.e'PP'" ".""erd""'""""C'" ' . . wzy i"-..., '1 i/ _ .- 1 .7 . tXC"u' ft ,Nwmm were. abnormal expendnw. anal , , "P 'umlntlve om g. _ mm nryt appear 1n the cu-rren't year. By b F ' _ _ , al, changes tntule 1n the staff, tho swarms for PM"?! to-day wer.e i arter IS93-4 will be "ontsrideribly r1-1111c1111. The the sitting not lastlng mo I' Il'. C . 'Wa'ler rate wrll not 'In all prxArrbiiitv we . . hour. the usual u-nmu {Of "lsiitlyas _ oeed 3%). The 11mm fopjttsurance v:1ll nct 111%: presented and .A. test buts 1111331111; appear at fr, Y", the {"110"th I',:)", In" l. . . h " 1iatiott year sevnres: Ctr. utttriutunt'" " e 11'11111'1' y " their tttst readlng. The only Minimum? , for Elm-1- ywnrs. 'Phvexpenditurrs fur 141111- 1 from routine business was Mr. . t ' , eral repairs, the 1111mm] annunncvs, 11111 211- l "tuestion tothe '-h'verr"rtumt. . mo tse r1»11111~<r11. The esCmatd fur the 1'111'- ', Mr. fulrour presented a piition from , rent ye'ur 19'1'11'1t, 'Jffir/1.': prm-xun't 3,1111-11: _ . , 1 -r3'111' iron "nce, tht. col 'Wie wi) 121w. an assurm I - . Wm. Chityholttt and other T) 'lf, .. "ttar. oome of $11,111», anl v/ill 111-1w.- an exrmndl- (mines in the Desert Tsake Ti'"'.'":",' ay " Cure of $131100, Sump improvements have . for incorporation ah, the Pot-tlock & Dram-t been mane In the 1rru1wrt.\'- The reports 111 l Lake Imn Mine Railway Company. 'Che the 1113311919 in change "WM .513"! {1121121 it _ " 1 . promoters own mm control "i",j:ei,?t1'1',C", b,' hni',)hltsC't Jp'f'i2'le"c.'ce, tfrfl'i.mi112,U',', wh, t of hematite Jon near e'. - " ' , ' .11 . 3611001. 'ee, they wiAh to have ptxrttttLUly mined, "ep/rt/ey m! 1m wail the 111-hurt of the 1 a *b etteot wish the constrtn'ttort Herrrts. of 1|~1mn1111 """v'"?y'ts' 11111111 111(- I _. h . fruitt Purdue}; Hurlmr. in the cer'"'It"tt"?."_'.'1 of the t're"cN','t "f 1111-. ' 1 . wuyi n Lukv Huron, 1osrleal 11111111111g ann tr.e-vfon o! :11-- ' . Ip ot Juhawtto'". U .'-.1 111-1111»=11>' E' T'avk Hus-11111111.! 1111159. :crd the t'trrr-sro,iil- t" to. some pu.n1 alt or "l'Y thr it', /.. t 1'1 _ ( enca- ttpon the subject of mrUicul edu-t, The signers of the pterrtton 11w: -1\ ',",' 1" tion. holm. Edward S. 1mm? 'rw- I. iffy": t, HINT READINGS. . _ 1 IN, F. Tulms and J. lt. Hook M1. Ha our 1 .- . _ . _ . $ft'o presunml u potition from Nrhl tlots , LT??? t),/,'.i,r"t?,r,' bills "we htroduc, d 3-K] " 1 "v,itdsrtittr' of thc Tonu- 7'1" a 1" . le . -» ' ' 33%: tplosj'n):t,?/1"nl'; I'ottin, ln [111511-1111? a)? Mr. Ta/rt--'" atrivnd _the mumcuxd l sttta,rt.tihtUpeor2i,ef.?.'"'"at'o" o 'ue By Mr. ottrnour-t, vxvmpt hi,mr-r.tt.,vi.w. 3) Mr. Paton prov-did" " 11.412111-1 from By Mr ri,ii"y/ur1ht/'-"sh Ll'seper.sonul the Township of Tiny. 1131:1111; 1111- 111H~wliw Covenants 1y..rt.vrr'o,rv't'c. . of an 111-1 urtt,';rtmt.xirtr: "r, I'b f Ity Mr. "Minus -l'stsptu:tirtrr wmnesa Bug " dohtttitrititc. MV- l t' V" ees. of ("NM Irrisru_ 11 Pr 1"} '" A Ql'ES'TloN FROM MR. MItllEDrTH. ' front oxt'orui County t'ottrlril ASK)": 1111' t 1: ... . 