A PLEBISCITE TO BB TAKEN SDISl BE TAKEN ( 4 L + Monday, May 1. A promising though remarkable feat-- ure of the debate in the house to--day on the motion for the second reading of Mr. Marter's bill to make illegal the re-- tail sale of intoxicating liquors and the amendments thereto was the fact that __ every member who spoke declared him-- self to be a prohibitionist. 'Mr. Balfour moved an amendment proposing a three months' hoist for the Marter bill. Mr. Ross, who very clearly and ably laid down the position of the government on the question, submitted another amendment declaring the confidence of the house in the intention of the government to 4?0 judgment from the court of last rénprt as to the power of the Ontario legislature to enact a total or partial prohibition law, providing that a plebiscite on the ques-- tion be taken,.and ordering that the Mar-- ter bill be read six months hence. The following bills were introduced and read a first time :-- Mr. Wood (Brant)--To amond the act respecting assignments and preferences by insolvents ; also to amend the liquor licgnse act.