e _ d t * R ; C € < ' F n ccumcmmmmmmmemems, ponitics and taking bart in Poiftical fagets ' debt of the city otm l 11e ings which was mocl':n;mvgmfil X Mr. Bronson--To an act respect-- holding the office he did. He was glad 'ing St. Andrew's church, Ottamwa.. . to learn that Mr. Quiball's appointment * -- Mr. Lockhart--To consolidate the debt was merely temporary. f --0f the town of Bowmanyvliie. Sir Oliver replied that there was no Mr. McKay (Oxford)--To conso'lidate the correspondence, and there could be no . debt of the town of Ingersoli. object for the motion. He knew notm'uz Mr.° Harty--Respecting the school of of Mr. Quiball having taken part in politi-- | m,;,' and agricuiture. cal meetings. He believed him to be a MAGISTRATES IN NIPISSING AND ALGOMA. very eficient officer. * us The motion was withdrawn. :--What are -- the :, n:(mesr. Y:c:lm;yoatg?nkceg addresses of the ope 40 wotin KoTE i N C¥I 4 different police or stipendiary magistrates Mr. Wood (Brant) moved the second in the district of Algoma and the district reading of his bill, "To amend the general of Nipissing ?° What are their salaries. road companies act.'" In doing so, he and duties respectively ? Are any of the ; stated that this legislation was proposed appointments temporary, and if so, which ?.} with a view to compelling owners of toll Sir Olver Mowat in rep.y said :--The; gates to reduce the fees charged in the names and postoffice addresses of the stip-- case of light loads and conveyances. At endiary mag'strates in the district of Nip-- . present the same rate was charged for issing are, Wm. Doran, Southern Nipis-- light loads going short distances as for ' § s sing, North Bay nostoffice, salary, $1,600 ; heavier loads going farther on. The own-- « E. B. Borron, Northern Nipissing, To-- ers of these privileges had for a quarter 1 ronto, saary, $1,300. of a century now been profiting in this * Stipend'ary magistrates are appointed way, and could well afford some slignt | ! hority of section 3 of the concession. The law he proposei was one | under the aut ¥ * unorganized territory act (R. 8. O., 1887, that prevailed in England. While there | cap. 91) and hold office during pleasure. lwere many in the house who favored the { 'The powers of a stipendiary maflisgat;' abolition of all toll gates, it was difficult I defined by sections 5, 7, 12 an o T & Bd Wet, and" may be sttortiy statedy is | Ti empne en a oo mt onen . _ [ | fo;jm; :tolx:n;':; sfgxt'l'fcnt A;bl;e.;il::";]':k"i: }eglslatlon would aid in relieving a burde: I [a 3. :P elt by many farmers. | appointed. is Mr. Meredith expressed the view that _ Under section 7 he has fw.l power to do the obnoxious gates should be abolisne i | alone whatever '3h?"'mrt:"d b'l'. ?nt);n::atl(; altogether, and Mr. Whitney favored th» | ute in force in this province rela r go L com zx::,uers within the legislative authorllt)y | mf&:gre' ft was allowed to go to com-- j of the legis.ature of the province to be two or more justices of the peace. Thie PuauMacy act, ' f cl!,":::;e!"»;ecllon 7 he has power to appoint [ br McKay moved the second rom: a keeper for every common gaol in his tA SiH "t9 Amendq the ';utrm-' road district, etc. Under section 18 he is au-- Phe bilLi¥as l*l;u'hdc-d hepraid ? YA thorized to act as division court judge the nreve * rraubradbutimed \| k * , e college councii to regulate the exa . with the like jurisdiction andi pjov';ers ';s nations to correspond with the d_;. | essed by county court judges in me i l artan' ; ~ | g{\?lsxl'::s courts in counties, and to per-- 1)12:1":::;?:'"31'*')1"?"0';! of thei educatis insl form like duties. He aiso has power to to exclude f om Hembershto us froni! s offences under the summary trials act, ABiCa mobil, Dhambership _ or from i tl? 5. 0. can. 116 » ';m{ e on the board wholesale dealers. Lt ( . _ 8. O., --pdire+s * > (letines the qualifications of persons de-- | 'There is no stipendiary magistrate in strous of serving as apprentices, :;nvl | Shover ho is' youss mepitGares: "W.. a toes away with 'the priviicge of" gradu. | i as MEeCe_ ' h thna iAtes in Great Britain registering unaer Quibe'!, Sudbury, was 3"'3,'"::3 tor"t h: the pharmacy act of Ontario. Tgiu.- Tok xi :;?;'xt:fofl «')\Jg':??m?)