. d' easily _ ", ' Mi';' . ' ."r l Meredith said, but they,c "Igt always - understand what he hietr,'it.Tr's'c: . '.. _ . , Mr. Miscampbell (Algoma) bttttip1ained , . I. that the light in the chamber was de- , _ I structive to the eyesight. He suggested that colored lights he put in-the-wln'dows for the protection ot the ")y,y" organs f. , " of the members. "I',' ' w Le _ Mr. FraScr said that he "as willing _ 'c1f/ 'that any fair criticism should he made, 'r, .but he was prepared to join issue with . Mr. Miscarapbcll as to the light. He ."r'.prunted out the improvement that had _ .,y'iseen umade in this respect on the old od chamber. Dr. ltyerson ngrced with Mr. Fraser' that the members could make themselves l hwtrd by increasing thw volume of their voices. Mr. Bishop expressed the Wish that the government would do sumt-thiitu, wrung, . so as to give hon. gentlemen opposite something to complain about. ' These bills were row] a third time: ' Jtrrpurrtinp,' the Standard Life Assurance t company-Mr. Meredith. " I ------ . To unit-nil tlye run! pmpcriy limitation , I I T l "i l f l l , act.-Mr. Burr (roufrurin.) . l Tillil "[JSI S?luli l, l l ') ' To amend the not rcspt-cting privuto ' . ' lliluuic usylums aMr. l'iiggur. To amod thy act Fl'spt't'tlllg joint stock ' m----------. companies for supplying cities, towns and _ N villages with guts atui water-Nr. Guthrie. , "t 1" ,. I I Tt i , Respecting crrtuin local itnpvovltttrr'nth', "Lnlbtlb ll 110 llumble Are . ot, in the city of Ottawa and for uthr-r pur- Heard poses-MV. lirnusun. . . Tlu. housr, in cummittcc passcd Mr. (lili- 2 V son's motion providing [lint this iti-i'ugu of --------- {int limb of .'lint'ity, (Human, should rt:- .sarir" r 'et' . "lt ...... N" 11113 ACOUSTICS ALL innin't'. . it": 'd,"),).",?."""" 1id, th rm" to lat ------------ .li'lWl'H' Mint" H. This rmmintiun hv the uttovnev-p,enoral Some Crait,icisttt of the Cliataauet' "its pus-soil [id.,,uv,/ Chillllllllii,' :' L Indulged in. bt Tull vat'l'ul ot' Ill-- Jliiiuw: of lliu' su- prwnn» cunrt of tmtnrir, Lui,' t'ni' many - .fl, ------ )'~-urs i'cc--i\'ml it.t nnnnnl iiiiiiwnnm- train this [il'UVlliL'u ot' and. Ily-' livir 3UPERI0R our"? JUDGES TO HAVE AN and ilv'VlSi't' ciutmtirtsit.ttr-rs, and that "(an lhuT, until Llp,), inrlnxi\'-, this nilnw- ANNilAl. ALLOWANCE ob' unto llznl twin turl- in nil tlie juliqi's ', .. _ , "'lhnt dim-rs utlnr i'npln'tiint tintivs tl,000 EACH. lin\'v. tiout tirrto to timu, lwun nssign-'i -.¥_-__,____ by thr' "I'I'Vllii'ltll lcrri.ilutiirt' Li) th,vjuslivvo " tliv- Huid suprcm b court cf Hutuiiu, 'silt- .ul:ttttrd:ty'. May 20. Eli": "I Ilti,iici.s 1"'ti,tt'rs (Hill lllt, ordurvtry " . _ _ tinting n: tlic sand judging int-llnlint,r rhe acoustic Irrorirllr's ot tlte new "Tn" uninittxt 'other pnr'irnlnrs duties ('UillH'L'L- islative chi-.mlivr \wrv tht. subject nt'illlilt' ml with prnt'ini-iul ulcgtliin trial-5, cstute an informal tlismissiun in thi- hinm- t..