The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Apr 1893, p. 2

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rm". _ <J- ., _ WW' ' "'v'Ci', .- Pt-t Y '.r'mi, "s _ _ . _ iem'EP"' . , _ "o. . ANlWlnln 'e,. l _ V u that by some rulins of the It. Gibson. in reply to 3 u 7:03:00:- 'uu'l'teu'L'l, without any par- _ an 1titoli, said that in tte',',',',?,',', 'g l luminary usage to sustain it, and con- . e "Vornment the act respecting we. , our to the usage and procedure ot the l establishment of "WSW ot refuge does] 'houae hitherto. the bill in Charge of Mr. notauthoriak a subsequent grant to be 'Marter Was not proceeded with. There ' tmute to c'ommlttes for subsequent in); r lain rule of the house bear- ' Movements, in cases wl t i. . 1'lll' :nvihye 'lt%'ill which bound the ' been already as (rated [lTchvjL,hap, speaker, and which he could '/ttggtt,t,'.'itt' . agitation .5 of the not. The iriii/e"r'i"m/7t Without the consent of every nd at age to no present inlr-niion of pro-ceding the house. This would be fy, _D amend the act to authorize additional t of the rules ot the house . if at b pun. (rants to be made. on a Wednesday or a Friday a Tail-gills? "Mil Hudson asked '.--rs it the intention the notice paper be under cont, I tty hovel-mncnt to introduce during that question Will stand titat on the or the present session legislation for mak- aersegr teu,,trii,)1",',i'uf,/'J,teLd"' 2tLt.'c ','ecit,"yuisu'i: the weekly Payment of n . .. . 'rt','rt,'ro,t.: it was not necessary tho: It I Shir Oliver Mowat, in reply, said :--The speaker should make any TU mg, T _ tt Ject has been under the considomnon he make any ruling. What he had done ot the government. It is not the inten- was to allow the ordinary, long-followed. ..-. . _ Weil-established usage and rules of the tion or, the ',Ocernnto.ttt to introduce all house to govern in this case as they had measure for that purpose during the Invented all through. Mr. Clancy was wescnt session. . I perfectly in his right when the order ot Tinvmjgx'o mamas. the day were called to proceed with his Dr. Preston, in moving for a return notice. and the motion having beedtm Jir"i; showing the number an! names of tho (seeded without being confrlludt I'll places visited in the different electoral oclock. there was no other ru e o 0 ow fh',Yi.titutncierin the province in 1891 and than that which had been followed. He . 1892 by the travelling dairies, the num- mentioned it because it would be unfair _ ber of lectures given by the agent, and to the house that It should be assumed the expense lliLulleG, will that the _ that there was any understanding that system was one which had been re-! the bill should be shoved S'!r, in any way. commended by the opposition ton years l Mr. Meredith on the previous night had ago, and which, though opposed then by i 'af,,ut'tt"tit of the t1tci,t,r,t,rt1tuer"titt the Igovernment, had been since adopted 1 pear o e some un . l v them. the bill of Mr. Manor's should be pro- Mr. Dryden C'xtrw3.ued surmise at oeeded with next day. but he took cure . hearing Dr. Preston claim for "ii," oppo- to intimate that he thought that would sition tho credit of suggesting and re- . be subject to the ordinary procedure; commending the travelling dairy. How- that was. that the bill would be proceed- evr, since " had been established for two ed with only if it was reached. ThatI ever slncoit had DEN" es'a1uishcd for two was what took place. it Wills the v~ry but" system that could . , . . in at Optn-d tor tho instruction of the AN INTERVIEW wo'" MR. DRI' DEN. I pooplc of the country in tho .art of but- Mr. Meredith admitted the correctness tor-making. He knew of nothing that of the acCount of what had taken place, had been done that Si't'lnt'li to give great- by Mr. Fraser. Prom-Milins'. "I said that trt" satisfaction generally than the work the minister of agricu lure. corn-Ct y of the travclling dairy. reported in The Star of Thursday, April The motion was adopted. w, hardly did Justice to Mr. Marter or Mr. lu'vanturcl lull a motion on the the members of the house. Over the nrti- paper con-ring almost tlw same ground, cle were thes" headlines H---" Laid. the bill which ht' coilsollimi to withdraw. away." "Someone Shirkcd the ticklish Mr. Hudson moved for a return Show" , question." " And Mr. Dryden says that ing us to what ottices or setsices, orders " was the Conservatives." "The govern-l in council have been prvssid commuting ment was ready to go on." In the article, the rows, tho (lotus ot' the orders In he was reported to have said I-- i room", the. amount of tho commutation " . It looks like a put-up Job.' " said Mr. I :lllownnm-s, with n schedule or table Dryden this morning in reference to the: showin the amounts paid to each otticial ' way in which the Mortar bill was' in ouch your since the order in council shelved. nus passml. and the amount peciived by " 'The opposition did not want to have the prorinw in cox-ii year it come on. and they worked that way. from lin- has or his mill-c. , The night before, Mr. Clancy came over He wished it to bc understood that ho did . 