? ex.el:?lae 'jlfirlsdlc- son for ths latter change was that the m in those portions of these districts eolemes in Great Britain did not recipro-- lm;l'l:'ll r;l)n each lslde of the Canai¥an Pa-- cate in this matter. Several drugs are {fl,.egraj'\\'a)' commencing at & line drawn added to the list of drugs scheduled as C * » C h Cl | poisonous. *" There was considerable op-- through a point two miles east of Sud | sition," h L. " i bury and extending westerly to @a line | position, e continued, th'rou,houc the drawn through a point tWo milés west country to this measure. The druggists aR;'d t Station. | 'This Furisdiction has had a clause in it originally -- depriving °fbs- (renitty beent extended 0d P ereast general merchants of the might to sell :g 'gqnlxo ir;z-'u;le the townships of Neelon ordinary patent medicines. When that and Dryden and on the west by inclhrling ' measure was discussed by the drugzists the territory from Ridout to Chapleau. themselves, even the members of the as-- His a-ppolm'mem is temporary, probably sociation admitted that the provision was » for a few months only. George Burden Aa monstrous one. There was no mor» af A'gxoma Mills was appointed po.ice reason why there should be danger from A istrate for the district of A'goma at selling a patent medicine out of a retail ' a salary of $1,400, to only exercise juris-- | iry goods store than out of a drug stor«. | diction in that portion of the district which | The druggists said it was not their in-- s rle d White-- tention to interfere with the sale of mos: y lies ween Sau't Ste. Marie an ite fish 'ake and extending twenty miles of thes epatent medicines, but they said ; h north of these points, the office to be that they simply objected to a numberl held during peasure. These po.ice mag-- of patent medicines that were dangerou« istrates possess the same powers and to the public. Some patents, said to cur~ ; perform the same duties as ordinary | drunkenness contained more alcohol than po'ice magistrates I was dispensed over the saloon bar, and P Mr. Preston secured an order of the medicines supposed to cure the opiuis | house for a return of the information notw hlblt"dld more to foster it than other-- f previously brought down giving the dates wise, of all crown timber sales from i8 to Beveral members cried "Lost" when 1892, the number and extent of the differ-- it was proposed to pass the bill to com-- 1| ent timber berths in square miles and the / mittee, and the attorney--general gave \ ' prices obtained. f | &n assurance that the -- objectionable I ¢ f o s clause had been entirely eliminated [ THE PARK HOSPITAL sCHEMWME, & Dr. FPreston and Mr. Waters dressed | Mr. Preston moved for a return giving down the drugrists for having even the report of the commlttoei thought of putting such iniquitous legis-- of the senate, of the University of | lation on the statute books but Mr. Toronto appointed to inquire into the' Meredith mildly interposed that the bill } erection of the biological buildings, with | as at present was not so far out. On motion | the evidence upon which the said report | of Dr. McKay the bill was referred to is based ; also conies of all correspond-- | the following special committee :--Hon,. ence with the government regarding the | Mr. Ross, -- Messrs. Meredith, _ Baxter, proposed Park hospital, and ali papers | Meacham, Gilmour, Willoughby, Dowl-- | relating to the said Park bospital, and ing, Preston, Ryerson, Wiley, McMahon. all reports of any action taken in regarl | Wood (Hastings), Waters, Bishop, Mc-- to the said Park hospital scheme, or re-- | Kay (Victoria), Field, Gibson (Huron), | garding any action which may have been Carpenter, and the mover. | or may be in contemplation by the sen-- A bill to amend the municipal act, in-- ate of the University of Toronto, the uni-- troduced by Mr. Campbell of Durham, f :'erslti' trusr:;es '(;r the Ilt'grlt(hhmltptltall trus; was read a second time. $ ees, in co ection wi e lots lease F ¢ 1 to the Park hospital trustees ; also copies NMr. Gibson brought down a return "?",' of any correspondence with the govern-- 'ed for .. _ Oe Ing opposition, Si"> | ment having reference to matters bearing ng _ particulars in the caes of } upon medical education in Ontario George Paget, who _ was charg-- ®/ upo Ontario and d wi the relation of the University of Toronto f'm;'e:hfl'l':';'f"l}m""g l'" tgebptt)l:lts of a, _ thereto. * rhile employe y the crowa The motion was passed. lands dewtm'i'nt. A return was also -- Mr. Whitney moved for the correspond-- handed in giving information concern-- ence respecting the appointment or the ing the sale of a timber limit to Nir. £. . conduct while in office of W. A. Quiball. F. McKinnon. a police magisirate for the districts of 'The house adjourned shortly. after 4 | . m At'a":;'a 3 end Nipissing. Mr. Whitney o'elock. > ¥ stated that Mr. Quiball had been Charged * s» A Lfi?'t