-""r"'eT'T" . (iti?fr"c'i.%rd'C'""' . l I, .. . _,_, 'wwm'idd' defe aakitirssri.Atiitir, F g '-, ' .;~ . 3:3. not-en we decree-e our Iii-plug to, e . ' ' , -- t T unitary? fit, t'dtp,p',ta"rgtttut frTi,trd'/t,t1t,t We been "skin and replace them with the. enemies: such as Phases ttlt at the "if" m From 1372 to use. melt-we, 'wo m ym that we gm"? 'tLtrotstti ' "W" ' F .Dromptly retired these railway hid cell-tin. ice. may an impure 'dftet2',',',,e, epidm eaten. which represent the runny out. some day 'GG to ts'tmDar iIllvuly. any cations of the province incurred in it. nearer home Th . " '"rloqrtrotWar. d ' . e members ot this home ' pioneer m. our total expenditure for cam do much, our newspapem, the . _ this one purpose for the period named best agency we ha " f ed very being 8.668.098. We also retired the oer. public in cami'tmry "not; umttattt the titH.a,tes which matured 'in 1888 1889 mud much in the .. . Ir-tp' doing 1800 od m ' _ ' "may ot dimming those pri, ' a pa out in doing so $744.65. In inclines which seem to inter! . ' T other words. in Ir, years out of 21 we increasing Gaiiiri of. 'gt, with the paid off our maturing railway certificate, It 1. ttr be hapledastsm; lei. 811l l,, 7 the day they became due. In 6 years only prompu. aid on 1 . people _ " out of 21 have we postponed payment every ,y "me sl1r,ee2oit'i1,",i,t'"aost't1i v. . ' l »- i as o. [ 3y means of our sales at annuities. .We strengthen their defences and thus se- ft.'.,:',""', puma: during the years re- ac,'tr.t.u1e.eyyy.Tt.t.lytlv. speaMbng, at any Date. e."red to been 0 ot our large excep- an immunity from some of the very we"; lion-at expenditures during those yearn. forms of dlrreatre which atrtict humanity. :3th ails that " connection with the con- "out provtoeiall board, as we all know, uct on of th,Nge rtew buildings. It w.U as an more than one occasion during not be necessary to sell annuities this the ten years of its existence proved its xffilof' Ity year, inasmuch as we wr.t it,,t'ffudlt,'e',1: No manner how well timed tlieL Milne fund-s who-rewith to retire in .,exftlhmt,eur health Legislation may _ l maturing .rnilwry, add certitieauea ht It can Ginny produce the desired re- um meet all our other "retylirentents. 'Pei? through the active 'irr0erventiora ot, To ("in" up .wmt! q Wham} to say "5 m skillful extrems 'W'h'o have speciain aevot'd our recobts for the year. t will only add. ed themselves to the iovustigatiop of the 'l','.eh1,'/re,d.rfrt IWL'l notice,» that "my $111101? cmnditlons and cireutatataawe. w tr l , n excess oi. our estimate. . _ ttlet, the diffusion or the preven- ,1.1 est melted that We, would receive w,- le" fCrPr1a'se. Outs boards aitn, as do your... We mctually received 'tA67,478, a alt .hieulshh departments, at making t'he difference on the right side ot tt,190,90ti. sanitary sexpetrienoes of very. locality a. I speak, ot course. or ordinary receipts, guide "aniline lot-cu! boards and authori- and Jo not "Wilde payments made to us ties ith "My other locality. Its ottlcerg on account of. drainage debentures, or the by 'twmrr'iyet't.ng the causes of the pre- lproceeds ot the sale of our annuities. ",een1c,t ot infections diaeaaea in this or . . _ _ t Atl I :31. 'Ay', in' mi. .I'crrnce uqth the l YAPb'.yHur0Pal. _ . ' __f, . . ' . e .ocaJr i I will] now speak brietiv of the e endi- KitiNS' :3. examining :the §amiitary con-, tures ot 1892. Our eVpénditure P.? .. r one. fy".,".-' sinful mporming out the government was under the sum (1:83:11; Jp"tte'T,1(,ti'n,e.nd Idet-erzmmng the cause who) It exceeded the , l F _ t, 'peeled furatigiihea the... . expenditure 021m itrest possibe 1rvusbtutiocn ot the immense owing partly to the tact that a new de- ivirhte of "In etnriont sank" d Th l C any epartaneut partm- ht had been added, via., the bu- sand-d ot the [Lulu fact uhat sanitation and reau or mines. which entailed an expen- lyralc/'c'r: g0 ivn'cthtrx: That sanitary i diturels . . . ' . .._._ I'-'-,", tat- _ a t Your 01%.161. the usefulness monument m bugand has been marked at) such? bureau is not questioned. ln- lift tsonttars'ively shown by the fact that to . an arc burned our not Mug 'iWe don't-h. rage from cholera has rapidly more money in connection with the di- {lilnlllilsett'l ott tltr: :'uxtsgul of pug-v1 tUIC- ve.opment of ourlminerai resources. Our Li'",".'.'.?.,.',','::,' Gummy)" These out2trealta, oct. _ first expenditure to: the bureau ot mines ruining after lnlcx't'ms ot several years" 1ii,iiiiy.i.i 1891. the uncut" being ".630. which i'vs ti.en.ua/l,v viru.cnt. so that the mark in that year was charged. however, not :ed uimrnution in the death rate 'pr. . under civil government, but under crown Willy br' ullribnzcd to sanitary - lands tspcwiit.ure. lNo such diminution own be porifted to iri . ' The Vullllnt: of work in the insurance :9mf31' 1u'uvopoao countries where tsanitary . 