- wills, iv;,',ulitiiirrse; to i'\ll'.'I'r]. tht practice day. and not thu huh-t iutcrirtcd u; thn- '1' tho SIII'I'h'er» murts. county mums ttrr".itors \w-ri- the n-wvslutlwr nnn, "in .,r,rl ")vryiotl tummy" ils WV") HH thr. "in!" 'vs 'trt'r'-ire-tul's't' 't'_tttr'tl,ts .s,"_, through the sissiou llztvc vM'vl'it-nCmi .. 1::t'tuium. ', tr Min [Luci .v 1rl tilt. an gin-at ditlivnlly in rum-mix Iln- pmw-wi- TV l'lr.rt luring: ro-i'iri-tici) lo ihw Fillill'li's' l:lf-;S bt't'tttir',t? ot' the con-satin tone 'r' tltr. suid jwltgcs nnvlt-r immininn l-cries in which much ot' thi- btlriittrviri has lw-n li "n. it ly; '"ulmnnl'll': for thl.c, Pr,rvitits- conducutsd. Mr. Y'rirsit, who.-:- Numhllm w,l.i:ai:\'.'inwlv ti. .-x1-y.i] to nil in. 51...! voice is heut'd uli=1invllv in ll C . ' . » ' w_['t4 l "' Kl"! "Hill" lint-"HIM" of $.13" .i t . . " P:tt ts ill s'.', "A"! u\l"il'.,' iln- V" "I "1"." SIT- the clilunlicr win-n hr. sp-nlt-z, livit-ndwi ll'" l in iii mil with-r.»~ uni the acoustics of tht. tulihliiio, .lllll rr- tr:hrt-W.i.crx, thr. nlit,wriuy ltl'illg iii-".1191 Inimiwl the Hittil,ru's th::'. t",t-y "um "I tt ""13"" tlo-it" '1'?"lH4 us r'i'lllll'l'S " a churnbur tinir [inns tln- .siZr' ot' In.- "hi "1.... Ir-it' :mll "H" 'r' 1rrnrirccion, their ' . ttuv1-illti',', "X1 aims in i'lti'll-Iil "his. uni mm and much I.ir:.;v-r than this t'nllllll')' ull oth, t" Wm". , "4.11 m. ,illV Pitst "r fu- sclitmlimuSi-s mimic tiiwy \VI-l'v .i4'-'vi\'l\rlil turt- ill'w\irh'i'i '-:islutiotr. tiny lll.t_\' tram ed to adritrss thrrit' Iurti.s;tiitrts. 11 Cucy "ill" [-1 Hit!" l'I' i ll! l till to trnd, ." in al- would lucriutvv llil' \'nlunn- all ther imp-h '1t/.','n 1yr.ir Irruiitr:try iniiws." they would lu- li'itl'll. A illnllult 'oy tho r.,,"f,ll,'i',,'ly//y.',,rrci,',ii'i'/'," Idll ll'I'S'Dt'L'lilrg h "n. i t. v-' ': l .,i- t . utV'virncYuQ-nvriil Wm: imam-:1 llli'nllLle C,tiil-'s rhinitis, "as pnsswl tl",.'),.,,;" wnInnT' t~-<it "pup" prirvitlnlt,r that 1-." Hill'v'Htll' (mm-L and ttl ill?) th. hunm .pijnirnpd to pp; intuit-s Hull ri-i-i-ih- iin :illlllltll niluuninn- SliillL' "L 3 o'clorlt "n Mtstidst.V. at $l,im~) in ac'iivrvsluiv,rt_ of tn.» spy- A "it-Km" "HUNTIM virus they ri-nilm- in till-llilllll to tin j A Ilcpututiun ('urnpim'ii of Hunt -t'ol F" (v minim-y .l'lillt'litl dutiws. Denisnn. MH'., ltr. tirl,'.c,yv'c/iir, 1.; I/ AIR 1&5"le lllllnulili-i-il ll Lill for' ill" 1Ctvis, MA'l'., llllit T. H. Allbljrl'],.)v' wuit "I Ilrt'Yslirictit of i'rn'uinltnt stn'wtr.ttnrtr, " tsIrlrt1 thy UHHH'» PM"! 14' lnihlic winks fruit ."tock pumping", )'L'SL'hli'l' tr)rrt'l: , iv Dunn-st that slips Alh'lllil'.l.> slinl'i tr si'gv.Aix UP. ir.",,",.,)'"):-':,?,", in " m. kiln-tut- to tlrs 1,,.:".h,.s Upon tlp- orlt,; Hi thr. tiny lwim: ("HA ii. tht. Utah."