t'. "r""" '.-L.. '" ' k'D t' V g 1"" aii'i Br' Ii . / I .5 5:3, ' - .', "' " i "on V ' . Fl?" . . I ha " . " - ' - ', "frtbrcTr": I I . ',1'aeen'ati'if/rcetthiii'lTl,' Mar , Bt 1 i or ,'J:"s-,-i..si, "Y , - iiFi_ii"rtlidri. f, the, 3'5 . 'iT ' ie'" "w, h, 's'fir'r?1t $2 . Joot. and m followed" the Atathter. & tow ' it! I" tiny" a - i6i'1"he ': ' '?r"/s Gourd. who ably append tho innovetion. .. beat farm. or the but It." gtthtq, while . "c, 2'», "." Mr. H. P. O'Connor moved an amendment 7 the Kat Btoek Show trmtetttel merely "he . F y - which declared tor a reduction of the , 33:11:33; t'ltt,,,t,eiS"'e"x',,'l',f,',lt-'; ple",', the ' . . _ ' ' e I 0 0 unso- members Sessional inderynits from $is'00 a Chili)" appeuivd. the impression would no year to tooo, and Mr. Clancy moved an am- l _ utrengthcmed that the tin-e had come when endment to the amendment which sought there was no need fur it, and that "n.1," to incorporate the spirit or Mr. o'Con- should be devised of taking its plum No nor's umendment with Mr. Meredith's or. one. would titul Inuit with the Mlniuter it Rina! resolution. The matter was not he went about himself to addrcss thr. far- pushed to a vote, the debate being ad- int-rs. to uddrcs them on agricultural top- qurned. on motion of Mr. Guthrie. ics. instead of paying others to ad'imes __ them. AGRiCVLTURF2 & ARTS ASSOCIATION. Mr. Awroy def-~nuiu'1 Mr. 12rydeif.s right Mr. Prelton moved for an order of the to speuk cn politicul topics. it was re- House for a return showing the full. iinurkulilu. he said, that of all public lilL'li amount of the Government grant to the} in Uuturio tho Minister of Agriouitur" Atriclilture and Arts Board. and a do- L uh'tdd be.- the only one attnckcd i'Or pining tailed statement of its expenditure for thel throuuh the country speaking on (lagl'It'ill- put tive years. tural tr political subjt-cts. in becoming His object in moving this, Dr. Preston Ministur of .\g::-iculturc he had not cmmwl said. was to get some Information as to, to in .'. chm-ii, not- " lead:.." or public the duties and desirability of this board.' ' tltr who and inc still hid the right to talk .A number of Years before it was perhttta: . I to Ms follow-farmers on public tom 'F'. As . (icing a good work, but its usefulness hat tut. tho work or Ilu. Arrrlcultutw and Arts, hrlely departed when the old Provincial I Amoc'iaticu. it won curtain that the A',wl- 2iUrhibition was done away With and other , cultural Dcpartnwut could "(it attdoitake, exhibitions substituted. Yet the board tr." iUt Stock Show. Certainly, tro, that, ' still received its grant of 85,800, which wits "to" um- ol grcut value to the hteedett' expended in fertaln directions which the Ior the Pt win-v. and mm; or til-"ll Would! speaker could not Bee were of great Ut,e to Inuit"... the n..." tr it in consylt..ratlon -t' the mass of the people, such as ploughing I m.- valuuhle s. tsic,. it had tion-. i'iw- matches, by which only a few Littler"; Ipimigiiiiin match" Mr. Awrvv trotisids-d while the township shows have taken thlT , 1 ' U.' of \"llllt- still on?!" 1hn Work of the plncc of the old exhibition, which the asso- Ig'x'nijlm11 ll: .1"... /JJ,i.sfhio/ of stock elation managed. In fact. ttto reorrsentes- ' m... my] mum to at, with unturio's Lia-sent tlven ot the township l'uirs had recently I . rpm. ".4" in in tum-1rd to stock voted for the di. uoiitlnuanct- of tho grant I I 'In, Ft'- ' ".,' t Ms' II' . . . . -', li.r..ut.d tl.