w---- . . --,'. v»»;.: ,,{'_ 3 f s '-:: -- ¥ * i ie ol * lt -- -- l grrne mt +~ _ r flle countny"m&rfi, e g FIRST READINGS, iways béen the law that a man shzoml The bills introduced and read a first have a right to recover damages from time were :-- _&n emiployer where an accident tvay caus-- Mr. Sprague--To amend the limited part-- ed through the negligence of the latter, So nerghip act. long as a farmer had power to enter into I ; Mr, Waters--To amend the act respect-- an agreement with his heip as to liabil-- ing medicine and surgery. ity that ought to be sufficient. f | Mr. Bishop--To amend the municipal Mt. Waters said the bill was one that | act. p should be carefully considered, *The ' Mr. Wood (Brant)--To amend the divis-- greatest danger to which farmers and| ion courts act. C their mep were exposed were such as the | Mr. Balfour--To nnwn('l the act respect-- fanmer could.not prevent. | ing joint stock companies for supplying Mr. B Fedith--Then he wowd not be | cities, towns and villages with gas and Iiawble. / * 2. §5¢ s1 water. < Dr. Barr (fiu!'fnx'in) spoke of the hard-- | Mr. McColl inquired if the government ships uf'Lh-" farmers' lng and the hl,v;wit\*:',-- | hm'l _rflf:ol\'e'l any communication from mass of their case when they got into the | {\l\:;I\ ';\i":r;::rril:]ttf'get:I"U:f(,:ltl';\)-t(\)'r ':::.]'.i?-n:xkiillllg ]..:1::'"].\_ I)!' uo '.1L\\')'LTI'S. j i sectinn'3, chapter 30, hS o. _ it 5o. Tromm Mr, Wood (Hastings) said that u.nd?&" dustry., were considered prisoners under [('f)m'mun law farmers should be 1 just whom,and what replies had been given ? the same as any other clas§$ for @ Also, did the government consider it that occurred through negligence. compulsory to hold an inquest over the * Mr. Hiscott objected to the alusid tlm\.lh of every inmate of county houses 'm.ul'- to the poverty of the farmers of of lml:mt.ry ? | this country. 'They were, he said, as able P Ir: reply the attorney--general said :-- | | to pay their way as anyone else. It was 'My deputy has received a communication | I:L disgrace to speak commiseratingly of fl'Om_ the county crown attorney of Eigin | | them, as they were the class that had + inquiring whether inmates of county | buiit up this country. (Applause.) Some houses of industry ' are consiGered pri-- f P amendment should be adopted, but he was soners under section 3, chap. 80, R. 8. 0. | | not prepared to say just what. 1 think that it is not compulsory to hu'd' \ 'The measure was then referred for l an :n(]ll.".\'l over the death of every in-- consideration to a& committee consisting \ maite of county 'houses of industry. 1' of Mesrss. Waters, Wood (Brant), Dry-- | think an i(n-]u«st on a death in a house of | den, Barr, McCoill, Garrow, Miscampbell, industry is compuisory in the case of | Whitney, Mackenzie (W. Lambton), Barr those inmates only who are prisoners, if | (Renfrew), Clarke, Hanty, Hiscott and | there \uwf iny such. The 462nd section of Sprague. | :h' ""'"""'ll'u'_ act provides for the mak-- EARLY CLOSING OF STORES. ng of by--laws by the council of a city c B. I 7 t or town for committing to the house of Mr. '""]\'.'.']Zio (.h' ."""'.1.],'"1")' moved the industry disorderiy persons and others Fu""'"'? reading of 'h]_q biit o o7 am("nd ")f') thierein mentioned. These persons so com-- | Untario "'"'. P d Sn en 2o fl(\t',. ;\fth(mgn mitted would be prisoners, and an inquest l M 2 !»3'.-_'1 x:u'- isure it nnp.:lo«] a great would, I suppose, be necessary in the case x y r'.'uzn_'.;;, '1 iat on :x.nd after a cer-- of any of them who shou'ld die in the AOlse l tain 1~l ite it should /l;e an offence :L.;;m:xst to which they had been committ d . '[','v_,.' |1:1~ ..'lv\\' 'r' k'«-l'[v" ;\'xAz."..vs' U]N,"H V"fl U{'["»\ rep'y of the deputy. att rney--general to !I\" "'HIH.'I\ o e h'l.'lnd.'.ur "\,'.'l},""::" ."L the county attorney will be in ac-- | ]"l\".'m" !'