The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1894, p. 3

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_ .?-. apt an .53.: i,ifs7.i't"a.i.'i'i' i _iii'"iiiii." 1.-. 7 .R... "rt' pi . ---.- ", f. ' . . . _ ", . II I . . CV .. n: t 'r """" _' t' 1" /it' "tai' ". iriiii,i,iitiitiiit2i,i1gfj.i?l"t "il, .' '0'. t .y. i _t i,"lt, . of sk, iGG't'Ci' og '" over 11m..'.s/.r.,M I" 1 her had a ', mugged-e ve _ " 2 . '. :' 'lt,dift'l'l'.'dl by the-M1,"- T k! _ ' , . - , " creasi. was . , Y3 " , for the " G Mgncjeq The ", .. . . In they had a ", i ., EI , - M" subsequent. to . Q m the " h... 'Cr 'k' mu" iritlt l _"" I ' . , . new or previously .sprputed tedHte . 'S nylums . . , VA bt . r r J . , /vo . in tttist tender?" boon , N . trusted to c L... iN a... . a , . . 14-" ll ottim" " BH to E l . else. or no he ha. in [', ion had o "l'lrlWrl A > m. .,'_ tAirtel . l cautious iii self in looking at " . 9 le. _ . . ieRt its -'tttA. In M tor the .. Mrs, Mi 'bWu t F'tliti,' PMS an!» " , Jgue%4 iiiytrtrrhU'f'A','f, mtmber. who r '. " .Lf territory t "e: V _ . " ',lnii"t'o" . _ ' an .opposlw sidel'.%: on ot leader m . o . . special services In 1893 1 .., e. _ . ' . heads of the him. 1istlli'e".hi,eg! over . . . _' the Pit, . . n the o i . My. _ -. r " . _ "ha. in connecupn . " " :- 'i'gr.xky,t,utN,t,tlSiict?,?; ent _'%- tiWor "ng»' . at". ", tMr.' httnov). who hail been (any? ' . At 'Rr _ 1lYrs, Sssi , ilMil ttttGal P" .Q-'V : '. t ' the front as a great _ i I .wn't f leNlllll ' '1"? Why = it ' ' ".s "ward that his statements should so _ . qua - . cost in 1898'wns " 351:? _ ' mislead the Hodge and the country. Petr' . . amen not in existence In 1883. tMal, " ' hops the hon. member had been himse _ ' lariGi; act; also. not in existence tttMW.' ' misled. Dr. Ryerson had'hecn to some. .3164. or on account gt new territqu. a," T' tent a teacher of youth. He had had for new services in 1893in all 521%.; ' . 1tlill'l'u)," to say a.bout the accuracy of . left the expenditure In 1893 for, e I car' ' _ vision. 'He was. known as an ociilist on so ices as in 1883 $69,870.13 aim] st c- repute. Terhnps the studon diseases & . . 1'l'it1Cf the latter year. oi tum gas. in- the eye ad affected his twin ('yeSight. Air. / . ' ., t stead of, as the hon. mom er f r West Hartty then. uniid tthe laughter of the! I" put It. 830.063 more-tt per: cont. 1 C House, 'r'ulit"2t'll,' n mos at it " T ". st at cases of tho ey .t ' _ a .'r . , . y _ . was from the re- "one as regards charges on revvn port no mm produced. In the House the . In W13 and'1893- (Cheers) The expenses , other day. He mentioned strauysmua, . ' tor the Crown Lands Department in 1883 .. . concomitant. c,1t,'tt:,'gtttr etc.. naming the Were. ttscytt ; In 1893, exclusive of Harm . particular symptoms gent-ii. and finally of Mines. which did not exist In 1883, they V Jsuggostcd that Dr. 1tyerWon was suttetittg were $49,655. an increase of til? only. or. - ' 1irom tccdmpifcatiott.or these eye disorders . Including the Bureau, of. Mines, the In- 'and that his inaccuracy was attributable cre'nie,'\ras $7Pt-1 . The "WNW" collected I to this. Tho hon. gentleman. said Mr. in 1513 Wits $476,198,.-whllc'.in 1893 it was Hardy, should be more careful. He should ' 61.858.800- , _ u '3." . correct his observations In future before Mr. f,1a,C,ttiP"'at has that to atiriilllh he venturcd on submitting them to the the cost , '5." .tT 't House. (Applause.) Dr. ltycrson hadlllru Mr. Hardy-u-The hon. irentiemun Is 'w brought into the House on the some oc. _ banker; did hip-ever bundle unv person's ' casion a Division Court bill of costs which l money without a "rake-oil"? (Laughton) had been handed him The coats anicunt- .' " it pmsihle for .inv man, any commi-r- , ed. he said, to 81175. He had given the _ cinl institution. any Government', to handle , issue ot the summons at " tho execution $t76,to') for the mime cost. as $1.S",u'.'i00 , f, or Judgment at 75 cents, judgment sum-i (Applause) That they could not was my; mons $2 " show-cause summons 521.0. and I pent-m to everybody. but the blind "uni. warrant of commitment " a total of will not soc. i 81175. Now, there was no charge for; Thur.) hits lwrn attack made upon that, the warrant or commitment, nor any $2 roi, . it?""".'" of dmling .vith the timber of the: V for a show-cause summons. The Items in! {'l'i-nvince. upon the quantity sold, the! the bill showed clearly that what Dr. Hy. i . quantity cut. and the annual revenue the erson had exhibited in the House was not I peivol from this: sourcc. Strong lancuaim' any bill of costs in a Division Court suit. '" . had hot used: the Government were "de.., Somebody had becn trltlinx with him. per- 'p hit-tin: their assets," they were "wasting Imps. or he had been otherwise tttisled. their rupital," thyy were "making Inmtum At any rate, there were no such charges l um" tho .et'lDibt'0'PA which '%ziit to. _ as he had given. The full charges in a I preserved for the future." is this l . Division Court suit. including the cost of sense true? It Is true timber h [ C the built". were only $7 75, not ttl 