- . was or MO'I'IONB.--- , ', Mr. Preston-Return showing the l. ' amount of the Government grant m'gxe . Agriculture and Arts Board and a detail- ed statement of its expenditure. tr Mr. MeMatton-Bin to amend the mun cipal act. '. Mr. Cianey--meturn. showing the dare . of the dismissal of Mr. Young, farm in. structor at the Rerormatory for Boys at Penetangulshene: the length at time he was In the service. the cause of his dia- missal. the amount paid him as a gratufty together with the amounts, it.nny. paid him for rent allowances or otherwige ', since his dismissal ', also copies of all cor- respondence between the said Young and the Government or any ottieer thereof re.- lating to his dismissal, the payment of a i gratuity or otherwise. Mr. 'lettcham=uin to amend the muni- cipal act. Mr. Ttdsory--Returtt--cop1ey at all '5'. respondence between . cer . 'lfl'.u,'r"ui'trift o her applications for a license for the Albion Hotel in the Village of Shannonviile in the Years 189241. Mr. Hudson-tReturn of all Coroners' _ inquests held under the provisions ot the revised statutes respecting Coroners. or the acts consolidated therein, for each of the ten years preceding the lat January, 1880, and for each of the ten years suc- ceeding the said date, such return tol show the said particulars for each year - separately, and whether' such inquests were held under the provisions of sec. 3 of the said revised statutes, or of sub-sec. 1 ot sec. 4, or of sub-sec. 2 of asec. 4 thereof. _ _ "a" -