The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1894, p. 1

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I I l" C . It???" '15" t "?"'"r".8"'Ne'", . f ,1itw 2 / -'e 7'7 , / ., J L m' '_.---- _ . . . the 'dllt" 'rf.',g'gg' rehtteed to jsmpi'ite ' 0 a statement of the ant til sold and aft maM erwards returned; (6) the Pumss of the persons from wh _ e animalii, if any we: . . om such Provinoe a d l. m Purchased by the m a 1th I; ithe J.e?.'tf mi" tot. them I Which if, 0 the animals in respect of l l e test for tuberculosis was itin- , D led, and statement of the result in each case. Mr. MPH)". in speaking to this motion, alluded at some length to the outbreak of :1 tuberculosis at the Agricultural College. Tie t'hargcd that the college authorities had endeavored to smother up the news i of the outbreak. and asserted that Mr. Oryden's answer on the day previous l-r t Mr. Whitey, question as to the Ayrshire cattle at the farm was an illustration iii l this. The answer had given information V not asked for and had omitted to give In- formation that was naked for. lie hon - told that one bull hail won " prize at tho . 1Vorbi's F'uir. but hm! not told the Hous" TARIO LEG'SLATU Rh I i that of the right Ayrshires threw had boon u" shown to be,- dismiswl. From the informa- I I tion he hull t'rvoivwl he had reason to be- i,, -. 5 v. - lieve that either the "rossest iieuiw-t or Legislative Chamber. March I. inexriisabiu iririttrttnro hull "haracterip.iii I The budget having been deferred, at the the msiiiiiizvment. That in., fourteen . months 22 head out ol sonic to hunt been request of the Opposition, this ttttet noou slaughtereut and nine others shown to Ue had nothing up ot U more excit- infected was, he thought. a inmentubio ins character .han it. brief but state ot' tiffaii's. .110 could PhitlHe lht' pur- suiiiewhut livoiv dubutu on tuber- Chaser tor lwiiig iiiiixosml upon ail/i uruuir- ' . , ink a diseased uttitttul, but hr A'Ulilti not culosis, initiated by Mr. Mct ull on a ext'tlHe the iiiiuinwr in which tht. discus! motion for returns. it was it subject on had been allow-mi to spread. He moi. which the Ministpr of Agriculture was " ltiiown ordinary {armors imam siictt 0119555) muster. His critics appeared to ttuve on thtiri,hat"is and adopt propor mains _ . of isolation. not President Mills own been wrongly or insufticieutly informed VHMM, had shown that J'rof. Heels or, concerning the whole matter, and Mr. Ui'y- devy its to isolation mini not beset, "urrird den's cleur and cotttprehtutsise Stuti'mvnl out. and that the ht'althy and liiSt'uStli at once shown! the House how itroruptly cattle had been item in the Fame Nubia he hail iii-toil and what excellent sit-[m on opposite sides, int-int: "aplo other, with; hlul been aim-e tttken to prchnt the spread, only " narrow alloy trt.twtren them. Th.l.t of the disease and to muke " thorough was not "tiiciettt isolutlon. not the worst investigation into it. teatutt. of the oiiibi'i-iik was. F Mr. Me. P--.-..---- .A ' Cows, opinion, the ofrerinp,' of the tiistaasc-d CONEY ltu,AN'D. f l cattle. for sail». That, he thought, "as , ' . . at tortion o it't'Y tvprehensihle iruleed. Mr. Je'ff r:':,';:.',."",,, "11hr \]\ owls, him \ iitn. Mr. 1Jryden. in reply. said the Gov- Cones xian1'.ta William Mriarthy'. and ernment hull no objection wiiaitv\vr to been x,:."),,'.,";';,'" Satin? of his claim to Ill" giving all tho inf-intuition possible in re- 21" "film ? Has h" tttly right or 1duirtt giirti to tht'disr'ovrsry or the disease at tho ( Bair pot 'ti ttl of said island, and ure Aut'ivuitiirul ('oliogo F'urrn. lle premium," _ to further It: Ti, iiiifi) 'l [his the suid Mr, wNlci'oll would not blamte ilio donut? 1l"?,t any ot pr l ii "ll":n'g of his claluts. liit'ilt for tho imam-ilk ortuivving more, MM artttymtule "we: Flu ii assignments lint, tltw outirtvuk hurivu not-urroii, and and t? ,t11"," nts hm... lwt'll iiiillil' on having bot-ii distrwrvered, it iievamf- mani- made l . , ha: if?" 'isiiiir/momus ? fi'stly tiiv _lr,ty iii the (itn'oriinivnt to "'f,ooh'n'li1o/1. ol/IC. replol H." follows. 