I r _ ' V ... . . _ T s', N \ .. I M/ I, . M. . .. ,,IVN',,.,_. , ' "WHEN". mil. Mr. You _ "of tltptftvrtd,tmll). , - ' " ' A... in. I i'r1UCTt'e"li"o'iTtllta,J'tl'J'lu"idiol'tlt 'lfdl'dt11'i,fl'ri'NR?NFillll " "i four months' pay. and yet this sum of two , timtttte-%tttte 'Wveutimtthi 21,191]. i "Elsie? l , did not appear anywhere in the public ac; . V Mon. Mr.,9tttion:i-Nitriagh.)1d Fi, 5:3" Ri counts. Had the Minister paid it himself? thtit-eftt M, thin tW, if: . FY ' . . He hoped to, for he could not see any . ' Mr. cttutey--we will 'iipfirrotiyjt m other wayin which it could iustillahly'be , come down. He went on in I. - A ' given. The sums concerning which in- . . .' considered that" what [the Mini' w:5 dairy was made were 8875. which was. paid _ _ .. _ '. said constituted but slams excuse, a ' " gor ten months' services the $169 ', explanation did not accord with the hf for twelve months' rent allow- . . planations offered for other cases. 1 l ance which he received, though he went _ i The order was then passed. ,' . . _ on leave of absence on the last of October. I - f l _ , _ " 18921. and was paid for the full year M92 I 5 ' AGRICULTURAL HAL" . i any two months of 1893; t a .. . 't . 8330, which he received, 2,tt/'t'iee'"gy,touer,glf a. , Mr. Meredith moved for an order of that he received as payment during the tttpr . 3." House for a return giving the amount ex- months duri ', -. .. pended in the year 1882 for alterations and us which he was on ieayoor'l '. ' _ ." l absence. He hoped the Minister Quld" "tret", to Agricu turai Hall. Also, at the .' reconcile this 1 . t " . 'proportions of the amounts so expended case with some otlicis .chh et i ' had occurred. It was not a cas f hi - T . iwnkh Were. according to the report of bein no l _ se 0 s T Mr. Tully, Engineer of the Public Works g Ollger needed, for Mr. Stewart was appointed at once to take h . _ Department, to be paid by the Agricu'- There seemed no set - 2g,',',e2rherttt - " , , , i k ttppeitrtion, Mr. Philip Jam: Ei! cases, and importunity seemed the chief 'rrerttttvetr. we", - o- Province a, it thing necessary. There was no Justitlca-, the associatioii "I..." tr tion for the rent allowance: there was! tively the dates of pi I ' none for the four months' salary. and iti amouhts still remaining ttitg ig h. e . F . should be explained why Mr. Stewart took a copy of the lease or agreement cr 'W.' .. Mr. Young's place. There had been a Jamieson for renting to him the shop in recent case in which a gratuity had been the hail entered Into in the year Mi2, or k, "'i1'l,tf.% ).v?,,T,i'o", did tlhacarw-i IllITt~i' 9 b now subsisting 4 on. - r. l JHOtt suit ierc was no 0 5 . jeetion to all the information in regard In speaking to the t','"h"In; Lingerie; "to this matter being brought down. The dith twid he desired to ft Attt't _-rs. , '.. papers would give a full explanation of the irregular 1tye"fPytSlt b' ', . he matter. He had not yet had an op- the Government tn the PE Jr the - _ portuntty of seeing them, the question and the loose "my tn "Me" 7 , 'mIlr having been only a day or two on the or- which did not exactly appear before' - ' , der paper. but he remembered the cirCum- House were dealt Vithi Hall J." IEN stances ot the case pretty well. His rccoi- had been th tom," " - . ttmber, we lection of the case was that Mr. Clancy since 1888. In that year the l] ', r ,3; 'l was quite wrong in putting the case as a of Agriculture assumed to lend " '+ ' dismissal. Mr. Young had resigned. The Arricuttute and Arts Association the dam real facts were these:--While there was . 'of 311.396 M, to make certain repairs and really nothing against Mr. Young's char- ( enlargements to the building. It was im- tictel', or, perhaps, against his etticiency , T derstood that the Agricultural Department as farm instructor, and while he was' of the Province would occupy t / faithful to his duty, yet he was very un- ot the premises after the repairs had 2" successful in his mode of treating the made. it was understood in the ttest boys. While he "as in a position which re- place that the alterations would-mow ntsired that they should treat him with $5.000. There was an investiIIm .'7 i',",?,','".,'?: and that he should have full 0011- the matter before the Public Acco_ I " (trol over them whenever they wet'e under Committee in 1884, and the most slipshoi his charge, he really possessed no control} proceedings were shown in eonnecttotr over them, and they were able to do pret- with it. The money was lent and tho ' ty much at'they pleased. The attention work entered upon without any arrange- ' of the Government WHY, called to the mat- ment at all With the various par - " t . ter by the W ariien and the iJeputy War- transaction. though it was had . k " den. it was at once considered how much the association, the Government in" '-, . . It. would be to the interest of the institu- tenant. Mr. Jamieson. were to divide e tion to make " change. it was not pro- cost of the repairs between them. The vyt.'1 at all to Pvfiyfryt the 'thea.tior expenditure was incurred also without any at the 1i,'2yi. It was a vase of dealing vote of the Legislature. At the examina- J1thtr,'(','/ "I who lf t'"1,ay.'