.1235? ""'e" '1 , -. m-"P'. . n_'.-'r I... "'Pra'rTj'.iea _ Depgted- m the, when; _, - "a; l . . Us. ' te.; 'rrri'ilic'rc.. no; _ -sembly-a-a 3. . .. 'em, '_. New» '_.v_ .. 'ret:------""'"": /iS"d, an i 'err'" .Tlmrsday. A"! l - _ 'Phe budget dehtuttir.1ra" continued in 'y,, f4 It 'house to-day, an "iPWse 3004 "' ' 'IB' were made. Mr. eat It 00381-9: length reviewed a. criticized the I = cy of the government in dealing with the timber resources We province. which he declared were bail dealt with a lit they were inexhaustible. Mr. nal.. _ Nur, who always speaks well and to the point, answered the arguments which had been advanced by Mr. Whittfey, and com- pletely Justified the course which had been pursued by the administration. Mr. H. IP. Clarke, who has addressed the house on very few occasions indeed since he became u. member, brought joy to the hearts or his leader and political associ- ates by demonstrating to the house his debuting ability. Which he did in a halt hour's speech bristling with points fav- arable to the contentions at the opposi- tton. --' - _-- , F T The following: bills were intrikriiiiiiiriiBtr read a tirst time _ Mr. Mciit-nzit- (East. Lamtrtonr--a?o atnvnd ' liquor license act; to amend t'co untnrio sip regulations act. Dr. Barr (Itenfrowr--To amend the workmrny'.s compensation for injuries act: to amend the not in respect to contracts running to goods entrusted to agents. Dr. AIeaclram-To amend the pharmacy Bet. Upon the orders of the day being called Mi. Mertuith called attention to the fact "tut prwatc legislation had been initiated this newton by mmnbcrs ot the qosttrtmr. mont. which, ho and. is contrary to tho Britiish parliamentary practice. Tilk nt'nmz'r IrEt5q'rtt, ' Mr. "'hitnoy. who ts on, of the abtent of Mr. 3retedith'.s lieutenants, continued the budvit debate. He opened with a few general otmorvations. during which he mull i".. t-unplimutt to the t'itytertt,.ltte,r the ublo [thinner in which he had present- cl its 1itoauclal statomc-nt. Then he turtts mi his nitration to Mr. Ir.viv.s, and come; . H' ~ntl-tl upon sumo of the things that he. had amid while addressing the house on 'rwsduy nigitz. He expressed some sun 1-21"- tixwt Mr. Davis should have con- . sutured it nmw'ssat'y to felicitate the (time: upon the- ".'rom;tance that no charge of mnladministratlon or wrongdoing had bum mud" against the government. In this ("unfit-vita?! ho pointed out tht bad. as the mia-'Ilmnls of the province of Que- lnt- Wore, ths. manner in which that pro- anoo had relieve" itself from the cloud that vau- mmt upon it would he an ex- ntnpw to all the countries of the earth. Stir. Hurt-Hurt 11reierved (from: for two I' "rs "in attain-him: to his tirtancial state- ment d'hls the existent-v or which had titherto in" n denial. Since this was done Mo. upomitiun members had been able to :w) back to their constituwnts and show thorn the proof of what they had been toiling thr-tu. As w result ot this there was now hoard Vil)' little talk about a surplus. \thru tho sumiius one oatmeal- c i no man had ever disoovered. It was (lo-m), and the place of interment was um lift-mun. The house was told that thel ":nlwr supply of (intnrio wan unlinr'tcd, nod that the: supply of Michig'rn and Wu; (Justin Wm: 1iiosiue inexhaustible. But the trims. at which the supply of rit'er, wouid tu. cxhaustod could be reck- rm-J up in tive minutes. Yet the gov- (rnmwn' Wont on 3'"an the timber Just an it the supply would never come to an out]. It was practically impossible to arrive at the truth hy tnvrstigatio.ns be.. fore tho public accounts Cdmmi'ttee, be- "WW those ,who desired the fullest in. glilfy'gintlo £11301 public accounts were not "'09 Whirl-1.21 to-opcrutlon md mfuq'V ' ' .. 5.. mild ho ".9001"de them by mvtnlw.."s of ttho houam The charge had than ttt.ide 04:1 tho floor of the how. that tin'y Wit',' u. lumizan mmmlttoe. ilo had tnp-Tu to K"! from the architect some int rotation in l't'L'Lil'il to ttho expenditures tti.c't tlt,' ""W li'ItMln'nn-nt bul'dings. but he was frustrated in this. Tin- govcrn- ' m In? haul mmla it wont boast of the fact tin: tin-re had tstuart no extras. but entry l s'tr,rlrt'trIt!s.',rrlrort tJVf't' the original amount oi" Iv:tif " million toted was an extra ; so that Liv-re were tltree-qucrters of a mil- linn dollar's of extras. ll.- had also m -' an effort to Invest'c.,m.to some matters l £7: connection with the colonization r but Superintendent Simpson. after siil: prs.mritrr,' min: before a, committee without tin necessary documents. disgppcared _