I --,-----.-----.--- 'ML.--.-..--,-,..,..---- I i l i , " 'Q l internal arrangements in such a. manner V l ll k l M i, as will tend to the convenience of the! , members of the legislature. The library! is indebted to the thoughtful efforts of -------- 'Sir Oliver Mawat for being able to se- ' . . _ icure an exceedingly valuable addition of lhe Legislature 0isposes ol (pamphlets and ptqpueait'sotrs in regard to h . Canadian attains. The collection em- - braces over two hundred bound volumes, - fot mal Business. numbering altogether 1,367 papers. To _ the student of Canadian history is here ' offered information from authentic and I , , " ii. original sources of an intensely interest- A GALLERY FOR THE PROP] 1 ins and instructive character. An oppor- ___,___,____ tunity will now the had to arrange the Ivaluable collection of .ttles or Canadian A Number ot Annual Reports newspapers possessed by the library. dat- ing as early in the history of the country Submitted. as the first publication in the province, April 18, INS, so that those who are de. -._...-._t... sirous may, without inconvenience, be .7 , rt xxsnumos or run BLEND n Bum-tom) G'thrert "was to them. THE DEAF AND DUMB. an oe THB our AND DUMB " Inspector Chamberlain has made a BELituat--rmi1aBttt y. f " most satisfactory report ot the work . being carried on by Superintendent 'iiil: i Mathieson and his able start at the On- br I tario Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Theme was a brief suiting of the On- gig-lievilif. During dthe lpafvt 03min: year: .. l Pt . .. ' pup s were un er no we on n ne tamio legislature "Stet-9a" at which some 'mtrtitution--a58 males and 127 females. of the tkrcma1ities preliminary to the ac- Prom the opening of the institution, in tive work of the session were disposed 1871, to the close of the past year 943 pu- ot. When o great batch of petitiuns had one have received the 'benefits of its care been laid on the table. Mr. Marter in- and ii/d',tI,tt,,?"t, In ibis snaualhi-epgft to l ' the nspector o pr sonst Q r. at eson troduoerd a Ill to amend the liquor license I states that the deaf and those concerned act by prohibiting the sale of intoxicat- lin their education have made arrange- ing liquors by retail. It received its ttrat menu for a series of conferences at the reading. Upon the motion of Sir Oliver World's fair, at which the most eminent Mowaat a. uummitatee of twelve was up 'e',,tg'fY,1', tle 'll"l't'iitlg', will J,'J'i'r'l,'lt'. ' . " a, era a scuss ques ons o n ere: . pointed to strike the select atandllu, its" representatives are expected from committees of the house. The attorney- nearly all: Empenn countries, as well general also secured the passage ot a as from the United States and Canada. motion tor the appointment ot the fol- the meetings wilt be of unusual interest. lowing committee to act with the Th3 TatT11eJfl,'d"te/gde,wt'ont,'a(e _ . " we ve I speaker in the control and .','effe'f'",.','fl'.t, already accomplished a. dood dead toward ot (The library and ot the building ""th ensuring ERMtceEu. There will be two dis- "nttoraey-trenertu and Means. Harcourt, tinct conferences. having separate pro- Ross, Clancy, Gutihrie, Gibson (Huron), grammes and dealing with separate sub- 'Meredith. O'Connor. Preston and Wood Jegta. One will be composed ot officer" itHastings). . and teachers of the deaf who can hear ' Upon the motion to adjourn Mr. Claim and speak. and the other will be com-! ',cy called um. attention of the treasurer posed of deaf persons who. are similarlyt to the met that the pubuc accounts had employed. This latter gathering 'wlllfur-l tum been distributed to the members. nlsh the best possible example of what Mr. Hwy-count said that uhere must be has been accomplished in the education some mistake, as he had given instruc-' of the deaf during recent years, and ltlons for their distribution. He promised what the social and intellectual status to see no the matter at once. of this c1888 now lg. Mr. Meredith called attention to the Mr. Mathieson further states c-. rules slaverning Ithe admission of strang- " Extperhnents have recently been made em to the galleries of the Ihousa. He un- with the phonograph to test its useful- deegA'ood that a. ticket was required to nose in aiding the education of the deaf. admit Ito the public gallery. There should The trials have been mainly in the direc- be one gallery at least open to the pub- tion of recording progress in articula- lie without any ticket of admission. tion, and it is claimed that try its con- thr Oliver Mowat said that he agreed tlnuous and systematic use dormant hear.. with Mr. Meredith in this. , lng power may. in it meant: he 2tt,','gif: _ ' uocess so for has not een so mar - run 1aElusLATtvt: LIBRARY. Isles; to justify as general introduction who 1',r,?g, laid on the table of the into institutions for the deaf." house e report of PtTarien Prioa in The maintenance of Nteinatttatton cost regard to the Iecis.atlve library. Mr. In 1892 841672 " compared with "3927 Preston says that the removal of the li. duri iiiii ' . - to the" new Parliament buildings "g . , - furnished the occasion for re-classi- " Judy)" of ttle books and readjusting the