.,ey, P. he 'tion before the Public Accounts Commit- 1i,1'e'. or LC/ll,",,'", hi. 'ev",h'.:11,'?ves'; ',tee Mr. Tully had stated that the pro- "f(,'l.e1u1'li'ul"', coining? Jt'hervettratliautt1"t' portion in which the expenditure was to named . be borne by the different eNyt,e was as It would be easily understood that u 1'122ttt',.'ey Mr]. 2yt',1,t'.t','c' 3122:] 80 . li/lt.' 1 man in such a position should have the i 5 or am I S f?,"."??. on, $6, ' , I " the Province, $3,149 47; making a total _ corMdence of the boys and should be able l 'to exercise due control over tl of $1l,480 Gl. Mr. Jamieson was examiner] a win. Mr. I , . . , . before the Public Accounts Committee, and ilpyyr, "as a well-meaning man, but ran-l, ldis ut d hi li bill . 'ed in this respect. The Inspector spoke to; adraitte d h: 51:)th for that amount, but [the former about his failure, and sought' Th. e t 'il a iiity to pay something. I to bring about his resignation and replace; I eiprmee rigs Ito showed that Mr. I him by a man better fitted for the posi-l ' 'l/l/ tf,'." was to pay a rent of $1,800 annu- _ tion. Mr. Young, not unnaturally, did notl 'ur. 2,rut2', tggdxfggzleggng inh313:0h- want to resign. It was thought at first' i" b or eat ng, that possibly some other position might yf. Now,he found no money had been paid have been found in the public serviceL at all on account yt Mr. Jamietmn's lia- somewhere tor which he would have been 'te',? for {he repairs. The matter had tit, and to which he could have been' I etn simply allowed to drift. The Asti- transferred. This, however, proved not culture and Arts . possible. He was, therefore, given leave iin ism, and no r',',otj."""'it"tt'e ttS','fllil of absence tor a time, and as he had been counts of Lass the association appeared a in the employ of the Government tor some indebted ii . . " , , the Province tor 32000. years and was a thoroughly faithful Gill-k Which amount did not ap ear 1 th 'ac- cer it had been thought only proper that counts of the foliowin pea n eh on leaving he should receive' quently. Mr. ilainicson Ethan? to; "leg? the small gratuity Indicated. As: had not pain a cent on' accokunte 01y ti:-s to the question ot rent al- liability he had admitted before th e 1owances, he thought all the different of- inning, The building was C'i'l'i'Ut,"e',' EMT ncials at the institution in question had so by a mortgage of 310000 f0r whirl: &. received such allowances for saline yea}? (association nominally, 'i'i'"t"'p2u7ll'i'r' tn: past. The farmer was no don t on t e overnment, was . . same footing as the rest. There was not they were getting o%ri1"p,',,."t: 'ie'l,tcgh/t, room in the institution for them, but there banks on money' lying to thel n . dram the were a good many houses around in which that businesslike he wanna; T,' g Wag which there was plenty of room. In Mr. Another thing;' When Mr. ngt::v;'. Youngs case the usual practice had been) lease expired In 1892 it wa . o s followed. When the papers came down the Same terms as those 'l2sdl'l'f,wff on' the hon. gentlemen would see the facts made in 1882 though r t was, were just as he had stated them to be. of the cit ' ii; en B in that part M ". . y ad greatly increased in th _ r. Clancy rejoined that, at all events, meantime. He did n t k e Mr. Young had been seven years'in the not the fact that Id'.",', now whether or service ot the Government before it was . active suPDOrter of the "at',',?,',', was an- discovered that he was unlit tor the place. ' .at one time Was 5 k overnment, and It was a most extraordinary course which , candidate, had anytlflo en of s a like": ', the Government had pursued, practically CPI-inn, " to Jo with 1', asserting that Mr. Young's claim for a on. Mr. Dr M'o gratuity lay in his untitness tor the place. pear-ed to J'fd,deil 'ttit, Mr. Meredith ap- He was charged with being useless, and f,', r 0V'lnce dealt entirely Jltt'7,' as if the. l yet had been paid upwards ot $500 more A? T"Ttion, Which was reall _ the building than he was legally entitled Jo. This would Igl'lh'ulture and Arts I'Jliagh2r.nef, by the t be an inducement to unsuccessful men. gained because the present ton. Et e 3', A man who could not secure a good post- 2ei enough rent. Now Ltl"'l'lt,di',1 tion would simply have to told his arms. Orgasms Association was an a: tttm plead his lack of success and claim a grat- delegntzed by Statute, and our": tttt . uity. He could not see that inefficiency 'OVer 'gi," from agricultural Mom: at was any claim tor a gratuity, and could l l date ant; Province. In the act to c s I not praise the system under which the 1 act the :mend the Ftrriculture 2'fltf,1ii Government appeared to act. As a matter \ p was and duties of the counrcti? l . _,,-,-,,.,.,.,.,..,---) '