The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1894, p. 2

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.. _ ' in,» . . . ~¢ V it p' Ami ' i); l ' . .",s,2,r.uetg,tetgtMa,scta,rs iomr. -' i", .i"-..f,1, thin bull- put-unison _ an and ItPrttti w, . 1 " urinal-I. and " Bo, to whet extent , ot the institution r -) Ron. Mr. Dryden replied I. foliows:-- DOWel'tul micl'OIeope _ h i" 7 = ,The different breeds of cattle. including . l storm in one gland ' , " FP. ' (K.E"' . Aynhiren. are kept at the Agricultural . ' mat had been hp; a1 "itstr It the at. . College for educational purposes. it in . C' War have been heard oiyethnom'" would . necessary for this purpose to have both , . Drydcn once more denied Chip: Mr. male and female animals, and it is pro- ' that the tubereulost:, 5. , d',',',' statement posed to purchase at once additional cowl thtt.turh the Gupnéé" J,"iiif, introduced of the Ayrshire breed. All the bulls of od . ' , _ Ryt-rson had said thé v; (,'l'/J,'rstiec) Dr. dariy breeds are considerably patronized _ ' was not so. It they dithbc..:ecffi f1}, by farmers and others In the vicinity ot was it that the Dominion (ill:lr"l)ntt1' ft') the college. . I tleer had passed them J1'V'1".,"dflf,y,,e,,./1 Mr. Mcttoll asked whether it is the in- I tin examination of them? Dr liver: lid tention of the Government to introduce boen told what was not true 'l'l"i'/Q we; during the present session a bill to pro- ttcr doubt tho two cows with; any"; vide for the weekly payment of wages. i when thry arrived, but the dir,. sriiiri'it"/i'. The Attorney-General replied in the neg- "1 was far tuitunccd in the iL'iiii',,',', and atite. ("Hid not have contracted it from these Mr. White moved for on order of the rH-(nt arrivals This was the opinion or House for a return of copies of nil cor- Prof. iti ad of Guc4phaftera Clos;, invitati- respondcnt-e. commission. report and all , Kitillnl, and " was likely he kin-w more other documents and pnpers rtlatinx to himut it than Dr. ityerson or than his cur. certain chitrges "Hill" by itober' .\it~i)on- iiri'tlt n'si political opponents,- who txantrri aid against lieu-cure Thomas .Vlt'Kt'v of to mviw :zomi- political capital out of thes the City of Windsor, and of ttw disposl- :ririsir. Mr, iii'yiii'n said he would consider tion of the ttttttttw. itirnsilf unworthy of his position if iiu " Mr. White supportr-i this; in n Slit'v'l'll of lowrd " sale to go on of cattle which h. some length. oxplairiirsc, if: nattui'v of ill" kncw to h" "l.siased. As,' it was. as' sh," charges niid the t'll't than. s...i." of the in- its tu. iicnrd that calves of suspected on"? restitution. V.Vrt' ":"ili'ii'ii in this ratio hr unit-ml it to Hon. Mr. Gibson robin-d that tho matter i't' supp-~41 tnunmiiuteiy. it was stopped was not of great irtttrort:rn1't'. Ti. I' llil' irtttttiuliutt'lv, and nobody was harmed. As missioner had reported that the chum-s is" haul suid iii-row, if the tcst Wert" "l" were unfounded, "Lil, in scrum! t'ztSt-ri. ru- pliol 'OWN" "why itvrds of tutti-1 thrimuh'; suited from tnisapptvhctt.Mon, us would bu the (t tiiitry would bs. found to he utter-ti Been win-1: the papers conic "own. cd by thte "i.ce.asts ill it mild form. ' _ Mr. White movtU for an order of th" lir. Ityttcott. brieetiy sin-akin: attain! House for " return of u copy of the report ."li'l tiilwri-iiiosis was not " svheduiwl d1:- of his Honor the junior Judge of thy row, and did not. tht't'cfor-n com.- under" County of Essex whit-lt led to the ulstul.H- Hu- suiwrt'istun of the 'iuatmstntine instruc- ': 3111 Jr" resignation ot Aurele i'ui'ilii'i. it tor. In rt-ply to " question from Mr. Dry- ' bailiff of the 7th Division Court of the den its to whrrrs. he K", his information County of Essex. together with copies of in: Is'.vt'rson and h.- gm it from Mr. John all correspondence. evidence. statements. l". Story. reports and other papers and ducutttcttttg .3113. zin't'vy r"rys", to tho it'Iivi" from relating to the matter. Prof. 's',iv,urrlts in the mm." iuxwrl- Hon. Mr. Gibson replied briefly. stating mental iHrtn., which Mr. Marti-r had quit that certain employincnts which had been t-d. 1lvnyincr his statement as to th- Snip- given Mr. Pacaud Wyn; temporarv, until pill); of cirttic to branch Sitilltdis utter" ily' that the investigation of the complaints rimmin- hurt lli'ulv'li "out. 'iiiiil to i'rol. lgaliist him had bl'Uil marie Vt't'b' promptly. Radish]? 