First ...... Feb. n, '91 Second....Feb. 11. S2 Third ... ...April 4. 'N Fourttt....Fits M, '90 First. . .. . .r"b. Second . . .. J an. Third.... .Jun. Fourth. ... Jan. First.......lan. Second. ' ..Jnn. Third.....gaid i"irst..... Jun. 7 so 5.};er 5. t'ioqond....gaii.' 13,'et Mar. 4. Third......Jnn. 12. '82 Mar. IO, Fourth....Ded. 13. '82 Feb. 1. Fifth Legislature Elect" February 27, First .....Nor. " Second... . Jan. J, Third ... . .Jun. 9, W 2rth ....Jnn. 9. First. . . . . . Dec. 7, Second ....Jan. 8, Third... .Jan. 7, Fourth....Nov. 12. i 'iret IA'gI'8('111|I:rc'. Elected Septemblcr. 1867. Session Opening Proruratton Dissolution "imt......Ove. 27. '67 Ma . 4, '68 .if,te.oryt....?itAv. * '68 Jan. in. 'u.9 Third ......\ov. ' '69 Dee. PA. 1.9 . Fourth....Doe. 7. '70 Feb. 15. '71 Rivas '71 After reading the speech the Lieuf..-Gov- ernor and his attendants retired, and tive minutes later, when the Attorney-General .Wtitt presenting his timr~homred bill for who administration or oaths or value. the (Strains of the National Anthem, renduad, I by the IR. C. I, hand. announced his rin- parture from the grounds. Thuretwas 'ttery little other business. The Speaker took . the chair for a few minutes and enabled Sir Oliver Nomad to announce formally that the speech from the throne will be taken into Consideration by the House ice , marrow (Thursday). 'tthe mover and sum onder of the reply will be, as stated in The Globe yesterday, Mr. Wood of Brant and Mr. Conmee of Algomaf Then came thecvenerahie motion for the appointment of 'Js'tandlng trormrrtttees. Un-lv one other bit otbusinem remained, but that proved both interesting and important. it con- sisted of the introduction or Mr. "Ne- Vaughton. the Patron of industry elected for North Bruce, whose election, as well as that of Mr. Mtlallttrtt for East Lamb- to'n, had previously been formally un- nounced by the Speaker. Mr. McNaugn- .ton was led up to the Speaker by Mr. Thatntcs Guam, the venerable Lib-ml member rtcr East Huron, and Mr. Jana Kirkwood of East 1vellington, ant-{her able and consistent supporter of the trov- ernment. 'Ihr. illoNaugthton shook h. nd,, with the Speaker and returned to his t. ' Mr. Gicf'alluatt, the only other new l- I her of the House until after tho p l I South Lanark. will probably be - duced to-duy. The was tho-h i. - ally adjourned until 3 o'clock to-zuorrow (Thursday). _ In eonrtetm.on.wtth the one closing session of the seventh of Ontario, the following table the dates ot the opening and p, of the several sessions and of rl tion of the several \Lugbiucgr- of interest c-- , _ ., ----, P_P_---- 47".... unauand conclusive Judgment with $2 meet m'the Jurisdiction to pass a mg hitoJ.t. rw, minor law! are being pushedJo ;)'i'i'i't')'i.7d)llh'l, . ", M', The --'pubuc 'ittoounig' for the '03"? year Will be may) _tly laid before 3'03!" and you will be gnaw tol'lea'rri from them that the expenditure has be'en less than was provided for'by the estimatesmnd that the receipts have exceeded the .amount antleipated.' , , 7 The estimates for the current year will. without 'deinyhbe submitted for your ap- I move]. They will. be found to have been prepared with a. due reg'ard' 'o euonnny and the necessities ot Ahe public ser-l M" . _ T feel assured_thut rolir deliberations and conclusions, white affording proof of your wisdom and patriotism. will contrl~ hate to the continued development ot the resourden of our Province and the pros- perity and happiness of all classes of our. pecple. C , .Jan. 23.31 Mathis. 't' ..Jan. 28, ts Mar.3u. 1 Jan. 28. 'tstr Mnr.2~. " Sixth Legislature. Elected December at, .t'"b. 10. '87 Aprl2& , DATES or PREVIOUS SESSIOVS. Elected Ate. 27. '67 Ma . 4. '68 tbr: * '68 Jan. a, 'u9 (or. , '69 Dee. 24. 't,9 he. 7, '70 Feb. 15. '71 Second Letoistaturc. Enacted March M, 1371. Atc. 7, '71 Mar. 2. '72 tut. ll, ll, Mar. 29. '73 htrenth Letnwatdre." Electied Juno 5. 1890. an. 9; '78 SK; 71. ii an. 9. '79 Mae. li, Tit Fourth Louistulurr. Elected Juno 5, 1373. t. t '71 Mar. 2, '72 l. B. '73 Mar. 29. '73 I. t '74 Mar. 24. 'N '. lit "N Dec. 21. T4 Third Legislature. 24; t '71 B. '73 t '74 )2. "N AFTER THE SPEECH. the tpeninfend/ pry 385311;; '83 January ll, T5 Feb. 10. '77 Mar. 2, '78 May t, '79 Aim-.11. Apr) 23. '87 Manzs. '88 Mar. N, 'M, April 7, '90 Apt-IN, '92 Mir 27, 'trs May l '91 may. fez and of cp.; lfésulu. 15, '84 2 1 '82 '77 1875. Aprllg6,% April 25. '79 Nor. 15, Th Feb. L 133 Dec. a, T4 Feb} 25. ~71 0111118 - "V the - r-eqtrrTgrr-CCc' _.. .. ... - ...._V.,' h t, ' ', l" some: or MOTION: '?t l, The am public bill ot which l given was one by Mr. James l .1232: "3)"th Algoma; it ww , tn; 'Swnmte Schrols not, the 'prmcipal "femur? qt the hill being to give thosu vot- _ _irtg in,$ébumte School matters the ballot. (V ie bill or which notice was by Mr. James Contnesa, M. Algoma; It was to amend