mm". Ilti5E - Uri. , w"' -, . , . V t " . T" P r . . _ - u t _ " . bar, My . Itil '. ". hf - t friends optical: thought, - . ', M 'street,,' smut paid ' / IE? it . nth." M Mit w, _ 4mm» i to: aim- end M u the' coil... tor "Whitman ot the two 1 "twp". the ' in with that paid ton your- ego. N would leave out the dairy 'tf/Jett','; Be 188: the amount paid in this way was 322,- l both. as they extended over at; 3"" or Ire, end Mat your the amount so paid was million In the one case , ole P,ecl . ' and the whole P - 8M,thtt, on increue of $i3,900. Now, how Vince In the other. The Domini l i m i had this increase be-n made up , By far tution has no t-oilexe, and so hoel nm'i the greater part of It was to be credited leave out the tralarlee air] WW": ' _ . p to the inside. to the new trerviue that had been inst» Professors at Guelph. The farm Pxttet ii ', tuted. The figures tor the difteront items turo for 1893 of the Dominion Emmi: t- Were as follows ..-New dairy service. 35.- ttl Farm was 9:17:15. that of the Ontari- 600; experimental, 31.300; assistant chem- Aprriculturat College $21,13g, while iii: u: int. 576 ; horticulturiut. tMo ; tutor and WNW at Ottawa was $2,553, as against ii.. shorthand writer, too ; bookkeeping. lec- 2m "WNW" rrrun tho Ontario r:.xra-GleVth tures and summer school. 8560; noelstunt Farm. The Ottawa farm is mint-reg tho gardener. saw ; assistant cut-punter. $tior , fluelph farm rm acres. Ho was not .un'aru- its-intuit librarian. Wai. All these Wore "ll-7 the I"million institution with "Kira;- items connected with the new services. amince: ho wnn merely holding that if [consisting of the dairy department, the charges of extravatarwe Were mane travelling dairy and the dairy school, and against the Ontario Agricultural College. made up a total or 310.520. or the halitllt'i' ( they would apply with three-fold fort-c 31.939 was to be credited to Increases oi yr"l.nst the1tomitsionr'axperimentaiFarra. saurtes Paid in 1883. and $litt to wags-:4 As for the atteudunce at the college, the to employees. who hnd become necessity attendatr..e would never "" What it owing to the increased area of " ground should he 80 long as the college was & cultivated. Gir. Dryden discunsed these ""53"," into tht. arena of party tstrife; ' t different items. defending each of them, the tnisleudin,v,' "harm's would ptvjutlioe and showing the reason for which tho ex- many bur-Nuns who dill not tar-e both ruins , penditure had been incurred. He thought ot the case. If a persistent "(wok lin l'p- _ in members of the Opposition would Seri- W't' Ctanaila Collri,c, ltr, Irroresvsors and Its ously argue that the expenditure for these work WW0 "mile its attenrhtttr'e Wolllil new services should nut have been Incur- suffer. lint notwithstanding all charges C red. It must be admitted on all hands that "Hid"- ho "ml-i tr" the ll we" that the these expenditures were necesuary if the attendance was steadily increasing. tum 'li'iii'iiuriPn' was to continue its ue,ofulttevts. at the Irretomt moP"tlt was g,'uvater than iAs to the amount paid tor wages, they it lind't-t'i-r ltfiUX'H. The izll'lners I might be thought high. He had thought wt're visiting " Irtt.conrtlly, and as " re- i So himself when he took charge of the suit \\'i-r.- sending their sons mori- .lllii _ department; but it had to be remembertrl mom-z this. too, in spite of the i-xlsiinLi . that. whereas it Partner would allow " a depression, which tnukes it dillli-uit to month for hoard, this figure had to he Stun-c their sons for the whole thrrut. years. ' increased when the board had to be ob- The stu ii-nte ttu.mrelvetg "'I'l't' 'n love with tninod in a city; and the wages Ititld at l the institution. it was one of the best , Guelph included board. reckoned at $12 in r I "WWW" institutions on the AInetVar1 l month, and it was not possible to rt'tiUL't' continrmt i it war; "PM in his" "Sll't'm Ly them. The hon. gentleman had common-.1 farmers of the Province, by those rluali- t the malttries of the teachers ttt (iliclph ticil to judge on tho other Fido of the line. with those paid in '"olletriate Institutes in and by the English farm delegates who various places. This argument bud been have Inspected it. ' already very effectively iii-alt with, but Mr. 1)ryden thon roferred to the Harm. _ ' he wanted to say that he thought the ers' institutes. lilo was sorry to sin: the i. comparison wan not a fair one to make m unjust umu'k made by Mr. A. F. "illllli- T all. A man could not be expected to take bell; it won it pity to see this institution. the position of President of such an lttstl- i, one of tin: best existing for the item-sit of tutlon as the Guelph College for the some l the tanner. decried for political "fC-vt. salary as the Principal of " High School. l Thw" was not " r"rtnyr. m tlv. 