The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Feb 1894, p. 1

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l " W" a '- i' , - lw" . ,,,, .,.. .. _ .i.. '. 'iii")" 1. g . c-;- "em cfC".?fir.Nitiva _ . A'. sh " w El,! A t . > "I " .MH KTJ; . (p,. - l & _ ' ' I?- " H " "Alle "*- m '. ' h h l i , c. ,1 , _ was hung "out": V you Phil. 1 Vii'. .. rm.- - a", , . , TtttNS 33000"! " . _ I u j ., .'.' FLlgiial " , t ' . IP, " V. ,' 0" .t%rtr%1MilNtBl - a¢~;_, - . = Ae H . ." - _ ,., . _ 4 - no" A'"'"'"",) , 'tte. m , - Iiiiigt -' .96 % "'Arrgiiii; ", . s" mum aim for Mreortbr#.: iBll . ---..- . "were": ftrrtt'ee1o+qL'.fi. ' Legislative Chamber, Pets. 21. We oqtdhe ",tii'g'ttT,i,e, quorum; _ " Mr. speaker Ballantyne beinglll with . mm m in i ..and to:_d_ . " at severe cold. 9e. Jacob Baxter." who ho A-aade,-ttitdrtkt' balance m I: no ae. ably presided over tht, Ilegl'sluturo for the V, ,tau?'atttt'tte, '?!rry .by up"; ' tour years from 1886 to 1890, was,' in Accor- . '. N- "111.691"? 'ST,,','; £ MPI. r dance with the statute, elected Speahir W. HEW. 8.. R/ Holmium, irG':')3A"t's . proltem. on motion of the Attorney-G-ui _ reed, John A. P%terrroet, Hé'nry - B"ihtt; Q, mm by Hon. Mr. 1ri0.en.' Dr, te, tl'gi'g1u"i J. My.-W.J. £19, tii Baxter bhereopun' took possession of the: iii. A", 2','tt"eU'gp"tt. 2eate'iyt'g"'ti" [ an?" and presided over we uetitseiwtiot6 Winn-biting data!" k, mu rchy, D. h l :Setniuu tar-its, day. "who ' . O'Meara. . ntrough, aed A. I tr 0 e Very ey l ' T require much amksryt efr disposition. The teMe t ' 7 _ . The order paper his? however, reached . W MW a respectable length and presents a By 'Mr. siniiiiiiU '. l considerable army of business. Us} Want, It, amend the . '" . _ y-Mr. Barr D oi - l r PETITIONS. a" respecting 53:13") To amend the -al't,';e: foliowing petitions were presented : , T/."1, trooda Pntmsted to y Mr. Bronsotr---From Ottawa. City cor- ty Mr. Pt - NN96 . . l 1mtion. asking the night to produce and I dcbemures 2.flh- gu- To'ln'g the ratiwaly ', apply tor ptuuntical purposes electricity. / By Mr. Tafgt-'Po alright???" or Float, . l and to issue $50,000 of debentures for the i porwtlimg the People's i if ' " act Ittcors _ glen-allutgion of a trunk sewer in DalhOu- I ' my. a e ImWMce Com- e or without submitting a. b -law to . 3 Mr. , . She ratepayers; from thensame lfd the Seahgoi 41ch mee-To amend the Separate twwa Electric Street Ra way Company . Y Mr. E. " i and the Otrtuwa thity Passenger Railway ' trustees of in]: Jer: To author-:29 the , -L'ompa.ny, praying tor the passage of in: Bios-om to 'd','iC,P'c',",pt'et,,1' n of the Holy act to validate a certain agreement ; from Mr. O'Connor "i',,'.',,.:,?,',',?!,'," lands. , J the Ottawa Electric Street Bull-way Cont- of 'tlhe Committed 4min] the first report " . ' party, praying for power to disposa of t.he?r _ on Standing Orders. l ' property and franchises. THE COMMIssl , . By Mr. Burl- tilentrtrwr-From Mr. W. H. - Mr. '3.reredit,h ask ON ON Fills. _ McAii-lster and others of Pembroke, for Non of the Att Ir.! l folloaour ques- arnendmerrt to the