1t'.'t'.1f/'A1',1tiu'jyii,t,'.C/oj,,' l/C '" . I' ' . F . . i . . . l . . . i: II- lhe returns would m brought dowu crs' own statuiin-iit in lJLllt'lin I". which THE TUBERCULOSIS QUESTION. proved that a number of cattle had llt"'ll I slaughtered beforo the last shiptttent, thut Dr. Ryerson moved for it" order of .hr- of October 4th, 1882, had t,etun made. Air., House (or a return giving the "1th ot Awrey gave the detailed statement. which each cult otrctvtt for sale from the U". shown] that the tirst (hath from tuir'rcu- tarlo Experimental Farm and Dairy in iosis occurred on July IMh, 1WI, when it 1893; the name of the dam of each calt; Durham cow. whicl. hal been ailing tor where each darn was purchased; to v PM" some time, uied from the disease. That enc'n calf was sold; tht. number of Koch cow's cult was killed soon afterwards ; a inoculations euch calf Wltt5 sunk?!" to', Durham bull died soon after; on Schum- the temperature "ttcr each inJer'tion, and tcmlier zist another Durham Cow ditd ; " the dates of these injections. polled Angus soon followed ; four Uurhzun, ltr. Ryerson said the mum: of the (hives cows were isolated and were slaughtered on offered for sale had bcen tcsted y/H wore Nov. 2tth, 1531 ; in February, 1ti92, n mm. found to be tuberculous. The prc- this killed, and on May 3Uth another wir, pumptlon was that the calvcs were niso slaughtered; ard thus u'tween July 15th, tubercuiouts. This was." matter of t'itu.1 laid. and May 30th, we, this list of cattle importance, and the Minister of Airy-"m" had died or been slaughtered; and yet in tute should be condemned for his ailvi.,tl the autumn cattle had been shipped broad- . carelessness. The hon. gentleman Ti".-'"'-,- cast over the country. And yet the speak- ed the assertion thut the tuberculosis bud er and Mr. Hardy had been charged with been introduced by the Gucrnsey tons circulating untruths about the iDxptui- Imported from Hnulanil. . mental Farm. It was no wonder that the Hun. uMr. Dryden in reply expressed his Minister of Agriculture should be annoy- pleasure that the hon. gentle-mun had bc- od at the constant reiteration of charges Bun to turn his ability to the industry of of carelessness when he timc und again agriculture. The Industry was deprt-sscd had disproved them. As tor the Source of Just now. and {armors would be glad oi the Opposition's information, Mr. Storey his sympothy. H" ("and tho many calls was a dismissed employee. who, in regard upon his hon. tricnd on attou'ttt of "is for his own past, should in: the last to ad- eminence as it physician had preventedhis mit that he knew of the disuase, for if noticing that this matter had heen dis- there was any guilt at all he, as Ctran cutised already VH1" fully in the House. fotematt, came In for his full share of it. The nigunicnts he had used had already Mr. Awrey that: referred to the manner been answered, and the motion passed at in which : .ral of the charges of the the Instance of Mr. McCoil was blvliticrtl imposition _ J been absolutely contra- in ettect with that now before the House, dicted, and . -ked wherein the Minister. save in one unimportant respect. As to who had d " all in his power, and made _ the matter of names. there was some dif- full and frank statements to the House, ticulty because some ot the animals trad should be blamed. He made no complaints not been yet named. He would he glad as to the management ttt Ottawa. but if ' to have .1 recommendation from the hon. the Ontario oiliciais were to blamo,those at i gentleman on that point if he had any to Ottawa wore doubly so. The real reason medic. There had been a suggestion that for all the unfairness and bitterness with one of the calm-s should be name? Stir which Mr. Drydtn was assailed was that ling. "crughter.) Another name animus:- thc opposition Were desperately trying to (d was Prince George. He would be srlul discredit the Govcrnmeiit with the tarm- l to send forward anv suggestions. Mt. hrs, an attempt which, howcver, was un- Dry'lvn said Dr. Rye-won had read from successful. a. mogmine to the ethit that tubercuicsis Mr. Glendinning could not see that Mr. _ arose tum in-breeding. H" (Mr. Jivdeut Awrey had proved that the Ottawa ou- T hid studied the subject "nough to know thorities were to blame, while he was very this was not the Gui-"'- Tuberculosis was sute that the Minister of Agriculture had found in cattle that had not been inbred. been guilty of moss carelessness. At- alli and in-breeding had nothing to do v.ith events the Dominion authorities had senti it. None of these cattle were sick or gavt out bulletins upon the subject, while the; any evidence other than through the test Ontario depurtment sent its bulletins to ai of having tuberculosis. and in reward Pi, few political supporters only in each rid- thc test itself the point had not yet btasm ing. reached where a rise in the temperature Hon. Mr. Dryden corrected the speaker. I on its application was to be regarded as stating that 10,000 or 13.000 copies of the on indisputable indication of the existence bulletins are sent "Vet' the Province. of the disease. Mr. Dryden quotediml each member ot the Farmers' Institutes' opinion to this ettect also trom lor. mart getting his share. I t, as published in the report "25039313. Mr. Glendlrnltar replied that many otl ' the Pennsylvania State f'?")',):'!'.: xamirrui the farmers did not belong to the insti-i mg. he t lid h" had '""T il '0." ."x/l','C'.ii'. tutes. and would not while they were so the other day at the )",1"r,i,,',:?cii)1il'Ci political. He concluded by eulogizing Prof. The teat was 'y1sy?,"/, 1."..ha85t the pint? Saunders at the expense of Prof. Mills. tho i",i1i,',e,itrif, 1Urei1,is'ias,fi'des'cCt', fail- ' _ t bit", Bishop said this was a terrible tem- l T a 'nswt' on , . _ . , t . _ tlt J,' Live zinv oviilcncc in the remains. d st n a teapot. One would think to hear

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