The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Feb 1894, p. 3

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i ' v T""r'" "C" w ism, - A6 'V , ' -"' ' . ' ' . ' J.',., / _ g "'"1 v".: . _.. _ a. . _-lr,,',,;,',; l1 ' -"" .' _ :4, ; "ttteu'.' Citi I. 'l,'l',Qdttt, m N13.'r.'z, l, ' . Ntht "Mimiaedw a." ' 4i... ie ' junk". ' Witt: if", Lac; M- _ . 'v, 3-2' C".'. T .' ,1" - 5'"... " . p ' been m s'i7t,'trlfi,',,x,i'ttttirigiiii, We " - ", Ai; .7 " 'iiiiii R i'i-'aiilIl n , Illia.,.',, "I M there has ma ';ut,'tt'c2gait,"Jrjii' git .. . ' 'WB, '1q 8% - at fl,','.., _!l,,SNI lib' ,tllllllltrf'it1,,ft.'l Matti 'NIO . - 7 M. m 1' ' B. "or" r", u . . _. i"iii7s'llfs'rnua1,ir,'ei,ea,t,. Patients proLi it ' Riiht gs" m in tN. ' Mean" . with)! the lapse f _ - V: not ' The relative Dropotttbon o , a , , 3 ' ..eI tor my ' . . F to the whale population of we" 0' . " I " "o xenon Why mieft on bet _, - c tk also'o'howo a marked iacr f..'!!. the P ' 1,. . ai Stl ttt ", P, kd PN.,' y not ' W354" _ decade, as follows: _ . We 'turytiaUiij A . r , I W 3: Lt yitti8tt,'ti'itt . to": Te t ' » t A. t I , Jn l . C". . _ ' It K . I of the. sane ltr Per..' "t f l _ "I. _ 7 w'h. . 1lallg tt , 1867 (rhodium. Asyimms. oeulnge' f can at children dealt with, .' . a ' 1871 .........1.02J,898 951 .062 It of, tbntt'ts short report gm"; of , ...n'. tl . t . _ 1881 :.::::1d'll,re.1, 1,336 .034 {If societies.) '... _- , s", . t 1891 .2...ithf it; . ia'l,irr. if; . INSURANCE T.m3pr.croitt human. . C '9", mm". ii bt", ' . . ' W, . T The re ort of the Inspector of I IA, C ', e . t . ty-uh';)),'?,;,')?:;',',', :OWM" While otrreutl "a mu is; three dirissiotysi., A, our grave in t t, -, u; incompzate "i, I t " . A Pl " ' =. - flttEdl Ff'?" being insat- I. " ' a" . q e 'ieia ve 0 oe' " . .' ' . wr Mth.., ' t- . t dereeetive'ehrgth, to the 333:: 'ttdt.) -" ' we: , tr . idem». " "', e ' , than. and 'the census trataurns must be ,ra- i ',, " ' ' ' Tr, p. PM .- " . lied upon for information in that reg-aw. 'tranmustioq of "nun". ' J. wr arr. Christie com um; mm . rtraiiihee " Provincial licensees. being 1ttqttgattitg . to tsebuutetn issuctgby 8.11)¢%i'ni01' De-I panics licensed, inspected and rexlst -r, , 'Jt2t"ji1ht,ete,1t,'et, upstéljww last, cum I. by the Province for the transaction of i page f Jmnbgdemui T891, m wli':ch' ttur/ " insurance therein ; and C, friendly socie- number of the insane (and presumably ties, being societies registered by the Pro- also at id'llo'ts and febble'mlnded, m the . yinitot Ontario, for the transaction of :3 19ortu'tnirrtt is given aa 1-333; of which On.. insurance therein. The second division. ll {131710.35 credited with 5,333, and, at, 'stated the most important,. wmwlring ,me /oi. 3,468 were resident in the J'rovinciai that: Emmi :-tetailed statement; .dt joint when; on September 30, 1891, so that the stock life insurance 'ante,',',,',', do. Its, remaining 2.337. or 40 per cent., ramming}, "it tstack tire insurance mun!" m! l outside of Asylum care. _ l" , ed statements of 'rsmoptreat able. _ The inspector continues with some in- of cash ' mutual tire incuranoe comp?" " . , [creating suggestions and considerations do. of strictly mutual are insunn " = , on 'the subject dent witch. I prunes, comparative summary of g , k " and premium notes ot mutual. ttrw in! 3 HOUSES or REFUGE. once companies of all classes and the tubl h 2Atth annual reD.vtnt. m. t...» showing (a) localities, months of occur-v taro? Prisons and ,io'l"ri':i"ctfdiai,itl1/:,,1iytii,' renue, and total claims paid:~and fb) "tttll: Houscs of Refuge and tit-plum and M,ug- ties, muses and number or Ins-ms. Prom Galen Asylum-s. Bhow.; -asfcllows :-'I'rsol the fire table it is learned that there were. i has hem i-o inivponri in the mlmhcr Ci " during 18W. 1,481 fires, which concerned 1 131.50 ittstitulions during the past year. companies coming under the ciasrs!ftcattoe" I Appllcuthnhas bsen mrde to plan) on the of B, and the total amount of loss was His; for Government aid the i'uiiowiug 5435.843 bl). l homc,s, shuitum. nun. which are under the PROVINCIAL LANDS UNSOIJ). ', :m'tuuiIu'emczi-t of the Salvtaitlon Army mt! , Si'tll;ii'.~_.l HI Landon. Toronto and Kintgarou, Th? remainder of a raturn presented in , viz, Womrn's Itcssous Homes. Children's DLLI'I at " 1rvevlous 5' ttMott Tva.9 bid on the , and .\itn'." Shutter-a Prrsm Gult- Homes. table yesterday. showing the mnuunt Ne Thin rrrirtn.u" depintmcnt of the Hotel manning Humid on December 31 hit on Di m Iiurzrvfiiai. AVinlror, Mu 'uvsn 'liscon, {Lands sold, of tl) Crown: lands, (2) Com- '"r - tit _l during ."rrs 1).: a: your. till-i the 'man- , mun svt1"./sy1P: (JD .Uranlllw School _ 150;: v.7:c:'.1'_ have not yrt act-Lin] wtiiuCiit:y it 1 land-i. Hi tinVuy ninth. "the aggregate . wiil bo again Ink-2n up or nut. j amount due in Inspect of each'of the said The usual i:u'opncr:ion olcu.ined from): lclaeaes of lands. distinguishing the am- :uzu'l refuge in l't'Bpt-i'. of sex, religious de. i . [LINKS o'ue for prutrrhstl and interest re- ncrrnf:iiu.tlorsr, r,atictball.1ivs and prev'.ousl .j ispeecively. 'Phe totals .ut"e as fo'dvws:- rearinzces of the irunuxes has been iaiirl e". T'tl prim. T'tl in't marized as follows _ , Crown land: ..............$H3,i:-i'3 $185,533 Sex i 00:11:11.1) School lanvisu 122.542 223.407 . I Crvatr.ttccr Sun-ml lands.. 25,072 40515 Mau?....,.....................,............).,",?)', l'a'cr"r'i'sriia'ni".C, .............. 40,719 03.489 Female .............'....w......a......t....... :2,'.1::% . lRwilway lands ............ 66 ....... --__' --9-..-'--9 ..--r- l _" . 334x32 Tom ........... .. ..s322.3+c $51~i,936 l Itei-iqious Denominations. i 'e Grand total, $837.342. Roman Lizt'uciic..............,...........Ulla; ." 3 . T . ,:,,,,,, Protes:.a.nt ................................... 2,13" I Rich" FCSAy'l, ""H T'IF..R. Other religious, or not ltttawrt......... 17 g A return was presented to the Hc,use ' , ~--' ',siwitr-r that tho total number of Reeves 7 3.483 and lbpu'ies comprised in the various . Nationalities. :a,.:.r:i{,~: of Ontario in 1892 "mummy 1,149. (Kantian 'v'.............................. 1,157 _ 'AS uv'xins': 1.093 in 1887. The amount paid ringing-h ......'...... ........................ 70? 1" MAW-H!"- ly' in law: Wis 35436. as e3m- [Irish 'o'...'................................ 1.257 mm! with "4.235 in 1887- Th" total am- ; bvcgttuh :1..." ............................... 