. . _ Le x} 2 J - . ' _ ' b I _ it "WNW . _ ' T . L" Y6? 4.mportaht the Province 31:31:: £333: _ f? Mr. Meredith Tt,eeyltil at,t,'ia,.to/')j of We Ju.rudictia,' but " was impossible to say _ t it" Legal Committee ttw r to go further d, . I what the courts Would ultimately decide , bill. but had asked nr. Barf mp whole or in the matter. . , rd adopt th.e.yroyiPt',' o Regan," when . \ Mr. Meredith said the case quoted by English bill, and £23166 {or making _o' _ It" Attornev-aenerdt concerned the con- additic nwa roprm . If, i J'd?tfiyg', otthrailweys and did not bear di. hill wan hit rtt,11,gt". ',",:ti n a was remem- _ - M ft ' 0 also. in hand. scnahle, he ttsoup, ' .. ml'thd revise . l'),; tCdour brietty expressed his hopothat bssred that when tho chapter "ifs' i train its" the exact extent ot Provincial Jum- ed statutes was "it" "P it it; gum. - be on in this case was settled it would script of tho [Childish lass on . t ti..an. tu :33]; 'lLttgttt g',',',? tc take steps and Dr. Barr's bill was in turn k . , _ lations, ot 'dr/le, s tt 15 case of the re- swim of the English lawns since aiin-ziiif' with regard to thy W th municipalities (d. " thorn L; any co iki,-)eigC",ypdri Some trve years icqufisiug: l drainage. whose s.r','i','iisi'ivital),'-',tii?tt) on IN? he fol- had passed a railway dram? egislatun- lowed my rnat Britain, and it they had viding machinery Whey bv daze act, pro- i't-iieiiimi thr 1ortnet' not and ennui-vi tho be constructed alon an: , rains co.uld m w one it was a sign that .thc change be." ot railways unfie l under the road should be udoptred ttere., Section 9 of til "in; Trveemeetu: with 'itff,t?, restrictions: proposed izct Mr. yytv0i.tlor. however, did question was raised b e fymiyyPtts. F120 not approve. its hi: thought it touched the Justice at Ottawa a tY .the Ministor of question of the condition of sales, a ques- Ily: had Dower to:3 t. whether the Pro- tion not udvlsubit- to stir up on the eve of ot, and it Was Hus J'/'i1/1"it an act or a general election. otherwise he was museum": had berm to until some ar- .friendly to the bill. then it has been f agreed upon. Since The bill then passed its second reading. vaiities tt abeyanc - «hr gums-"NWTS. i Engasi'mu'n the wo:i::'§: '/,',tti,lC'i.,,e,,)/' . Dr. i'nrr then moved the second rend; ' pause, and subject to such terms as the 1m; ol hie'iiill .to "rrttuvl __th'e (-Ul'iJllt'I'S companies chose to dictate, or else ar- 1e'.ctr,rT:'.vy.y.r,ty" tor the abolition inv soino our before the Railway Committee A! t.:l.bt.3 ot ninth-eta upon s,.rjH'./',c"lts, dying .Ir!, filtiiwzt. He hoped that the quesiioii could was. iiUdUiliUCiltL'ii this in " vol) hrief be scttled. apt-ah, lelitiniiliig that the totinll')' is] in il ', V .. umor or re rem: imen uni won: We - b/ll'",,),' 'tiT.' 2eulr'ltiuta?