The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1894, p. 3

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' . - "(1. " . t-. . m/Q'I . .' pie-ac-'?. - 9" _ ' " r 7 qus - u... We 'tthte Me rsii,:ttitii, _, m _ R.Fr.qtr', tet, iMb,"ofxtaseg r, . _ ' I,alti'all , . . a," td he; during the mg erecutt P" "and the act respect- i -' Ciiiriai 'r" tts6'aurt6turt involved and Mr. Mama: . 3m to amend th C ' ii, Ietup. Onty'ttwo companies Prevent {henna-mm; of nat ne act to , ' ' " as Wench 1-,hu9iness. viz.. to provide for me guys,- t'iail 335' and 4 ' I "We Inmncéwomtny. hav- "W196 wells. . mg o a.1 ttban- 3 l, been otttoe at Lambs, on. and . Mr. terr-r-Heroes-moat,, . . .. ce.r, ' - mitten Life 1rtruetWetrTmet.r, {in of this Hause the mi:1 t name Opin- - wr 'th headquarters 1rvNttw.'Xorle. The bimi'm'momt rri7u7e"ar.'Citl,'l?1ilfr5l?d1..i",', of ' Ire policy of the London Insurance Com-, ' ('C'n'nmted thcrerwtittt win-m1; as? b1ishrne,nt , but): in granted on imitation that the in- l'mviinoe shod/id, arm;- e; t x93)" (if the t we pay to the company br its agent a _ item's. from the apponnitme 'ilrtatfee, 17 five ' itxet,orgmsigm weekly In advance at or be- 1har r%termtmctt: , f ' , n pr other 9"" . .. on0t'thetsmhtotottt oel..I, tore hen on every Monday. .No agent may hht Honor the mcsemit L'rirk'u'aUtQ'ltlefl5 WIVQ'B. Miami! more than tour of' _ nor, 'be discontinued, Abe wee"? Premium are in arrears. . The ' Mr, 5ftyetuih-rsteaoiurex,v...nuat the h h} . -,t',t'rg',tgitflltrijNflttt1'g' conditions" 5. b. EP of whom-ate. ct ttio . ' .nggmf": an 2li%lW't'al'. 'IUl'ff mare-tr; .'C tva.t . w'-',".-?"?.-?.?? of 4rrt We... ','/1rfr, ' , mm . . e" _ . _ tl g , D . _ M ' n ~Llfe InsuranCe Company un- '39: ver, Il"' reqp1mmeatautass both lite and endowment insur- public serv4ce, trttd Moh- lame time effect _ "on the .ndo'ment plan. This com- a. large rcductIJin in the expeynaiture of a: also makes weekly payment of Prem- tohe 1'rovimr, tor legislation, and in the ms 6. condition, and has contested 21 opinion of this House the mime has arriv'ed cases in the period named. In nearly all when that change Should bi:ule, subject. these cases the mistance was based on however, to the prerogative of the Crown technical grounds, usually on, grounds of ms to the summoning of the Lesris'saturetri" the family medical history of the deceased. ('2,) that it be referred to n (ummu'tttae con) l acting of -----.-- to prepare and erjlt ' , )DWATION PROM HAMILTON. to this House with all coturenKnrt epci _ 'W "ca-moor. a bill for the winner: at giving afoot to , T y naming by a. Joint deputation from _ me for! JiY,G'ttlmo.' ti. the City at Hamilton and the residents of 'Mr. , "err+totv--attnutiry--(1) Did not J. I. ' Burlington Beach. 'Mr. Nicholas Awrey, ' DOWNS. Who held the otiiee of license in- , M.PP., introduced the members of the de- SPECWI' for the Electoral District of Duf- I mutation, whidh comprised Mayor Stewart. rerin,resritrnrhat office? If so, when? (2) Aid. Macdomrld and Morris. City Bollcibor Was hie re-appohytsI to the onice ? " so. McKalcan. uMr. R. It. wardell, who argued l whom ? (3) What salary % "NW BAN-101M . ito; the Township of t9ahttteet and the to tho oilice. Hind what 'MIS the salary at , . summers. and iMeasre. J. F'. Monk, L. ', , 'the tinw of lip. Dodds' original appoint- t St Lunton and Crooks. Mr. Awrey explain- tttent 'l " ed the objects of the deputation. The City Mr. sMenNrHth---nosolueoin--f1) That in the I [ ot Hamilton wishes for a. cotytitunatory and opinion of limit: limits-re the crttt,orl of Hub, _ detitute lease of' the Beach, while the Beach lie and Sepanatte Saline] Trust es in cities. residents desire to obtain patents tor the Gowtys Wild yrrcvcrporrateU vm 1805. and in lat; whldh they occupy. An hour's debate . t -wn-suhlps in which "FoanSiillD ilomrtls an toldawed. Messrs. l.uoKelctut and -Wuniell ostaitrrismed, Hhuulni behy ballot; co that _ presenting their respective sides of the it 'bi' referred to u, ctymimlt1es ("Insist n: case. Whoo their arguments had been of _----..-.