_ . . .. . . -_-. ' . P' 1 O. A -' '1.>\.3 A v 'e".'.'-'.-. F ' ...-sd_, d os.,.",,' . " ' - " gptandmg Orders tyymmitte'e 1115161 111: . , i 'méeung tWis morning. Mr. O'Connor l The "raptttatlon thaqkedme Cablnm and Stte, Bruce) var! re-elected (thalrman, s" withdrew. V' . - I ,an . MUS 'ere prunounonl corn-n: . . , ,', . . gin and favorably veporttul 11111111. NOT'U as Of Wrroy.. I 1 were ~Mv.,Jp31-;,1h TaiCs 11111 to _ . Iir, itat-r sirutrerun)=reillA, amenl the , jam Rtte' no; Wtyiirey"yi the People'." myyr'iyl 111-1. " "'. Lifo iirnti'aturi (omMn-'r' Mr. Puton's bill Mr. "HIT ilsutt'erin)--Pal' to atrwnl tly. ( (te. cottseolltlat" the railway tltbtutittirru 111-111 i. I ' Pt1'""1P'ml tts'l. , ' ' .01 the Township ot' b'lort, Jtr. b'.. IP. ' e _ Mr. Stratton- Hill to amend tlieamiinici, " 101""ka bill rtsirru'tirtr,' tho ct_tv.,uts-'tttioit I palur't. a ' Iff, th" Holy H.losrotu, ttttrl tht, Lill oelatittg Mr Summon ",'ill to amend the 11:13.15. I to New-11w 1111 Ctstuetery. 11mm 111-1. , . I , . . ' T . A Rru,rl'Es'i' Hum THK. TFiNlPi.AR-,, J/" Allan Hill to 11m011d Ile 11111111111111 I P? 3.th p.111. u 111-11u1:1111111 from thr. 111111111 Mr. Watets --d',ili to amerkt the land sur- Counuil of m.- "oyul 'l'tutr,rlitrs. 1vrss,tst- . Wynn; act. _'. .,' ' ing of 111-11. A. M. Phillips. 1,1: 1). Hobart- - w" F Mv. 'Monte-Bill magnum» the ""KNU'Y ' 'mn, "41.11.. Milton, und ltr. w. w. 1:11. "f ""'r."a'ak"u ttnd to ttdu"e, the ~111- Its, '-.' ichanau of The. 'l'tunplitr. Harttllton, 011111-11 / th-rr-rr. . . 1111011 the 11ovttttmrwt. They www- 1~1-1-Z\'1--1 MP. Morsli-P.ilVtio unit-ml M- 11911. :e'.t'srtrH"r I in the ('uuan 1hun1111-1' b, 311' 1111\.r Het. . t iarbwat 311111 lion, .\11v>s1--- 11111-11v. 111.1» ""1 ""'WW Ull! to atneusl the outaviol court. I'.o.uri. 'ivdo 1111-1 111111151111. "2111. "l',ty"",',_".,1 V among the. 1111~11111~1s Pl' =1111 wet,' Hwy-14 , '" fj".""""'_l l'.ill """l,""W pun-1.1: hts. Talt, lurk. 11111111111; 1'11.11'11111_ 1311-111 111.11 lit'. I'itl, lt.'.'l 1'-- 511-11111; s;tiutioiit,r' 121 McKay 111x1'111111, 111111-113, _ The "twpututioti Witt', 11.11'1111111'1111 by 11'. Alt'. illrihoir-Pwill io urut.nd the rrii'riiil Robertson, and Mr. 14111 111111.111 " tlie I'"- "ii,. . _ quests of the (11111111 1'1111111111 1111'111'1- 1111- sd'Jr.1y1,il,t',1rie':l') to 1111111111 111-1 1..., Cwbhwl. He "xplu'merl 111111 1111.1111- 111-- i' s,',".." 1, 1'.'.'f1.","rS.,11' itsH. union was sutali it 11.1.4 1'P|1r1-,~911::1 Mt'. llatt. llrutterin, Po.turn rhvvviiluthr. m Provlm-Iul "(lay of the Tetu. 11111111111 of 11111111-~'1\- 111-1-1 11111-1111; 11.1- 121x" 'th'h irt tratt 51411:: tittu mun-11:14] to 1111-.-.- p.31»; ott the 11mm ot Ir"t'.<ottr4 11.11.: membership ot' 111111, My". 11.1111" fro:"n Ilntlitnl tor t"'r""T'-"' 111 the. 211111.13 Irt"crr the 11111211111 1'111nw111-111 111 1111- 111-1114: 111I Yee" or.'.""?"-", 1"'1'"i' 1111"» 4 .urvl, whitl. 