The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1894, p. 2

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.f'1i"ie51t'hf."iis" . i; a. . , fill, . 'ttittryf,'r' T _ . . si' . . 2,aSILu. _ , ' r'rT 'tA, "i6t5tattiid') i: .----- "I _ -- . . _ W: " H u. 'i', (V mi V f F Primes; and 1Netettmttrahmo Attoenex- l y {2.3. "Us" , - , 'M"tittf1't,t a; ' Ewing Meayms. Barr gt'til,e, memo. . 'al it rt i'liS,'i'il' n . "H ' . us . aldwell. Charlton, lancy Clarke _ '~ r * qt '/ F . _ ' _ . , (Toronto): Conmee, Dock; Dowhn'g. "Dry.. / By It'; Barr S',tg,e,.r1'ti' "alte,, "t den. 1llvaaturei, Fraser, Gibson (Hamilton), mun... yr. h",it,t",i t as. C nails ' the Gilmour. Godwin, Harcourt. Hudson. hack, 6 T f 0'1 "Wag Mun "l,'l t2: 1 nd Meacham, Meredith, 12"it',tit"daegef ', q t to. ram-"'9'" y , on P McKay (Victoria) McCanum. Me anon V ' ' " . . ' , Paton/ RAyaide, 'mriiii;,' Sharpe. Snider: Br Mr. J2,t'i,f,ttt',ecitar,t the ',f'f/'g'.'.'. , Tait, Waters. White, Whitney. Wood _ V trtMt,tfe?t-tpd Mar- m o ar 1Htsstirgto-t' _ . "was amendments, as the l law on Standmg om1tyrs--M-rs. Alhut, Batt tdttgtlf is: (one amendments already _ mm, Burr Dufferi'n) Baxter Blg- , . f. A ' "a _ ', . . any}: Giiii'Giii "trilroCa'y, . ""811". Btrmtton--Prxrm the editors or,', ' . ' l' '~ ' " ' . . ). Carpenter. Charmin, P1tttqro', asking the same. i ' . Dank. Home. Dom-mg. Fall, Fer- ' T mar Mr. Gib-son fHuron)-From, Huron: J ' Fluid. Gibson (Huron), u'lond0miptv: County Council, making repeal of the: h win. Hammett. Hudson. Icems,"Loiid.,l .. clause in the} municipal act compelling ' 2fh, lamina-m. Monk, Mac " . . t ' to swords. the con- ar rd). Clank e 'w _ T ' ops , ' . Sharp.5mitih . . 100 feet It, V" _ (. l), Smith (York). also from tithe same body, asking the re- T ', or Brunette $mtihon. New, Wood Sgtctiorn g, 'trdf, 'ge county omeiats in . , . 'c, . -.' ' e serrv or? o e a"overnmeett. tell/ii-ata,,.,,,,-:,,..,),:,,',,. Allan. Aw- By.Mr. 'Nht--.Fronr Alex. King and oth- =Balfour. iiGrirRtria"Gfwi, Bishop, ers of Toronto, Praying that an act may Liiii Bush Campbell (Durham). Clam- be passml to onubin the executors of the '., . ' [ , ' - estate of the l-mte Richard S bl . " our"; (Damon), (mound, Lorrmee, Da certain la. i tu " to lease' ' ' . P. hatl, Fe: son. Field. Fraser. ' 'ly". l 2,'ii,es7.t'snicl"oe (mm). (Nirmouir. Glen- Wr Mr. "lu'wwipmm the, "mm yfran- ' I . G liwii'n. Guitottttte, "only, H4tsrrott, antique- and Thousand Island Ralanv Hudson: ICerna, Kirk'w'ovod. Locltihart. Company. to contirm an agreement be- hrin. Mock. Mackenzie (W. Lambton). . $991: the two mrporaitions. . , .. ' aoham Meredith t . y Mr. Pleld---From Mayor Wilson and agwood Matter Me, ' ' iscam iUi Mont}, Moore. MCCIEMY. Mc- . F m mien-15mm of Cobourg. asking that no ooh "Slim. (Oxford) McKw (VIW'PU- taxes be 1.6M"! on '.n,T/1',vfynttrt, oet land, ' A y . : , _ 'Co'n- or to gran. power to Municipal Council! to cCaiium. MeKeNutie, McMahon, OR fd curry this Po.'ltdon 'rto vil'w't Paton MONWJMMU". Ensign. e. ' l'\ 'dr ir/i/C" l::)fl tho lv . , ' ' '. . _ ---t J." . use Com- _ st,tt',,tJ.xu'g,Te,'; na1'i"r',id, Slfshilgggg. missionms of Whvrrov, whim? to be al. . 