I Ci.7a 'WSattr%iirisii, _ ra'",, , 's, M I l. ' e 1e $355111; an ttttrt - - are majority, and would lighten the T taxat on o e T iii,"' th ., Cthe House mil"?! for people. It would not Jo so, certainly not , F, of all, 'utttl they micttit Le tttting for many years to come. It was different _"r , (A Lt', Tiniquity in the trto4rttime. with municipalities. When expenses , ',y'g',ht'r't,0 he.8)stem of "iottet'tTttVrtt were lessened there, the taxation was 'v, , Iv diff o "I? Parliamentary, and ttttirc, lightened. because the rcvenue was raised ivy ", 'il'ta?dfel"lntt,, I?!" that 1'.,',eyy.lPs'; ttt the try taxation. Mr. Meredith professed to A 'J, s,' here h fl; th "d nion. Po. thirernnn-ru look forward to direct taxation. If the {is " w, 3 tM e confidence or.the liouac zuul affairs of the Province were as well look- (r' I tre'2d,fi'."'o,'t"'i,b'lt for Pt. leglilliitluu ot the ed after for the next 22 years as they if . tern "not t: ":95 part ot the ontario rs- I had been for the last 22 years. at Jdi islation 'd't Jppositlon "Wm" watch M." . least that period would elapse before there {:5 stystettt ago: hand. according to due some was any fear of direct taxation. (Minis- , ihle Fir. "I; ae,1ivfli,'t','.'lr'l) I".,"?, ,veitt.fi',ii,- terial applauses) He complained of the -r. t on ot l'.te " ill-'3 Aim olic at the Government but '.he a! of the country outside the r..-s.sln;ii no m." be! p y ' , as during the session. l'ndnr g1... Amp". can system or which his 'vi. , ' _-------------. become so. enamored /1','"i?1ii)y/.a,1",.1 lhope for trained and experienced legisla- mi ht d ' .. . C' ' . " 11tprt tive bodies. The two years' term and the g e.T.orlrtratt tttttt ul.ll.\?ll'n{ "'33 bl i l , l f th rer.aent firmly :roug with the Executive but It W4,- .id 'd'fe't2h'l'ir, on are, or ep . ' are no effect at "ll. H ' tr. r. I l _ .1. . . . unanimous axailw'l Jehuli'//i'r.,.,.',,"ity Le The importance ot men acquixing train- Executive, but it him." not t , if.'1,.."/, the ing and experience in legislation. said Sir might be reasons wh'v my, I YI }' f"f"" "liver, was very great. The biennial sys» unions; Bt,. . . . - "h-,':., F. "I" ot' tem wruld very largely deprive members ' . tates should not ttttrt mor- than . F once in two-VPurs which -ld ttot " h of this advantage. . here " 1 . . 'l', ' ."i'Wh Mr. Meredith-NN hy not meet every . Ut "K the plcsent .ues.Oru l-ll' m- , ., 3181109, the House since it mo-l moi Ini i three months'.) ls' de 1 l ' . ' ' na it.. The Attorney-General-You must draw , voter. tsett not to legislation on: to . " . th . l ' the live somewhere. A yearly ttestuutt has e mm not or the Government the n-un- - dition of the country tt' l l, . been found sumelent for our purposes.' time ot the .. . I t'Y, e t'. Alu, " ol tne - Only the State or Rhone Island. Baht Sir' w . Th Q he." ou.youid 1rrs "than .n that Oliver. had considered lt'adviuble to ttttl (all: d at'wus quite an important l part. " .ur.sstion every six months so tar as the? 'l,', Joel 1:": of the members ot tit: House knew. At all events the Government was u. g tt at on. In tact, it might 1w H-id not ttwlioed to sugar..." anything but year-t l' ti/ng:,' mirortunt. it was '..I'|ll' that ly sewioxm ), " t e numbers of the liowrnm-'nt M H 3 (had thought that it would be stliiicicnt PRO . BRYCE QUOTED. '. l to i have 'letftslaticn, Ph1"cltt in Sir Oliver then read a. long extracr rmm oerlun special cases, only once in two Prof. Brvce's .