- iv 'iiil:.- \lnskukn [amend " . "It' . . . . ' , Ll 'IL'S ;.l,'rt;lt.\:l..tl.tl) "r'1rtot' to k'tyt'i't'i't llll OY'I'HI' 12.11!" rivtt. Ti. .-'; ,,1j.'/'i',",li,i'/1,//1,,,rt" 1 in il lo " 111's l't HDX'L of y I " 2,, . . ' . F , ir ._".' l" , t 1ft" c' Mixtuimpiiell (Alb-hum). Hm. i.,..u_;.',y_ H1, Irs' "HILK IN' Inn-1:. u r_ti.sc'tt.ty;io'n of 1"" '.tp'i)'l,:lir' prsrisr-rtirs Mr. 1wrvy's hill urnntinz' the rizl of the c-lratutv-r. lip. Whitnm' rt,uhl (lrut nnv city hr town ' A, a" to l. . ' ' F . . - . k, . Ill "Mario to srrant ne could osily nntmn.» unit .mv Ia'lr'lrl'- tvnuses for the wstahlir,h, . . t'tst't l't'inn'ts tint int-l ll Viz! .lv' t ' lng Works .. . . Ll', VIM?" of smelt- pullin- Jourui tls n i '.'ht. , I" It in tin . 'h?" rcisro.-'il.. uith .~nnn- lilll"ll-l. d'ttficultltts Judi-i213? in" Lit-WWI in :h.- ments, in the municipal committa- this . , '"'." ld', " lo Clit' r. inn-f. [-5. morning. id,/',.1."or"""y limping tho spun-ins o' nu ill- C Mr.l 'e,"Jty.:1/,i,h"Ci' hill trrovriitrc that Mr Pram-r q" that l (31m): ominous might misit sufficient from. Whit 'er kw," tc' Hi'itrcln-ndi-il 11'y's try irurchuse toll roads was laid . . . ntni-y hull r,,rirl t'm: (WI-1'. lic Cunsldcrml that {in ,u'ntistit- Prurlri'l'- Mr. 1t.vorson's bill proviilinc' tl' . - ties ot the lruildiur, WW. Hut Mimi iltr,s public school supporter ' F-, ""7""er ?houl) bu llut tli,. intritilrrv.s "NH" ir'..",. yutl' Wt'l" nss.-,<~..-i] 1'5""! lliu .lyi'".'1iryC, in mind that this t-hninhM' nu" /,,i/, F'atutx'tts' r,ii'//,i,r,"'id,ii',r,', '.fi'/'///',titr,',"." l cth" PTS tht. SM" of tho wl'l clnunln-r :iml tin-in within {inn-hm" ///'c,y,",'/',',, Th 1r1 to lurgn'r than tho chunilii-r ill "llama. ln-ini: "Hill". Itltt4 puny-r] /'J,/"i1'/'h1,',1"tt,t)e,',' It',' should talk n init- hunt I' 'l'in amended so us to pLsrLi',, multmlwtxrgn bro):',,',',,:',:,."'.,,,,)).:,.;,',.:.':,'"",",',','.',),."-":.' [WW rr/lr')"' sclmul supporters of tho pro- cnts. 'rl'r1C'y'shi,",('/0T,'/'tl"1 Jl1/1id1yJ'1yf, '(lllfl in"? tWW'Cl "ssisscd its public A ' . I . 7 . i, - 6 II} F "my "l'tn' tltt' Fillllt' tl 'q. :4 ' necessary to do this; if "my united "rr: him 1,,t)'/,,'""a'1cy't':,'"ill. to a ('luuse which be heard. ' his tth.u,it1cts I.'. Il us tcleplione bill in Mr. int-realm expvessod tho M, f n- 'clusi L"','. . t "'_""ldl"l¥ thut brsforc ex- the sound was cuttu'ht llllllt'r "hf ., If" N183? flunk could be given to any teln- (-rs' gallery. fits nugget"; that w, "JV"; mitt (ic"/,',"'t'Y," the matter should 1w sub- _' Dr hung under tlw riu'turs' til" 1llll,' liq 'l) "can," ratNra.vers. He succeeded' 'treverts the sound from will": "Hamil-i! _'t'Un"tv//,':'Cy,i', {Muse changed to read .7 "'N. mum there. .. J I could grunt ICI by. a twa-thirds vote, , i The whrk 'rhud"1)i,"/i'ittt i , , I a ' ished this morning. omrn ttee was ttn-,