l . a . ' , g I" Li - l " f . "... w. Maw}! are a T', , .1. "an: 'Mill p, (s;itt,tfttif,i, 1'lltti"ight." patient 4317' . 'sea1rtttirstpr cons "at. - I. - t .1 "I. ottiit'iih, -m-- _ 88. The "We low cost, and that} as a result on ' 1MP"! patient in our asylum was for . skilful management, mastery of details. (the if" 1893 $13 TL Deductlnz the rev- careful supervision and ftrttt cos . , tens enue received from paying patients, our at thousands ot dollars have r, r r it turn? was only tu' (rt per patient, or to the Province. This W» w . I'dt not m ch more than half the cost In these Imirertant Province 1; now welt .9". ' . _ T Nahum" Institutions-in the United States. in the matter of public 1 "mum and irrX tn the. State of Massachusetts there arm will be pardoned, 'etitle days. _u".,ny.g . live asylums similar to ours, and in them rate, when' we recall with pad. 7. tr " the 'trl,,'."',",",':,',? ttttttt -per patient ll! istaction the undisputed and Ind l " " b' . $334 13. or t .. and a half times as much fact that in their. erection not one nil-l » as our 'veratre. "In New York State the . lar of our very lemon a' an 'IIE s, WW average yearly cost per patient in the over "trated: r ', ' are." "3.... eight asylums is $345 83: and in.0hlo. with' - ' ' most ,renstettiiilr> " .. 2! " its six asylums. it is $227 88. Our average wants in "ill direetlon ' . . cost per week for each patient for asylum increased expenditure was im. " " . 1 gl,1ih"teygt is 32 66. In the New York needed. To speak at large in a go - E 1 ate hospitals for the insane the cost ave- needless and irresponsible way of increa- r fazed for three years per week has been ed expenditures. to make nebulous inainu- 35 18. or nearly twice as much as ours. The titans of extravagance, and to keep care- - Ire,.',",',,",?, cost per week for each patient in fully out of sight such explanations as I f . "1321:1533 in the United States has tmon I am hurriedly giving, is, I submit. neither; aii' a. item: it" than tturs. Th .. "new ,'lll,Q'ht; "me new , Crtg '" for the his". XIII; e M -r_atl', ' _ avomrete . I, "Limit. cent. more than . The cost in slm- en- Jit l " . - r . ilar institutions in England averaged over has been spent during t _ . ,, a long period of years has been $2 92 per ment, and yet not ohe minute of the t no . week. New South Wales has five institu- of this House or of any committee of this tions like ours, and the average W, there House has been spent in discussing this per.week tor a long number of . rs has vast expenditure of money. or of any part been $873. Our ofrtctals, one and all, well of it. In considering these questions we understand that every account rendered, must not forget that the statute which even the smallest, will be subject to the provided for the erection of new Parlia- closest scrutiny. The 'nspeetors, men of meat building's set apart for sale ' k, _ ~wide experience and practical knowledge, "my, the proceeds when gold 't,tiqllft J, acquaint themselves with minutest de- Parliament buildings construction I. l tails, and are thus constantly in a pord- One of the parcels of land so set apart tion to insist that there shall be in the was the site of the old Parliament bulld- (matter of the purchase of supplies neither lugs, 91-3 acres in extent. situate in the ' 'waste nor extravagant-e. As. the whole- heart of this city. Owing to the M19111 i lirii" dumps testify, our bursars take ad- depression in real estate we have not midi "mange of the keen competition existing this very valuable property. worth say in all branches ot trade. and thus secure $500,000. We have erected these new the best bargains available. . Consider- buildings without borrowing a single dol- ing the excellent, wholesome and nutri-, lar. and still own very valuab'e properties lions dietary which we furnish, the per which the Legislature authorized us to capita cost of maintenance is, all must sell, the proceeds of which. it was expect- admit. surprisingly low. In all cases whori- ed, would go a long way towards the practicable, and where it can be done erw'ion of the new buildings. Another " with advantage to the Province, the SUD- ot these propertiesmnnsistingol21 , r, acres plies tor the public institutions are pur- part of the asylum farm, and valued at. chased by tender. "mug, is Milli] unisolil'. l wish to remi'nrl , - the misc t at n there two pr mes 11 BLIC Bye??"",: . alone the Province has n sh?,v/UllP'f2'eel, We ha re a still more Stflkmg illustration estimated to be worth $70,000. (Applause.) of uncontrollable expenditures when we . come to consider the large sums was blave EXPENDITI'RE FOR AGRICI'LTURE. '51»: m in "went years, especially t e as: N n . _ t c . I four or five years. on public buildings. IN e ot'? Us: J,tl1d'ia/i','.c'1ege'yg,'ol,"e'gti .3 bnouht i." 