V Bait ' / "Ph' r' " Rragi, ., q EEirrrrr,C,rEiull Ith' ' F' ' -- _ ;: iiiiiieri3?.,%ltlll=llliltll "T dt," s",] 1Mr w', - - T u. . d . " w '-. i ' lp, ..- ESI Er, ra . -. ' V" . - '7"an ' " , .14" "' , i " " 'n A. n , 4_v - . . _ " a ,' " " . '2 & 5. - In": , . - 'rc" T LI I .. "C. f. I fil mat [' v Qty. he wit .." 7'. " - P, l of 'tiF'" Cl . 'ny n _ . ' l i " . 'lti " (a TiiGitsiuieouryts Chitt- , Vim," '. .mggtootca i'" - M" P. 1,. glut). 'l,rgt'.'dPdett't / 'iha2 a. iit " I _ mm - . _ , c. _ 3i'ti * " pr, lc "he face ot it i'; ii ', ' "e'i',is' .. M-W'ir' 't . tll; T . . all tov'. V a int . of Mr. Noxon 1liiiN Ar:r¢.._mm 'gllll17iiiiii'i'odii , ' ' tuition" Inspector" t prison indul- "r, " t; "_"; -.,.-- I. ' _ ' . _'," . We. who . the next point on . t?ttetl'fitr, in . ., Unit" sum. _ _ , Dutch" m. Whitney touched, all r s. ' " 'tttrt/ttlt'. . , . W Mtimrs l e ' quoted largely from the. re- . IlMtlit! , 'a.otr'ie..tit9'd , 'Ps commit. i t 'port. of the Public Accounts Committee . . .1 h r, '.t£u,a'itnyi . ' 'tttretive mm V .' L 1D 9119" Warden Music's decimal. bunt 'r. " sstarsa"iiitm,' but: T . \f ' It than"; . he had conducted ttll the prellml uri.. . . ia" ,, ". H . ttnit L"27d . _ . o ' . ness of the eatatriishtuent obt binder r ' y , I g " nail»;- .r.-. " '.u 5' I . . twine industry that he believed tttttte to. ., . "tttl '.'.t??eL' F. - Bi - W i T ceiling": taggRi,l the. department,arid V a " , _ " *m'rlw . . . i _ A)". Norton's assistance unnecessary. Hon. I . "f r. "i Ei . ' [) - - i , . F F Mr. Gibson's examination of the Warden, .' "o l' more enthunlom amomr'tttii on Elmo? Q,,',',",:,"':,)',',),,,',',',',." 11"t.r'J/sfl'i'i , . t ". red _ i _ . . , ' _ ' _ _ t ' "m prefer some very heuty: l . had not found time to speak of M Jut _ ',', th not very new. charges attains! the l , , had discussed the question," the relative , ;' dminiétmtion. He spoke with his usual , _ i merits of the Atujrner.Gisneral and the .- " torchnd vehemence. and perhaps. I'.'IT _ . ""ll,r.i.'1%r,rli1,t If 619:! Exam-am had i ' . '4 , . I r. (Huh, tA "If on I ' be added, with a suspicion It recnless . . said that the Oppbm'tbn were responsible I I. lies: and extravHance. Mr. coPPff math; . 'tiriae.e.ing'St.'ae' a declaration which 1. probably the 1t"Wutt -.-_ "N dam Ministers' declnr~ , ' - in the onsc. and uttered some 'et',' that Iggy alone had anything to do b , very never-e retteotlons on the member for w t l"f11f '?Prtttttryfryyltt Gov. i M k kn Mr Cam bell ot East Al ("an ernment were in tt comer us to expansion _ us o . . p 8 they complatnod,that the Opposition hath- foilowed his colleague ot the western dis- not taken a vott'on, the item in question: s . trict In a rousing speech aguinst the Gov- and immediately after would tell the op- ernment. his special points being that position in rctutcncc to some other item l there was no surplus. and that the ,Uov- in": "q :1m{\};:':3:1';" 8:53) ("'13: [curtail- . . . . , tW" 1:10; ' . ernment did not possess the confidence of P.alrour's sTrccvh and milled him ':spe_ the people. Mr. Gibson ot hurt-n loilow- cially on not t; kl . . , '" , b . . ' . ' a In; action aJong tho line ed with it motin lli speech. full of facts of his spriclt in "mud to thu U 'tres iittr tttthut tor the (hvi-i-nment. and the de- . l l" . .. . YT', u n'.vt'rst b h" i ' was then adjourned "W, Pl" r Canada Collece. lie closued by "an. . ' . A lt'il'll'iilpi to Mr, ID. JP. Clarke's chitllctrgre _ . . . FIRST _REAI)1NL}S. ', In thy (:lIVQ'I'Hnll-"t to' appoint a. Commit- To amend the municipal act-Mr. tti trl '"y"t1r,'a"o" into the liquor "Nannie Guthrie. , fy..".."".'