|..t it-t- "ssosiation nail out I to the association and. the distiihution of II lived tte. u,,.,-.;|".._.~e c,ruuted that other should be able to . , _ ' . . MP. 1)rrlo Le itliilt'iil'il ior tlr. "h/str",'"" take charm oi tht uorkl I t , ' >li~t w'. < ~r-atcd nv lone by this excoriation. and the larv,e por- , t. , tin "'c1'/%',? Sh I ll fl'l '.' i ' tton of the grant which is now spent m "st.:,'"".'.'-' 3"", ly". l' "d ' Il". 99' mileage and indemnity could then be spout I I "th -A> n.'.'. SI' m I ott'.tt'4. '""ff.t C.." - to better advantage. The association he: I It yil"",l'] Lu-l "Hm (ltlr' "I . the Km", il- thoucht at present Imnef't'h'sut'y, whiic tlicI I hiot. y h 'okki't'i'tt._;; All" i, iyyl In" {H.m" Minister of Agriculture haul manly of time) . it"? '1' t4". In" WU" I". found t.; its A" t , l S " v I t a. Jd,t,'vtt',,,t. 8:;htgxypiko IU,'," :l'IgtrIItMtiigI I Me. Morn-dim suggested that the return ountty attending political meetings. to WI lb" classified, HO u" P show tlie 1T.'l'ortyl .own to his own farm and ti, sin ml iiiiii:tiI IHW'M lot' "-'n'nhng. "\"rq'WS' hr . me that might be given to the set-rim- ofl 'pri'les. etc. lie LilUliHlli Mr. Drydwn had ir department. _ ' ishowu too much tt nipvr lil implying to Dr. Hon. Mr. Drydei said that tho mothn il'/tt1"1 who ' "yirit"'l "yt that I" "its not explicit, in that it did "U! Sllt't'l'VI lsin-lit too much tlute '". speaking 'in tlte whether tho whole to:pettdrturnt slum- Hle i o:iiitr)'._liuviiiu already lll tho sessmn lit-m beginning of tho HSS-N'lzition or mm tliatI ,aibwiit trout his' plaice illili't' than mum to I of a term of .chrn was \vrintol. 'Moro-I itittrnd meetmgs. . '1 he part)" wail tirslrou.» I over. the reuulrcd dentin-i intormatl nu I I?" capture " J'u'.rtic"lar vote, and the Min i cculd be cut in tho veurlr reports of the lint-r ot Agru-iiiturc Wat, Hui-toyed to Atrriculture and Art; Ammyeocration for lllluke out it pus» for the ("e'.ttu"t""1 for . "very' your sin"- th- urswotttlnu.- "r, lthat purpose inking time which should Ire the Provincial Exhibition. As for ttwi devoted to the service of the I't'IlYlilt'KI matters mouthing-ii by Dr. " stlott, it was! The Opposition had " right to cull aucti- important to "mun." thu: tin. Aurbul1-i tion to this; the Minister liud a right to ture and Arts Assmiution and m.- Ain't-I defend his dcpnrlment, and to speak to a I-lilturhl $01.;va Wu." dim-rim "hm rnd reasonable extent. but hardly to the "xi not to confuse tlu. grunts on", I. "WI . Itcnt to which it" had gone. , two entirely ("flirt-mo urxunlzu- Air. Waters thought Mr. Dryden right lions. Tho rioiiit he to the in his course in addressing public meet- , Importance of tho ttssoiatiou's work lugs. He huti ttevet' rend any rcport of war one that was susceptible of "a a meeting wht) Mr. Dryden hml nddresr sling-"1. its hirttcrv Show." that " had ed which was not twin-mod by his clear dau- vaiualiio tservice in itu Guy hut that and lucid remarks on agricultural mat- . it has been supplanted a. litany not." by ters as well as upon political topics. As!, other i'iviinizntiom. it still: ii ov-i, for the Agriculturc and Arts Association.) kept "P its annual Hut Stock Show, ursdi he thought it haul outlived its usefuluess this was undoubtedly " t-ulu..t.