/yttyt),i: come this saving. The present holding, of clear of the. railway limit in thr. vii: umww'qsury inquests tu, thought an tth" to which the -kitcrrd,vrtr%o,.1i'l Fcfi'l'i'tui .tey..1.ey"y ls would be upparot by.the there had been interfere not; With the rund- "it?!" Hmwni" hoiv "why 5min- ittuuests bed, but in this bill there "its no Suo'n y,y "3"" .h'lm Ny) Iv/ya) tlu. Tyt"lierts "ere. - tutertervnce. lie thought it Ciliilt' under 51'": refry"/s'r1'i'i'it,vt'J,redtitrt, cxgicndtimli L' t "l ' CU . E . t? '. sts1.ticlyt',", 3:8 ("with rights. "ml "l11,ve,,"C,' Was "u""."."""? but that time bud passed ' . h. . act, are Tuurel lo lion. Ilr. lhhsull exprosm-d Home sur- Ill?, 'r'.":,",',,",).?:',:,,, 't ',',tic,1".,"11',"ihta1" :33: min.- at l:i. lain-'5 not wuitiiii,r for tho "hi the G. T. it. solicitor. Mr.'ii.aii. who hm] {Hui lc and /,'t',.l..t/y'i"/iv. in":iimimiidriiliii Ill" (nor murh the 9mm- objm-tioiw its :'v'itll 'l l:|"::;;l, ""'i't',,'"Li',yvr','1? mix." l' those enumerated by Sir ("WW Mowut exiiilll lilill i'i,"i',ii)i' sou no /uiri',iit"'s' foy Jiut he did not cure tot. these arguiiivnta' itii-rftr,cttru, it P.,' " r/.c(,u/Lliii', tht. hub "3 to the tur.st, for " was u matter of the ii that iiiiliii'W' should i'i'lliiii'il- in ('Iiiii- or lives and prom-rt)! ut citizens. The Pro- rimming om-iiriiiis: in iiuiiiii: iiistitiiiioiis.= ir'1'.""irtec1,) hzivoutimrfr J,' t",'l,t',"it, firm: and while inuur'sts, wi-i-i- not ulways livid (it: 'lhtfiii'iill'l' [imam lot! 2U! Jh'C1,'/1r1?'1'i, in tiv. i513" of "mun". tyxCliri'lrlv," in Elihu!) the Atta.rmessGtsneral on this rltrstl-n mi" tustltll'ui'tis, n" "my iityt 5"". that it well jurisUh.tion." He thought ttttXe "NM" 1,,. i'll)lt'l{.i :it quail thtingI to hind-{tiny}. iii", . V AC l'i Vii'pil'illl tt lil 'I' iii 3" if; . " 'l1t. 11CiiCT/iti,' wVrt' ("infill to to not c, luinty of "mm" TT"? into tin-1r deaths, not o/ ruisu i//, qut'f;;itill of. Jurirolitc'.lrct its thtsit. lurk [If itH ".15 or sunk" ptmit'mn F in that Iortirmlar. As the hill iir,rr.,,i 'i.'t?/,t,'r1t.th'/r, ('i'i',l1cyivl.ii.et',lirt,ro Ellilérllltrl Si-gtirini tin-V wins-nit of tho 11rrvcrtiruot, ft",',,"]?,',',)".',', 0;": "mg in} iirrd oiit 'bviuu'u - ho "mild withdraw it. tu. vUUH Ili'i'i'UY" of th" hill. 1 SALES HY AGEIJTS. Mr. Mtuuulitlt Iti.'l"'-'ii "mi tho y'.:")':'?,.] St.ruut,trs. Thorrr "KL; a murmur in to in; Dr. Burl 1lrufrerin) thrtt moved the Stu" uwuy with iiiixiiwtx in suvli numb" , he ro- iiid loading of his bill to ttu,rnlitte the .'Viit' g .mwi it "y; rigm that thorn should l)("| if. trr/sup"',".?,",),',"?, A',i/"ri',Y/" l!" "cl, sud: pulrliw lliiillil'y mimic. Thero ',yJ,f(,'/li) J o :41 i .L .. ii LL' , its swan"). ii! mic-'5, ntrl tht. fun-t that an inquiry W Tutti.) ill;ilbill the. 1s1qr:rl (/tt",1",1tt",", t'hi- opin- yummy is tin- ruin-st im-vuntivo of oi'unlty. on tatt "til iXiil't'~'Svt t mi 1 iii "LIL go is l . hn inviturll: tt man tras Upon h,"- _:.',':,',,)',),,"." it"? ',i"P.'/ to, m" ll"'")':")',':: tlt,,,,".,'",',.:,',:',":,' Jud trruustTttt " Vagrant ttte up." oi. no won ill'liiiiii' . ll au- " should not i..