., lil "New. and asked whv it! . To amend the asset-ismcnt act-Mr. Wu'.,' ttot iyurolut1ut It the Government Whitncy. . werc not undid. To amend the assessment act--Mi'. i HON. MR. HARDY. DECK Hon Mr lliriy l l _ TWN'.";, TrNiN It . 4' rost'snorl het, . Itil- MR. IN HITNEY s bpbiaL H. past 4 to reply to Mr. 's"v'l'it"nee's1"' 'PIC. Mr. Whitney then resumed the debate on lion. 'gtsrttlsutiu " to-day, he said. had ex- the budget. His remarks were nearly all cciUcd himself; not by heinq moi-- "who directed against the statements of the; tsting und Cl'ti-f'live than usual. hut ir, Liberal members who had inmlediutci)' talking fr,r. it" hour or morn, and imp"; preceded him in the discussion. he mulc' tot"?itur "" the real Slum-v: unilrr dial ing the observation at the outst't that he . "S""'"."': lie hud touched on all "Minn-3 had unfortunately not been able to hear V of syuo'fyts excert that which he had not the Treasxucr's Show". and tint he con- _ yy to discuss. His porformurwe reminded l hidcred that Mr. Clancy's reply had done' him of tho story of the Semen protcssoi' i In! with the need for detailed state- who undertook to talk tor half an hour 0 - _ISl wt: upon the tinanciat condition of the thyatnuartcrs of an hour on any gin-y y. 'e. Mr. Clancy, he thought. had "HUGH: to which tis commnh .. .' with his battles ' l th: t li: i m r.[iii.l moulderina inn?" not only "MM! the t a that was a Small mint. down if,':,"',,. "2!th away, but had cut ff,' Jlo, for his "auld Wife ut black l un its \Vt'ii'ullii lett only the "mm r'oulal talk all stair Wilh'luti ti 'll 'Tl 8mm? of the 1'rcasuret"s "sser- a"). suhjci-t at all. (r,atiwrttcr.f Mr. ll "ir',' 'thai a. le budgnt speech "c. cotasidcrcd as C:CY' reminded him of the "auld wife " Ii.-1 . , d e ictory, "nil Tmarked that it was .lcid Jvalt hardly ut all with tho lirinci Jtil om so enthusiastic a valcdict 'BP . Ih"sut's hrou Tht . I h ' Poured. He considered i . t." or5 ap- hi 'id. L up m the deLato. ("Winnie that the Treasur yt" h'td . t a :41)th thing f ""150 I to very little Uuestions itsdil, Us}! of attachlnrr to'rhisdq '13::th the plan 'u0c.')oe),st"a'mi",'; the construction of " hriJ-r a . PC' . ' h i- . tiS . . . H . which show that the l'govlnoe 2331138315 membnra stile-nil?" love,',',',"", Yin" H" mm 1 how much i, . . ' ",ia,, ' u ra ier wm].. i debts Call dbt,,.i"/t"h,tibtc,ann1 w~h01nuzhe 2iylct"1' Jl',e'///yt"i'; simply to show hi: there w ' I . 3 . . _ (011111 at a.. or if attur. Mr. HAM), thc! coin; herd 1.'e,,i(,u/i?f1'e, until Mr. Hur- referred to lk statemot of Mr. \\'liitn.'l;v" There were tw0 or ;] .thesic statements. Eonthe effect thut he (the Speaker) ha, l ceding Speeches t Tf) items in the lire" .251: tilt Algonquin Purk was hull out iri, For instance I) "nt, ch he would refer. thorns-'nnd-mq-e Mocks. when-is it was Mil. h: d . ' 'r. tyerson, in his Speech. ly laid out in furm lots. Mr. li.ti'nl' sul m'ittegm'ttm a. slight error. and had ad- I ' he had stated that the pork was 121;].de . x . , _ i t L. i In"? 