H. gr". ' u _ ., " Ei . .; t. - . ' .-. " gil rl r , (l 'mth' , [, .1 C' V" (T .. "s'a'M " it . 'HRM, _ w Bl] 'Ag ., a" FL"i A" ' 'tlt-l' , 92" Btu, I iKial e ' Im FtBim " . ME.! , Cry,? ' ', _ m awaits-4 t, r. . - fit. Irie, , _ = H ", S) /rttt6t "I. -' the . r . " T 'ilat5iaCitiNii' . . ' tn". l '""-' ton it looked tor. tsiri tet,t,,'gEtuFhii"iri' atyle'ot " ; , . r "v'ritll' anxiety by the 'ttood citi- whit; e mArtiort,-wttieii he said w that " . these eoAtinuriittem and its de.. ti V the House had become used to tirit ' V " hailed as a. deliverance. . . . te Commissioner of Crown Lands. It the _ a! blemishes in the system of State State or affairs described by the writers y _ bvernment are all found in the composi- "fried by the Attorney-General was so haul ' tion or conduct of the Legislatures. They " ' hud not the people of that country are the rtllowlng I-- l 31:11" a change in the system ,f r Inferiority in point of knowledge. of ukiil, ( to e Joycrnmeiit ? He rosc more "ometimes of conscience. of the s',,'ul',',',o,,tst against the way lion.. . bt the men who till these bodies. iatio l men opposite tereaicd legis-l, idenve In matters of iinance. "Du: Disposed trom thin side of the ensue-as in passing adrnlnl.iatlve e, t HI to advance any arguments in o ',' us, ' STPWNV" the change at present under . ant or proper methods for dealing with 'fl",')"',:?.'):,"',. He 'simply lir9tested against local and special bills. lit"m"dy the)! weft treated by hon. gen- , [ Failure ot public opinion adequately tn CriC,'"d'/,/f,",'1ttt He W-'S fully Drepared to control legislation. and particularly In": tit tt matter to the people tor,settle- special bills. l . r T, The practical result of these blemishes , AN AMENDMENT. han been to create " lurgc muss or State Liir. O'Connor asked how long it was and local indebtedness which ought never sltue hon. gentlemen opposite had ceased} to have been Incurred, to allow foolish ', ,io be the loyal party. It seemed - not experiments in law-making to tre trled, uni Imore than " year ago since the verv name I auction a vast {mass of private cnti-r- ;or American; Stank in their nostrils, I T sea in which punilc rights and public yet now they were going to them [or mod- i Interests become the sport of speculation 01:.- {or our institutions. Mr. O'Connor Mr a source of gain to tnomspolists, with mum not agree with the Attorney-General the incidental consequence of dcmoraliz- we to the character of some of the mem- l ing the legislators themselves and ci'enl- hers of our Idegislatuers being so 'mtirely intt an often 1','e'th/',teli"" uguIlnh't all ithove, suspicion as he sci-med to think. It l corporate on erta "sings, . . . Por a was not so many years ago sincc it schn- people claiming Pre-eminence In the sphrt. do] or the Verv 'l'iin'Sl character was di3< ot popular government. it .",Pt'trts hardly ion-red in " Eliousc. Witch a 1lelioerate i creditable that in their seeming despair of "rpm" was mah. to buy in) members of a. cure tor the chronic evils of legislation the Houyr., which had at least we (mm- they should be able to mitigate them only "mun... of sum.) mem'o?rs ot' the OPPOSI- Ey r',',"..')?',',','. 