The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Feb 1894, p. 2

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-- '- . red" -v '"v'wrx d r -- -w' "V""fvxx' . ' .i ""17 I '.r. [l'a'l Cg " 'iR5i'iiidhrdiiifmsit i, "tt by the Province in each yen ' e ' ' l . . , Isl . V . of a 'tM1war 9333M ifmh his (Mice. - V .' l 'rtf two tNr- . mile. I Return showing the number of resigna- j e. l Arne county Council of itioru, Miracle and snowshoe of li- . . x ttt amend Iiihe municipal out [cause oommbsionie-rs and inspectors for I rd n8 section 5335 of the consdll- 4890. 1891 and 1892, also correspondence con- , New met of 1892. heated 4herewith. ' I , t N 7 ra on. 'thfltiactt'/17,,diteghef. _ ' APPOXKTMENT or OOBIMl'l'TEFS. ' , " '.e6othrie--The County Council ot Underthe heading of motions, Sir Oliver j - _ In. respecting the ditches and we- MOM' moved. seconded by Hon. Mr. Har- T ' P 3 act. dy, illicit a select committee of ten mom- i. w3 IBtgtthrio-a?he County Council ot then be appointed to act with the Speaker in": ' a, . _ on, in &tNop of counties awoint- in tM'fxmtrol and management of the lib- 1 WV. t , 199th): otneub paid by the county term"!!! Manatee to consist of the At. k"ilt, In - es. txyrtttir-Fe.r, Hon. Mr. Harcourt. Hyp- i CL", .t'Laed tig, e Ttretttiotrp or Oliver, Mr. Ross. Messrs. My, thrie, Gib- . - " _ the sins-lens; - _ son (Huron). Mm, in. O' . _ k?ree,_l.on l Itietci---/rttat County Council ot tt,etitytPft,'.'.' 'h,': Arf.' 1 "moved. , , A "I. mum-ha the assessment not. 9" _ Mr. P' ardy. tMiixt alspecial 2, , iibttttotiit as to uhe amending ot' the i omnm'ittoe of twelve members be awning , _ _L) , ', Intact. wlhich were presented by who prepare. the lists of the members' _ "a . -McCleu-y and Mr. Guthrie, are. first. commit: the Various 'sclect emailing t rii, +-_ " powers given to city, town and committees, the committee to genesis: at , it , Councils by section tre of the con- Hon. Mr 'Gibson (Hami,lton), Hon. Mr. I Bit , assessment not be extended to Hardy, Aoir. Mr. Dryden. and Messrs, I qy.M 'r' ship Councils; secondly, that EBSOSB- Awrey. Baxter, Clarke, Clancy. Gabe! _ SP,'".' Itnta be made trienniully instead of an- (Huron), Meredith. Monk. McMahon an} ' 'nuale. the "?ourt of Revision. however,: Wood (Hastings). Both motions were} Y. , pit yearn ; and, third-Y. that townships passed, . ' unite the s dices of Treasurer T ' ". ( Cq'i _,,' Jef, _ PRELDHNARY ESTIMATES. l ' i o ' way mgmmbmahsn rose to they fool, for, _ "BS "ks for Power to increase or Sir otFerarrowattranem'tttrn to tho Speak- ; S _ _ the number of directors, as if it er a message fr.;m the IA':vu~t'n.1r.i:-: " "Wu! under the Ontario Joint stock oom- iGUVUi'nlOT- " was an announcement of _ 1 pinion not. the present number of tive (cartain gums rmuirtd for the service of ' , "an tmrutticient; for power to make regu- the Province until the estimates for Iggi' _ WI as to the transfer of snares. the worn finally passed. The 'ttrms. were as . ." t present system tor the execution of trans- follows ..