".4"! it *2. 3: _"s' . ' . . ' 5'13... FEiiaiilge2, , "In-{VJ of if?" , . , Vote ' "ii' T'? 'r "m' ii 'li' 'galml ta- membern t e . _t"e'ttttt I . . store than "t ' 5re%l in the province of Ontario. . . T house. the 'lJ't'lf,e,ut'tttte,it,"i"t'i? Mr. wtster.--To enable married women notion seemed to prevail it said the» r., to vote for members of municipal coun- Imam contemplated havi at the gov F. ' Mu. '.llort before another 'iTJlUofe1e'ai, elem. . BREVAN'I'S or run CROWN. It was only right to say tor the judges Mr. Meredith then moved for an order tion of the members and the public are: of the house for a return of the names l Ieraily that this was not so. They had al: of all persons who, during the year 1871, ways contended thatuthere should be a held ottice under the crown, or were em- "_'"--"-----------.---, V ' played in or in connection with any de- fourth session at the legislature before" partment or branch of the public service, an electron, and that would continue t iil together with a statement of the salary .be the policy ot the government. (AD- or remuneration attached to or payable Inlause.) I i Ur respect of each such ottice or employ- Mr. Meredith said Jhat the information ment; the date when each iiriii,iilji,i,i,ittl Just given was very satisfactory to the otttce was created; and for a like icturn house and to the country. lie had always tor the year1892. In support ot his resoiu- , held that there shouid'be a ttxed date tion Mr. Meredith claimed that the pub- tor the holding of a general election so ilc wouidbe startled when the return was that the public might not be kept in a brought down to find what a large in- I state ot doubt and suspense. crease there had been of late in the num- ; Che house then "burned. her ot officials ot the province. In 1871 I Vo'i'iz'or Tilk U? . the government council was composed of I , ', , ' C LKGltiLATURE. tive members; to-day there were seven. , bi? Ouver Mowats bill respecting dow- In the case of the minister of education I er .1: mortgaged property provides that a it might be said that there existed tatore wire cannot bring an action tor dower that the ofiice ot superintendent ot in- where she had Joined in it deed ot con- -struction. but there were many o'ricials veyance or had signed a deed in which now required to carry on that work, and her husband has conveyed land. The he was not sure they were all need-ed. I IN" aiso,.pc?vidy that where land is sold Then, in the case ot the department ot ' Iunder power 01.3. mortgage, the" wife ot agriculture, while the members on his "he mortgagot. Wall only have (lower in! side of the house were in favor of some- the surplus over and abow the amount thing being done for the benefit of the I ot the mortgage money. At present the farmers, they were not in favor of a min- I do-wer is calculated on the basis of the later of the crown being created to sup- I amount ot money realized from the aale erintend the work. It was most import- I of the land. ant that members of the house should I Sir Oliver Mowat's bill to extend the: KNOW Just how much more "up; paid out i tome for vesting estates in heirs or ate-l, now in salaries than in 1871, and how) visees enables executors and adminis-I many new othces had been created. I tpators to register caution more than 12 .. We have no objection whatever to the I months after the death of the icstatan motion of the hon. member," replied the I in cases where they have omitted to do attorney-general. The information he had I so within that time. I asked for was not new, nor was it any- I The attorney-gunerai's bill respecting thing different from what had been given I securities In the surrogate court provides] trom time to time in the public acccunts. I that the bond or policy of a guarantee The hon. member had taken an early op- I company may be accepted in lieu of the portunity of repudiating the action of his security required from executors, admin- friends at Ottawa in making appoint- I istrators and guardians, under the surro- ments as a reward for party services. and I gate courts at: he might rest assured that the Ontario I GIr. Dryden's hill it: provide further government would take all due care that I against the extermination of the plan: no appointments were made except such I called ginseng purposes to make the pre- I as were actually necessary. It was true sent act more effective. It declares per- I that there were more otncert, now than _ sons putnehtusing ginseng knowing; it to in 1871, but many new departments had _ have been gathered within the prohibited I been added to the government since then--. dates to be liable for the contravention