W - - V "h" mr (7.. .. ' P W - .' I ELM ' "V O C ' ». 'm c ought, , 'rurett, Binoe y asked '.--anh have Wtitioéhe introduction 'l/TI, many . T turn of News been filed "Fitting" ballot, , in how many)?" to this Legh};: the re- . C taken place ot S"Ch caSes but; " ure, and ' " each ' and wha l a scrutiny Case of th t Was the c . Hon. Mr at: 'rerutlny ?" N in! "The bai' son replied a -. . R Vince at 'g, was first used in follows:-- SING: le genera] _ this Pro- up: C the ballot was {inflections in 1875 l )e: l ' . _ tr. te t t to have Introduced there 0.: ed: election c been '82 con- . ' out) ._ .3368, m 1883, 3 'd'lhi 33:91:75. Tin fl/lt' 21 I}: l been other Joi; - in 1890. There ha ' l ttbove appear tested elections, but t: i . cht to trial. {II'IN'llFLhn Gully ones Wire: 1.0001113 f t , . a marie ll f , J.? Tm "(guild in tin» journals ofpthroyT the _ ...'heve Wrtr4 no ?"iryinl rracord e Cutie . was one ill Lincoln _ 1t Scrutinics. Um- i ' In 11,7. tio not " houth Wontw . o. and ther, ll , know "1,,qu orth it, H79. i )i'iic-vp th thore were - ntin up. .. . ( Other.- mcmhers f . r" titions for . Tq ie Wind aim"... ti Unsi'ntiiir t'l4 have been mac' 7.4. ons for Scrutin- r-"------ _ . ... lost found tit-cumin}; Zhlg'h' husvevor with. .. ns l A . ' . u R ' ' l We!" Mills' Roport--A Good Show- mid-:30" {thy cases were 'l,rtohu1,g1tat,"1ts,' o" f on .. ., tr . '" tntrMade--A Sharp Discussion Ovcr tmtrt 1'll,//i",'g,Utt, became t',"i1,'s.tdt,','.tet' Departmental Reports. I 'tre. no Mauritius 11:31:: the ham)" Th"? I kcan yin-pan. u st: ' I ttblty from whtlh i ----------. , Post of ','.,C'."/ni',)i),?,/,l,ti"r"'nt r1r'Hi'ctlns,r w' , THF.' Dr .r . ' Legislative Chamber. Feb. 27, ii IRHHH'H'I'W' "LEIZISCITV The most lntcrctitittq want of to-dur", ("fr 26'5"}in (Oxitmi) moved for I. I sitting was Ithe introduction to the House "Worth "yty'mm "W Cl return 'l,,',),',' I' ', . I . .. d I . of the new niembur tor South La.nark, on the ol'/ctniCnT,t/'i",,(','tci1,t, 1's'il.l.,'/,'/)'i"lc,,ri Mr. J. M. Clark. Mr. w, c. Caldwell of any lust undo-r Cpl 'Cir."tlt,',r',? on Ject "it i . . " .. c ' , . . the sister Riding ot north Lanark atid Ciclfh: numhor ot mule ','1,"cs',y',tiliyy'ry,; Hon. E. H. Bronson "on his sponsm's. male ','/)/l,i,,c?,,y',',t,-,v,,:' co the 11'L/,',",yr/ {in ' . fr . . Fr . and led him to the foot of the Speaker's Oil-'31 , fl) 'lt":",,,',',",),"'.'.] ' (3) the total (on. _ throne. Mr. Caldwell pronouncing the '/)e:'1t,"',s,c' (5) the minimal" and int.- i - necessary normulu. As the new "number $311319" voting; (O) the '/U,"/s,r,y1,l'p's a": . took the t,'pcaluir's hand loud "nd iour.,r con- _ bur ()grrltllfhwitcs on voters' listé 113:] 11111:" t tinned applause burst from the Government her of .'jl,1,c,h,)i1t/i'r1 2"!""t'd ; cn the m3; - I 'ts b ' l. . ' side of the House and accompanied him further return 1Uv'11,ychl)1ll,1t') arrl , as he napalm-d to his nilotteti sent. That male Wit H ta etall; Oi) tli, "- RC rr" . x , . _ . sent was by the side of Mr. Hugh Smith. of the INNS": "Itl'ii'thh r'1tor.ra.l rliHtrict the member for Frontenac. As Soon as; Iliiri "no" in Pooh .qut'h' J':,),):,',?.:"':'; ,MS . . . _ I 1 5 w . . tile applause subsided, Mr. li'att'rs walked and the total numhers of male 'tlot'),'.,)":).,';')'.,,' t lover to the new member's Still and warm- Ill), m" 12l ntirlt, Votes on cop-{St list; .' 1y congratulated him. A moment later Mr. votes Td"/Jf1rt'"d til) a t,tatratnent, "f Hardy cmssed the tioor and shook him t'ii)"Leri',,'iriivr, At,,,"::,,:',',.')",,',"),:)),"');') for by the hand. Mr. Clark cannot complain total votes on iirer,'ri,r, hot]? ")1 with the ot the receptdoit which has been given the at such election. . F . am unpolledv J". ttret Liberal member returned tor South ": Lanark. PRINTING cm REPORTS .. Artur this the principal incident of the . Tho Attrrner-General then mwcd the session was a short discussion on the sub- "rljournment of the House. wltrsretitr loci. of printing mutter relating to the Mr. Mvrelith aurtlMtl attention to thr, llc,') _ , vaniuus departments without first proeur- in ("ounr-illaisl tottorte the iious'n in; it"; ine, the consent ot the House. It wats r.rtvvious day awarding the printin-r JCI' shown by members of the Government and publishing of a new ttst-trot-sk on Sh;.q_ " Mr. Balfour. Chairman