75. as sold and cut, and that the Provintry is de- Dr. ltycrson had alleged. Now, $7 "F, was t'ivi.'tpr n rcvcnuv from it. The hon. mem- high enough, higher, perhaps, than it iicr tor West Kent saw: that from 1873 to i should Ite, and his hon. friend the Pro. 13s: toto rcvciiim from Crown lands andi vim-In] Secretary hud a bill in preparation timber was "max-,1 and from 15183 to Ik98 t with a view to 'lcalis,r with cases of this $l'e,oe.,'2hG, an irwruuso during the latter ten. kind. lie had drawn attention specially vmirs of $'r,7A'.r.i'.?., or :43 percent. He drew to these matteW to Show tho lion. niunlicr the iittcntiun of the House to the met for Toronto that it was unwise of him to that tho hon "cutleman Included revenue come into the House and make statements derived ny/i,'Nii,'(ii,' lands. into the accuracy of which he had not But what is the use of throwing across made careful inquiry. (Ministerial tsp- the tloor of the House thc revenue ot a" pluuse.) . . ', wars in block lots '.' There is not implied Turning aqttitt to Mr. NI Mme)" ME} in the accusation ot the hon. incinbcr one Hardy said that on the "Foam" ot col-) single charge against the policy or the in- onization bridge oversecrs charges the) cgrlty of the Government when he says the l hon. gentleman had not stated t.hv.furv's Government has collected tt9,4i0,038 from l " the case. He had tried to make 1""th lands and timber during thiity ycars. He peat? that there were oversecrs Who had states that "e have collected this cnor- ', e .. i at of the comic done little or nothing themselves and haul . 'l1","'ay'tttg',,.tho,fv,,)1l'tceel'Yrlno) in taking l, received large sums ot money {or their as revenue proceeds derived from timber services. while very small sums were in)" dues, bonus and the sale of lands. Are the actual laborcrs on the works. J/ht' we to stop soiling land, or are We to stop hon. gentleman had been in the PJE'I'" coiisitirriim it as revenue ? What does the Accounts Committee and knew perfectly hon. member mean and intend the House l well that " had been brought 1ty..yl'.ry to understand ? "as any Government i sitter time that these oversee" were Ya',': ever ceased to sell lands to those desiring lectcu for their mechanical skill In bridge- to buy them ? How could the Government building. and had in the cases he mention- refuse to Sen land to the settler _ ad done the larger part of the work with . . . ' ' . .. wishes to make a home for himself, . their own hands, other 1i.'..ty..',y.e bail?" ye: the miner for mining purposes , (iii? 'pioyed only to do such work as "w, m settler to be met with a shottrtur use Wm"! or tetone. he wants to buy land which is the pro- T v. " , 3- pcrty of the Province? ls the country ', CLO" N LANDS CHARGES. to be left a wilderness. or should the Gov- l The hon. member for Wcst Kent had ennui-iii promote settlement ? Let the i made the observation that there had been hon. member say something more or some- itxpendcd as charges tin Crown lands in thing less. It is unfair to lump together I 1883 the sum of $W,l31, and in 1593 the enor- with timber revenue the proceeds derived 'vtnotttsiy larger sum of $9i,L9d, an increase of from land sold to promote the opening up ltr, per cent. The hon. gentleman was nut of the country and to neat this sum (53, " dealing fairly with the House in select- 401,557) as being taken out of the capital ins the year 1883 for purposes ot compari- of the Province. The taxes levied by the son. He nad chosen the same your last. Dominion for twenty years might Just as session, and it had then been pointed out well be used as argument. The Dominion to him that there was $11,600 on account during that time wrung from the people , of surveys incurred in and chargeable to by taxation not less than 590 millions. S that year which had been carried lurward which was taken direct from the pockets l it 1884, making the actual and proper cx- ot the people, and in addition they bar- ; pcnditure in um $78,230. rowed 173 millions, all cf which they have t Mr. ciuncy--The comparison was tor the expended. The hon. member would scarce- ). ten years previous and the ten years tol- . ly look upon these tigures as argument, , lowing. . and yet they are more potent than those J Mr, Hardy-Not on this point. Asamnt- he had used. It is not argument. per- ' ter or fact. the hon. member had chosen hops. esecpt to show that taxation has l the smallest year he could upon which to been too high, and that more taxes have Ji found his comparisons. He (Mr. Hardy) been collected by the Dominion Govern- ttatt prepared " statement showing the ment than circumstances calicd for or the I true tigures as between 1883 and 1833, people were willing to pay. From the tip- . Which he would give the House. but tires of the hon. member there should be. ', Wu afraid the Ingenuity of the hon. may deducted the revenue from lands. 83.501» I ber tor West Kent V," such that _ E57. and $1.838.931 Can error In calcuhm . Would be unable to and it. The. corrL F ' - v'. j , _ -.A...

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