- irotvvtid. Th-. ['2158112" (ordilih'i' with the opinion tly ii t xiii'essi-d 13f tht, bill would 1,1. " i'i-tiiigréiilu step, and h, 1,:,"1./lrii,t,'.ti'tr1, tIii' by}: Fit "'1 to {may tt . thr fi-V; dollars {rivmi would not be worth mun: c u. ioi'u. e. IC, on on t'l't'l tt Il " the li{.(.l..,nsm1 p."otrttion. l 1": v-xt/ttion ot tl:' l _ "tle, With hr. l',urr isriorilini,rly withdrew the bill, uukixnmi. hc said, to, Ili'FUL-[L' hltit's lw- prim-sling. hum-w": thut the provision as it" "'1 at "phrytp,,)1ut,t". 1'iym,11,)thylli'"i/y.t in plush-1 _ ('I rtilir'ittt'r', Would obviate all """u".' " /1.H'. tt' Ity g . "' tlL' E: m» I fll-trsaatrromt. iiiiilllmi to prim-it I: "yyerutrturer It?" inf inrition for adjournment. Mr. itcitin.:t [hr Irutvtturir. illt' hill w [It'd I" Ali-rudith said ho thouirht it would ho a ijlir'til'i' ixhit-li ut'lrr' Ull'il'l' cases of bart, l, "farm? t'Jyi1ii1v(,",1t,1'.edy't /,')'/'iT(vo"ic 'ith,, 'ottIihitrrt' undcr tsir-int regulations "Ht [inn l Il." .' . 'sbs' 1')."\"Q Joi"i~iiA lit-iii: 1rl0ly,tul to [my twice (Welt His' in"? ("(113"er t1,','cr.l,tC,',l,u,1,' 1:: Chi-tin Silly I liilll wont furthwr, :ind piovidt-J mini-dies 'i,','l1c'ct///,', r.'i'1l,,/.','r/r"'t'ir, staiutus. tVt' Cit-NUS of imidship which wrists "Jig" iloii. ii; 'ra/ds. Nil-i he tholi::nt thore 1i\'t~!' th.' qui-stivin its to whtatlttrt" the [vermin Win: a iliiriuii hoi' S':iti.<tir-:; IrrttnPhlrst ."rr'TmK Pt gum!" is tlh- rm." "wm'r or "hit-h iItcll',rltnl tho hills vi: mud. and rnore :ll-vlt' Ho ts-iles-tsd the bill would bovtit all 1'1 NW. N thi' mm" In, 1mm! be printed. \'P 435. F . tn. 'tt _ v y, . '. .i'i-ii. Mr. Gibson in reply vxpressvd the "1' Hott: " jrtirro l At l.30. 'I'illlUll that ttrue is iio Vt'r.V strung {Oni- mi. in the country 1l1rtnuttslittu such kill :10: lr. z.iiy case. in: iiiirr had Liko ii it round about way of gi-ttlng at what he wish-l, A your into tho hill to unii-i.l tin. revisi-l statutes in this p:irti<-ul:tr had i-oiiii- beior, thr, lanai Coiutuitttv, and doubt iii-ow i\!'r its provision that Itht'HlS might in iii-riiilttiii to dispose of goods liy ilall'll'r, "s lo whether this umvndrrwnt "as in illlv' wit); the English iii-t or went beyond ail lirw-i-di-nts. This your the bill was rsirs- tt'oiluct.d as " transit-rim of tho i'lllgiltlll fartors act, but did not ri-iwui th- (in- tarp, smut". if this Wi-nt through thope Would he two at't4 in '?ylsttmce wiiii'h Hiuiii in phrascoloKy arvi "trt'r'rny,imt'rtt RUri-times ("nine in Hmilivt. liii- v'tultTj taiwn was roundabout. I)tt hiking into thr, !muttit, he thought the muttii' turuldt 1y-ru-runu,rt.U, if iii-t'wSiirv, by iiirét-rtiiii: Iii"| ""iuuwi trrtrviniotts its a stth-s ttiott of SPU- thin l of tho existing illltill'iii act. In ls mxuiii: nip-ma not only to 3311 for Cach hilt illm to barter. Ho thought it a'osutd V 'i'i-n'u't the whole English iii-i. but It???" lllv hill should pass its Sili'Ollii f'TL: iiiid bo tgent on to the Legal Cotn- mitt,