157 30:11:: of the Juerxnnut in the different I L'niced staues---.-..--:- w, :('yiitz'iws tor i593 was $601,457,158, as against _ ULnei' C?ouutrles.............................. 107 f»:¢i.81b.w6 in 1yei7. Th . Patty on Rt . . ------ in m: uwmgtd 1.88 ror trytli m y . _.--,,, ', 5 ' 3.453 named. S'mr'ur- has the largest number of Previous Residence. . Hunts, with 53. Received tnom clues or towns in .t '., ' ' , T , ' which the refuges are located...... 2,174 OMAR", ti L'I.IND P01114111". . Reeeivcd from counties in wthich the Dr. T. IP. Clxsm1tetcain, the Inspector of refuges are located..................... 423 Pr: Lars .urri Puhtic Charities. reports up- t)lk'iiii,i':i,'i, from other counuies in the ". on tht Crntu'io institution for the due» J. migrants and torclgneirs.............. IM (Lu of th. bind act 13ear:tforrt. the report Province ..................................... 725 Mm»: the 21'1"! sent (n on tint irtr;t'tutlcat.1n -' ---- tho l'u,rtv,''.on of (hm-min in 1891 there were 8.433 3.36? b'inl porno, 1.83;; mules uni 1.529 te- I . ' in: w. In Ontario thare Lire, unmarried - I E.NT0MoLOGICAL B0CJ0.TY. mm, nit-rm :uo. fettralee 194: marriei, The twenty-fourth annual report of the malts LIC'., i'onmlcs 141 ; widmwctl. males 110, l Entomological Society of ontariois addors- rcin, its 11-8: unknown. 1 ; total. 1,227. Hv gsed to the Mitdtstr.r of Agriculture by Mr. 1A."thr,'.aces, 5S'it were born in Ontario ie ly. lu'. Saunders, Secretary, who refers, in ' in undies, 4 in Nova Scene 2 in Siew [a few introductory remarks, to the so- '. lirunsw'cni, l in tho Northwest 'rh in Eng- .ciety's worldide reputation as one of the .. ixti 1 In Wales, 117 muting," 2?2 in It l leaders in economic entomology. The local i 1 ire-inn i. a in other "rm-ha; 0' {gawk}; _ .7 Intvtesft and membership of the society the l'nrmml 'c1'c't!te4, 3.3 in J,ufiiiirfv"," 1 in. r' , lshows a decided increase, proving that sin, 1 in 10",.th 2 in ottIee countr' f 3 the methods adopted by it tor the attain- Sun, :mzl 2 unknown, CPatarlo'tg a; i 'm..-m of its ends are wrll suited to the var 10,000 is 5t, as zigninnt 62 l 'llr: purpose. The report contains an ongrav- \'Nmo the fope gn-barn C'mqt'tut I",'., :.l ' I ing of tho Rev. 0. J. S. Bethune, M.A., cent. of the Isotpulation otithe 41.11:] if 1p" ": l D.c.L.. F.H.C.S., past President of the so- ("Fill-born Daronuwo are rifii 'tt o of:; tclety and editor of The Entomologist. :2:- total blind rrifr.'ii'i'ii".,,'r/' 2',yi'/',,ei'lit; g; . C l F'., . . ' . ., - C' f Mu:!.i;urnh CHILDREN maroon ; mad!"Lil?fligf-'IL'Q'D'Yrilini'zbuionpot-(p than one- i The first report of the Superintendent muttttord interbank (Phi Working uf the I of neglected and dependent children of ou- tratiuiactors. and 'ici',, 'i, monounoed to be tario gave a summary of the tive or six plote. I months' work since this oiiice was estate. A--.-..-, "shed. and Included 50 pages of interesting Jo reading. Ten children's aid societies have M already been organized, and so far 22 |visiting committees have been appointed 't ',to aid in the work of f1udintt homes for t ' "s-i-I-Ig-I-lil-II-----.,

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