'ioi""'.vritlo f . The Principal of the Guelph College had l had had experience with the it'nrnurs in- , been. he was almost sorry to have to ad- I stltutes ,ymo would tlot testlt3' l0 tit-'11" _ mlt it, for ten years past practically ui-l value. The charge Wot-i lllillli' (lint F'iiirtt t rector of Furiuers' institutes" work, for' of the grunt was paid out to million: :av- . which the Htate of Michigan haul tttt our i i t!ritys ot the Mittis.ter, a.H dtelts:..,"aters. He Ir-r with a teulttttv of t2,eoo. Ho that the I , tit-mod the charge in toto and called luimn "Hrosinent of theiiui-lph t'ulieigc hail mm. those making " for proof in tho" 'vherc t iticall) saved this amount to the Provltiu. one particle of political in'"tht'u 'It'en IMr. Dryden mentioned the prominent hurt tsid. He did ttot know many m tlj" a"? l taken by the professors at the warm. in 7nte'a chosen '. they Wf't't' sol» -iwl tor their connection with the travelitnu dairy. A nbility and agricultural knowledgo. H, . fair comparison might he nude with thr. knew " ttttttttper" ot them were "o" salaries paid ut the Ottawa lu'xpeNtrttmt;tl tives who were qualified for the Posttlolt. Farm. and it Would be seen the salaries Why were these attacks nizidenm'mm iWi-re much higher thttn at Guelph. Prof. through each and "you. itls"y) , 'l'ltetns isuunders received $4,trto and " free hulim'. wer" two real-ions: one wi"' Irocuuse lo, Prof. Robertson, who used to Set $2.0M nt huppened to be a farmer ; It was " CTi- iGul'th. and was given $3.0M to go to in. I bit-{thin}: for it farmer to be in the tab- 'tiiwa. had had his tsalary int-reused to ,l. I nc . ' . . 0w. besides " house, nnd other 'i',")?,,):,,,,',','.,-, Mr. "hitnr'ynv hufahl $0 ? "r .3th 31.400 each and a house. At liiillnlllL. l Hon. Mr. Dry?" "Half? said 1"fft,1 l Mich., the President got "Nl,tyA)uttd a house, by the lion. qientietucii. hr} tun stun-~- turi twelve professors $1.8oo and u hous- ly discuss any question but the Minister . each. At Cornell. N.Y., the agricultural of Agriculture is :ittnckod. The second professor-, not 83.00" ouch and no boost; reason was that he "trtv0, to go out into 7 and in other States the iiglircs Were higher the country and make spceclws on politi- Yi'. The President bud been offered Slow cal topics. Three yours before te ind . '11 val to go to the United States, but made a speech on trade relations. which _ in. i prvferrcd remaining nor-n St-veml had apparently caused the attacks. irrLdutitt-s of the college nad Svi'llrt'd pool. Mr. Clunc.v--Was fault found Wlih the '. tlons. with salaries ranging from $1.1m" to speeoh because the maker was a former ? , 82.010. Mr. Dryden then turned to Mr. Hun. Mr. lirytleu' i'cs. it wus. it was Clancy's criticisms of the stock slsqrart- because i am a farmer. and it was fearel ment of the college. The hon. gentlciunn than I might therefore gain the ear of the hati said he wuntwi to be fair by biking fur-unit's the iurures from Itopi to tho pit-suit, l..-- Mr. Clancy-Was that why you male cause in Pllit it Minister was appointed. the speech ? But the Minister watt uppointcd about mid» Hun. Mr. Dryden replied that he had no- suniiner. and so only half thc your was thing to take back about the vpeeeh: the under his. supervision. He might haw arguments had net/er bcen refuted. It token " year chiller. 1887, but it would not it had not hit some one there would have have :nitcni hint so well. Prof. iii-own was been no complaints. He did not "are there in those days, and tho Stock "mi winit the members opposite thought about Valued at " higher tigutwe than it was I him so long as he knew he was tiiiiii'ovwl really worth. :tu-i Very much Itigrwr than of by his fellow-farmers. He knew be it would be worth now. A Shortliorn bull, [ i Wits a innrked man because of his going for instance. in m" was valued at $1,rrtO about and addressing the farmers, but he and in "in: it $200. und tt Hereford bull in. was not ttfraid ot the hon. gentlemen who 1.7 was counted worth Slow and no" i ' Wont down into his constituency ; he was only $100, tbouuh for all prui-ticnl purposes: I not afraid to submit the record of his Ite- nn good as that of 18%. in this way bill I purtment to the farmers of his riding, nor l head of stock in 1357 wete "in." at io,- l "US he ufruid to submit it to the Votes of um. and 3.30 build in 1890, wort} valued I) I the farmers of the whole Province. IAP- $8,497. in was the buildings were burnt-d blouse.) and there was it forced stile. It was un. THE FEE SYSTEM. reasonable to "(put the two Sill"n of (11c. . account to balance. " this were desiredr Mr. A. F. Wood. continued the debate. the kind of zinimnlt; kept would be very {He began by paying it high. compliment different. There were, for instance. ten to Mr. Harcourt tor the ability displayed 'brecds of cattle, nine breeds of sheep and lin the budget speech. but agreed with the five of swine. The object of the variety Jcriticistus ot the preceding spenkersnon was vumutionai, and this applied to tho tlit? part of the Uppuslttoii._ He Tyrtril principle on which the whole farm wat, "11. brietty to Mr. Urydens speech, re- conducted. i walking that while Mr. P?,'.).,',"')..:',',", iftcculs- [ / The expenditure of the on arinAr - ed all the gentlemen on is si e o tie , tural College might be I',',',,',',?,',.)'; "1;":th 4 House with assulllug him. he, as a lmatter'? of the Dominion Experimental Farm. He [ ot tuct, had not t-eterred to him during the b l "