'thtold Mr. Gibson he was going to press not desire to say anything in disparagw his motion, and Mr. Preston came over merit of any public otllcor, but he wished ' and let me know ho would go on with to draw attention to the fact that there his moton on the travelling dairy; and l was a largo drain upon the province by then, a moment utter. Mr. Meredith was i the commutations in excess of what the asking about the prohibition bill. it Jim-s warranted. looked curious.' , The motion was adopted. l 0311': 3:211? ilf'i.3i£; WEEK; T,',',.'. TllEY m L'UU.NI, To n tVE tr. b" ' ' . t . .i ' ' ' o - ' trary to the rules of tho house to Co on Mr. " aters moved for an order of the with the discussion after dinner. It was house for it return .t.rom. the treason-r of the idea of some of us that We should thu """hcul council, 9'3""? l flanged leave it Go" aftur dinner, but the clerk stutvnn-ni of the sums paid to cach incur of the house discovoi'od that We were, in bet. of the medical council during, the past so doing, in reality adhering to the rules. live wars. tor travelling rxpexxscs "."d " . At any rate, we won- ready to at, on hotel accommodation while nth-{idling with the prohibition debate, and were council and Committco met-tings. dim .d iso Primed and tvady with our atwuments. J, ",i,', 11tiief'c,'ul'/',. 1'33"?st 'lil If.,,'],."',,,,',? , Ps . ' . o a cut "it . . i A... A - it: Eyed?" 0mm ition who did not want, der tho heading "Expenses of legislation." Proceeding. Mr. Meredith said that hei He explained that the Medical Defence could homily bulinvo that Mr. Dryden _ association had been refused this infornin- could have been midarstood bv tho n... tion by the medical council and that he porter, beCituSO them court bc'lio jus:titr. i mid bull; "Slim, to )i'lfectt1',r,lt,l.',for',u/et//e' cation for the statiomvnts f a S' . -i Jr. . one mm run lo l? i . . . tlons Mr. Dryden was tlf/ltr,",',',',,,',,";),',':,':,'." i tt'easurcw of ths. council to an application 'He did not soc what [iced thore should; made by irr. Snugstor.' secrotary of the be tor sugzestions that anyone nhould he Medical lict'chc association for the in- in blanlie in this matter, as thorn \'i'ouidl fi'.'"'""" The lrcusurcr declined to give e amp e time to discuss tho bill. M . and Tuesday were set apart fili'y'lgndalg' Sir Oliver Mowat, in view of the fact Mr. 'Dryden had said theso thingg_ he; ' that tho matter had been the subject of l should. i njustice to Mr. Morton refrain correspondence and that there appeared from making observations of the kind, to be an objection to supplying tho infor- Mr. Dryden said that he had not secn motion asked for, rruitwstod that the mo- the paragraph which had been referee tion be allowed to stand. to try Mr. Meredith. He might havo modal ', Ur. Preston said that it was necessary the remark that it looked as if Mr. Mar- l, that the information asked for should be ter did not dosh-n in go on with the bill, i brought down. but " r Statements had been added by 1 Mr. Waters said that the doctors of the '. l ter. I province Wcut. anxious to know how the ".3 d, El , said that that portion of the ; money put down for legislation had been T . "N IEC, 'rrimg to him was Correct. jcxpcndod. In 1801 $614 was put down as " h 'a? "I at an understanding with, i the expenses of legislation, while in 1892 the pro, .. " secretary. ' the amount charged under that bond was ' The fol-wing bills were read a third ism. Thelr's was public legislation and time c-- lnot private, and thetvfotw thorn should Nr.Monk--Resmeetirur the Rideau club. have been nothing to pay. lie consented Mr. 'rNtsrar--drtesmectitur certain agree- to allow the motion to stand. ments between the village of Alvinston "won". LAWN and the Grand Trunk Railway company Mr Held moved-fora return of copies of Canada. . " _ " IMP. 'Dryden-To amend the charter of; , of all c'orreapondence between any mem- McMaster university. i (ber of the government and any other Mr. Gibson (yttrnrltott)-atespeetimr the] fi) person or i""""'ns_resryectimr Vroseeationt mil t . ' . Ho. ton Six-cc railway N. u' "; l

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