departments that were absolutely neces- of the not. I sary owing to the growth of the coun- , The bill introduced by Mr. Irre1r?l try and the increase of public business. i purposes to give married women Inc. He would venture to say that the public l, same rights in regard to the liading of I officials to-day were just as fully occu- ,' property as those now enjoyed by ',i,',',') pied as ever before, and that they were married women. no more in number than in 1871, consid- 'Mr. Balfour in his bill to amend thei ering the difference in the circumstances voters' lists act propose.', a simpiitieation I ot the country. of the procedure in regard to notifyinnl rm: MIDDLESEX BECdSTRARRHIP. I 2:33;: whose names are appealed _ I Mr. Meredith then moved for an order _ Mr. Waters' bin to amend the muni- ' lor the house for a return showing how I cipal wot provides that in iixinz the I often in the past ten years the ottice of ttua.yctieation of candidates for election to registrar ot deeds for the north and a municipal council on a leasehold no east tidings of the county of Middlesex deduction shall be made on account of had become vacant, the dates when the I "liens, charges or incumtwances" against vacancies occurred. and when they were _ it. The bill aiso corrects a clerical error lined, and, It the ottice is now vacant, in the provision ot the act relating to how long the vacancy has continued. I notice of appeals in dra'mage cases This subject, said Mr. Meredith, is not I Mr. Waters' proposed amendment of the very new either. During the past ten; assessment act abolishes all personaLty years the ottice mentioned had been va- 1 assessment and ejassmos the income tax cant twice, the last vacancy, which oc- 1 under seventeen heads. curred tout. years ago, not yet having been I ' . ' ' .. I tilled. lie deplored the practice ot keep- 5 "mm" T '".".TR" ' . ing olheet' ot such Importance (izingiingI Hon. Mr. Gibsons bill on the "hid before party friends, waiting perhaps for i problem is an effort to meat an outgrowth some gentleman to decide whether he I ot modern oivWaation, and to provide in would like to till it or not. A case in i a practice) way for the care of dependent point. he said, was the appointment of a I children as wards of the state. It has member of the house during . long been a recognized fact that the the past year to the registrarship I criminal population has been largely re- or Heel. Such ottices, he concluded. it'I plenished from "he, "9" ected children necessary at all, should be tilled as soon I elemint, 39d the bill provides, in brief; as possible. so that there might be no in- tt,tiutttio'1f"1ttyTie2lfiri1ttd,f as): £§§f£t3n gene]""'""""' caused to the public ser- from begging, singing on the' public, in reply, the attorney-general stated gagtspfggesm'mgO22:53?15222150335 g; tat,ttel1iiitienP2fly 2222' 'T/',',ru'7//; taking part in yieatriel ?errorrtyyyres, did ai pretend to say that it 'wés a corny unless specially licensed to do so. Where _ I ts are proved to be utterly unworthy mon thing to keep such oilices long va- _ Daren . . ot me care or guardianship of chuidren. cant. it being the policy of the govern- and where th hild u if i ft it iS,isiFl ment to till up vacahues as rapidly as . ' e e t'en e H nel care are likely to become outcasts from circumstances would permit. In the par- soc'ety 'the courts may sever the par- ticular case mentioned the public was entail relational" and cornm't the chil- .not put to the slightest inconvenience. dren to the 'uafdianshi of a children's as the duties of the office. were discharg- aid , . l p C.' . society or other duly qualified organi ed as carefully and faithfully as anyone zation to be placed In a foster home could desire. The appointment ot Mr. Flor the expense of maintenance the par:1 _ Chisholm to the registrarship ot Peel was ents w'll be compelled as far as possiblel one that ttavedreat satisfaction through- to pay." per week for etuett child and out the ridinx. to both Conservatives and tai"inr . - . ' . ' _ ' a. this, the municipality from which ttetormerB. These were the only two the child comes must pa the amount cases that had been mentioned and in y . both an adequate and Bt tisfa tor. reason For the supervision of these foster homes could be given. a c Y throughout the province the bill provides Hon. -Mr. Gibson then 1e on the table! I .2; ttnp/f,'."',',',";,'",,,',',',),','):,',',':,',,"':',); tk Dumber ot itepartmenth".' report, andl direction of the whole work a provincial the report ot the commission on rtott'oitii officer or state guardian will be appoint- ing. ed. Br this system it is expected that