'gu. mmafe ' ..r' ' . ' '_', " Wittouvmby, "ma (Brant), Wood (Hast- lined to issue Uerscntures to 9.00.009. and l tugs), tt?ltaf'5 All A B t . . . for tho validmtion of by-lnws utrtor which Phiviaite' tes-Nt-se. imm.' wrey, tu- _ s debentures have been issued. four, Baxter. llizgar. Bishop. Blown} "'iCtlli"r. Fergutsoo---From Kent County n ' .04.] roll, 03m bell (Dun-ham. . , A ' ' . ' . he - Ill),',',':,',",':,, 'ifl','2i,t Clarke 'ite/dt',',] Duck, COLIN)", praying, that "ugh: mix; 2 if; THY ""' ,7 ' ., l F ' INN tered regarding indigents Con nu n co l (Davis, Dowimg. Evaatturttl, - omson. L ' ty minis. and also asking to have deter- Field, mer' "arrow, Gibson (Hamilton). mint-d tho length of time a norm" has me . mo ., 'aith , t ' Ft c, b i., . v, , t gt t "nerd, ill Hudson, Ksrns, Kirkwood. Mackenr/e tW. 3:13}; 3:",111112.' "1:11;: 1,231,311: fink that the Lambwn) 'iifangoui. Mortar. Mintnlmtn. ('oum' ".' ' . "It ' In itv t. der ' 3 Judge in Mun author l tot' u Mamiwh, Munk, 1recotl, Clark (S. Lan- t .0 remo ad of any 'tmsd or sick vagrant ark), .i'IISKia} (Oxford). Mchilum, McMa- if: ("up-1X9 "d/dp', n,:,-.. i.H nu House of iron. OLonInor, McNaughton. Presanmy- Industry to slnnv' suitable institution, and Bide. Reid. Robilku'd. "who. Ryerson, asking also that the [motive of munici~ Smith (Prorytctrvac), Smith (Peel), SUMO?- palitio-s giving railway passes from one ssp/it'e'.Iti;, Strmmn. Ta0t. Tooley, Waters. Stanton L0 another to such vagrants LI.- ', i, e, ritnoy. Will yughihy, Wood (Brant). Ueulars: illegal. Wood 1Hkvst1inutssy, Wyhie-67. Raltwovtb--uitvses. Allan. Awrey. Bal- L 'uRriT'lttiADrxGg four. Barr (Dutrcritt). Ttaxter, Bhutan The following bills were introduced and Bisnop, Lilezard, Bronson, Caldwell, Cump- read a tlrst timrr~ bell (Antonia). Campbell (Durham). 1"Pt- An not for the preservation of "To and penter, Charlton. Clarke fToronto),ianu, pnlpvrtv at railway crossings in attics gonmee. lDalykll glows, Dowling, Dryden. too-mind villages Air Waters ' .A'anturo. 'e . 'erguson. Field. Fraser, z... 7 ' rtt, . / . J,.', . m Garrow, Glendinnirur, Gibson (Hamilton). nt/g,.? to "In." the plticrrnucy aut Mr Gibson (Huron). Gilmour, Godwin, Guthrie, A l I , " ' . " , , , . ' Hammell, Hardy, Harty, Hlscott. Hulsou, "witht to annnd the asm Bment act-Mr. Kerns. Lockhart, Loughrin. Mack. Mac- o' C,' " ' ' ' , . kenzie (West Lambton). Mommas], Mortar, -ir','. 11t,,2c,'"i,'.nc'nd the Public Schools aut Mvaoham. Meredith. Miscampbnli. Monk, . I." -.. i' _ ' ... _ Moore, MeCleary, McColl, McKay (Vic- s/).'nn'j:t,ie,', amend the aHresrirtwnt act- toria), McKeohnie, Clark (South Lanark), - . . H . McMahon. O'Connor, Paton, McNaughton. THE AGRICULTURAL FARM. Preston, Ruyside, Reid, Rxbillurd, Rorke. ' Ryerecn, Sharpe. Smith (Peel), Smith ' Mr. Llunny asked the Minister of Agri- (York), Snider', Spraguo. Stratton, Tait. oulture when he t'xptu'ted the report ott Tooley, Whito,Whitnw, Willoughby, Wood . the Ontario Agt'luulturit1 Farm to be (Brant), .Wood (Hastings). 