The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 May 1893, p. 4

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fftt 1,bifli,itft1'i"pltetitltg'ii,tt,gt, "l demand. t akin ". 0 y e mew no. any woman s not re- might be as,','r,gfud?,'.f, {lift its, is :spected by her own 'retar-9ttey generally myself. I an; necessity for refining Poli- despise and mock herutnd I am certain any owl's" "country. I "new, that our that she is not strongly admired by many tim, in t Sm igns in these days are men either. It is not her misery that C..' [political JI',',' 'll' very orderly manner ar. she cannot be a. man, but rather that iii: Je',:,",)."'"',",,, ",5.qu people mean that if l she cannot be a. woman. I appeal to :4 ready. were to Engage In political Btruir- true womanhood if its highest joy is not jr "it','"t'lelve' would be less quarrelline. less to know that in man they have a pro- shes" loss disputing in our assemblies 't tector, one who loves them, provides for " 'Mr; tt at such would not be the result their needs, not by force, but willingly, r; it the esperienoe of the present time is because he delights to do it, and I appeal 'i, , a criterion. I took a couple of clippings to true manhood it the strongest incentive c' the other day out of the some paper to active exertion to do their best in! which bear directly upotuthis point. one every way is not the fact that there is! comes from Chicago. and reads thus I-- dependent upon them a loving, dutiful) , "President Mrs. Potter Palmer surprised l wife. or a mother, daughter or sister. l , the board of lady managers this morning Can you not see that when you have 'by arising as soon as the meeting was' brought woman into the rightful sphere called to order, and saying that she would _ 0 man you will have revolutionized so~ i have to resign it the ladies did not quit MSW» and changed altogether the rela- ttutsrre11intr and behave in a more digni- l t mshiit of man and woman 't Will tied manner." That looks, as if they! such " course bring greater harmony ? were in need of some men in that as- Will the happiness of the people be there- sembly rather than more women to Rive by increased? Will,as these people imagine, " a retlnimt inftuenee. The other comes all sin thus be stamped out? How will such , from across the sea. It is " pump. and a course affect the home life ? Suppose', reads as follows :--"The meeting of the that men and women voted ilittetGitiy,l British Women's Tompet"auce association tho mother against the son, the husband l to-day was of a. very excitim: character, against the wife, and so on. If they did |I and attended by evidence of temper and tiot thus vote differently, according [0| even cbultitions4ofpairriort. 'I'hedvlep,'utes' the argument. all these wrongs could seemed hardly able to control their feel- "WW h" rlKhted, and no object would bil, Ings and their tongues. and n r_.visrish gained by adding this enormous number'; feeling SPI-l'd'll to pervade the assour to the list of voters. If they dlrl vote dif- . blage. It is "xpvcrn'l that owing to tho Cventl.v, is it'posslblc that "this would vote of yesterd-iy re-electing lludv Sour add lo the Joy of the home 't Will iil erect as prvsirlottt, and thew-by -'iruuu}|y rcrmit in minny Cases harmony and love endorsing her :irnosition to brim: ooll-. to continue! tics Into the association. 1'iG branches of Women are more strongly partizan than . the association will secede. it is sturul men; they udmiirc more strongly, and that' the secretary of the convention. when one has become the 11101 of their f feeling that she has boon Insulted, lint: Chaim) there is nothing they would not l gone home In a passusu." do to secure his election. This was in- i How does that corroborate the idea or Siam-ed in the case of the duchess of I. a tefining influence by manly Women talc 1'.c?y"ish!t"r who, it is stated. arranged i lug part in public discussions ? No ', mun with a butcher on whom she called to is not and cannot he rcllucd in thut Vote for her candidate on the condition Way. He has be?" retliwd in the my that rho allowoxl the butcher to kiss her, rather by attentions and camps"... will pvhlcn she did. Imagine the female por- to Woman because of her recognized du- 'UUH of a household the members of one. pendence on him cs ncilrz his wcnkcr put'tlr.utt '"crttttttlttoe 111M the men arrayed and more helpless companion than byurc Ott the oth-tr sole. Imagine the men of act of woman hv-rrwlf. find thus it tsill th,, orttros'ittu Purty holdlnx Consultations ever be. When Woman stands apart from With the women of this household in the man, and assumes irtdeptutdoncr'; when limit "Y n party contest. it is impossible she assumes to control him by torimo of ttttdet. y',ttclt clroutv,stuncrss that bitterness numbers. she will then lo.,'" her iefinir; Shim" nut come into that home. Its' Influence and add fuel to the tlame in- harmony would be ',"onp; it would no stead of decreasing it. ION!" be u place of joy and love and': But my strongest oltjtwilon to tho in: "Wt: these would certainly give place of my hon. friend is the .wil rill-(its which to jealousy, hatred and malice. in my Judgment would rem" to supply, l mu firmly convinced that one of the i and to woman herself. 