'd,dtm'l?,1g,L,t. 3?SL'I.)OH.HULI out; but J,',', yyeyyyiyyT' blocks. and HO it wa." [also made tho mistake Jty.l,:..,/t",'t', had "in was the wty in which tiie line l townships in ths. 1C,/'/icli,i'1l',//t that the i' 1Tis'h'1 'lhlgso lines could be very rem] ' laid out in tata . U l _.".' Wr're not I a or t "we? purposes, and wool: , n lots: Mr. W hitnrv mun I "H "WHY in th . the dates, rangnn,r irom Pi80 to WV .E; timates. The a}, tkim,' of correct Ft Kind! these survcys had th'n made "l,", more out of tin ' 'l1'i1'1'flt,r,',.t would cet fott yerson's mistake . . _ 'I . '.' . l! U" ns in»; surveyed in this) tiii; with this tumult/:5 In/al/vi/lc:,",!")',:',"',; le,. T/lei,,"'";', had run been run tiowtl, mented on the i,oiiiii,/ _ .. t, ttttti slise f ots. He had not the' 1liil"iii'i?if Dcpartment. ',',(',f,','t"/nn,.? "Sir the ! 'tIii":?"'",,., tidal)!" the "at ot' c1t1., Id and last tho receipts in": u 'tlmt' over it .18. been, made over amii minlon were all put together and 'H .rlt some I'", :1 P. Whitney had referred to the practice was adopted of pill-ting 'll, if: her for ti'(',/',ti1tt"Tr",1,.t.s [Tune by the tttcm- l out of interest from in F ' ' a 0 r. yerson). N" v the Impression that 1v/,""l',l)'l,t,i'ce in]: 'e,'.'u'fpJ,igtte,"i','.yin,t,s: of the non. memzl saved large sums and "NH. LW. " n o a not been Ver . ...". _,' P, . c . s'ted ihcttt M , rate. and t A , _ y .114] Wood Mr wnnm . A r-i le would correct so " ' ' . 'Y Wi'llt on. lnhl I ~. observ-m l V m- ot the brave attempt to t . ' n his 6 ons he had made the 'e . 'iiti-iz~ ' . v, b ... , l othet day. "Porch. him to deal Midas-13p I',",,.",.',',')',-,", 's i 1i,?c.hy,e'ig.tt had stated that the cost her I i made, but had straw-ii ott #lt"oll.'r"1','1lt2,'.'t' i lumd'i: Igil atlc',/.',1:1'n,tt,',t:yp,p; of tlic. nsv- son of Sir ftlivet. l . . . li"?-!,' ue ' ua, . . I, was WISH. It ' g ' ' b stono; he had "n"/,'t 11kvt,t,, "t'y II: J,"?,"".!.' i 1i)Y't'.',?, had already Jiiiid"i out u'll't I'l),' Sunni"! expenditure. That there 1'11": Er"! The CJl'l,','.i ltliw cost being really $221 55. Utal 'cxpenditure Mr Whi IV. u. ID containing the corr-n- n ., . . . tttt . t urea w . , ' ect ti:, - hi 3'9 by two or three items. uy Would ! which at: finally two paragraphs below Unit Cor instarwe. there was the .1 r ' i Hut th te on. 'gentleman had quoted at colonization "was; the mam T'y.teyy,l'c I kind is was 'not the only mm} of in; ing expt'nditurvs on roaus . itr of map.- in IL. Dr. Ityerson had gone further it, was singular and , ' I and bridges ii reforred to the Bin a: I. . "I?" wer pail "lj,',',!.?,',',?,',.',",'),').?,, and ()Vl'r- and had stated the J',1s1"l'r"'l,tli'l Asylum . _ ' e i t 'sProportlonat " . _ . there t _ 0 ma [nominee bridge the ovi'rsvur's wa t l y . on one i L o be only $74 per capita; th ' . LIBS "'er $119 tt ' I thruros were .. ' - e Correct workmons 310-1 84: on 'ttt ' le t 3153 60 per ca lit; . - _ , ' other the t t speaker) tou l al a. He tthe be" got $190, the workme . 'ver-; . m these timing the so .r, anotkher the overseer '2,',ll'i'%'11).i'1 I'l {it} Iny"es,:sot his] 5:111:19 book from ('veh/c/lrri",c,i.t workmen $312 37; in I tl pi. iro, n . , a en his incorrect ttur Li.' 'lJfli'lc'..'"i',',' Day was "dl,"otthilf"c,')it 'ho. if midigewus rather curious that'htliilctr: 83: in another th . i f, .. . men's "'._' w' a repetition ot these , the workmen $li Il?. 'l'a"nvueril"'..r, not $2t .50, i" 1tu'hpg,r,y how carelessly and '/ig11'tttkg',: Bum ot $171 Go was paid to the ($109" the; Again"): gentleman looked 11D Gr {hit r M 93 to the workmen Th Li'btel' anclu. i . e had quoted the asylum Lts. . " . ere was toO' ester aa being l at Roch. l ita. The real nan "mined at $10t per cup- truretr We v . re 8223.. Now,