2,k',mtr/,"t/1Tyt,1,'1t: C/lf",' the tion. The Opposition. he said, were lennla system t " PC' ief "ttjoyex in what pr'iiiing tluarrtsclsis on bcin" rauit'al of the are called the 'oft vt-try,' "Wm?" to h:tve Radicals: and yet in the Sid days of the' reconciled the body politic or the Schi'al t'hartists a prominpbt feature of their, States which have ll'lOpU'il it to the risk platform was annual Parliaments. The ot an rzxravation of the malady yryn the 'ncw 'turlicul.s had rut-ennui that. not it' legislative your comes round and thc old the Metttltmtcrt were really anxious to symptoms recur . . . The Amtticritr. reduce expenditure, why not reduce the; Seem to reason thus :~'Sincc a la-izisia- indemnity bv one-half, to $300 per mern-' ture in very tar time from righteousness, pm; if for over iii) days ? That would be _ and of its own nature inclincd to do evil,tlvs a saving of $27.1"). He moved in amend. _ ices chance " has of doing t'\'li the bet- mm" as follows :-- ter. If " meets it will pass bad laws. . Let "Thtrre shall herpaftur only be allowed _ ( us, therefore. prcvctit it from niectln'z. , to each mcrnbcr of the Legislature ass-i , . . . Thus the special advantages of local scirmlcd attending a session so for each" gowrnmcnt have to n hm." ixleiil vnn- day's sesaion, if the session does not ex- , ished from the American Stan-s or Monty." tend lmyond lit) days, and if the session I Albthis. said Sir Olisiv, was a revelation r'xttttds beyond 30 days there shall be to many people. ll showod why bicmiinl iruid to each member attending such ses- 2 sessions wrre adopied by the .-\mcrican.~i. sion a se.s'sional allowance of $300, and not It was a mutter of ttt't"s'_ut.v, brttturw of ttturi." t.. l-'- idqt "VII'. w.sr , , N%T v 3:: 'i',c.lsvt)',t,yi,/',ra2tli,t'.' ")i'lie.,,"c)yU1 ""th AMFlNDMFlNT. _ known In this country. The arguments Mr. ('Lllilfy took up the debate. it was which applied to biennial sessions under not the tirst tune, he said, that the Gov- the American system or aToVfat'ntttotqt did ci'nrucnt had been driven to the last ditch. not apply to our '.15FiictTt of rrovcrnmcnt at tironic cheers.) Mr. U'Connor's language all. Mr. Meredith Maid wire were corn- had brwtt I, "varuly insiiruatiorr. piaints because of the Legislature tinkcr- ' Mr. fr't'ottttot. objected to this as on- lng at the laws. Ho just meant this, that parliamw iary language. Mr. Clancy, he a law is passed and in its operation Some said, 4'"... not use that language outside. Improvement develops and suggests itself "Ties of .. Order.") and is made in the ensuing sessicii or Mr. Clancy replied that he challenged lhortiy afterwards. Some .yyyl') wr:'.." trytt Mr. O'Connor to make the charges out- the law should remain [P,":":',),"',", ror Sillt. " he deemed such behavior seemly Dome years at least. He used to hrs. of that he would leave him the glory of it. MP. opinion himscli'. hut after further "I'm" _ Clancy then turned to the case under dis- lence had come to think 93h"""":""'; l cussion, and held that Mr. Meredith's -rt,i,i,"/ now felt ditticulty m refueling on) Him: guments had not been sucvestsfully con- provement in the law. HY'-',".""' e'-.?.'.,"'.'.)?.?-) trcverted. There seemed to him ino dilli- objegtled to such changes. It save :omc culty In coming to the one sound conclus- tron 6:.tobthem to keep 1b,tytt, pith the ion---t,rtt the machinery of goVerurncnt changer. bliti It was in the WWW" of the must in lessened, and that Untario, as 8981:? pu fi, _ .. . F., . . the premier. Province, must act the exam- l , ng. cont 'll""', S": ("h ' ' EV" not ple. in conclusion, he moved an amend- 'rwfyz economy trll. tit"; not l"".""".""