\nmrican Commonwealth. years, and to tPvt, the Legislature aersennr which he considered um to the occasion., ltd vetrlv, only rot" the purpose or' tiuun- The author, he said, was a man who cri-l, t e . was no ' . t , ~undldly at w on proposed by the Government in 1y'.8l that :33;er 13mm" /.i'lr",'ll'sal . and . ex- 'etrlruatiort should be necessarily once in Ireme 'frlemlliuess to the country two Years. "ht gentlemen opposite had concerning which he wrote were so fully ox posed this. i e remembered at tho lime upprcclutcd that his book WWA, remarkably drawing an interencc from the remarks ul' ,6 ulay in the Unitvd $1,155 and had gone Mr. Meredith that he Hum-ed only mum inrourh several editions. " the author niul sessions. Mr. Meredith had denied were an Amerioan his words would. per- the imputation vcl'y emphatically. "is hairs, have [GB Weight, but coming from a_ present idea on the suUJect, like that or very cmln-ml rroglisttman, much travelled thr. abolition of Government House. haul and pcssesslng high attminments, and ac- come upon him since then, Lit-caller. he opted tl'; an authority cm American mat- ','y,eit"2: he thought hr,re,l'] marie 501:1" L." m Amend UH ,ty,i'r,t,1ti'l' the rematrtilu PUD" 'tt' y ou ,0 t . C'out'Me, Ct.", tr' . his celcbl'ntcd book WI cn bore on e had said tteforta, the Government could nut EMU..." under discussion we.'e well object to biennial sessions. it Would be north)' of close thought and study. The, much for the Interest of the llovvrnxnn-lll. -utornoy-tr1eneral then read the "allowing but not,lte thought, for the benefit of tite extracts from Mr. Bryon-'5 book, occasion- i)til'lie,. The Government would . A "by" nliy intvrJectini," a runurx contrasting me Pr' it, any more tui" "' . tt American political system with that of iT"'?,",")""' rdioubllnf min-1r" "/'::'jy,1'.t1' Ontario, and hummus out it)"; "t, bien- c pco l e s mwa .zv.ni.<c.\es nial s stem, which from ro . 'ryce s wry determined on thw sulpj +1. n.;m;.,'n~ "Writs apriurcd 5., desirable in the tet,) Mr. Meredith snetuced at 41-) ""94"" States, was undrssirr.hlt: and unnecessary went drawn from the pnu'llcc oi vim-:1 in this Pro/tttii".--- Britain and all tter,colouivs. Personally. "These oliicinis. 1eVr'it the highest of 'tr,' was not J.'.':.':,",':':'),', of" a Sllhir'} bcc"rtre them, who correspond to the Cabinet Min- err were prove! on s ot' " r'et' .ulti .-.-ur<»'. isters in tho National Government. are F but he bullcvui some uttcntinn ought to I)" either mere clerks, pcrformitw; Work. such : Elm): hot "if? Iii-'13:)!" tlent",.)?.',',..""",:),,'.') as motor receiving and lining out Sung It g o a tie l" 'it'.st. -".' moneys, strictly defined y statute, an """'° found to be unanimous ou " 1'yl'.r.t usuall} checked by othcr oliicials. or elm t'itut'He, " ,I'i'ri' I'Tafo'ium" (t "WET" """r': . are in the nature of commissioners oililr was a gout ea o u: son. on cull 1ri uuiry, who may inspect and report, ut {that course being continued in. iliullg'llJln can take no independent action of im- fi'l'llittle'b itt,1uiv/'tt.Ci' bSiVs '"." "WM": portance. Policy does not lie within their m. . r. . eret l esay,qgevi:tr't't " "nor province: even in executive details their ty, tin: sawing thatuwouildl l'; "?c,1'i'/, f,) discretion is continrd within narrow limo ,lennia sess ons. lc' tMt L l "?""r "' its. . . . As the frame of a State Gov- a: veils'.),,'),"."'?,",",,.,"..';'": Til"; i,',:"'.]..':,',.',?,)' "f" crnment generally resembled the national prnc lt'M .V a ta won ' Jt' YitN't"tt "3' Government, so a State Legislature resem- such an i.y.e.'.1t.le,".' That would "I?"'