'Y'-', for eratnpie, on new bulitl- agriculture and arts are constantly in- ilig.:,_ including: - tnese new Parliament cttttrinst year by year. Ive spent. for ex- buildings. WW"? and this amounts "st_' ample, tumor in ism. $119,533 in 1891, 'tti".,.. mutt than one-tifth of all our expendi- 'PW. in IVA? and $109573 in 1993 No one. in tureyt for that year. For several year., the House or out or it so far as I know past our expenditures under this head hail" . ever complained of these increases. All betr. unusnal'ly Elf-5' J1iy,,1.y'wtahsrliyi,talitt.' the conditions of successful farming, in- . . ". '9 a 'e y, . 2.. . . 1.1)}. . . ivri'/"f'u,w.tUl 'iCe"('i'),1l',, tlve year'.' We t,peut . 'h'..f,1,,,yl it,ir")',loj?/"v/'g'.'sy'ti,te't""i'; 2G'tu ll' $1,479,634. Not a dollar ot this expenditure problan at tto time ii, Elma): 'd,'. gar: was ever questioned, either in this Hons? as the niujoriiv of people 'IU',',, to im': or in any committee of this House. There agine are now "esdeliiis. com lieated a a has been no Want or opportunity for 1"" Dunlin'r The sii/.'feri)iii' 2'l'll'd,e, r th l inquiry and thorough investigation. .in 'iiiriiii'er,'i'; means H_';r'\,th1h f 'd) If" each instance it was recognized that our Vince Agriculture R 'f or " .??,'i urgent needs called tor the erection of _ be the-very banish!" an must always new buildings. and that any further delay for this ".qqon' in". 0;" J',ro,',y//irh',r ' and would be inexcusable and agaiust the pub- to approt'e(of and d p IU,' 1? ll continue lic. interest. The work was commenced in its aid and will 'l,),',',',',','.',', 'biral (ruins in each case not one day too soon. - Li ever'v 1.01m tho 't'cCl'io,llli17i; n 'ln,', a?! meet pressing needs we commenced (tfr information. icrtaini. r t n 0 use ul erection ot the muiTltu.ilyur,ttt1',tly' eisthtt am sure it will b le, o aitrtculture. I asylum cottages at Mlnlico in 1iery",etr has alwa "a be e torrioedeil that there ":38. These were completed in March, 1WI. l, i,7'iti1', (30.» tC? man ested on the part In June, 1891. the erection of two addition-1 aid and J',',)?,?,':','.,',",,",,'", an earnest desire P.. al cottages for refractory DMWPtS w'."'} ever. br, 1',ufy'l', n men way possibk _ commenced. and these were blushed in, be 'du,',')')'),: /d agriculture. It Will also April, 1892. Up to the end ot log weh'id1 autumn" Wm: Itt Minister of Agri- i~xpended on these new buildings, which in iiii,iirsi'iUf,' t? 'r'1fft':.'.'s.,r.yl in many ways 1 furnish excellent accommodation for tdi i/ariirt'in'i"C,' le usefulness of his very patients, the large sum of Swank). The nah"; to cpaitment. But I desired cs- Province owns in connection with these1 'Citi uni! 1299815 tat Increased exprmdr. buildings a. valuable plot of ground con- both. //'s',lltd/'d'o..,",,t out that they were mining 57 acres. In 1835 we commenced in: nearly) 5v"; "1.3M. unavoidapm and "" erection at Orillia of two cottages. wit Bcnt and app"); 1'": made with the con. kitchen and outbuildings. for the we"? 1 will "wk of We orthc whole House. I modation ot idiots. These were complet-! incrizises ir. till I: 0 the more important rd in 1897, The main front hylllie,5 a": l the last» ro-Iu- lil liegmfmgm made during i dining hall were commenced m 1889 nigh I mom lii' Auricult u {Pm-8' The mert'i completed in 1891. These buildings turnis 1 and this 'i'ff,'li",Cl1.'"..i "as created in ISM, i perfect accommodation tor 6(h .patlenSl-JS. sundry now 2,v,ji'lpt,',Tf,',ny/1 other things, and their cost up to December. 1893, is $1 " HS Printinc: a; 1tll1?,e1 expenses, sucn Te.?,. We own 150 acres of land in connec- amounting to in". 102169' Postage, cte., ' tion with this institution. In October, liB2, 1 M r. 'ihrl'lf/l'ldC'),' 13"" a year. , we commenced to build a new asylum M1 51 nted to oh tiii) 1hPt expenditure con- H,rockviue. One part of this, namely, the. The Treats . .is hide ot the House 't main building, will, we expect. be complet- 1 intend to .me'ra-Does my hon. friend also ed this year. It will, when tiniPeti:Af,-,:' 'iiftGllu'"il't for the abolition of the rommodate 500 patients. TtCT $15,00Ji interruption 'te',',',",)",':),",," '? I weleome the , for the farm of 150 acres adjoining Brock'il indication MONTY Icp,,. friend as a sure ville on which it is built. l p to the en y, elections (Loud M .eftia.t at the coming'! of 199:: We have expended on this ""1 "denim; .. . 11sttriat applause.) Noi, asylum 3112.823. As to all ot these build-) thm dwarf": ttaken to the creation ori inns, tenders were called tor. and the can?I House, all C 0:09 Jg, any member ot the , tracts let in the usual way-d 'e,"',,',',',,", desirable and in 'lie, 'le: the change was course, Mr. Speaker, the usual way as "all: Province. 1 am n t est interests or the as this Province. is concerned-the bu L centlv the iPresidegt forgetting that re- ings have been completed, and no quiz;- Conservative Club (notf the Young Men'a . lion is now raised, or has ever he": ra t I alnguml address dell his trity, In his in- ni, in this House as to the charac er 3N u 3893. pronounced a J',,','.,?,",' In November, the buildings. their adaptability t; fl','.lr; r (if Agrit-ulturu aid "St the Department business needs. or as to their cost. Ave y 1 . would be in the best icontended that It member in this House must at)!!!" t,t?t Vince, as well as "stems" of the I'rrr. the commissioner of Public worhtt, e economy, to do I