, ' r} -. t0"taey ti? (s ' of Toronto; and rono also to the same] effect from Union No. 27, Toronto, ot the) Cnited 1rrot_hevhood of Carpenters and! Joiners (if America. Petitions regarding the DY'UiN'Smi uhunge in the libel lai were prt'sentetl by Mr. A. F. Wood from the Puhlishcrs of The Madoc Review, the Mar- . mom Advocate, The Sterling News-Argus: by Dr. McKay (Oxford), signed by, the Publishers of The Liberal and The Oly- Strvui- of Tllsonuurs,r, The Norwich Gar lune; Thc. Bun, The Tribune. and The chronicle of Ingersoll ; by Mr. Wacaan-'l in-li, signed by the publishers of The' Packet. News-Letter and Times of orillla, I The Herald of Penetanguiishene..'l'he Free; Pres- of Midland and The News of Quill-i "titer; by Mr. Crlendinninr,r, frum the'; pulilishvrs of The Uxbridge Jtrarrral, The , Beam-Flu" Express und The, Canningtnn' Gleaner; and by Mr. Meow, signed by; 2'1." [Lillillisliurc of The 1tefurrn-r of Gait.i 1: u y 'sisera. I . , . '" i "3-111: Will" ot' 'irCr1uTha",d'gyu/c,'.e,s,',l 'Ji, J'"escttstt Air. Tait presented a Petition from th A corporation of the City at Tcrronto, :usk m; for thc Chang-as in the municipal an "'Llistt.'isc'tttr'nt acts, which are enumerated in Mr. 'rait'.s, bill now lreforn: the House. with tjrcttce to than. snow-cleaning by- law. actions for damages by falls 19il my pavements, and oth 't' siib.jerts. t)b'ltet, pe- titions prwSu-ntwtl Won: by Major His.. . tvtt from St. Cathutrs, with rufurwiice to the assessing ot' tho property of 1:38 cumpunivs ; by Mr. Moore, from the Town , hf Unit, in favor of the Assessing of places. (if worship; by Hun. Mv. GiUsori, from) tho 1'ity of Hamill "l, in tztvur ot' tho "My, raring imwor to rlmimv the number and terms ct Sl"t'Vll:t- ol' Allierrm-n, and from, certain vitiZI-mg of Hamilton, in favor Hf: Imiturnw-n's :zhv-ltvrs: by Mr. lurk, 12'"va ttr. 'i'mn. of Nlruvrrimea.in favor of the £th-i Ft c'ccitsc," ol' plum-r: of "wraith: and of '"-t izt'n t"nuti.ur-s iii thw 'ri.s't'sissstItetat .Lct; and by" \ir. liuii'nur, i'i'um th- llruckviilv Hats lltztnt Cvsnt.ctuy, itjaesiittrr,' vermin ('liungvs in thrriy 'ih.urit, so as to prunit' of an in-ce at stock, etc. t Tht: Lrllowiw: bill was intmduced and rend " tirst time '.-- Di To amt-ml the municipal act-Dr. Mr-li Manon . . The tit-st sommti rwadinz of the session/ was then gin-n, tho suhjm-t being Mn"! Puton's bill rcspwting the hallway lit-bu)- .l lure debt of the Township of Floss. , THE GRATiHTY QUESTION. Mr. Clancy tnoiuarl for itft ortlrt of the; 'Iotiso it. at return showing tho date of thw 'l.Gtr:is.sul of William 'i'ntinu. FarmK ___ Ituctpttutot' :it tho IUaftrrter,ttory iur Hui-3" 300d Efrocts of the Efforts to Preserve at Prmrtttrtttisint.; ilu- length ot' min-:1 " . - ho was in the SI-i't'it'H; the ruuvv of his the (Jame ot the Province The dismissal; thts umwm WIN him as lv' Amendments Proposed. gratuity, tuxethq-r with thi- .imnunts, it" ' any. PAH him for. rent nllcjwnnv 01' "that? wise Mllt'B his dismissal. Also t-opil-s ot' ------------_ . all t'orrisptritrlt'ttce buth-n the twill" Yuum; tun] tit . (luvvrnmvnt or any millet-r thurvut', rclating '0 his dismissal. the pay- Ie.r,islative Chamber, March 5. mom of it gratuity ur ntin-.'