of the Printing ology and terTtpr'rarwe to the Methotiiq Committee. that the practice pursued by l'ublishing i'Oliipuny. He said sot-h 1'fi"t"- ttte Government is the only one tutu-imam ttst'.s4 should "ml" befot't. the iiousi, 'iihc with the public interest. The public "u- prrwtir'e of the Gowtrttrumt in printing; counts Were rretintcd, and. this hant: tttatter without consented the Homo had seen done a day or two earlier than my "WWW Himm'thcr too common ly/Y/i," ticipatcd, the 'i'rmuurcr will now make his a book in his hand tit was It com' of tho" _t?tancl"'t stuteuncnt on Thursday "u'") 'p.:'g?nllivd piibiiraht-ti little volume on Emmi" is not 'n-rinain schools); it w: ' t FROM HAMILTON TC) MlMil'i). I gum. 11 very good book iw'caiise it: at"? Hon. Mr. ("Nisan . . ' or was the Minister of yhluvation; imp from the Hamilton n','Jii1cinl,,:i1e1 a [infinon he did not consider that it should 'rd),? Railway Company. Ylll,' (loilectrio Htrect been printed without the thCtion of in.- permission (ii to change its 'J.,')',',)'" hiked House or of the Printing commie. Hamilton Radial El . . hunt to the tee appointed bt' who House lie . ' " ectric Hallway Corn- noticml f l _ _. ' puny, (2) to tttcrease the . rom time to time thet . _ ' LS." t capital stock of appearance f - J l the company from $1,000 000 to $000 oo . r . . ' ruin the Liliication] . (3) power to extend its iirfi, of ii, II [ll ' h-poitmem, of pamphlets dealinur' in addition to the lit l . ". WAY. : with different subjects, all of whi h' , Tes Jtined by its not , should o lv Pqh , " ' L', i of incorporation to th . n y have bum print) with tr; tl . ' t following, narttcly, sanction of th ' _ . t L it from Hamilton to Ni; ,, t: House. He could dttl?t' . - A (Indra Falls or Quecn- stand th; . ' . " ' '.lt-',rr) Bton; from Hamilton to Itrantt "l: l _ at in certain (1150;; thcre might: Oakville to Mimi...) and from If}; ' from )t urqont neod for the Publication ot sum t other places in thp'Cotinty of "11:13:? to (algorinents, but it should be done only :11 (4) also to acquire km li, e- no ; t: l cases. . ure purposes in the Initiating"? m'plous- Hon. Mr. Iloss, r0plying. said the Gov- tins through which it: li nunicipnlL crnmcnt had simply followed the usual ' ' 3 tnes of rnilwav custom in rem . , V , a " pans, to own and manage t tels . h.ud to tht order in Council lines, and to Htiure other :12th Torin]; its . r',':,",',:?,?":',, ycstwrday. It was not and all to the 1x a , . . ttr'blent- ever W bcen considered nu.- ' ... 7 t t tension oi its rights asabove. have such contracts i?lr1)'/Ci" by1t'iihis'/rovust.a"." All) TO RAPIJVAYS. As to the other iioint in Mr: BlcrUtIiii-W; Mr. Clancy asked the following qucq- remarks, theprnr'ticeharlalwa.vs licenqu ti .--" Ho . " ' publish any reading matter . 11." - on . w mm h of the sum voted by be in the cons ( etvd To the Province in aid of railways has bo .' T, public interest without the Sumo- I paid by direct cash payments 5, a "to: l tion ot the House. All reports were p111- much have railway aid l,7i.'t'/i).iii"eiiov gulf", £33193," flu" way ; take for instance, the Been issued tor, in lieu of direct cash pay- a T1. lnitiollnth, the education report, the l merits respectivei t he ' . '5 cu ural report. etc. ft was i ' l 193 Fr' Y. o t e31st December, publle interest that theso sly uli nlluik _ F 1 4» ' C J l u, A , Hon. Mr. Harcourt tn reply said ~...t- The Fumifihed without the departments bait. cash payments to December 31 1893 havc "f, to aVth u?t consent ot the House. amounted to $5,959,08113, "io'nir,'oiiT'tiilisic. whnrd Ad IP. Wood said Mr. Ross had . ', Direct payments, where no 'i',,"iiitriia's . em from the point. It was the' li . issued. $1,7(M.195 16. and [mid Guru - printing.r of unnecessary matter that Mr ' . of certificates, $4,'diM,8W4 " The t3 Meredith had objected to. He noticed in}. ' amount of certificates issued has been _ instance. in report from the Inspector bt' 55,667,038 FI5, of which the certmcthg n", registry oiilccs yesterday a defence of the outstanding amount to 'cle1'.j,'l'lscisll.u' 'IIC i course ot the Registrar of East Toronto present value ot outstandin ' ce "iiiie t _ He did not think it came within the (lut: is $922,091 83." g tr 1 Cates of this oiiicial to make himself an apolo5 . gist for anybody, because a certain 21Cl