1 rryreirl of tht. 1'1;11151- in the 11111111111111 1111 Slr (111V1'11' Mowu: thtm 11111v1-1 1:1- 11-11- rennin: tousse-vttt tot. the 11'11'11-1~1' 11 Jouro:rrw,: " 1111- 11311411. Mr, 31111111111. erecting 111-11114115, ulso " 11111111111 11-11:11 trn" hum-Var. .1<k-11 11111 (iot'ttvtti-rit \\ 11--.'1 1.1.»- szune body tcskink that thw ttr:rxirisnin tlit. rrattir'tt ("111111 1111- 111-11 >11<<11111< 111;» rr"v"'rrl'-', per. ruu,."or v.ulvruy r_tri:nt'ti1.',"l' "Mk1 If]. tt,l:'y"t/y.h,',",' utul tur.cd of' the 1- 'rl?",'"','.",",")",.,- V s. Mr. A. F. 012111111" tide foy i""" 2.111» ""1 WI.,' [,r "'11 y 11' 1 'v'r'eud'7ti1itioj',..l,. from :11.- (','Yiilcr"; 11 [Cf,","?,'):',',)).,); l: 1111111111111 is l""";;,,! "if" '. . Luird and . :11- Ir'; Llrr' _ 111;: 1 'lr) '.' 111:1 .\'1-<~~11,1:1, 1111. AIP. flyey ti1ir1l1','p".(i"dii)if,l.) t', Cin "S 1"..." s1'j'o,sr'y._it.ct"r""l 11311 111.11 2:111 rut-.1111 would trtcothe right. to tuirire blierirtirr- Ir'.: 'tLe,".),':,.",: " 11"5'16" Jccss, und the "MAM: a tax 1111 1111111 v:tho-c. Mr. 111111 rt" 31"I~ _ U "W" . trew pl'eSehh-l 511111111? Irtstitiorrr; 1111 111411" \111'11s1's111- MiyrroN' ofmhe Townships 01 111-1111 and l', 1111111111": .. t ' . . Mr. MrrNUup,"htott 111'1-51-111c11 5111111111 ;11-11- rho f11.111\\'1n1g 1117:1114 of moHon hav.. tiuns from the "l'ur',xricshurs ot' .\1111-1111111' MW" 151"" I, _ tund Atuurn, 11111.1 1111111 rr:.- Vill:tpr. 111 111,111 -.\11'. 311111-1111, 11111111112411 11m :lv. I r.'rl 191.5111; .11111 1111111 [1111111115 111 thrs '~11111~'1 ' "11'9"" I'L'h'I'I'H-l 111 1:; 1111- ","t'a'.rl 11{ hic exam-1 "tlt' P1'1-Sunlc'1J. 111' Mr. 12111<1111 111' 11111111' the 11.1-1'1-r11z1;1; 'trr",');." 1: 1.1-- Huvon,oni,eirlt' " tir'roc.rnir,rsrt 's" .1; 1)irt'rt.ttt.','o'/ th,. "51'1"". A 11 11'1""? 111 :11" In Ilr. 1111-111. 1111 1111111111 wi' 1111- 'l" 111:1 1-1 '11'11111- of t'r'lriill_.'nriris,' '11111 iiiss'rl'uii,g' v.1. dolxun'g. by Mv. Dark. on 111-11.111 11: litri, tain l'vrviriul oiliiiii::. 1-1-1111 b81111] t 11:1 curdinv 'l'rr'Attchirr'. 11). Mr. ll.--," 11111;1:1-111 11 .41). "lit .1:'~1'."11~ 111111111 scVur..rs '.' on 111-111111" ot' 111';11111. "lhrrwtcsr.t. ".1 Mill yr. 1111mm 4:111 io ctrticnd 1111- assess- Iiickw2l. on 1114111." of tlor \'111.1;:.1' " 1111111311. 15112. F.lora, 111111 1.) 1.11: 19.45-15.41, .111 11.111111 sill,,),,,',.".:,'.?"'"--""':" to amcrrl tho Public or "z1111111-11 '1'11w1m11111. " "'0 S iti.t. ur. 1'cc:turc1rtsl.l 1.1 Frus: 11111-111111 112'1141711- Mr. bl. F'. Clitrke, 1nV.rsy---lrd tho Iiov- eu " iro:ition fvotu l'oit "1111:. Asking ern.n1cttt in the year 133:: or 1833 insane. "ruetrduirurt.s; to th.. lilrel !-'1\'1 . _ l . lit'. H. t'. Caryn-111111 :11'1-511'111 1 '1 1111111111 /. li. .S:-r:. 111511 1-11.;- .1" l, "'l'""1, Thu" .Nort'olk v'ourily "urn!:vIlnv'.tev,:r,r t 11' ".'1l11'1'111t1| v"sUir'rv.'.t'vl.trtt 11!. 31'" '1""1:"" * 1ttrrtiorl ot' th,. few: 111' 1.111111) 111111.211S .111- 4'11 111--(.'i'ty111' 111111111111, .1111 .1~ b11211; M11111." Io tlite iivttajIt_rsr;t, ss,'t.iril,:.ort 1~"11\'1=11111 111 tlv. 111111" 11 Ity, 121111111111' 111-11<111111.1 " 1n~11111111 rr"rni i,'ar, 1 Hf": "1:114 2"1'111 .:1 1.111 ~11 , '11 ' the 'l",rrsv.hiref 1. 