 1 . . T . 't ample for our young men to imitate.' A T ance. No faculty was more remarkable mg l . . Mr Mackenzie th hi w astoncmsson, "Mug by honest worth to the inner ll 1;- f"! , memory, whichh :highest position in we gift of his country; *mo t: 3% 1','tt',"/,c,i:'/,','tii,' migtt ll. Fthe Premier of the Dominion, honored by) t (f . III that e oraotnothing. Events his sovereign, respected by all who knew '2: 1"l'.2ft'l,c2' lthat Stir, years had him. He was for many years the trusted 'ou peels; very t'2t:Jv'"Tr't'rt by mos: leader of the Reform. party, and he always; l m b I y a genera stood amid the varying tides of party tsue-tt /, way, Tl'". 6 c early remembered in all cess, in power and authority or in the cold l rheir details by him, and be recalled with shades of Opposition, he always stood. the freshness of _the yesterday. .tirm " a rock 'to principle, and CHURCH REFERENCES. in uncompromising fidelity to the truth.f: - l need not dwell upon his character. Alf? ALLUSIONS TO THE CAREER or rm: DECEASED the 66 reconciling grave," where all party} l STATESMAN MADE IN vaRlotM CITY PUL. bitterness is over, full justice will be done: PITy. him. He is one whose sincerity and worth') Mr. 3Uekenzie's death was not generally opposing politicians acknowledged always; known through the city until last night. fand now on his tomb, with equal sympathy k' .. But few of the pastors of the city were made and generosity, they will heap lugh Lonori..i?, [iii?, of it early in the day, and in most flail. blast 59"in . i) "cases a sympathetic reference was made to P""'2,1e','l1"'o'"1l'"" and dost possess; gtho tsad Atveut in the morning or evening How his high record should kindle anew? i'"",','""" . . . . . . our zeal and patriotism.' He has falleafi ' . Ever Btttcu' "hull up .his residence 1n this without a stain upon his eseuteheon. Afterg gcity the departed I fell)!" had been if mem- tsuch a service to his country he has gone to', her of the Janus "PW" Baptiat Church. strengthen the heavens. All that shed gloryg It the morutng Ie'."'""' yesterday Rev. Dr. on his character and lustre on his name he? 'lliomas, PY telling of his death shortly owed to the religion of Jesus Christ. after midnight, made th touching eulogy on' He lived and died a devout and earnest, the many admirable trai.t? of his character. Christian. This is all that can make hifi, ills WM I name, h" tsaid, of which Ctusts. name great in the skies. God comfort hisi dians had great r6tbdou W 'ttl. proud. aged widow and sorrowing household. God: Through allthe years of.h.U public It'. he bless his country and raise up statesmen oil. bid. filllbwed the highest qua.ri.ties like purity and integrity who shall take"? of ChrUtian manhood. In 1Mrery position his place. To-day he is a partaker with the? ' of trust .thtt ho leui. ttver filled he §risen Christ of His glory, and his spirit on; had maintained 3 reputt"ion for ability and tthe immortal side of death-the rLurree-:) thonesty that even hia political opponents ition side-Us poured itself into that trid could not venture to question. He served i umphant shout of God's redeemed l--- . his country with all the ardor and fidelity Kt on death. where is thy sting.' of a patriot. And with the uuselfUh self-for. , Oh grave. where is thy victory? getfulnsas of one who patterned after tho 'y,'fl1tn1s, be unto God who giveth us the vie. Iiivine ideal he would go down to posterity .3,er through our Lord Jetsuts Christ. l with a name fragrant in the memory of this il Rev. D. J. Macdonnell of St. Andrew's}, generation, and which the generations coni- UV" informed of the death of Hon. Alex-) '/ing would make mention of with enthu- . under Mackenzie just as he was entering? Zainsm. He was one of whom it couldbe the church for the morning service. As {said that he loved his Master, and governed soon as he had finished tho tirst Scripture." ,his life by the strictest principles of right- gleseon, which WM appropriate to Easter; eousuess. ii,s,y,fy: the reverend gentleman said:-- a At the evening service in the Central Pe' '0 pray it is fitting that I should: 'Prxmbyteriatt Church, Rev. David Me. Emention what was told me shortly; -Ts.vish spoke of the death of Hon. Alex. F,buore I came into the church, that, 'ander Mackenzie and made use of his ill? Hon. Alexander Mackenzie has entered) record to point out the power of honesty . into his rest. The event does not take as; and integrity of character. He showed how tia "rpriae. m, haves known for dtsys and;