----- to prcqmre and report to the l made Won. Mr. Hardy informed the deie- House, with all convenient sp el, " it" gation that .he comNdered the question ttoo to uxmemi the Public am Sammie S h ol , 'inltrdcate and lengthy Ito admit of lbeing act so 213.10 provide that in (mics. t was r taken up and decanted on the spot, and sug- . uni 'iincortmrmtcni villages, and in tuwn- trested that a commissioner be appointed ships in which Township Bowls an: es- to take evidence, in the hqpe ot' bringing . F mum-whorl, the animation of Public mrrl Scy- about a settlement. In case all at- . unite thool Trustees shrill be hy fra,llct. tempts at etrerttinq a settlement: faiLel Hon. I Mr. Ikrlrour-Ordt ct the Ilou.iuw---'rrhrat . AL. Hardy intimated that the Govern- the momma provided for by cries of this ment would be prepared to act upon the House relating to the public serving, mus- St'P..Pl'1s,Petr,'e report. This was agreed ed on the 1mm day cf April and 19Cit any "for; on all sides, and lthe committee withh- of May lust. shratll c man, in midit'on to ' ' ew. t'heiimformzutl-orn forthe ymrs 1871 an! 1Mt2, . _ , prov'idml for by mil ords ~18. like informi- BRIDGES "In "REAMS' Lion rcmrdiing the year 1873. ' Mr. Cleland presented a petition last Frl- Mr. 1yvod--netlt duly comprel f om day from the County Council of the County the consus returns: for tlhe your 1891, of t'-e of Grey praying that sections 633 la) of the rr-suits of the Federal can": for the Pr:- municipal act be repealed. This seam," Vince, show-in: the population for each l "Elites Ito bridges over gtreamg 100 feet county and district, and the mu:nieipaliCes I and over in width, and compels counties to sihucmte tihere'n: also the populatron of the contribute towards tneir construction and unotypanized territory. mMntemnnce. The County Council of Grev It. q the law ii unfair, and, if not rd.. RO.NDEAL' POINT. '; rpemetd, should uiL least be amended b i - ' Hon. Mr. ' ' tC . - " _ - I alluding roads as well as _'bride,es. A" d3- mu Point 2ye1','d11t" fi1)'i"iyi'r'itnni11,- ', putation from Grey County is expected Kraut plunsuwe in Kent uni Elgin Ctrirt- l (town in a. few days to "again interview the ties, to whidh the new brcathinv,' govtring,evtd'.:',' in}? subject. The tendency Space w'ill be a (leciuloal luxury, and mm sttrursti v (111.. Jun tO encourage the con- for which thor have in", in? sed. Tho l " on o arger and more expensive point is already." resort of the hunter and fridges than are required for the conven- tho picnic party. and is: cm'rrmnolv b airti- ence' of tl"i./yilyy: Mr. Gibson (Huron) ful, students of sand bar exiclnén: the ='frt','1"1ttii,1'2g,'l'fi.t"1on yesterday trom himautr.Tu1 sheet known as itmnleuu Har- y . hor. while the 'girl",",:"', are "my".mt FROM TIN - ' - , wst. - "MW" .R. 'Pho vamn-n r u 'it Y TOthnu'. amounts to about 3,000 acreanml th,prts 1.1.11; a: ' Monday afternoon Hon. Mr. Gibson .',tp_) ""3"" m' lblilini'im or' l:1mi.whic=h as called upon by a, drmutation from the the Dominion Crotttuyrttont han he n re. , Township of Tiny, consisting of Dr. Spohn quositml to 8.1me be amide] to the pork I 'lst Penetangruisllene, and Messrs. Andrew The six»: will be fmtv1aMiab'.o a: a Mimi i McNamara, Township Clerk of Tiny ; Nel- Hm Sm. 'and it is proposed to turn tre I son hit-lute. Reeve of Tiny, anti Mr. Steers "aar'she; te a ma'serv-e fur will tux-kpr's of Midland. Mr. Paxton, M.PP., intro luced I: mm" wdh be 'no oxpe09p incurred for CG'.'. I the deputattion. whose object was to enlist Cials. " In is ooestomplatrd merolv ts tn- one Provincial F1ecruta.ryr's support to the (iii?" a. tshHtle caretaker at n vent moier- I bill which is to be snuulJm-M to consult ate tea'Jar.v. Puller 1yartayuilrl1,o"tririi date the railway debt of the township. Mr, "m" the propose" park have ahead . Gibson's answer was very encouraging. [named in Tlhe Gl, 'tre. y ap- Norwls or MOTION. ABM-""103 or communism norm. . Han. Mr. Haaxly-liill to ottatol's'n the Mr. Marttsr's 'ttMitre of resolution to ltoimmuau Provinuui Park; also Lil co abolish Government House may cause an ' amcmi (11ml ctynctxvridaty th, drudetage act; fntev'st'irtq discussion when it comes: on. . also bill rctspeob'tturthe ditdhes and water- It is not new, however. Mr. Marter intro- V 1 Courses out ; also Lin] re (noting minm duced it himself Home years ago, and Prior _ and miiniivmr lands. to that Mr. D. Mclntyrc, Reform member , Mr. Barr fDu1retoct0--L'i'l1 to amend the ' f" the South Victoria of those davs. 4. winners tacit. TYYY, the matter up. On both occasions 1 Mr. Wcod (Blunt) -rull to amend the b was voted down by large majorities. l general road wimp-union act. I Mr. c%esrastd--L'l1l to amend the gum: laws. Mr. Suit-Dill to amend the asszssmznt act. Mr. Eturtrar--19m to contfitntt and validate . oesjatin assemamzs of the Town of Tren- ' If 'r tem. I , Mr. Ge1mour.--mil respecting the Town- if f ship or Epooty'.o:yite. ' i ' . _ Mr. Wirgtou--HDl to amend the not respect- f '; -. . mg the Diwali-om Commit. " 1 l, l l 51

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