'Phrase icsuils' Cur'sey; of this use is that there is not i 'w0uid not be set-n imtttr'0iately; the: (though of home life. I think that home 1 would not be observed at tho first few life ls tho Sirougth of any nation. Scotch. ,eiections. but probably Would take years men, whorn we "W! In ulmost all parts to work out. but in the ond the "Mm (. of tho world taking a. front rank, owe would be evil. and evil "lone. The rig-hi . Tttore than mot" Peoirle think to the power to cast the ballot carries with it the right _ and itttlttrattce of home life. The demand to be elected by the ballot. if woman ic for womrm's E,uttrruke is " blow Hi this C Part of the people, as is " legal. if she I"."'.""': " 1 had the poWt'i' to do it, and ' stands on an etiuality "lib mun.h:u'inu wish.?! to "Hm: the K'l'i'lllt'Si blrssirtg the some richts in tho body politir, hav- Possible to 'ttit' people, I should choose ing equal intelligence, equal 'odtuation, to increase Mid develop the influence of equal business (minim; by what pro the hum". to endeavor to change the 'cess of reasoning can you show Inn! thor " tho times, and to encouragei right to vote in her case does not carry i 5'"le WWW" tOHethcr to build homesl with it the right to be voted for I' The. where niulunl companionship, harmony right to vote in a temperance lodge our» ' and "VP might ptvvall-sucl, homes as tics with it tho rlzht to be elected to] would prow- a creator attraction than preside. The same. result would follow the "PM"! parade. the suloon or the here. The right to vote for a. member or thcnirc : homes where character would boi the legislative assremhly wottlrl carry with "built which would increase riuht con- it the right to be elected a tttemlrey o' duct and prove a. shield from temptation.l this assembly. the right to preside here. "rr 'I' _ , ' . .. the right to take part here in all its der- ', Wrtrrh'r', "W" or "ORR: i liheratiorvs. I thinks I hear the quosrion One t'eayott urged'w'hy women 3 suffrage coming to my curs. And why should the: should be grunted is because so many l not take part ? My an.%wet' is. not "(I women are without homes. l know that ' cause woman is not inte'diqotrt, nor br this is'true, "nd that the tendency in cause she is not sulllciently educated. but that 1litvctiott ia itircasintr, but it is because she is woman. because by pumm llll'g-'ly tin-- result of the pi evaillny, insh- her thus out of her sphere vou llnr'm: ion uitlotlref young puople to dusire nel- her. You are seeking" to make her a min tttvt. to be mistress of a houtu? tlol' to l to induce her to till the plnop of tt man : Work in the homo of another. They it is an attempt to com'pi-l man to p " , chots,. in proftxpence the factory, the form that chit-x4 of wopk requiring: Ithys"- counter of " store, and the tailor shop-. cal strength. while woman sits in Dnrv anyitut. to In. enthvly ittde-irmt,ctttd , 1.lrment making laws and governing the tolivc unto lbwmscchs. I have no 1luarl cl [ (sip/TC, T.C.r" . __ with tlwin it' they nish to do this, but i be L"",',", sex lsittinar arr judge on the) l wont to say that it is certainly not con- no and as Juror in the box. l dug-lu- to increasing morality. Lilli'iil' I A LOW TYPE or MOMANHooD. I I,'",?,"",",",', is spoken of as tho gi'culcst evil, I am well ' - rut I ask those who have obs'orvcd more bition of iloi,T"id,2,tn,thea,l,tU2, "li) clusva the Workings ot sociciy whether character.disliklni: their own sex, having}: or not Pe ttuulenty to forsake home and only sellirm ambitions. deplorinx the talcL itottte life Joes not lead directly to that i that brought them into the world as wo- cm] ? i ask whether the prevailing xices :men' and determined at all hazards io) of our cities and towns are not the direct lbreak the bonds or womanhood and to outcome of forsaken homes. and do not 'take the part of a man. Such l woman lead directly in the way of the saloon says, Give me a chance and I will show and the grog shop ? To introduce Wo- you that 1 am not dependent; I refuse men into the political arena is to add , to take the place ot humble submission to this, tcndetwy, and those who advo- which nature has assigned me; I am Cate it are incurring a. great responsi- as able as any man ', I can till his place hiiity. I certainly shall not be one or anywhere. Such a person I describe as them. The home is woman's place of a manly woman-the lowest type ot true power; it she is a. true woman she rules .' Womanhood. An effeminate man Ora man- there, although she does not assume that ly Woman are not the idealipeg ot place. This is her queenlv station m I , i ',

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