' compare favorably fri-tttte we? , w any. Aer-government in or outsido I Cttt ', ' 9. = the expenditure on' coloni- _ Mr. Davis took issue with ' _ He had visited parts of that , Buntry, and had .taken pains Eil . -- some of the roads and bridges 'jtw' Fttovernment funds, and found " e tiers, on both sides of politics n , a; it to be of eitvatrttdvututarro . 0- . 4 n getting their products to mar- Iret I ttave those roads opened up. It Would be a great. disappointment to them it the government discontinued to expand public mommy in that way. The popula- tion on the whole was inrteaslttg, not decreasing, and in some towrushlps very marked increase had taken place within the lust few years. lt' this was to be the policy of tho opposition it certainly would tind no sulpport-rs among the rate- paywt's in those stitions. 39a destiro-d to call the attention of over)! Wor'kin.c,urtan in Ontario to :ht- tlnancial statement which Mr. Han- iurt hid made. It wowlti bring vomt'oz-t 1o every homo. troit:susc, it showed that tho human: were being lifted from th, prutpltu, while ample provision was Wing mano for the rudircit- titm ot tin- young; and the (Jr) of thos- whose tttisrovttmeo, tnzui- thwn depot: out I upon tho s'ato. Tho gov-rumour Would l ' nut) 'tho policy "hiwh wirv.ld bring l illlliiii,iii.iii prosgmr-ity to the rn'ople province. tA m-lzt asp.) Dir. Whitney mow-d th,. adjournment or the debit». It was 10.30 p.11). win-n tho house ad- Journed. I _-a-I-r--- - -----ee- _