The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1894, p. 2

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. r ' .. _ ", . ' " I i f . » . x' W i ' t *s _-,' iii-11'." -- wi .l';'/ '\_. .., r', w....,..' . t ey o raiiinttrQrieaiiitaitgmn titii q ' " - tdraaAiitiettysi,Etept't,'tt't eral animals in the diary herd hail 'tref/i] l . 'gltatili mm in" keeping clear of the ft: disease in its lndpieim Hug-u who: q t. ,'o m dad in its iAatitieitt' of It bought. but in its early stages tho dime; _ bat 'joutbmk trste'tty row deserv- is so imperceptible that no veterinu-y: _ -= 'aa riot V credit tor tin.r introduction, Si'rs'fon. however akillad. can detect it .'. ll . q "HM tirAr. ittati.'t4r1etr, _ Mr. Dryden then alluded to the opinion r a? yy'tCtittt,te, at the trivalent "a", that two Guernsey: which had been im- [riii7j, the criticism: of tho college , t ported had been the cause of the outbreak- , d . r - " 'or' side of the Htttttt6 '" tt Mets" and, by a review of the 2%i,'Gi'iiiUr . . on Gi/k was no 'GGruiiohuuRrtetP, PM. showed this to be unfounded; Prof. Reed ' _ did so muchVilmnciitlly for the C '=" J. t " concurring in this conclusion. The. ani-- wet' as the Atheism-r" College did. , 0" mals were brought there at Christmas ' F" mount-it!" new!" my, and 'ttor, ' and a. Canadian-bred animal was in an 'iiii.'. ' d: _» w , c, bhmtarttre 'ttttut at nttt' IttNF vonretl stag: in April, showing in view of ' & a" at of its existence., It had done the slow progress of the 'iiiiC'iii', that It Mt icularly good tic-Nice in its exiled: . t have caught it before. As for the mentslnto this disease. In conclusion. Dr; tter or the we. no animals had been McKay remarked it was not fair or rea- red for mic Which we". known to he sortable for the hon. gentleman to any that direuaed, and at the time of the sale none _ this disease was imported from the old were sick. but all were perfectly healthy country, when it was a. well-knovm {not I mt sauna. so farms anyone could juds'é " V that it was found in connection with a' 'ls 339:? authorities had detttt .' . l '., u, ' a "1'0 herd in existent-o. . teen no "3.22:? a! W lch complaint . I i could be made. Four calves, the offspring . /"-" I EW6 _ a"; " , of cows which, swcording to the lymph ' . ' ' ~ rr test, were infected, had been offered for?, ir-ijiiie,2/eollt'J, ofo"t-,'-eiet,'1"u't' the! H . halo. Prof. Reed and all the authorities iiiiLiin the canola ' which the epeIakrr had Ttl agreed thut Mr. 1oryden---itr. Reed duos not our" the dinners at the disuse proving heirul- with Prof Dean _ tar . wer ' Very slight, ht being ' ' . . . swim by contact, though not "F3259 seem: to he disagreement all.I "quite so infections ity. Mr. Mc- mun. retorte Mr. ii:ite. He then went,' Coll meme-l to think ; it depended to . on tossuert that Mr. Jonnston. the buy- inrgevextent on the strength of the uni.. er ot . le', 3. - C, ' . " _ , mnls' constitutions whether they took it "TF3 L"et1 , MW - "' a or not. When he found that then-19 natives IM ' -' 1.. iiil5W4i; C, J, "t T, c t. " , - , "my out ot these cows, lu- bud the buyout a Law F I? . V. w C" . Aer, M " IW? not only notiiird. but asked to let them . - . I!r..T - s v MEMltlh a"! "r',', , stay at the voliege, where they all arcI We tIU;' rm; " - _ v iiill . 721 now. No 0m- hiid been harmed: one len- . Mi i 1"l%'lll ii Join. BEtM t a .n , " L: . tlemmi had bought another cult and had tt at. er .. r . '2NS, II . wiww' -.. expressed you": uneardtuer9 Ott hearing ot ,' 'i, mm tsountries "k. i - " , r ' the outbreak; he had been asked to return lw ch were known to be the vent-'93 of the animal, tests were appllwl and it 1itl"'r,:, it won by tttet-importation' that t+own to be 1revfvctly ttenltlt.v, Ig:', 1ttt'r,g,t'rf,'artt,l In fit'rtt tUtd hs for the cumin-i oi testimony. Mr. l l L'.' ' ' t a one. e inlater Drydm did not know of any, and would ':,'p1'ld l'g, more attention to the duties be obliged to Mr. Eli-("oil for Itis luformn- lulu if ,0 ii') "lid ttot Ko flying over the tiott which hud li'il him in think there i 'll,',', 'it' !.' "INN: Into ttite brother Pawns. was Stu-it a conlit. Thero was nothing in. 2 /ldl ret thought it unfortunate the to hide' ttwy were trying to invrstls':ate lth'lp ll on should use an 0111me 5-;' the facts, and bemoan tin-y took inn Th")? sense M 'lu.t9t for puny purpose course certain net-sins had taken ndvunt- e shtperimenttsl Forum of Guelph and at. age of the ('irvumsttinoe to innko a noise it'l'm were established tor educational pur- , in the country. The disuse is by no Jr". and particularly for the purpose' "Ni-HS the mine as the Jienro-wyertmyPy 0 malunx experiment" which were too which. has barred Canadian cattle out of costly or too elaborate for private anter- the English miirket. though som- iwrsoiis WNW. The Government had not attempt- {zeenl to think so. The isolation hud born Led to hide the existence of "I. dm sutticient: tin-ru- Wr"s't' not enough ivuiiii- (The hon. gentleman aid the whole ii"Gi'i