1.1111 olir. 11411111: 111111 :111' .ss4 :11- >11 1'111\1:.~. tr. 13-311 ,' 11' 11111- :1? ac"', Ituty br. p_1~.~--11 it,.lirt"vy.:ts:, tir. S ' F "-132 to 1111.1 4:111- "r'imr'lo' 111:111'4111: 1311-1 Sue uf derlotsa'ctIt-, ul-o, " 11112111111 .1411 11:1 111:1'~1~~:, ;1:111, i: 51": 1 3;. 1111 :;..~ ;-'1 r"t tttcot-tno 11' 1111- '1'111-1-1111» .\1111m111'1 1 "-"'1: 'r '.cr \111. -11 :1.11 .1 1511 lt Irll.s '.':l Company. 11111111 W. 11. 1'otisstocli. 11.11111 .11'1-111: ll, 1.11 111'." Booth, (ic111'3.:1- 11'1 Mu/ltr) 11' 1:1'111-k\11111,' 111: NN '1' 1111111111 12111.11'11 1-1111\-.'111_"111 Ir/ and Peter' l'syurt, 1'2111~11.<1-11 1111151111111. ti, 1 1:~ .111- ",-. l c"?!; . '1... iritt,,rit'rct 1f t), S. Maui-111111. 111,511 1111111: l'. (I, 1'111~~,f 1111111 11-111'1111: 1.:\'-- 111-1-11 111 " :1;:.1111~1 c. 11. 1lucrlrrv,nvu, 1111/11 1111.1 T'. J. l.., 111 . l'r 111111 11 1111111111115 11 t' 111:»; C., :1711 11.1'; tHughes,.). Kiwx lat-ri.,', A. W. 1241111211111 i -H"1 '1. " u 111.1113: 111' y ir"l 1'1.- _" ',rr:tc il an11.l, A. 1lvulotinll. 1 "11'11"r1\' 11111-11 11'111'A1-. :11111 1111.11 "119 111.- Il" F. b' ('IHI'ILI' 111'111'11111-11 :1 1* '111. 1 ""Fl vt ttich ('11'1-111 '.-, llltlrl.V. ttvut'rovontoe's (' 11111121 ;1~11111: p. 1:1- of an art whr'rtby 1-1-11.1.11 1lr-'.rtn'rit-t. io ! laws muy 1--- x.clt'rlcttrui. 11111 113111" 1) Pr'- I vis',onr, 111;1_\' 111- 1111-111 fr 111- 1111111 1111' ot mulurnun 1111111 cull or 1.1111. l RETURN" iH'sirl'GUT 1 i. l Hon. My. (1.1141111 1111 1111 th, 111% tA' 11 returns. 'l'V 1': " \1114 1-2111 .1111111.11 111:111'1 of l'pgmr (21:11:11.1 I'111,1-;,'1-. 1111' '111\:11,~:' report 'i.'ivWs'itttr.st,tuy 11-11111111- 111'1..,.1T[;"1 for Itfdc'.-it 1154 .1411111 .1 $1131". 10 in 1" I - l Wh'ilv th,. t'x'ri:iqlir- 111 1313.: Hts' 51.91 668 ~10. :11111 111 15117: W,iti $1; L'-'i' :12 "I':.: . 11 I 1891-e, tltr-r,, wut 1 >111'11111s 111' 1111 .1111, while in 15111;: .1 111-111 i: 11' $7.1M 1. .11-1-1- 1. This aria-.4 11141111) fr, 111 th,. 1'~1111 111 11111- ber of buys in "51111-21111. ther,. 111111.; 11', as utiinst IC 111.1 111-.11 ' The 1'1-11111-11w11 wtticittltrni. 111 1111- 11:1 ,1. ion "r the 11111111, "ft,' 111111111; to .1". r11 (Kuhn-x; tir,ct, 1111~ 1311111111111 111-1111-~.<' " w'n'irth [11'1-'1'11111'11-11 t1'rrvtrr'hoiit thr. 1'1'1\ 11.11; .Meeorrdly, tou. 1111-1112151} 111 1111~ 11111111111" .1 l etthrienoy of 1111- 1111:11 81111111-1s :11111 t' ll sr' ate Jnstitrrt, of 1111- Pr-v- 4111111: :11.- ant tow yum; thilly, 1111- tsitu':r,,ri),tn nt of a numbtu. of :111-1i1.1>:111l 1' ~i-1111111I 811110013 for 1115's; 17111113111" 111-1).". inc: 'r'. two ltrrvo. 1'irylosr,riwt. 111~L111111.~.< 'rt i 1111' T where forrur,.vly 1:111~1~-- Witt; 11:11 111112 In 1892-3 tthorrs Wore inn-Hum ", 111' fi- I petrd'Uttre to tht. 1-111-111 111 31mm for, ",ilrr, ' 110* of the stitry. $31111 in 1111- 1'11'111'1-1111111 1':;:111. l $500 in! tilie w.1t111- 111115. $1111 in I', 11. l'tl 111 1 pairs, tund 31.3134: it; inr:u":ince: .11 ,r I