|.. iiliinv. and that lit-l place could ire takcn by olivf " the AKrh'ulturv and Arts -\ss;t-'Htlrlll or bodies. iii the department of 'shows W9?" thxcc,ntinu,st Swill" other "s.uorOtion it was superseded: in the arts and sciencesi might be found to curry on the show; other organizations existed which did its,, but one thin: WU4 i'ri'luizL that the PAT-Ic- work: the prizes for Curms Wet't' not very! of the Province do not want to rev my! useful ; the ploughing match is. hrI Department of Aurlculttt. riwh fun :he thought, tuso' out of drtte; and so with re- sliow business. 'l'h... Sprint: iiove- Show gard to other original olijccts of the 33-- "are another valuable work :'urtiel on by Btu-lotion. As for the Fall. Stock SliowI tlu? "swim-hit m, ilunu't "Lu, on. which and Horse Show. he thought grants should l "her :ttr.sojtr'tovns might curt c. s, The be given to the stock and horse ".ce,oclu-! tvttlstry [If Wick Wits :ivlnili-r Itrtttortttttt lions. and the Agriculture und Arts As- feature ot tho "sso:ylttiou's work: it valti- socitttlon wiped out. 21awps'."cc.y,iC,lt,",r.,'1' '10 other nit-.chlni-ry lion. Mr. Dryden asked it Dr. Preston , con d br. found to mrrv it on in "he went would have a term of ymrs. and the doc- qt the "wuuivri'd discontinuance. Mr. tor agreed to add the Words "tor the past l U -_, I tlve years" to the moiion. As for the, t Dunn tin-n i-'ri-rrmi t, tr. "'ivetrou'c hr» question of cltcssitication, .\ir. Dryden did pr-dio-i that ir- hint tiothittp to dc. "' not think it necessary. Anyone could do Wos' complain) did at WW twin: alum. it for himself, he said. The motion iasI _ . in '/",1b'"i', mid: ~~.~iu.' iii: it'll: u-"lcctoh amended was accordingly passed. tltion [in [ii ie ill thi- "nr. iiVrr sh mid , , t " F . , oru' lib lint do [Ill-5" Hc did lint .).lt,,',',.., mun. I'oHCr?s'r'aity', l.NQI HsTel. I loci). and utiiloulttiull.s had .lw right to Mr. Hudson moved for an order ot the hilt-[k in tis, collllil'." wht-vt-." hc Hit" lit. House for it rcttirn of all t'oroliers' itt- It tlot iiwzsi- thought thu time had "in... quests held ttnuey the provisions of the rr-i tor tlil- 'lirosontitiuurttv, " th,. \uricuifuro vised statutes respectingCoroners. or the, ill-d Atts Assiciatioit, he made no orjec- acts consolidated therein, for each of the' tioii. but it slimld in shown thut the ten years prcccding the lat of January. work " now curries m mum be as well not). and for each of tlte ten years succeed-I l done by other Louie." .1: at Prt'rr'ltt. m. ing the same date; the return to show the \vculll be obliged If Dr. I'i'Nton, it' he do; particulars for each your separately, and; I .ufrml to press the m ition, w mid npapify whether such lnquests were held under the the term for which he wiqltml ti. romp". provisions of Section 3 of the said revised I Dr. Preston replied that 'te press) the statutes. or of sub-section 1 of the 4th sec- . tttctiott. As for th- Minister H "won," in tion, or of sub-section , of the said 4th sec- In". country. it he Wci:t around speaking tion thereof. -. u attticulturtl subjm'lii more would by tttt I'l'he motion was carried without debate. IgmefIilmk: lat: illie 'ee',')',"';',' of the House . ., A IJICI'INSI': CASE. , mt.l'F if: o', 't1:getyt,,uol"alTc,/c,',','t1lll',e', I . Hudson also moved for an order ot ilic people on oth -r tt ,'I ' . ' I c Ut " ' l _ ouse for a return of copies of all cor, . t _ tl tatt "t"I tural tuth- ti deuce between Mrs. M.H.M. Davl late. .ln'l he therefore thought he should ergo. the Government or any ome have thes, uepNrtm0nts ur work to occupy' c. s' n ' "CC?, _