o W sns career many wo' iFwise be toat ne meggure will '\,.u o at t w P "I hm my assent with M?& | to the measures which you have adopted for securing the better registration of vot« ers in cities, for the further improvement of our municipal laws, for the extensgion | of jurisdiction of division . courts, and ' for further facilitating the enforcement of the just rights of wage--earners and sub--contractor§. I notice with satisfaction that the laws' respecting the registration of instruments relating to land, and the laws for the protection'of game, have been improved, and consolidated. 'The measures also con & houses of refuge, respect-- | ing the &eal'th, and amending the | liqu eAMfws, are timely and import-- ant, 11 be found beneficial. " 1 thank you for the liberal appropria-- tions which you have made for the public service. -- The »supplies which you have granted will be expended with care and in the flubfl¢~interest." The provincial secretary then said :-- | " Mr. 3peaker and gentlemen of the legis-- . lative assembly : t3 " T ""It i# his honor's will and pleasure that this legislative --assembly be prorogued ; and this J ,lafilve assembly is accord-- f fidfllmtah'" yernor and staff _ re-- p . ~xne bfi»'played " God Save the 'M,"}t_nd.] e house, was deserted.