1ioputrtrttci. has greatly increased. and Valuation has been Less active and where . . this involvre; additional expense. This _edtilaeieot Within dapwriiments have ai" . lust im-rwsc is more than counterbar. _i,beett, estuu1s'hod. 1zt the light of Mat anccd, huth'Vei'. by the increased revenue [years "Au""'"'.'"' We. may rejoice to know titurivcd from mu same- department. to i than an c'vr'v-inrcu'taising. attention is being which i have dirt-21y allude-a, As is to [paid P matters of health and quarantine bo expected. thc Wt rk of the various de- H a_1'y1l that the gospel ot pure water, em.. pmtnwnts is constantly expanding. An ieftt,1Sffa.i.t,,ytef, 8'90 cleanliness generally csvcr-inctitt'i.ry,' Volume.- ot' business re- 1'3 1)tiP.'i.:ti,reie.t.ej..s' preached inmost the uuires more "van,", from time to time. . (whole world over. Within " period of live years, for ex- TAF'. i'l'iliJ'il Nt.' PT' , ample, tho worlt in thc treasury depart- For C',',.,),.',,,:;':,',,"" It: 1'T11TTrT _ ment has utmost doubled. Within that "mul't' ti 7/ ). [M- spent nanny $5,000 time tho number or letters received by :1" on"; tld J; f'e,"y//.fi' "(e did not spend the dclxu'lmcut and the number sent has "qu .gllcheas' uiiriayl1,.ho.fi,'gd it: my", more than ambled. in its? we issued Ir.. ','_ r " ary. ' . - , l " t... other hand the stationery prim- 10 till cam-ks, in.) in 189.: H.618. The some iirrv, and bindin 'at . .,. _ ' . a g accounts " ere unusually statement applies to Hit: othel depart- 11,". It is in th . . _ . , I pn.. = power ot the house moms and it thc work is to be efticient- I'm-'1 of th t .'. ,. " ' . ' -,t' ls' ._. , - CV. g ir' Filming committee to mm ly Io/li),,'.'" inumetd expenditure is un Ionic oorttrol tuest?.items. " extensive rte. "in ll'lLKil" comparisons between differ- i,ly1',.."t'i1n",t,n1rviye"ginaoi:t' sig',',:'),")')'," and large a a. " C". .; _ " I . . lie 1 are nsiste upon the out yt'z'ltt's ',xja.icontec,"";t,g'(,jri.,'iut'hTt"1'2i 'I.r:iytt',ieiciy in cannot-lion with the ex- , 'e',fp')tahulllli,' for sell-tries and expenses 1r:,'Lfr),,e1"sla'1',otinf)d'p11vt b'to "Ml-printing and -. in connection with :ducatiloll were not it.',;':?,:.:,',)"?::.),;,;,;,.'." l 'd.,",,,.',')' catty "d,,? 3:6 charged to civil government until 1879, extra printing in Cu'ncrt' . a and 3that the transferring of mechanics' EWOI'k of lusi'scssmn 1"veocitse,'la't,ivta1teo'g _ institutes from agriculture to education imoney. For diam-pie. the statutes Tdd in 158611380 added to the cost of civil gow lsossinn 1ocrtam 1.000 macs. being twice eraunent. Ins many as the volume ot Harm'- PROVINCIAL ll EAL-r" BOARD. _ ' year. The volumes: for et"',,,',','",', 1889, tair-. , t the rovince is not be.- en togetmr, coma n only pages. The . in',1i.1"iot,'d'leteJ'as I' a mare costly manner i cost ot tinting.- the statutes of 1892 was Cw than 'nLereto'ort' From time to time W,394. The 189i volume cost only $3,5lth ,',',1',' halve'fieen competed to make provis- Last year's 'Voiumt- is the largest we have T to new ee-rv'ccs and to undertake er'et' lulbiistlci The volume containing 0:w functions. ii,' spent last year on the wusohduwd municipal and assess- account ot the provinciaittsoard ot health mfnt acts. so useful to all municipal" $80" 1. sum exceeding the average of ofticors and the public generally, cost thewiast ich years by 8701. We cannot over sum. In 1887 we had six volumes overestimate the importance of the work ot .sesssiuna) ' papers. ooestainintr 4.592 i d to this board of the vast in- page. in Isle, /Wt' had eight volumes. mgne I tilted to 'its keeping. At Containing 5.8210 pages. The printing and tel"",,'!, com"... ' we may well consider binding of the six volumes cost $4.704. tt,,y',',gt"tww'auv"1l"Gl)'ietm'lrlt and usefulness while the cost of the eight volumes was thinking" gay tii.'rii"s"Jii The dread vislia- $6,867. The number of the reports and m" 'h wry" inn-t year from wnich. other ottic+al documcnts pubiidhed for 130'" cc',,,",-',':',',,"-; so fortunately. escaped, and tho, legislative assembly and the depart- this C "I'2 . . . ibe a fresh outbreak incurs has boon steadily increasing. There the rear were '31" _ wiiLureaa this has been an increase in the number of as .v"i1t,"dt,,ff re'1o/t1ini' care and cuu- more than Cd) per cent. since 1887. The year att h al" of all those whose duty number tpohrished last year exeeMtlbtttat , Mon on.t e p, wa to safeguard the of 1891 by 311000. We, spent for publishin' it mils "1,12%". YNM "my have tints?" rc-pwris $12,6ty) more ittt 1892 than we " c e. . . nave to keep in View the p9essibr'dty ot an did in 18.57. " outbreak of cholera; we must 'Pydt: ' ADMINISTRATION warmer. ' mam-bar than towards the t'ett5 of I'.' l For administration of Justice we speni'l' , year and share that time both typhoid mum. Being $7.279 less than we spent