."'l'l." t \\'.11m P'ck Urx s cordance with what I have said." ""'1 Pb O h'.s ]{l"u\-'""[ or? t_h"._ !,,roun.d Mr. Meredith called the attention of '"."'." the health of omP ')'\_""'\ was jeopat-- & inister of ki SVA |dized thereby, amd, further, that late the minister of education to the case of , [ hnd Saturdavy nigt involved S | Adam Scott, a superannuated teacher who i ':i:.'\:p \.:'liix".'.l in baagur ons\ ~>;=.> % tave 6 % mc . mnAmeattik h s Dout! reaking,. i ;a:i}:lls -"(".f",l,)'l"?' "'"l_'"' his full re-- | i Messns. Mackenzie (W. Lambton), C. C. iring a2llowance, in accordance with leg-- | | 1> v "ancy spoke against the bill islation enacted governing his case | [Fied and Clancy spoke against the bill, In reply or s * munge aon tu _ | | anmd at the request of the attorney--genéra ln rep'ly Hon. Mr. Ross explained m..i 1 49 rover unwilling consented to let the circumstances and promised that any in-- | if]""'l.,t"ly_'\d", ,ll:'mh"'lh Amemiadt / f justice done Mr. Scott would be rectified. ' The following measures received their TO PREVENT BALLOT--BOX STUFFING. | second reading:-- Public bills and orders were next taken | To amend the ditches and watercourses up, and Mr. Balfour moved the second |act--Mr, Waters. reading of his bill to amend the voters' ! To amend the municipal act--Mr. Ray-- lists act. He explained that it w is to side and Mr. Campbe (Durham). provide for the easier removal from th Private bills read a second time were-- lists of names of parties who had moved | Mr. Harty--Respecting local improve-- oust of the district and 'were no ]"""':"Y.'l ments in the city of Kingston. eligilble to vote. When it was considered Mr. Gibson (Hamilton)--Respecting the ' advisalbe to remove any name the party Hamilton Street Rallway company. | might be notified by fegistered letter at | Mr. Monk--Respecting the Rideau club. | least six days before the sitting of th« | Mr. Biggar--Respecting certain agree--| court. In this way it was hoped that th | menkts between the vilage of Airvinston | tendency to bailot--box stuffing would be |and the Grand Trunk Rallway Co. of | prevenited, as there wou'd not be the same | :('-"- vda facility for introducing strangers. I E Mr. Dryden--To amend the charter of Mr. Meredith agreed that the practice ALocQaster university, of stufling the lists should be prevented, e but care should be taken not to (]w,.:']\»! ' men of their right to vote without _]'um! | cause. l The attorney--gencral said that the ~~h-' ject of the bill was an important one, and it was very desirab'le that i; should be carefully considered in committee. (On ' his motion the folowing were appointed | to report on the bill :--Messrs. Fras r, Biggar, Davis, Garrow, Guthrie, Hardy, Meredith, Monk, O'Connor, '.\"nilnn-'\' Wood (Hastings), Clarke, Balfour and the attorney--general. | LIABILITY OF FARMERS, Mr. Sprague moved the second reading of his bill to "amend the act respecting | comper tion to workmen in v\'-'l'i.lill 1-- cases." The 'bill provides for the v\-' emption of farmers from*liability for ac-- cidents that may happen to the hired man. The attorney--general said that a large number of petitions had been received from farmers claiming that it was a great hardship to hold them liable. He was not prepared at the moment to say | that the amendment proposed would meet 1 the case. One case had been brought to his attention where a man 'had recovered dammages from a farmer and almost ruin-- ed him. They al knew that it was a pretty hanrd struggle for farmers to get along these days. 'The laiw before seem-- J ed to work well as regards farmers and it might perhaps be restored. Mr. Meredith said there was a tendency in the house to give in to large bodies 1 instewd of doing what was right. It \\;.\: a'l right enough to talk about the [Hu'.l" | farmer, but what about the poor hired | J man ? 'The farmers seemed to be ,,',m_f | plaining of the way in which the common ]