1vylies-79. '"'.t/.r,, 1 . 11' THUR said it would be ready in PETITIONS PRESENTED. a tow dub ' The following Petitions were presented t-- ' , T . . By Mr. White-trom. ratepayers of mum ACCOUNTS. . Rochester Township, Essex County. unk- Mr. A. b". Wood swim-i when the pubiit- Ing for the partition of the township. The (Leviuxxts "now be 'vitdy. Mr. Harcourt petition sets forth that the residonts in had pmmlsovi they should be rutily in u the southern portion of Ihe.township Jo day ol' two at the tres','inisin.t,r or tho ties- not get their shame of the benefit from the sion, but thut 'airlreatrl to in: only Lil; in" heavy taxes they pay; that most .of the "by ot gutting "u..- my 'ruticulty. u. ' Councillors live in the northerly portion Mr. Htuiouvt 1.,~.,,ms(..1 to tith' hi i: of the township, and are interested ac- rv'a'iva.vors tosdliiiUn"uCLi'"i'u,t'llfiAii',t, cordingly; that the township has been en- week. a . gaged in several law suits which concern 'llr. Meredith asked why thev rould ll." only the northerly portion, but which has be "WU tut the lit-winning of tho iiCd','f/ increased the general taxes: and that the 5"?- Héuxoum "1,11." that it {if} . roads in the northnrn portion were opened fttksnd hm it mm with (i ' is tutt. at the general expense, while those in the would 'al'lustiiate Sumo i f '/ Plan-"m. h,. south had to be paid for out of a special ll the Way of tiicCi'i'Cu'//t,, ttl'iiil"1.i11i.ipi' rate. uownas curl- . ' J/C, rn . . Mr. Ross (Mltidiesex) presented a petl- o'sotrovetv, "ir',',]:',' hi: '/tt'si"'t'c,"ixat,r,1-. JY, had, tion from trustees and ratepayers of school yru 'Ire, thouwh; a comparimn of 3.3] up Section numbcr rive irvWestminster Town- "W years With Previuu '.il', tht liter, ship Middlesex, asking that the property Slum. Would show tl ',' S Years in this H" of the City of London Water Commis, berut dilator). //if,,)ili:g,,t,'aye,t,.f,tr,i' "m slouch: situate within the limits of the it"? 1r'it..rtsyiuescih/'/: 31:33?" 1yts section become liable to taxation for school "lidht I'ivtiramu,tion I a in hasten.. iw ' - e T ' . J/,'/r,r."""" from which they are now ex Oust Miourmod at about 3.80. By Mr. Ca1dwp11--trcm a, number of A ret LINE lNSiiRANCE muons. steam users or Ottawa City asking an ' UPtt was laid bot , amnndmunt to the act respecting station- $311.. Mr. Gibson, in '.1yd','fc'e, lee by ary onuineers. requiring that persons in 79' P3539" in the so"; L we with an charge of a steam plant of over rim-en if/it?, instande, iiiirCrCt'vtl,aol 1893 at Mr. horsepower he required to obtain a certiii- (1) 0 insurance companies doll tthe names ut cate of competency from the Board of ntylo among the iit'iiisCiiat?'2t,,1yss.', in Examinwrs or tho Ontario Association of {1:03:3in ipnmiums ot $1 or uridlgfses' End .tatiormrv En .ineers. f fh als: I. . Wee l . i g e _ a allnunusuol conditions in

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