act 1ncorporaunt' the f . comrrrisslon r.1l#1/.2lT,t'eeyy, :-"Hus the Pembroke Southern Riliquy Company. . his Honor tbe 1 Ir?.".", to in the 'rpermm of The andltionap. power is desired for Mr cpvrtittg of the All" "trant-Governor at in. purpose of building and operatlrur a l'Jtli- mode dr y'...,;""::- Linn, with er 'ct to the way from Pembroke to Renfrew, with the Lulu "ravioli" " tl.,r Hill illlthlllflg car. usual powle regurdmg land "ver which bug. who tre '? ottir'!stls, been lsesue.t ? If the railway must pas.". Sir Gi/C' sl, n:- L'ornrrtlssslorvet..s I'" By Gtr. Barr (Duffel-in), Mr. thidPl'. Mr. 3.353101; 0an I',',"'?,),",")'.'.), Hi-asker, the Pum- ilh',t,gg,iiY: ),2ll,ti"-i1on favor of allowing _ ur. yet been appoinml. unopu Coum. H to raise revenue . LIt'F..Ns' . mung mm values. by Mr a"; E Lau is unaware. By Mr. Hudson- From the editors of The tcrvirfiu an as?" th, followlrur lane'- Deseronto News. Dexerolltu TNbune all-l 18tt2 or is" in"? hovermnem in the ""15 The Tweed News, in favor of alllcnuing vinciai Ins IT.."? Mr. J. K. stewart iii.,',' the libel law ; from the Hastings 1'ounty to the o J/r/y, of "WMW' to inquire 'it Council. to reduce the number of County (My of I}; a ly of the "mm" "W In JC. Councillors. modatiot trillion, and as to the lit-m By Mr. Allen-tprom the corporation of Jim-"l... l.p'.'WMu" by the Pia-".4 to "1),":- the Town of Harrrston, to consummate the Prov! l " ere Edy") in that clty I, H: I oh debt of the said town. Gov mm P.yipector. "up!" a m" "I It By Mr. Barr tIrtttter1n)--To amend thr. and ari;nlrllt ill t'elat'.on to then... Ll,' tlie law relating to the holding of imtuests in "was" A: did he lind that Place talters. such a way as will obviate the "verbally con. k Cl. Thich had not the Pet "If! were for 'ye.2,t"J.e of an inquest on the bully j'll,'tl1."t#.onrii', l . te a4. o :1 pr sonar unless there is reason to b - ' ' . ' .' :trr'ourt pe , tteve the deceased died from violence (gr (he'. J. K. Stewart, i-lgljaldi? :OIlows l-. unfair means or by culpable or negligent o ll ittntrtn.t,,t in my; to Gfii n."pot'tor. conduct on the pun of anyone. 'in'ratlon of the lawn» LT re into the By Mr. Hitwott---iprotn the Council of St. Commodauu" Urovided by m and the tic'- I Catharine-s. to validate an 'urreemettt in" 2d in the. Citv _ tt "a." Atoms-l tween the Council and the at. Cumin-mes a report in r310! llumr.ton. Ho ha,, tttarte & Niagara Central Railway Company. 'H'POl'l th,',',',.,',." {Jon to t.hese martttre. His By uur. A. I?. 1vood--ihxrm Hastings vhh.t hr ah thitt the atu'ommodarinn bro. County Council, asking an increased grant Hirir'llv'ln. me license,, Irt'ert1i,se.s 'vas not to the Public Schools or Ontario. (of tilt? live, trc".,",?!".,'.: Wltlt the i'rJVlslo By Mr. eltraraton--FYont Peterborough Mr. Fill-l: ". art m that t'edard." its County Counoil, asking for powerto tnuke be brouéh. e PM), If :ite Pcpo": would . triennial instead of annual itsSPHSmmn, Hon ".7 1.y,'t1 ' not t By Mr. Awrey-forotn Wentworth Coun- tion f [h i:'tvouvt Suid ho- hui no ol . . I ty Council. prxstrtstintr attains! the