\vi,<t-, l,, The Houseisbcrriutiingto beinlnstrious. in Speaks"; to his motion Mr. Yum" ' _ . . . i.. . ise sc, ' said his u) out was to 2;"! til mo in unnu- A couple of "Numb "huh month?!" tn" :31 tion 11:4 to 'dr/d, the policy of tru. Ciovsum- i aitacu.qsion WW" tnken up und 14tyipo'3t mum runny was in tr'utiolt to the i'v\\'mwl~' ot after brief liulmtt-s, arid two ot' thrur.' tin: of ofl'iials "in: hqu MW" in It.", 51'1- :I second rettdfrtrs followed. (tv. 1tyo F'- Vice, and who "my hnve bwn 'lis'mistcmll, sun's bill t' tilmlish tho Turnnto High Cnr mft'ervnt ""'l""1, it luul inf-n stated 2r. . p ' l . ' iic,iu.s-.siul "1.1 with- in the "mum 1r'H tilifI-rnnt t_u't'CtFltrllr', that Hchool ""'r' ".upi ' ' . , . l gratuitit-s NV, yr. will only in t't'rtaln r'i'r:cr"ri, Hruwn. Thy Minister ol bhlttotiott ttti- ill the (use. fur inst-urn; Wrlt'rV an ailiviul' nouncod that his dr-prtrtmvnt tan/areal the had iri'at'lii'nlly worn out in the .zvi'x'im l'it'll. )f unlun 'octwereatt him I'ttr,lic and mi thr. Govorttrtir'trt, 11' hul been listl-lwl High School "mirth; and "nu .szu' or tho- i'rum 'ftly will», and in the cue-'21 "Witt." . . . '" . '.., ' his "my: would lilv ulhw- hud iW-ii (klltllif'lllhi :iiul the 1"l Netbl arte: 1ngislatiiou to ttt .. ' 1riulrctvlilol.vthvowndvto nls'r0N'it rusunrnu . be givvn; but hp did nut lrciitsvt. in the Sun thw ullwiui ...)n,.,il.m.,,, in tht. prt'si'nt absorption of tho High SPHIIUI limit-(i by t,t'ir' :tIIIn'l'Xt'il not to uns'wri' to "NWT the Public School Butt-ll. Tli,srts WAS sumv of tlnee. (was. PII'. 'te,',',':',,","',.,',';,),-,.]"'),",,,;",) little by-play .m-r Air. ltoss' "."nark us :izijtlri'i. 'i.':,,"';:',',?,:",',','."',)",",.,,"',',:) "km-"r W. to wirt he might tio Ttext Sree,), sun". rictitasl. SI) far ily' jeroulil IU'IX'n. Th" Millw- members of the 1rturositiort "!cs'drir1vL," him rim nut mun-w; ililllllli'l' man Wit" appoint- he Would not huw- tm- opportunity, and I". llt W,1.m' Hui [Hi'hh'l'] I') ','i'1Cea/".lcr, . Pl' _.'. -. t1 l .itutie um t t' tlFlll SI; ' 5 the bill tun tho dumbed: . In}? in: '/y'//(i'ld hum. He was tirst given An intervsrinp,' incident ot the artrrnoon It .lVl' of mum-nut), and pay appears to have was tht. entry mm thrs Chumlu-r fur tltr up" in thlg "my continued to him for tist time this sta:c.s,iort ol tlt,, thyIIt-. fulll' munths at the rntv of 3150 " var, and . mission) of l'utylio "Irina lic thwn "i"'Fl"". Tilt. n he was dismiss»), and Cattle in sttti"tly from bl'hliid tin' l'w 'r'ilt " 2'1"") "minus to 1""',yh"'n Speaker's (hair, but this ilinl not pre- ritit', i'r him as " gratuity. Mr. 3mm}: vent thus. d his 1ellow-n1 'llliu-rH who, ":1:- H," liviit;; .'il'c:i'stuiyrruishtne. .Hjs naught sight "' hiutupplaudius,r lzim lit-arr " 1 mm Hit?,' livhw r't-ilt'wx'hui'u in lurk. ily as he took his FULL l uni yet he tnveived a rent ullosvantc of [term-.- the formal I,tu"vtruiings ill'gim. . ..n' , sy hrBb '1 four mor the Siwukrr ununum-t-d tint he h.ul iii) "a," 'if/gi,,'", 'ali:,:,,,'",),',-,')':",,),.,'. of' _ ceivwl a tu-purt from thv Judges muting Tity, Il.:.'"",',::,?,',,,,?,')" had 1,...2n gimwil as oommissionrnts on 1state bills, in funir 1'y H. iliuuqlr'-\\1l"' " Mr. Slu\\'.irl. ot the bill rngmdin; the pi-nin-i'ty of the Ill ('/y."l,ici"/'/,, "gnonqi, a friod o T l Synagogue of the Holy Ithrssvrn. ',)'!"l,,h,'isi'/,,.'/is l-hiumimn- ' Prs'TiTioNt3. Hon. Mr. this» No, Ho, . . R ' . . t T . _'iancy-Tlw hon. Minister I""_rt., Mr. Tait pre.cettttnl petitions signal by Mr. l ' " re than unu o I the Varm.utrw.s and i't).ishvrs' Union forgets then. "or; #120 been a trie! ',' No. ill, 'i'uiunto, and by William Mumn mime. He {nu} Céept the hon. Mini-r and others in t'cvot' of it Siturtluy balr- some one. "lf, u unts Mr. Stewart," holiday. Mr. E. F. Clarke preSuntq-ui a sim. lent!. It.,,,"),':,?'."' 'tilu' gentlnman l w. "a." petition signed by about 1.200 c.tiatrtts i Mr. Youre.", D ' l _ I l