1111- lror'iMrttis"; 111111 1111111 1111 1~1111111- iii??? "lulu-111x111; :y'tl th,. Irr"i E11 1. fr, 111-11 of th. 111111211 11.111 I,t,.,rl,ir.crisrtatl -1 l j"',' V" 11'1111- " 'H (trr _ "-'3'1 11"'1'1-'~ i. 111111-11 114112.111 'i'to. 1111-111111r4 ot' tlie tstli- Mr. Nfrrlitlt 111-1111;, 'rt, ~11 I t,r'l' ~t1 :11- \1'1111-111 11:111 "r-rs-ol tlitsrnyctslxirss' 1s 1:1'11111 1'.1i','.,rrt",.rr'y/:r,'.'rs', 1"." rrv,uvl try W- :111111- '1) 111-1131-11 ..rrsi u1'111il'1-1 itl ttir, 1,11-14'1'1111 III-1:11:11 111 'fy/ly >1.-.11:111.1 1411.11 1:11.11 11.1" Ias<111111 ll: 1111- 1112.111111 th,t, 1111111411 '1-1'11'- I 1"ir'ii/,',l1,l,t,i'.doti', "2""1'7'11'" tlt' hi- "t 1:211; '1 Irra uw,inrriirsith-l;ivi'r 111111)~.:.1111 11:; 1111-11" 1 V3111». . I .'lr' [JUN ""'\""" "1 111 1'1." III-H1 of 1.111111 ttutiir,'S lo 1'111111'. 1111-11111.1 1-1 . .' ' . 'l' , 1111111 IVitH. hossiut't', ..cisitriir; '11 s,f-* 1'11'11.11I _ Mr. Utplce Cl'vrotitop--lletuttuv, 111 the 1., necrcir.'it'Y tit'ovi1tw 111.1-11- in 1111- 1111-:111111111- 1111'! 111.11. l, .1211 ttmt __ . . t _ in 11... 111-1-.1w1.1\\ 11111-1111- th, 111'~-~--1;1 >11» I 'ii','.', J. ii '1-',II.:":I..1' 'il',:",",:?,';",?:,,"' Iso, ",rrr, sum. Tho 1111-11 111111-11 tl. -'-1~.1111'. .1 11W 11.11;.5111115 111.1". /,.rr,t. _f!i' Councii 11.111 1111111-11 11111111 11-11111a'1111; 1111'-I Ito. 11.. 111 r,h, "2|", trt" id,' ..'////',',r'.'t,l,'l' tr us full-ms - .1~1-.11m. T ti, .15. Li ..... 1. 1'A; 1111'1'11111 t'vr'r'.'v' _isrt,rcr. sh.uil 1.1-1_1|._\~.1I1-r1-11 I 't,rcy,f'i',',i"t'lic'r//,'i"t) 1 ts, the plxcros' " 35:1 IttW .111 . 1111-1 trut 111-1311 .111) 111- --»--' \11' "'11,. E 11:1 .,\' j . _. / be g1'11111m1 " 111-11111 1. [l itr 1.1\~-1' mun «II r,tl,l,C,l),r'i,"j.1ii'crll/:'t'a',y'ci'C'il/f,ir/l, Id b.vuinnrt-itrt'l 1111-111'1-'-.1» -1? 111-1 prsll.ilrw'l 111-;,.,,,." 1,11 ---!.11----ti1-11 ts"'.th u'.i' I" ".',,,'" ',' stiluilviso it: 1x111. 11 i: »' 11.111111 111 r"'me tii_nrsrr,irrlvvt ir/r,,,','.'),',',. "r', i"l r. tau-llsh tlo. "WNW ~111.1 l,. 111--~>I~=1'.1. I 1.1111 111 :11.- T 'Ass 11.11. 1,' 'r/f,, .11...~ , rt* 1 T ' ' . , . .1 il ...111.1.1,.11.> i 1111 111111 llrt 111111111 11111 111- 11111.\\~. 1.. 1.111111y .,'.' 111.; my? 11'; .\11 l"; c.-1'),ri. ' (btr"rr,i,:yrr1 111.1111 t',r-li-cil Pl tilmt'c. '1-1111111'1111. -.l 1i '--\\I1»-11I. b.' _. ' -' 1 (1-)'1'11.11 itrt-IrrsttIrrrrlituirrl i,,riicrr, 11.) "VI Mr. 'llt'c 1111-1111111 1,." 1'1-"'-1":1-- 1. ',prtiritlutitrtt M11111 11111 '11- "1111- 111.1- 1vsrt 1'111'- >11: 1'11.11_11-y Ing-in,...,-5 15111.111-1u1171I "in. j' ' the tirst 111111.11111-1 11' Isiu'riil:tirvts. .1111 1111--| 111.11- vicilly 1111- Jfii'i,'srii','i': 1'11" "I" tor each "llilisrrt'nl wt. '11-111111~'-1 MANN"; 1'111' .111. 1.011191 'l"'-"' ;.', _The tirst 1111111111. \11: 1-111111111.:.11 1.1111. " this, Mis' "' ;, ."rc.,' N "'r. .e' w..' (lr' they 11111 not simsilw 1-- Hun-ping. . 11 lc, in 11, ot 011511111 i't4. l "he With the £11119. 111' tlv. .111 1111" 111 ' forrw '.thtePv',rriwirrlr'in" th, 11111 111' 11111111-1w Pl" itt tlr. 11.11.1111 11- \\'11.111 thr, 111- 11x1 'd tohe 1511111111111" 5'1111111 1-1 1-g111'111-11. '1"..