--tXvjl gmmrn-mvn'i, $70.00) ', legs- " tern of share in duplicate being cumbrous; 1.atirrn, $50,000; arr1micit.str:uc'on of jiis-xio» r" Mil tor power to establish a system of $50,000; education. $50,000; agricufturo, $20,: _ new: and Provident allowances. ooo; rerun-s and mafmteerance of public " The petition of the People's Life Insur- . hulidilnqs, 325,000; pubhre Works and build.. is to once Company is to amend line 2, auction itrra, 350.030 I maintpmttnci' at public inert ', _ - 'rl.., its charter, by changing 330-000 to lithium. $125.0U); miscellaneous cervier i ' Mr: . 350.0%; 10ml. savour). I _ ignition ot Lindsay is to the eiYect On motion of Hon. Mr. Harcourt the ' . w s the Waterworks Company first House Wont int-o F.onaiirtij'r','i, m; /ir.'! ', fttemed to manage the water supply sys- Mr. BailfourtaWmi,r the C211,} ii',. "ll/li,"),:'".,', i can has failed. and the system is in the asked when rim public accounts waiiii b 7 hands of the morttragees, the town be laid on tho div. his e; _,1'ti'ni)'"l two? , gtttthoriaod to take over the system itself. past had been that thuv new? A] ? Ce ", . money therefor by debentures a" d m'n oni a 'i"aor%rtis'.'Vi,ero'c '/ie"Lil//i',?,tt . than $65,000; that a board ol my"), win "WWW, H0 2m g] ff"? (if,'.': . A . "3ttttuttigatonters be elected, the Mayor Sh," would be (+th (,'/'tilTf" hi,', _ thet- _ . "In: one and the three others being elect- Hon. Mr 'iia)r,'C'tCt'-rit "ii t1: 5 year. [ " we each year fart. )'rars. and that down in n'fe"; iiC, Vi e brought ' the 'ow, may contr t with a. new com- I The Preliminary. liwii'mi'u " War» then , , puny. ' iD'Jssc-d through the ('omm'fiteo or .iuvi,V.,i'. It REPORTS AND RETURNS. i 'st',?,.,,),,'."".',))') the Crrmm6ttee on NN it.VS ' nd [ . The Provim-iui Secretary then laid on r" li),',',')')':",?,,',,',' 31%;? 31:11 J7i'fvl'J.,'i", "119W; the table of the House the following re- l The 11-02ch1: of which Jif/lh",ud,'l,..T).'i11,; l, ': poi-ts and rrelturnu _ l i h l were as "r"o"iiii,iii..-'"'" _ ' '1 Wt" w Ven) ; eport o t 10 comm ss oners on so oo s l . k - a , M p I . in the Counties of Prescott and Russell in number 1yo,yv,,-snsPs'vit,git,tl, Shm'fng _ the i l r ' . . " ., . . A ' Played. temporar- _ Which the I remix lunguugo is ttrvght. 113'. bv lthe Crovrecnment in tho 'Afut' .i . ' -V. i First report of work under the children's the IsmVinioe J/ the 31rst I); . lg'a: " n, . protection act 1893. gather with their matinee tacitly; j. _ i Report of the inspector of Prisons and "My. religion sa/art. 0d; "a, it: 'e,nd. -, mile Charities upon the Houses of Re- reaidencu and out». Jr" a}: lil: lf/y." Mi and Orphan and linoiaii-n Asylums. _ not including mom-mics "/ie/l.1')',1t"rii,,,1'..t.l Report upon the institution for the edu.. em. or like employees Thai." "'11.: Lit-lur- cation of the deaf and dumb, Believille. or empiormenit who 2'r l' on: Ity.",'.',.',?,'."'.:? Report upon the institution for the edu- my Mariam. TCo 1,. "tunnel: r',",?..?"'.: l cation of the blind. Bronttord. to all JrfliJii:'nii included": nifty-"i! US Report ot the Entomological Society of ing and who have been iii,n'i'//t';1' wit-3].. Ontario. Government to u.nv "r2sv"ii'fif,','li"" A cnt, Report of, the Standing Committee of pamry omce or poeitloon usilh tl "f. trill- the University of Toronto on Finance and either for or within the 'le/IV/l' ' "N:", f Faculty ot Medicine, mam. or for or in rettDeet of an , :39" or in _ Report from the Queen's Printer as to district or other" loealitse J, t unify-#13)" the disposal of the Revised Statutes of also a. similar roux-11-; t "a I.?. citing-W Ontario. 