ings to Keep all the with in atvrol,Ny.7, Plum" trave been slaughtered when the dipleren' Pisces, but the li"'llllly an! tr", distetsee Wm! ditgcovered. Twenty t ' eased cattle had born lit-pi in gem": [bud been slaughtered out of lb0.. wo buildings, in" ctw two impomed rn' i'I'lie ttryt tent was "in ttlwtw s I all: 40. had boon kept in A roam partition" 4 lm require the Blau l y U tent V . p.. . ,, . " Rhter ot the animal. and, in the opinion ot hot. l an f ,. ' or three team were frequ l sutrwient for isolation pin-Doing. to ' to; dry, even among expert. ently nee- were the only mic-s at that tim" t yawn 'o ("We of the mitt-use co Iii Before the to be infected, tho- others not having heen it, I, "crnonttrated Tl u be immune-t usual as Xvi, The siuuu,ht-rint whlch E: t'h had complained 'db',', member for trad been carried out in his present-o, had ister " Aqtoulturo h ecautre the Min- been by way of PKiM-rhni-nt. and one of Illsonw- "Killing in 'ti if" Bpoken of this the animals had been m nightly inrcr'ttQ tubetwutosm was n 'il nited Mates. Well. that an ordinary butcher or former would no", JoTiGGii2n 0 in: more or loan nttWN' havo llotli"1l it. He haul no objeu- ,i..~ll|K it a north ' and " woutd be aur- tion to tho motion, but would let (dunno cotMticlve to II _'.'.'?? (dime were not more b' be struck out, us all Sold had been turllttttw 'ir/ru?,'.".:,',',',",')""' than that of a' rah-es and bred on the Exvavlrur'utal "r, animal" 1'l/1rc'toQl, Now, there were Farm, 22 at Glielpii 1dytehed at Ottawa, against Mr. Marrwcod spoke on the topic, taking "Huge should . 1outtht members of the the ground that there had not been suili- ities both at 'J'd',l,',t'"I the author- cient isolation or uuavatuitriruc of tho wa for their pro 1uelph and at Ottw. unimalzl. They hurl been glorinlttod to At ullPth'ull 'J'd'/',t action in the matter; pasture with the oiliurs of the herd, " be Infected h, tat the test had Show" to sand of careful supvrvision lying ces-i, were still l, 1""! he"! slaughtered. Test" clued. 'i'horo should ha'.'" liven more care tuuutrhter 'r"'l? tmute. Hut, liter the exercised in buying tlt,. animals. it wont did they i', J" nilimuls gt Ottawa wha I through animals carelessly bought in "Illinois /ll,'d They actually shillped St, Grunt iirituin and tlie i'nitud States and experime Tom the mum: herd to dill ot imported that the distant: had been intro- mum," "l,'" stations thmutrhout erent duced, while the way in which they had 'iC:t"JJ."' t wat: Possible they had the permitted them to punitive with the others such hell," that there wan no crt been was greatly to be censured. the out} o"'_ But it showed at l me in Mr. rnyuen--They were not pastured at it as i'lorlllPH at Ottawa did new" that all. They wore kept in the stable the herd tl',,'),')",.':,!'),'," to slaughter t2: r:ghatrl "hole time. . Pt' D the out o a Mr. Mogwood replied that that -ild not fights" in ontario 'd'dttti'"ei,, It all the improve matters. The cattle had not been hard ore to he Illughterm i tubercuio. isoiutml, but had been permitted to mm Vpd mu" many farmers who f. Would be togeth"w for the purpose of experiment. doubt "tovk-tntisutur, for 'd,',",'.,',"' ensem- He did not approve of the Minister's ac- imam it existed in a. mild t "rre was no that in permitting the cattle to he sold 'lllle' herda in the Provlniorm in a ttttod undei the circumstances. He was inclined i filth)" that Mr. it) UP. An to the . _ . . n f ng Stock i ryden htul bee to think the dismso was not a. canadian linked n the old count n buy. one. and that " was caused by the policy have hihe hon. uentlem" ry, Mr. Awrey I oi importing British and American cat- fact im do. and it it wal what he Would tle. . hetUn that for the "llft It notorim" Dr. McKay (Oxford) Said so tar no those try' l or cuttle l t 25 years engaged in agriculture in his district were Ellen te," been 00mm" thm coun. umoerned they were eminently pleased Smut 1y imporiationa ually utrength- with the work of the Agricultural College, ing (and and England' Darthmarly from and particularly with the uxperimems th" e farmers ot the; "He closed by ital:- made there. He was somewhat aurpriseti [.','a'id).l)a",r': made 0" outte to repudiate at Mr. Mugwood's remarks in regard to ire. (Aii;iiliu."/' Hie Attrieuttutat the disease. The listener would gather THE UPPU . from them that it was Imported tram the Mr. Me tMTiON LEAD]? i old country, and did not exist here other- my r/llti"1ll,t,h, mm that m, 1 wine. Why, it was well known that there Agnew" with the 'ilu/l, one urns tina..!, is scarcely a large herd either in the Un- critic'zm'ml College, and arment ot the lied States or Canada. or anywhere else, meat: "If them tur maklhm no one was where tuberculosis is not found more or part X the illk on " the ex , l . . . - cf the hon (has... outa perl.. ed to be . Kahuna to on th tot the on "ppotrit . b "um."e ot iii e. seem. _L A A..." "p----------.-., verttmr u.i --.-a--,

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