-' . . 'set_prrrsis 1111. .'rit: 1:111'1..111.111 vr'rrt 1111. ils 3111151111' lo 111111 1-11111-11111 f 11- 1111- 111-1-115-- (lass ot' Nora 51-11111. l: i, :IlfhonI nt 17-1.- 'ci,nsrirrrptitrtt ot' 11111111" 11- 1111- 111111111111: N,,twiihatumrlinu', +1111. 'tVirilio.-:.')-' :1. tt'itrv, 111- 1111.1111111 .1 il 5-111'1' w in .\11\'- Scotiu. '1'11-- 11111-1 11111 'tt "1111111 111- 11: ptitiitlv, 11 'NVit 1111- 111111". 111 tturutiti'rr, '1"1- thitnl Pr-v-im 111-1111111911! 11111\' 111 .11-.-111 with tr.r.ir,uvlorrsiririr'rolim"lt, .11111 11'- .p1111111-11 11111 tliut tlii,c Ir'_'tirr'r'rtrl1 l, (111111 turuely 1\1-1~11-~-1_ I' 1'1 1111-. 1111' 11.» .1 ',' ' has 11111- 111'1-112-w- io 1111-11 1"111 1111::1'...1 111 ttate iauatnllto 111;111 1'--'-1111_\' 111-- 1111111'-- t w been very 1111;- Tht. whuiw 1111-- propositions he "'|11~.'111~'41 111 111- _ .1' 1111-1 wi'h tltr. rIrir'ut 111 1111- 'ioctrt'rttirr'trt lecirlali. 111": h. '.l. P1111111" 1111-11 spukw 111-1-111 [111.147.1-1 1111- 1111;111:111 s,rtrvtrulittu 1111- 1-- noun] 1-" :1 11--~-'1<--..>--11 1111- \.111'1 {11.11111 It a 111-" llc, 11<1- Tlo. ~1111- ss'; I11;1-1. i, _ 'tteld.is In 111- 11.1.111'1-111'.1 1'11111111 " 1.111 by a 111.111 ycr.llc, 111111-11- Its 11-1111 111-1 ..1 the [1-'111111- 111. 1111- 11121111'1' 1111' .! Nr-nl Who tlo. 111111111 11.1.q 1'111|141'11 tlo. 111-111-1- should 11:11'1- full 11.1"11 of truFrntirnr-' the 11141114111111. As' 1111' 1111- 11.111\-- 11111 lim," to turtr_s'_lrrilrlr'rrl 1111 1111- 11111111< :; '.\lr. Phillips 111-111 thut It SN1c, .11- 411111 l, 1141le-- ttto 1114111111, ~_\'\11-.11 '111. 11'1-.-' 1 he oxtrraintui, ".18 11111 111111 11.11.: 1111 an. i aumption ot' 1111- 111111111' 11- lst' ---111-- 1111111 Ing. 11111 in t'oslt,ivrirsrni ", thrs 11- 1<1~1 1111-.- "iiir,rtu,.rrrv-iul-"rl'1r','"l :11 11111-11 11 In .11111111--1' 1'111-111. :11111 1.11 111111111 .11 ., 1.1.- trwnrlill" in tlo. l111xili-111 of ',1 :111-11 of '11-- house. 11 ttite work," ,:1 X11xs1 911:1: 111" 1xl yinr_u, 111111 1111< 1:11ixtiwi 1111- '1-111;--1"1111w-'1 int.rttitrs:tiirstt1tlllt hits 111-111-11'1111 21.11' iialifus. 111111 ~-\'1-11 1111-1'1- 1111- 11-1- 14-1 1.1 1' Hon :11'1- 111-1111 -::!1~.|1o--1 111111 11111 \.'-1'1-1 btsrorr', Ttit.liiir'ri:t'stoitrl 111- 11'1'11411 111W _ Mi'. 1'1111111N 1'0'1||'-1-'1 ~1111;.1_\' l-, .1 "'1' 'wunz tlt. Iirt-' 1111111" -11). 111- '141'..'Y'111[|. 111 11111 1111- 11.14: 1111 111-1111.\--1 11;. 11 1.1- 111.11 111111112 I .s'jitliver1low_ turlir-l 111.1: Ins. '11111 hial m11~11x1111< Ist' 111.. i'rfritot 1111 1111 .1. 1..- I s,tool thtt :111\ 1'111'111-1- :11," 1111-1 1111- -. 1hty hud :111'1-1111) 1.11x1'11 '.\11'1- .1...~11-..1 11- Ihr. tettilrriill1"' "111111-11. :111.1 'hi; "tr,', seuuetttly, 111m 11.1-1 111-1 1:11'1-11 111.. 111-1'1-1' any s,rrttshltttr,rrrtt. Tht. 1-11.1111:--< 111'11111'-l I F by thrtrt \\'HI1|1I 11. 1ncicitlt.rrssl in "-vlll"1,1 furthtt t.han [11:11 "ts 1111s 111,11 .11-1;1111-1 1 " say at 1111-10-11:.