.," bios Contrress. But m most States it ex-; in about - pet cent. on tite annual t-.\pcl.- aggmotes the characteristic defects of; diture of the Provulce. ilc did no; thud; Con.qtsss. It has fewer able and high-: ' titis exipentii':llre.Lobtulllltell by the his" _ mindcd men among its members. it has sion n e 93'3" ure Ott tu itt." less of recognized leadership. it is sun 1:11:32 i','.ys"ti,,td,f,t','voe/" who} ",'11e)',."'ii.",?.'; it rounded by totinptzgtionsl s'::",':,,')'),,", [irreati .'a n es "I ' 'O " "A! ll'. t'tt- er. t is war er a 995 watc u am tie ot' Ontario would 1uttnplitlti. lle less interegted 1J1fi7o"p/n"i"o"n. . . . There thought it was tlistiuctly in thc puldic has followed in Pennsylvania and New interest that "Ii-ji- amount should hr paid Yotk such a witches' Sabbath of jobbingp; all: the I',',.',','").', :,"/i't1tt": and 1until-ism on bribing. thieving and prostitution of leg-1 a mat ers counec " "l t le, iovr't.'l- islatlve powers to pr vate interests as the) menl that took place tluring ths. scs.qioit. world has seldom seen. (it: course, even) Money could be saved, and in various in these States the [majority or the mum- ways. Banks could Sith'. monvy by inn" hers are not ind men, for the majority Inga biennial inspection undo-iii of am "ll" come from the rural districts or email!"H nuul iuspcetiom but he did 1101 :hink the towns, "he.ri, honesty and order reign; plan would be artprovod by "t.sinessttten. . . . Many of them are farmers or smatti Mr. Meredith had outrun-sled thut this in- lawyers, who go up meaning to do right,' vestigation and criticism or public affairs but Call into the hands ot scheme-rs. who should "u',1i"led in "it" himdst ot' a gm!" abuse their inexprarlence and practise 0n- mittcc. u te KIWI utmnurm o Ll" their ",noi'ariC'h'. . . . (if Course the! pttsent system Wtt.14 that P" 'discussion ccmmittees are the focus of intrigue, and: and 1't',esotti.""ht,t," were _:'at',li"i, 'll'ht'l {I'm the chairmanship of t committee the vantage O . l S was rea y mea 01"th position w ich affords tic greatest facili- (Applause.) The only pret'edent frruttd "r ties for an unscrupulous iid"; Round the Mr. Meredith for his idcu of blcnuizll Sc» committees there buzzos that swarm of thus wan I', the 'pruciic'e at mic Slut"... TioJe"t,"/,'/,t/ agents which Americans call 'hy was no sys cm m ro noel, It'1"' . 't e oo y,' mulching the members, l Because of a state of things that did lull. threatening them with trouble in their he wus happy to any. exist in this unun- constituencies. plying them with all sorts ' try. He would prove that by minim: the of Inducements, treating them to dinners, ' Iremzlrks of two gentlcmcn who might he drinks and cigars. . . . .1 escape from -orsidered excellent authorities nil such this Styglan pool to make some observa- r a subjeet. F'irst, he would turnu. them to tions which seem applicable to State Leg- nil article In The Cor.totporury l'mvicu' islatures generally, and not merely to the l byCul. Show. formerly United Suites Cort- most degraded. . . . There is in State and in this city. and tuittseuttently l'nuwl legislators. particularly in the went, a i "lull-s Consul in Manchcsicr. England on resth ssness which. coupled with a limit- 5 "ctive politician. a mun who los c-l his ed range of knowledge and undue appre- t country. and " very thoughtful mun. l'u ciation of material interests. makes them the first place. Col. Shaw msid as rollowsr- rather dangerous. Meeting for only a few l i ml -& t . . .. " I: I i