2 - pursue _ 'i, W;- investigations Were nee. "No portion of Cotu'y island. l:1ry' m ,,t,1e e'ss'ar) i ,i, : ,rtl to it. as to its origin. th6 c. has NW" "Ninu'd to 1Villetrn Mr'- in'irnoi' s itich it stHvruly; tttPl Hy' iii Woods. IN. f _ 1'ortarre but in lyiro ltts up- c; I. . , . W1' "3"]; ' * , I; it tetahsio,Clftdo,'c"itr)'c.'i', i-ontniiiiiii: 479 /l1rtf/ 1' I v',.",,,,')',',,',',",,,',")"'"..,",) tlhi;l|:i((ii:fi . , . V _ " ' . gown. claiming that I", 1/'.:,hli)t1/ tr',nvtl.7, :ilmiii vi. i. or A'e'tH brought about in» east end of sold ibldnl itui l mm..." cy; >t-uiist- oi tip: 1ttstrurrtloris of the now-ru- and hnui made \ziii'mhf x " Ill'1i|h'rl 1 [input to that uni-<1. Hut [or such thrus- tltereon. Early in 189-, artet' 1'i) .,H k " iigntion neither tho tiovvrnment nor tin- of his claims. it was MKN'P'l to i"",',',. . publir would have known to what vit- 1421-2 acres off the "nstcvl.s {in} .11 my tent tho tiisouso cxistrrd in the college island. ttt "', 50 pop ut'i'v: f/lil",,') to tin; farm. ltv. Rem] was given instructions 1892. it was ruled that. l Alt-11 norm-X on to ilirig'iioso the disease by means of in: above. a block contiilttittp,' tt U Ill' Me- Koch lymph. He tlid not know whvthvr Coney island might be s"",? (o.,ilTapt"hT, the hut. surerstleman who mom-d tht. nur- Carthy at $3 GO per ttt"t'h'. ly:. ill; .) m; tion was ttWitty' of this or not, but it "us has no right or claim to it") ("/,1.'t"i',r"//s'l' only by means of the use of this iliiitl tion of 1"ontr. Island. hill!" d'1i1i"fl.l1s)r'v't'C,. that it was ut all possible to iietw't the sitrned his flan" for K?" , far 'lIi-l-i on Turf- 'Hfgilw' in Its earliest slogan. Now. those to I'. P. Wilson of ll nn it»: .' tho patent 03 orimonts had own going, on cwr shit-e f ment of the rout"?.t:T:"" money lunrr 27tll the 1listrovraryr of the dismixw. it was tho ireued to otr. Hi!'")" ,'.'/1.. .ju'rc": -iiil; "WINS? of tho "epurtrnrant to publish in 1893. The other portion. tux"? _'srrii'r/tryr. bulletin form wltatt.vtu. information was not yet boon paid for IC,,", "ri,', lttitt 1'5; obtained in i't'f'ili'ti to the niiswzixr', ail-l and consequently no pHtl t (,'.C,//i,',iirils whatever hail' been Iiisvotormi in regard sued. There wyre.yyyt,',,ot tt't k l to it. for [In bmiolit of the farmers of to portions of the island. _ ' Ontario. Ho that if the disease should tlit- - \GRIPI'UFFRAL HALL. p- tf;'/1yi,1,'1t/',?,' break out amongst their cuttlr ' . lwd .\\'im is til" PI'. they iiiii,iit be :ibiv 1r.uetect It, and know Mr. su.,wampbfm Is, " m tlw swrituly,T, what wax tho best thing to do under the sent tenant oi the 1"//u't'e,, "I, Pio' ? lias y,Cyrysturu'to'. Now, the college fit at Hall and what frlld a: ..3\i."|\l""l iiy'tht: I "month was not ulont, among similar in- anV pan of the "luff a": tor ulrttatiol"" s,.titt't' having; un outbreak of this provini-e in the 'ill btretl rotmi" by tl". 'Iiismisv. Similar 'tttstart-chad-uri-l in to Lwicuttural iltlt1,, \e-'yioviaition. or .l.') t:crerul Pust'tn States . in Maine, Vermont. agricultilr" and l' ire'itiist-s, Mr. i'hllli' I'onsylvuniu Mild Massachusetts. He, the tenant of Huh w illiit'ii has ht't'll re- sliitpmiwi the hon. gentleman knew thoi'ei Jamieson ', if so, i't , whom I' . I was also a similar outbreak at the Domin- pald. and when au, giiiioti ".- Tht' shop ttl ion Iilxperimcmtal Furm lit Ottawa, but I Hon. Mr. "Pym": "i is lt-tiSC'1 by the. AC- there. 1Hrltarently, it had boon min-h more i the Lr,rwuttural llf Cas1,cration to Mr. St'Vt'l't' than at Guelph. Sou-ml of tho} riculture M," Arts iiridys til annual 3. animals there tiled from the 'litavtiyi, None , Philip Janiit'tlon- '9'". the removal of the of tho unimals nt Guelph went so fur: rental of $2,ou0. b l iculturt', tbs' tonnnt in" that. and very tow of them could have ; Toe-tment of 'IS/f/llc,,,'. providing his lim'li tit-ti-vtml as twins: sit-k, Harv by the: he'llts the whole "1 r',Ci'iiilti/r" und Arts test. Those that wore slarurhtoreU ati own engineer, l.t.'r. ' Kim $120314 its 'sharr' Uttnwa also bud been found to be in a Association arl,"i,l'yt'i'c'.t/t'rv1' "nun". ot tht' min-h more advanced amigo of the} of the cost. XW". 1 ram" m, the Agri- disonse than those, at Guelph. it sum m, mtioned y',,"i'.dCl.'i1i't'ioii' on im-em- Would be interesting to obyorro whether) culture 3in Arts "" l " any of tho tiii-u-zisnl (with: Whit-h have! her 29, Istrs. __ 'r boen uistrNbutwd from tho (itiiiwa farm Truo,mtr'iiosis. to. the brunch farms will 1"dCt'V the Korma . r order of the with mom; ill that 01150 more outbreaks; Mr. lit-Foil moved tot In : l the -m- might ok'tytit' in a law months. the diseiso: House tor a wturn ':',11'w,i//'itdldlr"i'/- A being slow in lit Jim-intion. Herds which} xwrtisernentrt tor the so: I' "l ("Maw I , have boon gathered from all owe the! tered for sale at theoAgl'i 1.tJ,',i'1!tl,"n".s' ot' I, t t-oiintn'y. bought individually as have the! in December last; C'.) thi- ion; the 'j,d/. , Guelph one, are much more suru'rttlble sale; Co "1115;," thvsnglllilflbfgr the uni- I to the disease than others. drawing as} hnsers ant t P price a _ _ $1,313 sold; (it it list of the animals of f / k-I-g--------

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