1887, during the your 1893. clerks now employed s o A siss':onall Report of the Queen's Printer on tenders Mr. Barr (Uniform). --nul '" _ . I for departmental and Legisl'ttive printing _ personal liability of inert s,',','.','?.?!"'..').",", the" and binding: and contract with Warwick . ers. Wagors and otlt-r' Bron. ' Rutter. t Mr. Hater 3 - --.; ' . l _ Return from tint-en's Printer as to dis-i tracts in lgiiiiiji'hio "did2eytict,iy,s.r Co.'" posal of sessionul st-itut '5; for your Isa',. i agents. g tf eittPustuul to ' Report on the working ot the tavern Mr. Bel '--., . . ': "dsttsop licenses act, N03. l, Pharmucvfzglt. Bill to turthcr amt-mi tho V Report of the inspector of Prisons and) Mr. sh' , , Public Charities on Provincial Lunatic and te,tl,ietetcy11 to "new the landlord Tand Idiot Asylums. 189:! Report of inspector of Insurance and ASYLUM REPORT, 7'Rexiltrar of Friendly 'Aoities. The . , , _ . ' . . ii Annual report of University of Toronto. may; "frail: ci',i,pcttt't,." "Eng? on l-y 'm / -i " , showing vill' nu'mliert 1,1fc'),r"/," lowing 1nrov.mathonr.C (Minna the? ful- _ " . ng the various AJun y ourr" n The mm '" l, , if, Province in the years 1887 and no: charge "3%.;11313:,2'31'51'3."l"hn',u"in" trely, togethstt' with a. statement of l Province on the 30th of sl/l,,',',].',"',',",'))",:'?'," l m" - t paid in; indnnmity, and assem- .4240, bong an iiiJiiCCe' "'1' 'ill,' LL-I'IJSt W.CI u _ each or tho .'siitl municipaiiiiles in pared with the numb". in ",'..,5, I"? ."""" H e W? the above-raetitio.ned years. Supmnbur 'doth, lis,92. DEN 'anr,1i.Cc',1p,',',.' f" y ,_ Return of a copy of the :ipplicat'on for the "in; year Wete PJ3, "10"}; 1r//'ly,C/1' hi1 Rdtttton against the granting of a W of 39 Ct the year uni-r mm}? if iii I'",',,'),?; p', _ _ groin: ',"'iill,h',t,,i,Y if contoured iiriri fol; i Nlietl slr' a est number in- . t . ".1 I V othetzgieiilluur license to Mr. Sott i ( 9-24) was admitted into the 1)::1'x31331 [ft'..' in" ' . .. shill cN"resrronucuce, i lumir. A commutation ot' the aCKii.",i," 2'/ / 'Retum of ' minions and numbers in resident. ; . ' 'heard Mid Jit,'g,eititriss and other matters, , close of much decade since the 'li.1c.d1c: '1892, to Maort 189" o from 'Novrittser l, assumed the charge of these Return Shown] C.' in olurto,ee Hail. shows more comprehensively the Murine: {Ben'icm orders "1551:" {<31 What omces ur ed popillotions which ltuve been provide] ed commuting il' m I have been Irastr. fur, as follows:-- Omaha; th ttte tees of Prov,' i N it". ' e dates of the ineial . . i um l:_S in , ell, 'tthe amount of Orders m Cotm. I Year. Admissions. lit-"Jena: am the eommata,tion . I _ . ' with a table sh " allow- :1807 ........ ..............181 9iitou July Ittt Paid to each otticial l o" ng the amount l Average tor the decade ' n moi: Year since /idil (1867-1876) .... ........m 13t8 , Average for the decade . - T (18774886) ...... ......485 11tto ( Av for never: d 'l - _ i, hiiririaii-,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,m,,.,,_s _ W" ..... 8T' " I , V We". ., f m»

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