M s" "We; . _ . - I . u MET.7C2L'T.' .g- - a. I. . be W:.NI A'I'oo'v."'r " t .4 an}. ,, w . "l , . ., e, -. k' , ' P. / Mk ohtdtr': .... . If?!" ION W?" 'wars " " E; r I "out In [, [was or" . . "'t, 18v.tyt/iiiiGiii'i'i Jun 2 . "i'iTiaGial - " '.. . true test. however. is the qunn- , - _ 'lest hem to "who: gulftlmber. or ' '.tut timber taken out: the bonus inw- c I the), amount sold ore. Confederation 'l . thing. Had tho, timber-not been i ".9" miles were so cold at 50 cents per mile, Betta,: . would have been coo revenue and 2.561 miles at an average of ttro tio per _ from '_ td rent, whereas about. one mii- ( Mile. During the five years from 1867 to lion _ . had been received during that 1513 If, miles were Sold tor $759,963, or an i ' ' . In that source. The hon. mem.. _ average"): 8133 " per mile. From 1813 to t N . based his comparisons on the l I MN urdcr the Mowat Government.22 years, " ' t of money received, including , 4.234 miles were sold for $ii,101,fl'27, or an av. ground rent and bonus. but when the I L'mure of 31.20515 per mile. (Applause.) , quantity cut from year to year is taken. it l Lootoirur at this record, the Commission- , cents shown that there has not been such' I er asked, could those who were pursuing. "li,',',',','),,? increase upon former "t'ltt'd ' the Government in connection with its as the 011.. member seemed to believe. I timber policy .truthfully say than the The cut in 1359 was 52' mullorw, or (an: Mowat Administration had not carefully (iiFik?,r,,ii,?,i, ', in "t72. 678 millions, "nd m tut-banded the resources of the Province 't . .mu ' t millions. or not quite one hum Could they truthfully say other than that "tired millions more in IRS", than in 1872. In 1 the timber resources of the Province had ..188£..thc ou.tput was: 625 millions; in 1837. I been disposed of to the highest bidder at was millions; in mm, 781 millions, an.) in f sales by public auction, held only as cell iiiE Slit millions. IPcur years and the out- l, eutrion arose? (Applause) But the Govern- 'mt was more than it was last war. in . t ment had really adhered in this policy to a 1892 it was Gill millions. and in MR, 7.: l, system which had been approved of by Artimun.s, or about fifty millions "trr,,. than horu members opposite. He held in his "I _ , .Thcse figures represent the qimn- hand 't copy of a resolution passed in the timber actually cut and upon Legislature almost unanimously in Irc'.. "a were paid. The hon. member ltnread 85 follows 2- see. therefore. that In order to make Resolved, that this House Approves of the showing which he had made he was the policy tr the (drown Lands Depart- . .icornpeilcd to Include the large sums paiu ment, as set forth In the leguiatdoas. of . in by way of bonus, $3,612,000. the department, made in 1869, that the When we come to consider revenue from Commissioner ot Crown Lands, before Crown lands the case is somewhat Jitter- granting any licenses for new timber . ent, for the reason that the bonusing sys- berths in the insurveyed territory. shall, tem is comparatively modern. In um we'. as tur as prac :able, cause the section of received as revenue $832,119; in 1882,tG29,ti10; the country Where it is intended to allot ' In Mi86, 3731.845: in 1887, $1.00t.80l; In 1888, such berths to be run out into townships. $1,652,659; in 1889, $1,027,531; in 1802, $2.133.- and Nuch toumships, when so surveyed. sis; in 1893, 81,868,896. shall constitute a timber berth; but the Mr. Clancy-Will the hon. gentleman Commissioner of Crown Lands may cause permit me to ask if the ground rent, bon- ttuch townships to be subdivided into as us and timber dues are not essentially a ("any timber berths as he may think proh- part of the same thing, growing out of cr, and the berths or "tnits, when so sur- the timber Bales 't veyed and set utr, and all new berths or Mr. Hardy-Ground rents are not bonus. limits ftt surveyed territory. shall be ex-: es in the slightest degree. When the land f,'.:","."",,' and valued, and therr. otrered for ',, is a virgin forest the ground rent of $3 'rg,', ,l',s't,,',"',,.r',e, Ie,cfo.e at the Upset price per mile is still payable upon it. Until the l' xi" 3:13:10" 1?Petie,1 at such time and limits are put under license no revenue pfgcc. an f" 'Ye, conditions, and Iv, such whatever is derived from them. The dues i cer, as the Commissicner of Crown _ are paid on the timber when cut. It does ands shall direct, by public notice fur I . ' s', that purpose, and shall be sold to the 5 not follow that the licensees will cut the highest bidder for cash at th t t l timber when tlhey any their ground sens. _ iaaio' " " e ttme o They may wa t 5, or to years. an ' n v'. , f the meantime. the Government is receiv-, wt','",'.'?,';',?, {maxi continua Mr. Hardy, in: ground rent. Tho timber taken out, b e ' or 3 motion of the pregent from 1873 to 1882, inclusive, was 4.433 mil- l 'a'C'll era were Messrs. Meredith, Monk Mid lion feet; from 1883 to 1892. 