passage "Kilian t ", iton. member made the no: of any special iegisialtion respecting Bur- q J "mi effvct. L usual lington Beach, bu; asking that the some ELEurios 'u'i'H'Tis' . . be left to a committee to be appoint-d my Mr. Willo , . IFYi ANHTitrr.tti C'trs'i'. the Township of munch." (tom the swung casaq Sin;- ukhii)'. askcd:--oln how . in favor of a two-cent a mile passenger tot, have ifetitr".iii"t,reoe1,uc,tty, of {hernia} rate. ' return ' . en "let - By Mr. Wood (Hrsnt)-Prom Paris Town I In LV ',,2,e.tctis, to this 111i.tiye,s,,t, the Council. asking that lands upon which" "new, and Ci', Cities has R JC'iift'ii','.i"',' and places of public worship are. erected s la)? . s' ot the ','('Cu"d).",.t .,',v," tttr, COM. in J,')) taken he assessed Just as other lands. _ Trn. A}. L" I C t 'vase, By Mr. Garrow--From the Wingham I Would 1i?Jfs'ir/,l.'p"yi.t..yrul hill] th Found]. to compel each County or group , he Would J"?! u Ktuaut 40:11 or tr " "turn of counties to erect and maintain- houses day or two Iran-Ur to have " 11et but o refuge. . k n a By Mr. Meaetham--Frcm the Cmncil ot Titxlp.rl:,\n- _ Lemox and Add.'mrton, in favor of it two- A null": of . h"htt'rovrr.Es. cent 3 mile passenger rate. Mr. 1rairou/. f mntlon Stow] in th . By Mr. E. F. Clarke-From a number of tails l'cgam: or a "Mum giving C, name of 'l'ononmo editors. in favor of amendments '"aheutly 3".le rretsons, diicl'ffah"/?ae de. to the libel hbw. . utt "mm 'dl Ir,'.',.;'",',',?',"',) the C, .l or per- By Mr. Balfoue-diYom the newspaper a Similar {4.3;} .""u other. s',,',.',).,';,'),?,",",).",,-, publishers of beaming-ton, asking the name. Mme UP. bu: "Her" Tht. minndmhw' of By Mr. CNaoey-From the Council of Potion for ii,' Ott the Li',',.'..',',',",'.? :r" ttot Chavtlham. asking when pipes and poles Mr. srec'i'iitC"i.,1.ytirrryu/rt" 'l'? "lenerapa and wires laid by gas companies on public 1yuy, in it WINS" uni dt-;,,-,...Tum" House j' streets and squares shall be assessable as I',t1 fur of I IT Nhl, h he '/iltcl t.he In.. 1 real pmpcrty. f"? and J/ard'..',,",',!,."?' Whig-h he (Ir magnum-l" l By Mr. Kerms--Frottt Halton County "he matter t'iif'g, the will," "if ttot atek Council, in favor of a two-cent a mile til",,": ltr. "Him Pr 'cif1i""iei'l/,' that passenger rate. ttylt' tieady til-1.41""! the Pepi)!" In, It. By Mr. Awrey--pmm Wentworth Countv ".2" "Ii-'lulleul'on ti the 'ijvi/tT,"triA',lt Drac- Council. in favor of the appointment by C,'.e'Y f"'f"dslott mu» motion of in. Norma- County Councils of will otrteuls mild by "me ol his own le: tht' llu uhrr." Balm", them: from Wentworth Courufl, in favor "ii, a fluvmun a; ','.l'Vrtnetu it 'sv,, In the of the miuotion of tolls on toll roads. cl" " yte "skin 4 few hours uuhi -lre Hy Mr. Meredith-prom the publishers ing de.,?11t as to (than: a reilii, " London. in favor of amendments to the "0,1930" trom 21 _Willulra.wa1 Side?" I A bel law. " 129mm bring")? sa'rtu, . m n.. I l The Ho, _ tdown as _ Would 'hav - '.llse aiuourno- 'roon 38 e the ill at 3.30 possible. oC'lock,

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