~! ment to the amendment. The effect ofi "'3 t e if? "if l,' "th l', Pyy.1l H" this amendmcnt was to incorporate Mr. sons 3:)!" .St th run) "el in a ','r'r"e,',l11, U'i'onnor's amendment with the original sense 9 year. or 'll' a 5eodyp'ans "A." motion. There was some discussion be- to "ome. I'he Impression 'i,T""ul.'?l, m tWeen members of the Government and 30mm Itituartcrs h that 7 the tal mg the led ,' .. ot' the Upposition as to. whether wour qhten t e taxation l th" or no. it was in order. people. It Would not do F'o, certainly not VF , q for many yours to come. it was different 3IFt. HARDY S SPEM H. with municipalities. "hen. expenses lion. Mr. Hardy held that the amend. Were lessened there, tho taxation "Ho ' ' FW.W . . i . mutt to the amendment was out at order,' lightened. because the rt'vettue was i'iilscli '., .... ' . . , 7 . lit tr.ving to incorporate the amendment by taxation. Mr. Meredith prierJcii to .. . . . . . . with the or iginol motion. He did not think look forward to direct taxation. " tbc ' . . _ . 'tttairs of the Province WHPe H uall l k that the argument:' used by the Upposi- ed hir' for the m," (f," it, "s. . "t" , lion WI re anything but lamentably weak. u 7 . -. c'. ar. its t "o The analogies they quoted were States like _ hail Leon for the last 'de ycztrs. at YI _ __'. . .: . .- . F ' ' 1essiscsippl, uncle the shotgun ruled at the. least that po-riod would elapse before there . .. . _ . _ . votiny, place. "to experiment would bei was any fear of direct taxation. (Mimic . ..e . . _ . . " ._ . Vet'y dangerom, and had not worked well inter!" applause.; He complained ot the .n I." States referred to w the (orrup- . T , . r i. ' Ch. r "tuber policy ot the Government, but the lion prevailing in politics there timber res -. _ ' , .c.rC,Tr"i.Tr, "row-ii. The biennial scssion would well 2a'li'110l1' "J, ,tht. Provin, " had been bring with it the American no, 0 ' l _ t '/',1""Pr'"Ist, and the comrnmimcnts of biennial elections, a plrositlon Wort. not able to point to any _ 'bi 'u"- which roduccd the domina- country where thcy were bcltcr rn'luu mi "rm e t tVie, _. p. . cr I or where my). Wtar' ' , j . . 5'" , tion of the hecier and the lowering of thei Meredith wild . t .4? "f." managed. M" character of the representatives of the a.. . P' . f."?"' hill.» "Tum" in thls people. Here a. Legislature has several ' yeat tttlot Just as weli wait tor -in tl . . t , __.' i year; But tiure Wert, "nor bills {I " "i Simmons. and the men elccted are a: fair! _ ' . . "thruy,'lt 1tVIrT'r, FCAT' . 2Ea _ _ "tti, 'l, in this Yt-ot Ittiause thci'c \vcrc reasons 'ff??uit 'ie/e','),"'",',',':.",,'),',"', (it) lhgeal'lbfmtit- (why they should not wait tor a". tl 'B' .. " Irort of .t um "Hm; a a OL . I iand in 11-yard to oriv t l J tet um. IIT/ty/l' in legislative matters. Hut in the' i veni co io, y it l' Jills much iryyu-, American States the member sat for but en "cold bt mush ncd bv the hel , ' ot biennial sessions 1'losing hi: i.'/,t/mr"i.1",;' it one sesmon and theirI weinlt ior re-eieigtiiroézi' i Sir 1oriver said ' I . . T, - "' and each success ve .eg 3 a on: con V _ dith through 1l,"i,l',','dgiyi,(srt Mr. Mere, t rather more new members than experience- _ hairs nut Worth-While I' rut it was per- iod onee. Consequently the average of! n of them all 'll/e, 'lt i/d.;', a dlseut,s imenibership was far below that prevailing', . ' 'ttt i A ' u at annual sessions, thoughqth(.;. (5.235131: l