6,194 million t', er., tMinisterial applause) feet. or an increase of 39 per cent., instead beontinuing, Mr. Hardy said hon. mom- of 83 per cent. The bonuses were. from rs opposite often urged that if the tim- 1873 to 1882 8422.800 and from 1883 to 1592 tt"i.et,,h,titnhtdwttiegt 'ge, "bad been It',,')':,'.',,' ' ' r , Bl", ave eon worth more ' $8,t89,000, or an Increase of Col per cent. now than when it was sold. He TIMBER SALES. supposed it was true. The same . . argument would apply to many other a",'.',',',',,,'.';"?,',',',"")',',','?,',,",.'",",:?)';"',,),)':,'.':"':' things. to all the farm land in the coun- slnce Confederation. Before Confederation try, tor instance, and to everythluq that there was sold. he pointed out, at the rate was Bold In " raw state. But those hon. of titty cents per mile, no fewer than 9,MM "Hume" who tsppiied we" an argument miles of timber, while there was also sold to the "We? sales made under the 3iowut before Confederation 2,561 miles up- Administration perhaps did not cull to on which was paid a bonus of ti10,771, ur- mind the fact that th.e same thing that- eraginx $45 50 per mile. Thus this total applied to sales averaging '1,'..'M) a mile ap- disposed of before Confederation was 11- plied with far more force to this timber _ 466 miles. Since Confederation the record Bold for 50 cents a mile tytsforta, Conrodorst- of timber sales was as follows C-- tion, to the timber sold for tt,5 a mile he- The Bandtield Macdonald Government, in fore Confederation, and to the timber sold four years. 835 miles tor $165,362. an aver- at $Bl0 a mile under tht, Sandtield M'acrlon- age of $260 per mile. aid Government. (Ministerial applause.) The Blake Government, in one year, 3,031 There was no argument against the sales miles for $592,601, an average of $117 ,1, per of this Government that did nor apply mile. more Strongly to the sales of previous Mowat Government, In 22 3mm 4.214 Governments. This was a progressive I miles. for $5,101,627 75, an average cf $1,- question. It began in the early days of 205 15 per mile. Thus the total sales sznce the country. The Government ot those Confederation amounted to 9,900 milos, Gays sold timber and devoted the rev- which, added to the 12.4% miles sold before cnuc to developing the country. TM did Confederation. made a total of 22.5%") nrileu' not say to the settler: .. You must ttot aold down to the present time. buy land; you must not cut timid-r for _ The Sandileid Macdonald and the Maize fear Government will ket It "WWW to sales were made emblem to a grotinl rent expend in developing the country in other n. t?. per mile, and to dues of 'rr, cents p" directions. It remained for the late hon. thousand feet. or the 4,334 miles Sold by, member for Toronto, Mr. H. E. Clarke, in the Mowat Government the terms wC're as a celebrated speech on tho budgot to but fotlows:-2,766 miles were sold tsubject to forward the argument that the Govern- tt per mile ground rent and .5 cums per ment should not dispose of its tlmln-r t'P- thousand feet dues; 535 miles wurc sub- sources nor add to its revenue by so do- Fet to " per mile ground run: and ing. Since then it had been argued again tl per thousand feet dues; and Cdd miles and again by hon. qentlctnen OPINMR': were subject to " per mile ',rrottnd rent but with no more effect on the prom: at and $1 a per thousand feet duos. the country than when it was tirst ad- The Sandileld Macdonald Government vanced two elections ttRO. It was ttec'Cr- made four sales in tour years, or an Bury to sell timber for different Petv3otra-- average of one every year. and the ["05th as settlement progressed, as railways Government had made six sales in twenty- T.'."" into the territory. as tire thtitttvtvt. two Years-one in about four years. Put IN horever settlement vros'ircssytl, [hr-r.- unother way. the Sandiield M,vulonald would be tires. Take the sale of IIC..'. un- Government sales had averaged 59 miles der Mr. Scott. to Which hon. gentlemen op- per year, and the sales under the Moaut posite were so fond of referring. Nobody Government had averaged U?, miles per would say the timber would not have year. "' - brought more money if it could have be?" The Commissioner refc " . - saved until_ now. But what happen ? uni increase in the _ii/i'ifJJruct,sturi"ig',riad; The timber sold covered. tk00ttr miles. gn'thr'frthe Mowat Government salt-s shown stretching from Lake Superior almost jo i y ecord,and said it was a proof of the Lake Niplssing. Two devastating tires in Way in Which the interests ot the public two years swept over that territory. de- , had been looked after. Continuing, the stroying 2.0» miles of the timber out of Commissioner showed that as between the the G,000 sold. Somebody lo: but It was present Uovernment and preceding Govern- the purchaser, not. the Gave ent. The menu the tttturea quoted show that there Government had been absolut y bound to _ to drum" a pqNod of 31 Years prior sell," settlement prom The lining. T e .nf this "rsvernment-imt- of the country also Maud it.